DIY Avalon- CAW files for a fantasy realm!
DIY Avalon title.jpg - width=916 height=597
Build Avalon your way!
whole world.jpg - width=1100 height=760
Overview from CAW
remember to edit this.jpg - width=592 height=576
Don't forget to customize world description and ID!
roads and lighting issues.jpg - width=1095 height=544
Roads and further lighting note!
The files were saved when CAW was patched to go with 1.33 patch for TS3- they may or may not work with unpatched CAW, use at own risk if you lack patch or the following EP's: WA, AMB, LN, Pets
Tests on another set of CAW files saved at same time/patch do suggest these WILL work without all the EP's but I can't guarantee it! If it works you should just be missing the objects you lack in the various layers.

For the person who has CAW but no time or desire to start entirely from scratch, and who wants to create a far more customized neighborhood than a fully finished neighborhood map allows, I present one of my "DIY Neighborhood Kits"!
To use these CAW files, you must extract them and then place them into the following directory or its equivalent on your machine:
C:/My Documents/Electronic Arts/the Sims 3 Create A World Tool/User Tool Data/Worlds
Once you have the .world file, the .settings file and the world folder all in your directory, you can open it in CAW to edit however you want to. You change how sidewalks go, delete or add trees, add streets, add lots, and so forth!
Please note I am not including my terrain paints- If you rework terrain painting you may just want/have to replace them. You can find great terrain textures in the Create A Worlds Forum here, under resources to use- I used some from Martine's pack and some of HP's but mostly used common EA ones- just recolored the HECK out of them for my own use.
While this kit has trees, paths, EVERYTHING already in place (except lots), you can easily delete objects since for the most part I kept things to their own layers, with only a bit of spill over.
This World was created using the modded SUPERCAW and some items I placed like firefly effects will not be available to you unless you also mod your CAW or you find and grab them from the Resources Thread in MTS CAW forums . (remember to read about setting up CAW framework!)
This world has stuffed within it custom INI files and also recolored tree and moon textures! They are likely to stick as you build, you'd have to go in and change them yourself if you do not want them. The custom lighting INI is why in CAW things seem a lot brighter and with more glare than in game. For in game screenshots to compare see below and/or visit the gallery for Avalon .

If you feel like lots of playing and testing, visit this thread on the CAW forums to read about how to edit the lighting and weather INI files to your taste. (This is somewhat advanced CAWing). You can also hunt down the tree textures using S3oC/S3PE and edit them to your tastes. Check the CAW forum and tutorials if you feel like doing so =)

ALSO! Using these files means they keep the ID they originally had when I made them, so if you don't want your world to keep my name and risk it conflicting with anyone else using these files:
Back up your files, then open your CAW world file (from Documents/ Electronic Arts/ The Sims 3 Create A World/ Usertooldata/ Worlds) in S3PE and then delete the WPID resource. Save the file and close S3Pe.
After that, open CAW and open your world. Check that the world has a title, description and thumbnail picture. Then save it as a different file name. Now you should be able to export that world and install it and/or upload it to the free content site of your choice *cough*modthesimsisgreat*cough* successfully
You may alter the everlovin' heck out of this map for your personal use, and may then also share it under the following conditions:
You may NOT upload your altered neighborhood to any pay site. Any site you upload it to, every single bit of content must be absolutely free, no special prize content for subscribers or donations (donation buttons are OK but the site cannot REQUIRE a donation to get content). Cookies for you if you share on MTS!*
If you upload the altered map anywhere, PLEASE plainly credit me as the originator of the world files in both your description in the upload site's text areas and in either the thumbnail image and/or the neighborhood description, with a link back to my profile here on Mod the Sims.
Have fun! I am unfortunately unable to help you learn CAW for whatever you need to do- there are great tutorial videos on Youtube, and tutorial articles at Mod the Sims and the Sim Supply. Google for the help you need if all else fails or try the Create-A-World forums on Mod the Sims or the MTS create chat! Please do NOT PM me asking me how to use the files!
If you have issues unzipping the .rar files, and have tried all the troubleshooting here, you can find the files mirrored in the downloads section of but please be kind to my bandwith and only grab them in one go there if you cannot get the multiparts to work for you =)
*Imaginary, internet cookies, and also not official MTS internet cookies, just you know, generic internet cookies. MTS in no way backs me in my offers of cookies.
Additional Credits:
Big thanks to all the Create-A-World forum dwellers here at MTS
Also huge thanks to Inge and Peter Jones for S3PE without which so much would be impossible!
And lots of snuggles and so forth to mi compadres in the create chat for all their support xD
DIY Avalon Files by Bakafox.part5.rar
| DIY Avalon Part 5 of 5 (you need all 5!)
Uploaded: 14th Jul 2012, 6.11 MB.
DIY Avalon Files by Bakafox.part4.rar
| DIY Avalon Part 4 of 5 (you need all 5!)
Uploaded: 14th Jul 2012, 9.54 MB.
DIY Avalon Files by Bakafox.part3.rar
| DIY Avalon Part 3 of 5 (you need all 5!)
Uploaded: 14th Jul 2012, 9.54 MB.
DIY Avalon Files by Bakafox.part2.rar
| DIY Avalon Part 2 of 5 (you need all 5!)
Uploaded: 14th Jul 2012, 9.54 MB.
DIY Avalon Files by Bakafox.part1.rar
| DIY Avalon Part 1 of 5 (you need all 5!)
Uploaded: 14th Jul 2012, 9.54 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in SC4Terrains Folder: Cut and paste the .sc4 and .png file(s) into your SC4Terrains folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64:
/Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 3 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | World Adventures |
![]() | Ambitions |
![]() | Late Night |
![]() | Generations |
![]() | Pets |
![]() | Showtime |
About Me
I tend to cycle through games I'm playing every few months, and get into obsessive manic sprees doing things like making (or attempting to make) content. As such, I may be prone to vanish from the community for a while, only to pop back up a few weeks or months later.
This is also why I am TERRIBLE at keeping up with comment threads on my downloads and replying to them. I apologize for any questions that go unanswered for untold centuries.
You may, if you credit me and link back to my MTS profile or Bakasims site:
1. Use my lots, objects, Sims, or worlds in screenshots, movies, and stories
2. Use my DIY kits for worlds you share on free sites.
3. Use my lots in worlds you've made to share on free sites. (Please leave a 'by bakafox' in the lot description as well as in your post listing and linking any CC/lots)
4. Use any objects I get around to finishing in lots you share on free sites- but NOT included with the lot!
1. Re-upload any of my individual lots, worlds, or items onto another sharing site.
2. Share anything containing anything I've done on a pay site (such as TSR, not even in the 'free section') or on the TS3 Exchange.