Writing is Hard: No Payment for Partial Submissions - UPDATED TO 1.67
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Files for 1.67 added, to include the horror and poetry genres that came with Supernatural. If you have any problems, please let me know!



1/09/12: Tested on patch 1.38 - no problems. Works fine for me, but please do report any issues. Thanks!
It has always bugged me that sims receive payments for every few chapters they submit of their novels. Sure, it helps them pay for food and bills while they're slaving over their magnum opus, but whoever heard of a publisher paying per chapter?
IRL, not every author receives advances (huge or otherwise), and publishers who do offer them tend to pay one lump sum that is then offset against the first few quarters' royalties, the same way record labels expect artists to recoup on their investment. For simplicity's sake - and maybe a little bit of sadism - I decided to do away with payments for partials entirely, and, as I tend to play on longer lifespans, I've included some optional flavours that also make writing a longer, harder slog for wannabe authors.
Now, your sims can truly be starving poets, typing away frantically with freezing fingers, and not receiving a single simoleon until after publication. Mwahaha. Maybe they'll even have to hold down proper jobs until they can earn enough to give up work.
Choose ONE of the following to make life harder for your sims:
- _writingishard_nopaymentforpartials : Touches nothing except the XML governing partials. Choose this if you're happy with all other aspects of the writing skill, and just don't want sims to receive payments every few chapters.
- _writingishard_nopayments_harder : No partial payments, plus a series of mild difficulty tweaks. Click the spoiler for details. The basic PPM rate (pages written per minute) is unchanged, so sims will still write at the normal rate.
The PPM bonus given by having read the maximum number of books is reduced from 0.15 to 0.06.
The quality percent change per hidden skill point (for novelists in specific genres) is reduced from 1.5 to 0.8.
The max quality percent change for hidden skill (which, at 100%, would basically guarantee sims bestsellers every time they write in their specialist genre) is reduced from 60 to 45.
The royalty multiplier for maximum skill is reduced from 1 to 0.5.
The royalty max percent from hidden skill is reduced from 2 to 1.
The royalty quality multiplier of a flop is reduced from 0.35 to 0.05, meaning flops now earn sims a bit less. The royalty quality multiplier of a hit is reduced from 1.25 to 1, and the value qualities of flops and hits are reduced respectively from 0.5 to 0.25, and from 1.25 to 1, meaning sims will have to work harder to get the higher quality royalties.
The royalty quality bonus given to "novelists" in specific genres is reduced from 20% to 10, as is the "prolific author" bonus to the chances of getting a bestseller.
Prolific authors also now have a 10% bonus chance of hits, instead of 15%.
There are also changes to the chances of getting flops, hits, or bestsellers, according to sims' skill levels.
Level 1 skill now has a 50% chance of a flop, up from 0. Bestseller chance is reduced from 2 to 0.5.
Level 2 skill has a bestseller chance reduced from 5 to 2%.
Level 3 skill has a flop chance of 30%, up from 20.
Level 4 skill has a flop chance of 25%, up from 15.
Level 5 skill has a flop chance of 15%, up from 10.
Level 10 skill has a flop chance of 5%, up from 4.
No other values are changed.
- _writingishard_nopayments_longer : Want your sims to spend longer writing their books? Choose this flavour to stop partial payments, reduce the page per minute rate from 0.12 to 0.08, and increase the number of royalty payments from 6 to 8. No other changes to difficulty.
- _writingishard_nopayments_longerharder : No partial payments, PPM reduced from 0.12 to 0.08, number of royalty payments increased from 6 to 8, and tweaks to difficulty added. Click the spoiler for details.
The PPM bonus given by having read the maximum number of books is reduced from 0.15 to 0.06.
The quality percent change per hidden skill point (for novelists in specific genres) is reduced from 1.5 to 0.8.
The max quality percent change for hidden skill (which, at 100%, would basically guarantee sims bestsellers every time they write in their specialist genre) is reduced from 60 to 45.
The royalty multiplier for maximum skill is reduced from 1 to 0.5.
The royalty max percent from hidden skill is reduced from 2 to 1.
The royalty quality multiplier of a flop is reduced from 0.35 to 0.05, meaning flops now earn sims a bit less. The royalty quality multiplier of a hit is reduced from 1.25 to 1, and the value qualities of flops and hits are reduced respectively from 0.5 to 0.25, and from 1.25 to 1, meaning sims will have to work harder to get the higher quality royalties.
The royalty quality bonus given to "novelists" in specific genres is reduced from 20% to 10, as is the "prolific author" bonus to the chances of getting a bestseller.
Prolific authors also now have a 10% bonus chance of hits, instead of 15%.
The Speedwriter bonus now adds 0.9 to basic PPM, instead of 1.4
There are also changes to the chances of getting flops, hits, or bestsellers, according to sims' skill levels.
Level 1 skill now has a 50% chance of a flop, up from 0. Bestseller chance is reduced from 2 to 0.5.
Level 2 skill has a bestseller chance reduced from 5 to 2%.
Level 3 skill has a flop chance of 30%, up from 20.
Level 4 skill has a flop chance of 25%, up from 15.
Level 5 skill has a flop chance of 15%, up from 10.
Level 10 skill has a flop chance of 5%, up from 4.
No other values are changed.
- _writingishard_nopayments_muchlonger : This flavour stops partial payments and reduces the PPM rate from 0.12 to 0.06. Royalty payouts are for 8 weeks instead of 6, but it will take sims twice as long to write books. Nothing else is changed.
- _writingishard_nopayments_muchlongermuchharder : It's a hard, hard world out there. This flavour stops partial payments, reduces PPM to 0.06, and also adds difficulty tweaks. Your sims may hate you. On the bright side, royalty payouts last 8 weeks instead of 6.
The PPM bonus given by having read the maximum number of books is reduced from 0.15 to 0.06.
The quality percent change per hidden skill point (for novelists in specific genres) is reduced from 1.5 to 0.8.
The max quality percent change for hidden skill (which, at 100%, would basically guarantee sims bestsellers every time they write in their specialist genre) is reduced from 60 to 45.
The royalty multiplier for maximum skill is reduced from 1 to 0.5.
The royalty max percent from hidden skill is reduced from 2 to 1.
The royalty quality multiplier of a flop is reduced from 0.35 to 0.05, meaning flops now earn sims a bit less. The royalty quality multiplier of a hit is reduced from 1.25 to 1, and the value qualities of flops and hits are reduced respectively from 0.5 to 0.25, and from 1.25 to 1, meaning sims will have to work harder to get the higher quality royalties.
The royalty quality bonus given to "novelists" in specific genres is reduced from 20% to 10, as is the "prolific author" bonus to the chances of getting a bestseller.
Prolific authors also now have a 10% bonus chance of hits, instead of 15%.
The Speedwriter bonus now adds 0.9 to basic PPM, instead of 1.4
There are also changes to the chances of getting flops, hits, or bestsellers, according to sims' skill levels.
Level 1 skill now has a 50% chance of a flop, up from 0. Bestseller chance is reduced from 2 to 0.5.
Level 2 skill has a bestseller chance reduced from 5 to 2%.
Level 3 skill has a flop chance of 30%, up from 20.
Level 4 skill has a flop chance of 25%, up from 15.
Level 5 skill has a flop chance of 15%, up from 10.
Levels 8, 9, and 10 skill all now have a flop chance increased to 10%.
No other values are changed.
Bottom Line:
None of the flavours change the length of books written, or the value of the actual royalties themselves. Your sim just won't receive any payments until after their book has been published. If you are using one of the flavours that adds difficulty tweaks, it will also be fractionally tougher for them to earn high royalty figures and consistent bestsellers, even with a maxed out skill. Sims should also be prepared for more chances of flops or lower value royalties. Hey, no one said writing was easy!
Thanks for looking, and enjoy.

| Updated to include poetry and horror, and confirm compatibility to 1.67. CHOOSE ONLY ONE!
Uploaded: 22nd May 2015, 4.9 KB.
| Updated to include poetry and horror, and confirm compatibility to 1.67. CHOOSE ONLY ONE!
Uploaded: 22nd May 2015, 4.9 KB.
| Updated to include poetry and horror, and confirm compatibility to 1.67. CHOOSE ONLY ONE!
Uploaded: 22nd May 2015, 4.9 KB.
| Updated to include poetry and horror, and confirm compatibility to 1.67. CHOOSE ONLY ONE!
Uploaded: 22nd May 2015, 4.9 KB.
| Updated to include poetry and horror, and confirm compatibility to 1.67. CHOOSE ONLY ONE!
Uploaded: 22nd May 2015, 4.9 KB.
| Updated to include poetry and horror, and confirm compatibility to 1.67. CHOOSE ONLY ONE!
Uploaded: 22nd May 2015, 4.9 KB.
| No payments for partials, PPM reduced to 0.06, plus difficulty tweaks. CHOOSE ONLY ONE!
Uploaded: 18th Aug 2012, 6.0 KB.
| No payments for partials, PPM reduced to 0.06. CHOOSE ONLY ONE!
Uploaded: 18th Aug 2012, 6.0 KB.
| No payments for partials, PPM reduced to 0.08, plus difficulty tweaks. CHOOSE ONLY ONE!
Uploaded: 18th Aug 2012, 6.0 KB.
| No payments for partials, plus PPM reduced to 0.08. CHOOSE ONLY ONE!
Uploaded: 18th Aug 2012, 6.0 KB.
| No payments for partials, plus difficulty tweaks. CHOOSE ONLY ONE!
Uploaded: 18th Aug 2012, 6.0 KB.
| No payments for partial submissions. No other changes. CHOOSE ONLY ONE!
Uploaded: 18th Aug 2012, 6.0 KB.
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Updated: 22nd May 2015 at 11:25 AM - Confirmed compatibility for 1.67
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