Easy Peasy Pictures: Backdrops, deco and a nifty trunk. **Updated 01-20-13**
1 - Winter.jpg - width=1206 height=956
2 - Spring.jpg - width=1206 height=956
3 - Summer.jpg - width=1206 height=956
4 - Fall.jpg - width=1206 height=956
5 - Winter Deco.jpg - width=431 height=621
6 - Spring Deco.jpg - width=906 height=456
7 - Summer Deco.jpg - width=1006 height=956
8 - Fall Deco.jpg - width=606 height=406
9 - Nifty Clothes Trunk.jpg - width=437 height=1024
11 - Menus.jpg - width=613 height=1024
12 - Clothes Trunk.jpg - width=1011 height=897
Seasonal Backdrops.jpg - width=800 height=634

- Valentine and Starry backdrops by MDPthatsme from hellhasspoken pro boards
- 18 Regency Solitaire backdrops by Simburn on tumblr
- 13 Recolors! (hearts, clouds, city, desert, starry, snowy, trees etc.) by Shastakiss on tumblr

12-01-12 Here's a link to the original grayscale texture for the backgrounds for those interested in recoloring these.
12-02-12 Added invisible recolors of the background props. The backdrops have two subsets so if you want to recolor these with a completely different theme the props won't be in your way.
01-20-13 Updated the stand alone sculptures to be designable so they'll pick up any backdrop recolors you might have.

Easy Peasy Pictures

Four backdrops from the Sims 3 Seasons expansion pack. My sims never cooperate when it comes to taking pictures so I added 5 positions to the backdrops for my sims to stand in which makes it super easy and quick to compose nice looking snap shots.
How to Use:
Simply click on the backdrop and choose a position to send your sim to. Once there, they'll turn around and face the camera and you can pose them. That's it.
Catalog Sort:
Decorative/Miscellaneous $800

I like the backdrops but what I really love are the super cute props stuck to them so I took them apart and made them into freestanding decorations. These are large, full sized sculptures that are centered on four tiles. They're also slaved to the backdrops.
Catalog Sort:
Decorative/Sculptures $300
Spring, Summer & Fall:
Decorative/Plants $300

I thought it would be cute to have outfits to change into for photo shoots so I loaded up a trunk with all of the clothes from the game that EA already gave a GUID to -- which turned out to be a lot of clothes. I've attached a picture from SimPE showing all of the pie menu options and I've uploaded a slide show that shows a small number of the outfits but there were too many to picture. What's in the trunk are all the career and NPC outfits that were assigned a GUID already by the game. I also included "My Clothes" options which are just the normal outfits you've assigned to your sims from the dresser.
What you won't find in the trunk are any cute clothes or costumes for toddlers or children (except the private school uniform) and almost none of the clothes from CAS even if it seems like they should be included. But if you want to have mom or dad dress up as a clown or maybe a ninja for your kids birthday party? That you can do.
How to Use:
Click on the trunk, choose an outfit and your sim will spin into it where they're at. They'll wear the outfit until directed otherwise or you have your sim do an activity that requires you to change clothes. The game considers most of these outfits to be "everyday" outfits so you're not going to be able to workout in your ballet costume or send the grim reaper for a swim. But you also don't have to buy or plan these outfits in order to wear them and there's zero lag to search through the hundreds of outfits since there's no catalog to load which is perfect for occasional use.
If you're looking for something that has more functionality, many of the outfits that are included in the trunk have been unlocked by other players and can be used just like any other outfit.
Catalog Sort:
General/Dresser $500
It's a bit ham-handed to be honest because I didn't realize just how many outfits there were or how unwieldy it would become to organize these blindly. I had good intentions when I started out to go back in and add guardian bhavs to hide outfits by expansion pack and by gender but I just could not figure out the bhavs for the genders (nothing I tried seemed to work, so frustrating!) and by the time I was done there were 200+ outfits that I didn't have a clue which expansion pack they belonged to. So what that means to you is that all of the clothes options are going to show up on the menu whether you have the outfit in your game or not. If you choose an outfit you don't actually have... your sims will change into their everyday clothes. That's it.

It's not made as elegantly as I hoped it would be when I started out but it's the best that I could do. It works -- with no real issues -- and it's pretty nifty to have most of the EA outfits on hand to choose from without cluttering up your clothes catalogs.
Terms of Use:
As always, you're free to use anything of mine however you'd like.
Polygon Counts:
Faces: 1998
Vertices: 1846
Spring Backdrop (16 tiles):
Faces: 3237
Vertices: 3775
Summer Backdrop (16 tiles):
Faces: 3058
Vertices: 2981
Fall Backdrop (16 tiles):
Faces: 1809
Vertices: 1620
Winter Deco (4 tiles):
Faces: 1976
Vertices: 1812
Spring Deco (4 tiles):
Faces: 1351
Vertices: 1544
Spring II Deco (4 tiles):
Faces: 1658
Vertices: 2183
Summer Deco (4 tiles):
Faces: 1573
Vertices: 1592
Summer II Deco (4 tiles):
Faces: 1549
Vertices: 1489
Fall Deco (4 tiles):
Faces: 1321
Vertices: 1201
Fall II Deco (1 tile):
Faces: 446
Vertices: 345
Nifty Trunk (2 tiles):
Faces: 1212
Vertices: 1278
Additional Credits:
Special thanks to mustluvcatz who was nice enough to do a quick play test of these for any obvious problems. SimPE, s3pe, s3oc, AGS, Gimp 2.8, Freemake Video Converter, Milkshape, Wings 3D, and EA for the meshes and textures.
This is a new mesh, and means that it's a brand new self contained object that usually does not require a specific Pack (although this is possible depending on the type). It may have Recolours hosted on MTS - check below for more information.
Uploaded: 2nd Dec 2012, 1.9 KB.
Uploaded: 30th Nov 2012, 2.2 KB.
Uploaded: 30th Nov 2012, 4.06 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 14th Oct 2020 at 8:42 PM - added recolor links
#honeywell, #sims 3 conversion, #seasons, #backdrop, #decorations, #holiday decorations, #plants, #flowers, #pumpkins, #palm trees, #snowman, #clothes trunk, #costume trunk, #unlocked, #career outfits
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