Barry Navoz / Ion Boy from Camelorum Adventures
Barry / Ion Boy across the DeviantArt landscape.
Note: All skin color changes must be done manually in CAS.
Update: File is provided as-is. I do not intend to update this file at this time on my end for the June 2nd, 2016 patch (which I believe was unnecessary, as it broke more than it "fixed.") If you have trouble running Ion Boy in your game due to the patch, please let me know, and I'll consider patching him. (I see no reason why he shouldn't work, as the new format does allow you to switch off the gender-fluidity mechanics if you don't want them.)
(Sort-of) in-universe sales pitch
Greetings, mayors of Sim Cities everywhere! Are unruly aliens or other creepy critters wreaking havoc in your Sims' neighborhood? How about you give Stan Woudean, the warden of Camelorum Correctional, a call? The well-meaning-but-criminally-clumsy misfits he keeps at Camelorum could just very well be assigned to help out! They'll do anything to avoid sitting around bored in their cells, so why not arrange something where everyone wins???
On special here is Barry Reily Navoz, better known to the townsfolk of Dromedary Heights as the "Ion Boy"!
He's clumsy! He's dorky! His bad luck almost got someone killed! But now, he wields the Xomian power to mess up anything with ionic chemistry! He can levitate! He can make you throw up or turn all your bodily fluids toxic! And if you've got some ne'er-do-wells in your area that need a mercenary to tear them up from the inside-out, Ion Boy is who you need!
He's also really good at cleaning counters and sweeping, if you want more mundane help and can't afford to hire a regular crew.
Does your town need him? Call up Camelorum today to make an appointment! Tether gang labor rates apply.
What is Camelorum Adventures, and what's the 411 on Camelorum Correctional?
A full description is available at the Lemon Witch download. Feel free to check out that file and Semaphore as well, if you haven't already.
Who is Ion Boy, and what can he do?
During his first year at his university of choice, Barry Reily Navoz was very really nervous. (No, really!) He was also clumsy, tripped a lot, socially awkward, well-meaning, and bullied. A LOT.
Then, one evening, everything changed. His bike's rear axle snapped in half. His front tire exploded. And a speeding tow truck driver almost hit him, then taunted him with: "I wish I had!!!"
He was near a frat house. They invited him inside, since they were having an open house party. Then, during the festivities, they pulled out a wire and tripped him. Which caused his drink to fly out of his hand and hit a gal in the face. Who then fell over in shock and stepped on a cat. That then jumped out the window and caused a car to swerve and lose control. That car then crashed into a pole and knocked it over - right as the Gnatmobile was driving through. A billion-dollar car, wrecked. The driver seriously injured.
Barry tried to come to The Gnat's rescue, but instead found himself receiving the blame for causing the accident when everyone at the frat house pointed fingers at him. Karma would strike a year later, and when Xiboruty attacks the town, a phone pole would impale every single one of those frat boys with extreme prejudice - though Barry would have nothing to do with that. But I digress.
Barry was quickly railroaded, his hopes and dreams for his future shattered and his family vanishing into thin air. When he learned he was being sent to Camelorum, he initially began having thoughts of suicide. Then he remembered it was Camelorum, not Llamalorum - where he'd probably be murdered before he'd have the chance at suicide. A few things surprised him right away about his new home of the next three years: First WEIRD it was! Second, how most of the inmates were not nearly as hostile as he expected them to be.
They behaved...more like it was high school than prison. Though, high school was bad enough! Third...he noticed that there were hardly any guys there. It was emasculating to think it, but he was almost entirely surrounded by girls. Yet, only Carly "the Glitch" Rancine showed any interest in him...though everyone was afraid of her since her power was basically to warp reality uncontrollably.
(Nobody wanted to be turned into fly-elephant-things or have giraffes going through their stomachs by accident! Nor get turned into paper helicopters if she got angry. Honestly, they'd sooner get Candace mad! At least her options for transmutating others are limited to June bugs and plants, and she can even control it with gloves on.)
On his manual labor assignments, Barry strives frequently to improve his standing with locals and become more coordinated, and fix his bad luck. He also tries to find a way to win over Carly's heart - before she reveals to him that he already has it.
Yet, his luck all changes on the day that Xiboruty attacks Camelorum to kidnap Carly and Emily. He reveals to Carly that he hid a battery inside of her somewhere, and wants to retrieve it - even if that means over her dead body. She hates being the damsel in distress, but is hopeful Barry can rescue her. As for Emily? His plan was to turn her into engine oil. Anyway, when Xiboruty attacks the prison and kills about 67 women in there, he mouth-tentacle-face-sucks Barry unconscious when Barry tries to save Carly. This was supposed to kill him, but like Candace, he survived and got powers instead.
On that day, Barry was reborn as a graceful, levitating being that could manipulate chemistry, change his own skin color, and make others vomit or have diarrhea on command. He was Ion Boy.
It didn't take Barry long to agree to be a mercenary working under Johnny "Lightning Hobo" Geriwall. Even if he didn't receive a pardon as a reward for saving the world from Xiboruty - and the mayor was determined to send Barry back to prison - it didn't matter. Xiboruty messed with Carly, and Barry would not stand for it! Barry fought alongside Lemon Witch, Lightning Hobo, Glob, Laney the Laughable, Wycliffe the Iguana, Huss the Iguana, Calvin the Iguana, Zwingli the Iguana, Jenny Jane, and Jenny Kay to get his beloved Carly back. The Camelry, some Tongue-Flick Power, and the Jen in Black were all able to seal the deal when Candace gives some spare gloves to Carly that allow her limited control - turning her into the Maddening Rod.
Barry takes pride in knowing he is finally useful to someone and appreciated - even if he's still behind bars. When Xironooti creates the troll duck android monster known as "Utkitroll," Barry springs back into action as Ion Boy to save the day. This time, Carly as the Maddening Rod and Emily as Semaphore get to go too.
After the Halfway House is built, Barry and Carly are both transferred there. They remain there until they can be set free completely, and then they marry once they have their freedom back. By then, the mayor has lost his bid for re-election and the town has turned in favor of the Camelry. Even the Gnat appears to have forgiven Barry.
What is his visual origin?
When Prodigal-Gamer down in Kentucky first came up with his draft ideas for The Tale of Emily Barnes and the Two Jens, based on a strange dream about his wife, he commissioned several artists on DeviantArt to come up with names, captions, and images for selling his idea with. The adaptation Camelorum Adventures was an organic growth outward from that, after I acquired some permission to incorporate the main characters into the same world as The Trapezoid Kids and Grillitan Diner.
Most inspirational amongst the artists was Anghel Irina from Romania, better known on DeviantArt as AnirBrokenear. While she potentially drew many images of Barry amongst the girls doing manual labor, to point out his humiliation at being the only boy on an otherwise all-girl chain gang, the first image in which he was ever specifically identified with that name was in a fan caption for Anir's still dubbed "The Medical Ward." His last name of "Navoz" was added later, as a pun because he always looks to be "very nervous."
"The Medical Ward" was not only desired by Prodigal, but also by a user named Cap-Tivus, a German user who is also a huge fan of Anir and of Shases (co-creator of Lemon Witch.)
Another piece that features Barry prominently is "Ditch Diggers," also by Anir.
Due to some confusion, other shots containing characters that resemble Barry have been identified differently. This has given rise to Joe Hammerstein (a Shaggy knock-off) and Phil Funzel, some of the only other guys in Camelorum. (Not counting the guards.)
When adapting him, I thought it might be cool to show some of the Camelorum inmates becoming mercenaries. Barry's alias of "Ion Boy" is actually a reference to Ukinojoe's Irod Bad 2 on YouTube, where the IRS kidnaps Iron Man for spelling his name "Ion Man" on a tax form.
What's contained in this package?
Ah, the meat and potatoes, right? Unfortunately, his glowing eye and ion shield (same effect as the Cherinob radiation mesh) effects are still Photoshop-only features.
Here is what you are getting, plain and simple:
This is what he is wearing:
Also included is an image of what he looks like with custom barcode 3D (red-cyan glasses)!
How do I turn him green?
Barry turns green in-universe to levitate and defend himself, or to activate his "make-you-puke" ionic assault. He can changed color at will in the story, and can control his powers without wearing gloves - just like Cherry Babe. This makes him very valuable to the Camelry, as Candace is restricted by a need to make certain she doesn't lose her gloves. (It would cause pandemonium when she loses control.) Carly as the Maddening Rod faces a more-extreme version of Candace's problem. Fortunately, Janet and Johnny are also able to get by without wearing gloves.
Unfortunately, the Sim file doesn't have the luxury of changing on the fly. The only way to make him green is to go into Create-A-Sim after activating the Cas.Fulleditmode cheat. Once you do that, you can switch him back and forth between regular and green skin.
Those red pants look stupid. How do I get the orange barcode pants?
Not required, but highly-recommended, are the Camelorum Correctional QR Barcode Pants. The DDS file textured around the mesh contains a barcode on the left leg that reads: "Camelorum Correctional - Delaware Department of Corrections."
You can download them from this DeviantArt image's caption. (Will redirect to MediaFire.) Comes with both a male and female set of pants. These are dependent color swatches of default pants meshes in the game.
I have other questions / concerns about the character.
Feel free to leave a comment, and I'll answer questions as I am able.
What if I want him as an NPC in the Get to Work jail instead of playable?
I'm considering writing an entry about how to overwrite NPCs. I wouldn't recommend it though, because it's extremely dangerous. I've actually crashed my game once. Keep that in mind.
His prison uniform doesn't look all that convincing. What else can I get for him?
If you want to give him a more realistic prison jumpsuit, I highly recommend installing Fogity's Unlocked CAS Parts Mod Set. If you're content with his current Camelorum prison top, but want more identification on the bottom, there's a recolor available of his pants with a QR barcode here.
Is he available in other formats?
A release of his Sims 3 version is in consideration for the future. At the moment, however, the only Sim of him being released publicly is his Sims 4 version. The Lego of him in his Camelry, Conjoin outfit is only a mockup. The Lego mockup of his prisoner form is pending.
If you want to use his prisoner form or an approximate re-creation of his Camelry, Conjoin Ion Boy form in a non-Sims format, he is now available in BitStrips here and here.
Final notes
Barry's height was set using this slider by SimmyTheSim.
Barry's personality should be the following:
- Soulmate-Alluring
- Gloomy
- Squeamish
- Clumsy
Additional Credits:
Credit goes to the makers of Sims 4 Studio for allowing me to make the custom QR barcode pants for Barry to wear.
Credit goes to Ukinojoe, for his humorous video inspiring the jokes that led to Ion Boy being created.
Credit goes to Prodigal-Gamer for the original vision behind Camelorum Adventures.
Credit goes to AnirBrokenear for her artistic depictions of Barry early-on.
Credit for the Lego version shown in the default pic goes to the Lego Movie Custom Minifig Generator.
TS4036 - Ion
| Barry Navoz / Ion Boy for The Sims 4
Uploaded: 27th Feb 2016, 81.5 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the .package file(s) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Place in Tray Folder: Cut and paste all files into your Tray folder:
Special Installation Instructions
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Tray\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Tray\
- If you get an error that says "This content requires expansion pack data that is not installed", please use either Clean Installer to install this sim.
Meshes needed
This download requires one or more meshes to work properly. Please check the Description tab for information about the meshes needed, then download them below:MTS cannot guarantee any off-site links will be available |
(Deprecated! See description for info)Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod v1.97 by simmythesim |
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Updated: 8th Jun 2016 at 1:29 AM - More options
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
Sims 4 |
Expansion Pack | |
Get to Work | |
Horse Ranch |
Game Pack | |
Outdoor Retreat |
About Me
- Fanfics with Dozerfleet characters: If you include any of my original characters in a webcomic or machinima, please include a fanfic disclaimer, and a link to my profile here or to the Dozerfleet Database on Miraheze.
- Trademarks and retention of ownership: Do not claim my original characters as your own. If you wish to make a video adaptation of a Dozerfleet-canon story, please include links to the original work's article page on the Dozerfleet Database. Especially good ones may be promoted on the Database, as well as the Facebook page and / or DeviantArt.
- Costume repurposing: If you use a Dozerfleet-franchise-specific costume for something other than its originally-intended purposes, please provide credit and a link.
- Artist attribution: For most franchises or related characters canon to the Dozerfleet Megaverse, you need only credit my uploads. For Camelorum Adventures™ and related uploads, please also give credit to Chad Patterson (Prodigal-Gamer), Shases, and Irina Anghel (AnirBrokenear) for inspiring the creation of the series and characters. For anything related to Cagegirl, please also credit Adam-00.
- Non-Dozerfleet-specific items: Items which are adapted from non-Dozerfleet properties (e.g., Sharknado shirts, Power Rangers 2017 suits, Marvel characters, etc.) need not be credited; though end credits and a link to me are greatly appreciated.
- Attribution by link: You may credit my uploads on DevianArt / MediaFire any time. Include links to Mod the Sims only if the upload is also hosted on Mod the Sims. Items not hosted on Mod the Sims should be link-credited to their DeviantArt / MediaFire locations instead. This includes any item rejected on MTS but allowed on DeviantArt and MediaFire. Anything never submitted to MTS in the first place, such as the Cheshire Pig from Camelorum Adventures, should also be credited on DeviantArt / MediaFire.)
- Templating: If you use one of my original characters as a genetics template for another character, credit and a link are greatly appreciated but not necessarily required. Consult with me if you are unsure.
- Miscellaneous: For any other use in machinomics or machinima, PM me if you have questions. Most other uses should be fair game.
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Do not redistribute anything without consulting me first. PM me if you want something I've discontinued.