Emily Barnes / Semaphore from Camelorum Adventures

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Emily/Semaphore across the DeviantArt landscape. Note: File's hair will not change color automatically, nor assume animated patterns.

Note: File is provided as-is. I do not intend to update this file at this time on my end for the June 2nd, 2016 patch (which I believe was unnecessary, as it broke more than it "fixed.") If you have trouble running Semaphore in your game due to the patch, please let me know, and I'll consider patching her. (I see no reason why she shouldn't work, as the new format does allow you to switch off the gender-fluidity mechanics if you don't want them.)

(Sort-of) in-universe sales pitch

Greetings, mayors of Sim Cities everywhere! Are unruly aliens or other creepy critters wreaking havoc in your Sims' neighborhood? How about you give Stan Woudean, the warden of Camelorum Correctional, a call? The well-meaning-but-criminally-clumsy misfits he keeps at Camelorum could just very well be assigned to help out! They'll do anything to avoid sitting around bored in their cells, so why not arrange something where everyone wins???

On special here is Emily Anya Barnes, better known to the townsfolk of Dromedary Heights as the "Semaphore."

Is that scary monster or dastardly do-bad in your area hard to see coming? Not for THIS lady's locks!!!

Time to Dig the Wig! She can flag down and fancy assault, clue, riddle, what-have-you, with the hair that can't decide what color it is for more than five minutes! She loves to explore, and is good with children.

Does your town need her? Call up Camelorum today to make an appointment! Tether gang labor rates apply.

What is Camelorum Adventures, and what's the 411 on Camelorum Correctional?

A full description is available at the Lemon Witch download. Feel free to check out that file as well, if you haven't already.

Who is Semaphore, and what can she do?

What is her visual origin?

What's included in this package?

For ideal height, you may wish to use a height slider by SimmyTheSim, though she should work fine without it. The attached zip file should include all her basic Tray folder files, and not much else.

She should have her Everyday 1 outfit set to her prison uniform. (Custom numbers not included, just the basic one that comes with Get to Work.) Her Everyday 2 outfit should be her Semaphore uniform...with one minor detail...

Her Semaphore wig, by default, is the standard fro that comes with the game. If you want her to look more like her MAAFUW sprite, you will need to download the Sims 3 Store to Sims 4 Afro Hair Conversion by Gloria Makamu separately, as it's not included in this upload.

Please pay attention to notes I've included in the attached images. They tell you what will work in your game, and what's Photoshop. I've made sure to include some images where only the crop size and notes themselves are Photoshopped, and the rest is game default. The animated GIF is made in ImageReady, and is there to let you know how her hair color pattern changes might look in a TV series.

Special notes on her hair and wig

The wig often shows up looking very dark. While the normal game default fro should work fine in either Regular Game Mode or Laptop Mode, the custom wig will only look good in Regular Mode. DO NOT run the custom wig in Laptop Mode! It...won't look right.

Emily's hair in the package doesn't have the blue tips seen in the promo image. The No-Effects image shows her with default game hair. The promo only shows her with blue tips to match her Sims 3 art.


Her prison uniform doesn't look all that convincing. What else can I get for her?

If you want to give her a more realistic prison jumpsuit, I highly recommend installing Fogity's Unlocked CAS Parts Mod Set. If you're content with her current Camelorum prison top, but want more identification on the bottom, there's a recolor available of her pants with a QR barcode here.

Final notes

I've selected her to be a Renaissance Sim, with the Quick Learner bonus trait. She is also listed as a Foodie (because she was a waitress once), Ambitious (wants to see the world), and Childish (you really wouldn't expect to see her in a jail.)

Is she available in other formats?

A release of her Sims 3 version is in consideration for the future. At the moment, however, the only Sim of her being released publicly is her Sims 4 version. The Lego of her in her Rampage of Utkitroll outfit is only a mockup. The Lego mockup of her prisoner forms are pending.

If you want to use her prisoner form or her Rampage of Utkitroll Semaphore outfit forms in a non-Sims format, she is now available in BitStrips here and here.

Additional Credits:
Credit goes to Gloria Makamu at GlorianaSims4, for the custom wig (not included, but linked in description.)

Credit goes to Chad "Prodigal-Gamer" Patterson for the original concept of Emily.

Her Lego Semaphore form is courtesy of the Lego Movie Custom Minifig Generator.

Her Zekehimberry95 art is Emily's Mugshot (com) at DeviantArt.

Her Travis J. Hanson art is "Emily Barnes" at DeviantArt.

Her original art depiction by Karina MagGill is titled "Along the Rails" at DeviantArt.

Merwild's "hardcore" interpretation of Emily is here at DeviantArt.

You can view additional interpretations of the character (and others) here.
Creator Recommendations:
Semaphore goes great with her friend Lemon Witch.
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