Lemon Witch from Camelorum Adventures
TS4-Lemon-Witch-Promo-1.jpg - width=800 height=865
Seaon 1 Lemon Witch - TS3, TS4, Lego, Manga, and Traditional Takes
EverydayOutfit.jpg - width=1172 height=720
Candace in her cell, actual gameplay lighting.
FormalOutfit.jpg - width=758 height=675
(Set as formal) - Candace in a Lemon Witch uniform variant
PartyOutfit.jpg - width=800 height=737
(Set as party) - Candace w/0 makeup, pre-Camelorum
Swimsuit.jpg - width=600 height=706
Candace in swim top, close-up, no makeup.

Note: File is provided as-is. I do not intend to update this file at this time on my end for the June 2nd, 2016 patch (which I believe was unnecessary, as it broke more than it "fixed.") If you have trouble running Lemon Witch in your game due to the patch, please let me know, and I'll consider patching her. (I see no reason why she shouldn't work, as the new format does allow you to switch off the gender-fluidity mechanics if you don't want them.)
(Sort-of) In-Universe Sales Pitch
Greetings, mayors of Sim Cities everywhere! Are unruly aliens or other creepy critters wreaking havoc in your Sims' neighborhood? How about you give Stan Woudean, the warden of Camelorum Correctional, a call? The well-meaning-but-criminally-clumsy misfits he keeps at Camelorum could just very well be assigned to help out! They'll do anything to avoid sitting around bored in their cells, so why not arrange something where everyone wins???
On special here is Candace Dixon Mason, better known to the townsfolk of Dromedary Heights as the "Lemon Witch."
Is that scary monster or dastardly do-bad in your area a bit too tough? Let's see how tough he is when he's been turned into apricot jelly with a Xomian energy blast from this beautiful broad's fruit-tacular fists!!!
Lemon Witch is armed and citrus, and she's serving the time of her life to bring more joy to your own! Does your town need her? Call up Camelorum today to make an appointment! Tether gang labor rates apply.
What is Camelorum Adventures?
Camelorum Adventures is a series in-planning over at Dozerfleet Comics, and is an adaptation of The Tale of Emily Barnes and the Two Jens by DeviantArt artist Prodigal-Gamer. Conceptual artwork for it has been done so far by BulldozerIvan, Shases, AnirBrokenear, and a slew of other artists interested in the greater project. The most-frequently-drawn character outside of Dozerfleet panels is Emily "Semaphore" Barnes, though Candace "Lemon Witch" Mason quickly grew in fan adoration in late 2015.
The story centers around a group of recent high school graduates who, through a combination of poor choices and extremely bad luck, find themselves in trouble both with evil reality-warping space aliens and with the law in the state of Delaware. A few of them have also uncovered a sinister conspiracy at the local corporate science firm known as Purview Labs. After their failed attempts at coping with their town's descent into madness, several of these well-meaning screw-ups find themselves appearing before the least-understanding judge in all of Dromedary Heights.
At first, winding up in Camelorum Correctional - many of them for 3-year stays plus manual labor - sounds like the worst thing ever. But as they come to find out through the bonds of friendship and teamwork they form, being kept in there under the guidance of the mentor-minded and privately-wealthy warden Stan Woudean becomes exactly what they needed to become the heroes and saviors that Dromedary Heights always needed them to be: the Camelry.
When not saving the world or solving mysteries - or else just trying to survive all the crazy in their hometown while working on the chain/tether gang - these lovable misfits learn to cope with each other while paying their debts; in a laugh-a-minute hoot that aims to have it all!
It's been said that the series is what you'd get if you took Monsters vs. Aliens, Avengers Assemble (the cartoon), Orange is the New Black (minus the sex and drug topics), Animaniacs, Superjail, Scooby-Doo, Ninja Turtles (1987), X-Men (1992), etc., and threw all of it into a blender and tried to keep it close to a G rating.
Who else resides in Camelorum, and what does its name mean?
Camelorum is one of two privately-run prison organizations in Dromedary Heights, though its enterprise eventually comes to include a halfway house (for dysfunctional Xomified Humans who are not criminals but still need help) and a zoo (for sentient animal mutations.) The rival organization is Llamalorum.
Camelorum derives its name from Latin, and literally means "of camels." Inmates are often mocked by townsfolk as being "camel spit" or "camel derivatives." Not surprisingly, the logo for Camelorum Correctional is a camel hoof print inside a cage.
Camelorum inmates are typically non-malicious offenders, or else are guilty of very minor crimes. They also include individuals who've committed extremely bizarre crimes, or threatened the fabric of reality somehow, or were at the center of destructive accidents that were otherwise ruled as "acts of God." By contrast, Llamalorum stores all the really serious, violent, malicious, and downright evil offenders. While both facilities are co-ed, Llamalorum has a predominantly male population and Camelorum has a predominantly female population. In spite having the name of a "correctional," Camelorum is more of a containment facility. Therefore, the inmates are able to earn a lot of perks to enjoy. The mentality there is described as being "like a high school, except you can't leave."
Who is the Lemon Witch, and can she do?

Candace Dixon Mason was born to scientist and bookkeeper Eddy Mason and his wife Amelia Mason. She has a younger brother named Bobby Mason as well.
When Eddy learned that his boss was trying to cover up the creation of the 20s Altered Judo Iguanas by Purview Labs staff, he tried to blow the whistle. However, the boss was being blackmailed by an evil alien named Xiboruty at the same time. Xiboruty made a devilish deal with the company's CEO. The result of that was that they'd let Xiboruty get away with a variety of planting devices across Dromedary Heights for some sinister plan, in exchange for him making their PR problems go away.
Xiboruty abducted Eddy, and hid him in a secret place. He then pulled an Ariel Castro, and tried to cover his tracks by pretending to want to help Amelia find her missing husband. However, Candace grew suspicious of Xiboruty's real motives. Xiboruty soon realized that she knew too much, and attacked her in her bedroom. He let his Xomian mouth tentacles come out and knock her unconscious, realizing there was a slight chance she could survive and gain powers as he fled the scene - being chased by another Xomified Human he had created.
When Candace awoke, she discovered herself to have the inexplicable power to turn any living thing into a June bug or a fruit, or change it back. However, she was sometimes making the changes happen uncontrollably. Terrified of hurting her family, she ran away from home. She tried to meet up at the mall with an old high school friend named Jessie. However, Jessie was mistaken for a similarly-dressed shoplifter by a mall cop named Roger Sanders. As Roger attacked the two girls, Candace lost control of her power and turned him into a lime.
Jessie gave her some yellow gloves to wear - which Candace found helped her have better control of her powers. She changed back to human all the shoppers she'd accidentally turned into June bugs. Then, she noticed a store being robbed. She came to the rescue, turning the robbers into various fruits. The mall shoppers hailed her as a hero, and dubbed her "Lemon Witch" both for her outfit and because of how her power seemed to work.
However, she had difficulty completely de-liming Roger, for some unknown reason. Roger pressed charges; and Candace agreed to surrender, feeling horrible about what happened to him. In spite being extremely popular with the town, Candace was declared a public menace by the mayor (Roger's cousin.)
The judge and jury declared her a felon guilty of Class B assault. She was sentenced to 3 years at Camelorum plus manual labor, plus 30 days for contempt of court due to her sense of humor during her trial.
Since then, Candace has vowed to use her sentence to gather clues and solve the mystery of her father's disappearance - as well as gain a better understanding of how her powers work, so she can become a proper superhero when she gets out of jail officially. She is recruited as a mercenary several times, but is always denied a pardon. Local vigilante The Gnat is unsure if she is a hero or villain. She is determined to prove she's not the villain, no matter what the mayor's opinion of her.
However, she does want revenge on Xiboruty for his role in ruining her life - and to stop him from ever hurting anyone else.
What is her visual origin?
Before being adopted as a fleshed-out character with a backstory, she began as an unnamed prisoner in a cartoon still dubbed "In Chains," drawn by the artist Shases at DeviantArt as commission work for Prodigal-Gamer. Since there was poor communication in the beginning amongst artists, no two artists fully depict the girls of Camelorum as 100% looking exactly the same - nor Camelorum as supplying all of them with a consistent uniform look. While Dozerfleet panels always depict Camelorum inmates in orange suits (or green summer outfits for hot days), Shases went with traditional white-and-black stripes.
The Shases render seen in the promo image has been modified to put Candace in a series-consistent uniform, as opposed to the striped uniform she was originally drawn in. Her powers were originally decided in a joke caption, comparing her to the witch from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. When she made the transition from 2D renders by Shases to Sims, she was rendered in Sims 4 first, and then a Sims 3 render was later retro-fitted for her for action scene-shooting purposes - and to make a mockup sprite for the Marvel: Avengers Alliance Fanfic Universe Wiki. (A mockup exists on DeviantArt as well of what she'd look like as a Disney Infinity figurine.) She has also been depicted as a Lego Minifig in her Camelry uniform.
Bonus Trivia: Her prison number in the promo image (not included in the actual file below) is 8009517471. This was based on the phone number for the Slap Chop. She harbors a crush on Pat Pitterson, one of the guards at Camelorum. He likes her back, but they don't officially date until he gets transferred out at the beginning of season 3. She loves karaoke. Her favorite song is "Clint Eastwood" by Gorillaz.
What is included in this package?

Her height is the result of SimmyTheSim's (now-deprecated) Height Slider mod. It is not included nor needed to run the file, but highly recommended if you want her height to look right.
The zip file below contains all the Tray files needed to get her to work in your game. Other than the height slider, I made a point of avoiding custom content. Everything else on her should be Maxis default. She only needs the gloves in-story to not uncontrollably turn your Sims into plants. The Sim file should have no effect on creature/occult states at all.
Her hairstyle is her season 1 hair, with the brunette-with-some-gray standard swatch in Create-A-Sim. I didn't include her Camelry Conjoin / season 2 hair (seen in the Sims 3, Lego, and manga renders), as that would have required a custom mesh (see below.)
The file featured here contains her hair in season 1-only form (based on Shases' original sketch.)
She should have a standard or perky walk style. Her ambition is to be a Nature - Botanist. (Nutritionist at a university / orchard farmer weren't options.) She has the Loves the Outdoors trait (since she'll be doing manual labor) and the Good and Outgoing traits. She will most likely only attack your Sims if provoked, be she annoyed or threatened, or if you command her to.
Can I see her with no tricks or gimmicks?

This is Candace in a swimsuit, with no makeup, and default in-game lighting.
Included above is a medium shot of her going shopping about three months before the chance encounters that got her sent to prison. This remaining image, again, features her with no gloves or makeup.
Whom does she zap in the promo image?
In the lower-left corner of the main promo image, she was sent to the world of the comic strip CageGirl by DeviantArt user Adam00 by the Percolation Energy Wave Storm Event. While only in that world temporarily before being sent back to her own, she runs into natives Xira and Karla. As they are talking, the Percolation sends Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride into that world. He proceeds to annoy the girls, so Candace turns him into a piece of broccoli. (He gets better.)
In the upper left-hand corner, her Sims 3 render is turning a regular evil ninja minion into a cherry. This is in keeping with her sprite at MAAF, which includes "And Now You're a Cherry" as part of her moveset.
She won't zap your Sims in your game. The file's version of her is much more tame than the in-story version. ;-)
In-story, a Xomified individual named Shaniqua "Cherry Babe" McCoy has a similar power to Candace's. However, Shaniqua's Xomification is weaker than Candace's, and she doesn't need gloves to control it. Shaniqua looks up to Candace for how powerful she is, and Candace looks up to Shaniqua for being able to fight baddies without messing up the way Candace did. Both women are concerned that if Shaniqua isn't careful, she could wind up in Camelorum just like Candace; since the mayor doesn't particularly like either of them.
When will there be an episode map available?
That is pending on my schedule, and Prodigal's schedule. It has been moved to the forefront though, ahead of all Gerosha projects and ahead of Volkonir and Cherinob.
But...what if I really want her season 2 hairstyle that badly???
For her season 2 hairstyle (referenced in her Sims 3, Lego, and manga sketches,) I swapped out the default season 1 hairstyle with the S-Club's MK Hair #2 at The Sims Resource. You'll want the brown swatch, as it will show her with vibrant yellow highlights in-game if you are running it in Laptop Mode. (One of the blonde swatches may be appropriate in Regular Mode if you want similar results, as the brown hair in Regular Mode doesn't have the unique blond streaks.)
If you want it that badly, you'll have to download it from that site separately, as it is not included here.
Her prison uniform doesn't look all that convincing. What else can I get for her?
If you want to give her a more realistic prison jumpsuit, I highly recommend installing Fogity's Unlocked CAS Parts Mod Set. If you're content with her current Camelorum prison top, but want more identification on the bottom, there's a recolor available of her pants with a QR barcode here.
Is she available in other formats?
A release of her Sims 3 version is in consideration for the future. At the moment, however, the only Sim of her being released publicly is her Sims 4 version. The Lego of her in her Camelry, Conjoin outfit is only a mockup. The Lego mockup of her prisoner forms are pending.
If you want to use her season 1 prisoner form or her Camelry, Conjoin Lemon Witch outfit forms in a non-Sims format, she is now available in BitStrips here and here.
Additional Credits:
Special thanks go to Chad "Prodigal-Gamer" Patterson, who has allowed me (and other artists) generous room to take lots of liberties with the source material.
Thanks also goes to the Lego Movie Custom Minifig Generator, for the Lego Lemon Witch render.
Credit goes to Shases for "In Chains," the image that first inspired Candace's origin story.
Credit goes to my sister Julia for the Manga Lemon Witch render.
Thanks goes to Google Images for the various fruits and vegetables that Candace turns her victims into.
Her season 2 hairstyle (not included) is courtesy of the S-Club at The Sims Resource.
TS4 Lemon Witch.zip
| Lemon Witch (Season 1)
Uploaded: 16th Feb 2016, 74.3 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the .package file(s) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Place in Tray Folder: Cut and paste all files into your Tray folder:
Special Installation Instructions
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Tray\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Tray\
- If you get an error that says "This content requires expansion pack data that is not installed", please use either Clean Installer to install this sim.
Meshes needed
This download requires one or more meshes to work properly. Please check the Description tab for information about the meshes needed, then download them below:MTS cannot guarantee any off-site links will be available |
(Deprecated! See description for info)Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod v1.97 by simmythesim |
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Updated: 8th Jun 2016 at 1:04 AM - More options
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About Me
- Fanfics with Dozerfleet characters: If you include any of my original characters in a webcomic or machinima, please include a fanfic disclaimer, and a link to my profile here or to the Dozerfleet Database on Miraheze.
- Trademarks and retention of ownership: Do not claim my original characters as your own. If you wish to make a video adaptation of a Dozerfleet-canon story, please include links to the original work's article page on the Dozerfleet Database. Especially good ones may be promoted on the Database, as well as the Facebook page and / or DeviantArt.
- Costume repurposing: If you use a Dozerfleet-franchise-specific costume for something other than its originally-intended purposes, please provide credit and a link.
- Artist attribution: For most franchises or related characters canon to the Dozerfleet Megaverse, you need only credit my uploads. For Camelorum Adventures™ and related uploads, please also give credit to Chad Patterson (Prodigal-Gamer), Shases, and Irina Anghel (AnirBrokenear) for inspiring the creation of the series and characters. For anything related to Cagegirl, please also credit Adam-00.
- Non-Dozerfleet-specific items: Items which are adapted from non-Dozerfleet properties (e.g., Sharknado shirts, Power Rangers 2017 suits, Marvel characters, etc.) need not be credited; though end credits and a link to me are greatly appreciated.
- Attribution by link: You may credit my uploads on DevianArt / MediaFire any time. Include links to Mod the Sims only if the upload is also hosted on Mod the Sims. Items not hosted on Mod the Sims should be link-credited to their DeviantArt / MediaFire locations instead. This includes any item rejected on MTS but allowed on DeviantArt and MediaFire. Anything never submitted to MTS in the first place, such as the Cheshire Pig from Camelorum Adventures, should also be credited on DeviantArt / MediaFire.)
- Templating: If you use one of my original characters as a genetics template for another character, credit and a link are greatly appreciated but not necessarily required. Consult with me if you are unsure.
- Miscellaneous: For any other use in machinomics or machinima, PM me if you have questions. Most other uses should be fair game.
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Do not redistribute anything without consulting me first. PM me if you want something I've discontinued.