Sim Height Slider
FemaleCAS.jpg - width=600 height=700
Adult female in CAS
MaleCAS.jpg - width=600 height=700
Adult male in CAS
TeenCAS.jpg - width=600 height=672
Teen in CAS
AdultsStanding.jpg - width=381 height=716
Short adult female with tall adult male
ChildGame.jpg - width=591 height=566
Short and tall child in-game
TallTeenWithAdult.jpg - width=657 height=524
Tall teen with normal adult
Kissing.jpg - width=236 height=554
Short and tall adults kissing
ShortChildSitting.jpg - width=326 height=438
Short child sitting
TallSimSleeping.jpg - width=771 height=515
Tall adult sleeping

The slider adjusts the sim's overall height proportionately for the whole body. There's no hand or foot shaking, and no arm or leg distortions I saw besides the glitches noted below. It works for child through elder. Most animations work well with it. I disabled the slider for toddlers because it causes distortion in the usual sitting animation and they don't do a lot of standing anyway, but you can adjust the value and when the sim ages up he/she will be accordingly taller/shorter than normal. The height should be fully inheritable and will show up when the sim ages to child.

Known problems:
- As shown in some of the pictures, as with any height slider the kissing animation looks pretty bad.
- There's some mild distortion of the ankles and feet in short sims when sitting or lying down.
- Tall sims will have their knees clipping through the covers when sleeping on their backs.

There may be more problem animations that I didn't see during testing.
How to use:
The slider is located in the Appearance tab in CAS, in the Head and Ears general section, Advanced view. The label is "Sim Height by cmar" - to differentiate it from other height sliders.

Installation and removal:
Install like any other mod. Remove by deleting the package.
This slider should work with any game patch version and should not need updating. If you have a problem with it let me know, otherwise please don't ask every time a patch comes out. It will work with any EA or custom clothing that is correctly constructed.
Please be aware that if you use more than a very few custom sliders you'll need to use a core mod or NRaas Master Controller to increase the number of sliders CAS can use. Some core mods that do this are AwesomeMod, XCAS, and S-Club Privée Slider Hack.
Additional Credits:
Delphy for his slider tools.
Peter and Inge Jones for s3pe.
BloomsBase and haukke4 for indirectly and directly getting me to take another look at this.
| Sim Height slider package
Uploaded: 29th Jul 2013, 3.8 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 29th Jul 2013 at 4:00 PM
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About Me
My policy on use of my work:
Feel free to use any of my meshes, morphs, skins, or whatever as a base. If you change, convert, or enhance my stuff you may post it without asking, but please give credit. If you use them without changes, please post a link to my downloads rather than reposting. However, you may include them with Sims or lots without asking, but with credit.
Please do not post anything using my creative work on any pay site or the Exchange, unless it's in a free section of a pay site. If you want to post your own original creation made using my tools to a pay site or the Exchange, you may do so, but give credit for the tool.
Obviously my tools are for free use by anyone, but I'd appreciate a credit if you post something created with them.
So basically: no pay site, no Exchange, give credit. Other than that, meh.
If at some time I lose interest in Sims 3, or am too busy, or die, anyone who wants to may update/modify/add to any of my work as long as they follow the MTS policy on updating broken or outdated custom content.
I don't take requests. Suggestions for enhancing work I'm doing or have done are welcome, whether or not I act on them, but please no requests for totally unrelated stuff that I probably have no idea how to do.