Trick or Treat Poses

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In honor of Halloween, and Spooky Day, I present a set of trick or treating poses!

Pose Codes
p_heaven_trickortreat01 - Right hand accessory
p_heaven_trickortreat02 - Right hand accessory
p_heaven_trickortreat04 - Right hand accessory
a_heaven_trickortreat05 (made to go with the toddler poses but not needed)
c_heaven_trickortreat06 - Right hand accessory
c_heaven_trickortreat07 - Right hand accessory
c_heaven_trickortreat08 - Left hand accessory
a_heaven_trickortreat09 (made to go with the child poses but not needed)
a_heaven_trickortreat10 - Right hand accessory
a_heaven_trickortreat11 - Right hand accessory
a_heaven_trickortreat12 - Right and left hand accessories (use Master Controller to enable multiple accessories per location)
a_heaven_trickortreat13 (made to go with the teen poses but not needed)
c_heaven_trickortreat14a - Left hand accessory
p_heaven_trickortreat15c - Left hand accessory

I tried to leave a bit of room for costumes so they don't clip with the basket but you'll have to see what works. There may also be some floating with 15a and 15b. I left the b pose wider to accommodate warm clothes. You will need to use moveobjects to place your sims in the correct position. Once you cancel the interaction, they will mush together. It looks scary but just direct them to walk away and all will be right with the world again. The poses are pose list compatible as well.

Basket Accessory
This is an edited version of the Seasons trick or treat basket. It does not require Seasons to work. It's now recolorable with extra stencils for added fun.
  • Located in Bracelets
  • Available for both genders
  • Left and Right hand versions available for Toddler, Child, and Teen to Elder
  • 2 Channels
  • Valid for Everyday, Career (not applicable for toddlers), and Outerwear. Also valid for maternity for the teen-elder version.
  • Not Valid for Random
  • Custom Thumbnails
  • Base Game Compatible

Polygon Count
322 polygons

Please feel free to make poses that work with this accessory. All I ask is that, if you do, please link back to this thread for the accessory and do not include it in your own pose upload.

Deco Basket
Because I am an overachiever, I also included a version of the basket that is available in buy mode should you want to place it on a counter or in shops for purchase come that time of year.
  • Located in Decorative->Misc Decor
  • ยง10
  • 2 Channels (same channels and presets as the accessory versions)
  • Base Game Compatible

Polygon Count
322 polygons

Now go terrorize your neighbors and, if you get crappy candy, egg them!

Additional Credits:
Cmo for the Pose Player and the Pose Pack Creator
Kaleekalo for her amazing Pose Creation Series
A for the Blender plugin and rigs - Sims 3 Clip Tool
Cloudwalkersims for their Object to Accessory Tutorial

Other Tools Used: S3PE TSRW
Milkshape CTU Gimp
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