Barry Navoz / Ion Boy from Camelorum Adventures

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Barry / Ion Boy across the DeviantArt landscape.

Note: All skin color changes must be done manually in CAS.

Update: File is provided as-is. I do not intend to update this file at this time on my end for the June 2nd, 2016 patch (which I believe was unnecessary, as it broke more than it "fixed.") If you have trouble running Ion Boy in your game due to the patch, please let me know, and I'll consider patching him. (I see no reason why he shouldn't work, as the new format does allow you to switch off the gender-fluidity mechanics if you don't want them.)

(Sort-of) in-universe sales pitch

Greetings, mayors of Sim Cities everywhere! Are unruly aliens or other creepy critters wreaking havoc in your Sims' neighborhood? How about you give Stan Woudean, the warden of Camelorum Correctional, a call? The well-meaning-but-criminally-clumsy misfits he keeps at Camelorum could just very well be assigned to help out! They'll do anything to avoid sitting around bored in their cells, so why not arrange something where everyone wins???

On special here is Barry Reily Navoz, better known to the townsfolk of Dromedary Heights as the "Ion Boy"!

He's clumsy! He's dorky! His bad luck almost got someone killed! But now, he wields the Xomian power to mess up anything with ionic chemistry! He can levitate! He can make you throw up or turn all your bodily fluids toxic! And if you've got some ne'er-do-wells in your area that need a mercenary to tear them up from the inside-out, Ion Boy is who you need!

He's also really good at cleaning counters and sweeping, if you want more mundane help and can't afford to hire a regular crew.

Does your town need him? Call up Camelorum today to make an appointment! Tether gang labor rates apply.

What is Camelorum Adventures, and what's the 411 on Camelorum Correctional?

A full description is available at the Lemon Witch download. Feel free to check out that file and Semaphore as well, if you haven't already.

Who is Ion Boy, and what can he do?

What is his visual origin?

What's contained in this package?

Ah, the meat and potatoes, right? Unfortunately, his glowing eye and ion shield (same effect as the Cherinob radiation mesh) effects are still Photoshop-only features.

Here is what you are getting, plain and simple:

This is what he is wearing:

Also included is an image of what he looks like with custom barcode 3D (red-cyan glasses)!

How do I turn him green?

Barry turns green in-universe to levitate and defend himself, or to activate his "make-you-puke" ionic assault. He can changed color at will in the story, and can control his powers without wearing gloves - just like Cherry Babe. This makes him very valuable to the Camelry, as Candace is restricted by a need to make certain she doesn't lose her gloves. (It would cause pandemonium when she loses control.) Carly as the Maddening Rod faces a more-extreme version of Candace's problem. Fortunately, Janet and Johnny are also able to get by without wearing gloves.

Unfortunately, the Sim file doesn't have the luxury of changing on the fly. The only way to make him green is to go into Create-A-Sim after activating the Cas.Fulleditmode cheat. Once you do that, you can switch him back and forth between regular and green skin.

Those red pants look stupid. How do I get the orange barcode pants?

Not required, but highly-recommended, are the Camelorum Correctional QR Barcode Pants. The DDS file textured around the mesh contains a barcode on the left leg that reads: "Camelorum Correctional - Delaware Department of Corrections."

You can download them from this DeviantArt image's caption. (Will redirect to MediaFire.) Comes with both a male and female set of pants. These are dependent color swatches of default pants meshes in the game.

I have other questions / concerns about the character.

Feel free to leave a comment, and I'll answer questions as I am able.

What if I want him as an NPC in the Get to Work jail instead of playable?

I'm considering writing an entry about how to overwrite NPCs. I wouldn't recommend it though, because it's extremely dangerous. I've actually crashed my game once. Keep that in mind.


His prison uniform doesn't look all that convincing. What else can I get for him?

If you want to give him a more realistic prison jumpsuit, I highly recommend installing Fogity's Unlocked CAS Parts Mod Set. If you're content with his current Camelorum prison top, but want more identification on the bottom, there's a recolor available of his pants with a QR barcode here.

Is he available in other formats?

A release of his Sims 3 version is in consideration for the future. At the moment, however, the only Sim of him being released publicly is his Sims 4 version. The Lego of him in his Camelry, Conjoin outfit is only a mockup. The Lego mockup of his prisoner form is pending.

If you want to use his prisoner form or an approximate re-creation of his Camelry, Conjoin Ion Boy form in a non-Sims format, he is now available in BitStrips here and here.

Final notes

Barry's height was set using this slider by SimmyTheSim.

Barry's personality should be the following:

- Soulmate-Alluring
- Gloomy
- Squeamish
- Clumsy

Additional Credits:
Credit goes to the makers of Sims 4 Studio for allowing me to make the custom QR barcode pants for Barry to wear.

Credit goes to Ukinojoe, for his humorous video inspiring the jokes that led to Ion Boy being created.

Credit goes to Prodigal-Gamer for the original vision behind Camelorum Adventures.

Credit goes to AnirBrokenear for her artistic depictions of Barry early-on.

Credit for the Lego version shown in the default pic goes to the Lego Movie Custom Minifig Generator.
Creator Recommendations:
Whey settle for just Ion Boy, when there are plenty of other Camelorum characters to choose from, and many in the pipeline?
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