*TF Athletic outfits*
01.jpg - width=586 height=986
02.jpg - width=596 height=994
03.jpg - width=610 height=954
04.jpg - width=574 height=1004
all.jpg - width=1212 height=960
These are maxis textures,but alpha-edited. I removed all the graphics and stripes. Made them colorful and mis-matched.
No mesh is needed and these will show in athletic and everyday. Working for teen females only

Additional Credits:
So it's hard to remember all the credits,but here are those who i do:
Hairs - Nouk, Trapping, NewSea and Cazy over TSR
Skintones - Enayla
Make up - probably all Bruno
Uploaded: 3rd May 2015, 1.51 MB.
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2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
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- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
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Updated: 3rd May 2015 at 4:49 PM
by Kittylynn74 29th May 2008 at 2:59am
Sporty Chick - Athletic Outfits for AF
by rosaline_10 14th Jun 2011 at 6:12am
*Strong eyebrows in 4 natural colours*
by lidiqnata 21st Feb 2007 at 3:21pm
My next set of eyebrows(if you want to see my other set click here ) Strong eyebrows....noting else to more...
7 30.9k 34
About Me
[size=5]Re-upload of everything created by me has started at [color=#fa2742]Lidiqnata sims 2[/color][/size]
[size=5]Visit my [color=#fa2742]Patreon[/color] if you wish to support this process.[/size]