Anarteq's Truck Trailer Down By the River
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Note: This version will remain up here, but is now considered outdated. Builds elsewhere will use the new door from Eco Lifestyle. But if you would rather still download this one, the one new door with Eco Lifestyle is a much more realistic option for a truck trailer door. Consider using that to replace of the door being used in this download.
Have your Sims ever wanted to live in a van, down by the river??? Now, you can do the next best thing! This repurposed cargo truck trailer may not look as nice or cozy as your great aunt's one trailer home down in Florida; but the 400 sq ft living space inside ensures that you'll be plenty comfortable. And who in their right mind would wanna steal it from you?
PS4 / XBox One players
This item is now available in the Gallery. Look for the hashtags #anarteq, #dozerfleet, #snl, and #tinyliving.
PC players
Keep reading to learn more about this file set. Lucky you, you can customize it with CC I'll list below, to make it even better!
Cherinob, Ciem: Inferno, The Gray Champion: Shaken Dust, Sniperbadger: Fall of the Critter Resistance, and Anarteq: Guardian of the Soo
In 2015, Isitoq "Anarteq" Sundue, a Phexo Pseudo-Mer Weresalmon saboteur affiliated with the Order of the Oraphim, sworn enemies of the Society of the Icy Finger, and a member of a slowly-dying-off Inuit tribe based out of Yellek, Ontario; teamed up with his cousin, Jissika "Nemara" Sundue, who had similar abilities; and with the US Coast Guard, to save the St. Mary's River and Sault Ste. Marie from the evil Wishpon.
Wishpon's goal? Uncover one of the three Earth Abdygalis Shards™ that he'd deduced was buried somewhere underneath the St. Mary's International Bridge. After Cherinob, the Angel of Radioactive Death and Destruction's tussle with the demon Kritchobol for the fate of Romania led to one Boris Heminski destroying of of the three Earth Abdygalis Shards, only two remained. Wishpon's master, Warren "Rappaccini" Buntine, could not further the Icy Finger's goals of multiversal conquest without collecting at least one Abdygalis Shard from Earth, Phaeleel, and Metheel.
However, Wishpon's initial effort to steal an Abdygalis Compass from Anarteq's mentor, Nanaouk, was met with considerable frustration when Nanaouk and Anarteq called in assistance from one Donte "Emeraldon" McArthur - who was already on the Hebbleskin Gang and Icy Finger's radar for his interference with their new Triumvirate's plans in Florida.
In retaliation, the Icy Finger sent its Screwworm terrorist network to investigate Emeraldon. Donte had been getting sloppy, and they soon learned his true identity. They nuked his home neighborhood in the town of Evansville with a low-grade dirty bomb, while he was in Yellek aiding Anarteq and Nanaouk. Nearby areas would have been ravaged even worse by the Screwworms, but Ciem's interference kept the Screwworms distracted long enough for SCALLOP and the National Guard to arrive, to chase the Screwworms away and restore order.
Planning on a job in Sault Ste. Marie temporarily as a tour guide for the Soo Locks Boat Tours anyway, Izzy found himself urged strongly to go ahead with it by Nanaouk - still unclear as to why he was in such strong need of defending those compasses, as Nanaouk failed to tell him they were for finding Abdygalis Shards tracing all the way back to the ancient warrior Abrujan himself.
As Emeraldon was being kept busy in the areas of Evansville not destroyed by the blast nor polluted with fallout, Rappaccini upped his game. He gave his war baton to Duke Arfaas of the Hebbleskin Gang, a greenlight to try to take Gerosha (Boonville) back, in retaliation for Stan and Shalia Flippo stopping his cousin Fantisk from taking it over in 1990.
The ensuing chaos, especially with the judicial hijacking by Judge Terry Beliah of the Tom Kirby Act of 2015, and with several officials in SCALLOP proving to be corrupt, led to Emeraldon being put on silent probation for seemingly no reason. Worse, Ciem found herself entangled in a technicality of policy violation which got her civilian identity branded a criminal - though only the bigwigs who were criminals themselves per the constitution felt she deserved the label. Realizing her family and everyone else she cared about were at stake before these corrupt jackboots, Candi agreed to a plea deal. However, this meant Ciem was now an inmate at the Madison Juvenile Correctional Facility (this was set pre-2018.)
Meaning, Emeraldon now had to be willing to defend Gerosha in addition to what wasn't nuked of his native Evansville! Worse, he had to do with with far less reliable intel. The Sodality Church was willing to help him, but they weren't as talented at hacking to gather necessary intel as a once-secret ally of theirs was: Miriam "Sniperbadger" Flippo!
After Rick "DeathDachshund" Sun went rogue, the Critter Resistance Network of hackers underwent a civil war - with the Pentagon's secrets at stake! Needing the most talented Critter Resistance Network user they could find, the CIA tracked down their founder: Tim "Tamperwolf" Downsen. Yet, he knew Sniperbadger was far more useful to taking down DeathDachshund than Tamperwolf could ever be. So, in a bind to save his own skin and the world, Tim betrayed Miriam's identity.
It wasn't hard to find her: she was already serving time after turning herself in when it was discovered she aided Chris "Purge-Flare" Kennal in escaping Gerosha after Ciem helped authorities take it back from Frank Morvel and Lava Tigre. With both Flippo girls exposed and incarcerated, Emeraldon didn't have the best of assistance. Which meant that unless John "Gray Champion" Domeck, Marge "Mapacha del Fuego" Ramirez, or Hea Pang were willing to tag team (not likely), then Emeraldon was on his own. He often wondered about this centipede heroine that had done so much, in spite being a far lesser power level than himself. He admired her courage. But had not (yet) had the luxury of meeting her. He figured some time after she got out of jail, maybe they could meet up. (Little did he know that in a few years, he'd wind up not only meeting, but marrying her!)
Yet, with Emeraldon now seldom available come November of 2015 to aid his Inuit friends with their own chapter of the Order of the Oraphim, and the Gray Champion and his team embroiled in their own messes in Boston and Jonesboro; Team Anarteq now realized that they were but a Divine hand away from being completely on their own. A visitation of the Angelic Army notwithstanding (and one like in Romania not likely), no one else was coming to save them! They would need their wits - and talents - to survive this next mission: stop Wishpon, whatever it took!
Not only did Izzy and Jissika need to keep Wishpon away from the Abdygalis Shard; but they discovered the Screwworms' nasty plan to detonate a bomb capable of blowing up the entire St. Mary's River! Why? Just in case Wishpon couldn't collect the Shard the easy way! They wanted their Multiverse Portal tech, BADLY!
Anarteq: Guardian of the Soo climax
Wishpon was able to get the jump on Jissika, trapping her behind secured doors inside the Cloverland Electric Cooperative's Hydroelectric Dam, in an area that was off limits to all except staff and students of Lake Superior State University. (Oddly enough, located at the end of a street dubbed "Salmon Run Way.")
He deprived her of her passport on top of this, making it impossible for her to prove that she was on US soil legally. Instead of being immediately deported back to Canada, however, Jissika was kept confined at the Sault Ste. Marie Juvenile Center in downtown - on the Michigan side.
She was unable to join Izzy for the final battle to diffuse the bomb and defeat Wishpon; but the mission was a partial success. Unable to pinpoint the Shard's exact location due to the compass he initially stole from Nanaouk having been damaged, Wishpon raided Izzy's AirBNB rental home on 1011 Wellington St. in search of a compass that worked - following a lead from a Screwworm woman who had access to the juvie center records where Jissika was being held. It didn't take long to deduce that Isitoq Sundue was the new Anarteq - nor where he was staying!
Wishpon used several Qalupaliks as a diversion, requiring Izzy to fight them to protect Sault Ste Marie locals in their homes at night from being torn to pieces by these beings- which were engineered to resemble their mythological Inuit counterparts.
Izzy was able to get Emeraldon to find an opening and come to visit and help out. He also bought Emeraldon time to arrive in Sault Ste Marie from Evansville. From there, Emeraldon flew the Abdygalis Shard, himself, and Izzy back to Yellek.
Nanaouk tried to use the Shard to expel the Shard into the deep reaches of space - where Rappaccini would never be able to claim it. However, the experiment went awry. The Shard and Nanaouk both flew through a portal suddenly and violently, making Nanaouk the first man on Neptune.
The compass Wishpon had stolen suddenly went berserk, as it tried to recalibrate itself to locate the final, missing Shard - wherever it may be. Somehow, this one defied the compass Wishpon had from being able to pinpoint its location. Wishpon fled westward, vowing revenge on Anarteq for disgracing him. He knew the second the compass started going berserk, that the Shard it was meant to find was no longer on Earth. Rappaccini...would not be pleased!
Anarteq: Guardian of the Soo aftermath
With Emeraldon back in Evansville, Nanaouk dead, Wishpon missing, Jissika still in prison, and the boat tour season having come to an end, only a few tour gigs remained - unrelated to the boats - before Izzy's time in Sault Ste Marie was at a close. He'd grown comfortable with his short life there. But, he realized it was time to move on. His cousin was right: the world needed him to be Anarteq.
As if Izzy needed any more prompting, however, he got the most irritating news of his life: his own country had just sold him out to Rappaccini! The furious evil overlord threatened that if Justin Trudeau didn't declare Anarteq an outlaw, then Rappaccini's Marlquaan scientists would find a way to perfect a new tech they'd been working on with Marlquaan power: astherding (asteroid shepherding)! The Wrath of Itokawa would rain down on the north-lands, like something out of Universe Sandbox 2, unless Trudeau showed at least some willingness to condemn Anarteq's destruction of the Abdygalis Shard!
Figuring that a "dinosaur killer" in his backyard was not his cup of tea, Trudeau decided that the time was very much right to start negotiating with terrorists! SCALLOP agreed to move Jissika for her own safety to the SCALLOP Juvenile Containment Center in Houston, where Sniperbadger and Flintirah were already staying, if Izzy would do something for them first! (Why Darius Philippine could engage in quid pro quo and get away with it was anyone's guess.)
Ciem / Anarteq: Kahoopilina
After a few months of Jissika at SJCC, both Jissika and Izzy would be granted temporary refugee status under SCALLOP protection within US borders and waters - if Izzy went through with the deal. He did, taking a flash drive confiscated from the Sodality Church that one of its scouts stole off a Screwworm agent with Captain Cook, Hawaii. Local Marlquaanite and not-quite immortal wereshark Pakulihi Lekaho, whom 18th century Hawaiian natives worshiped as an avatar of the god Kamohoalii, was able to deduce the drive. Its contents were encrypted - in Hawaiian! From there, it revealed several conspiracies of Rappaccini's that revolved around finding all 12 of the Volcanist's Rubies - which would grant him near-absolute control over all volcanic activity on the planet!
They also discovered that three of these rubies had already been recovered by Rappaccini's evil men, and put together into a necklace being dubbed the "Heart of Pele." Rappaccini needed only to choose a herald to wield the Heart of Pele, and Kaiakahinali II, the "Second Great Flood, But With Fire," could commence. Rappaccini wanted to cause a volcanic apocalypse, to subjugate the entire world, as he worked on unlocking the multiverse to conquer even more worlds, believing this would give him the power to dethrone God!
Anarteq and Kamohoalii now knew of Rappaccini's evil plan. But what they needed their Sodality Church, SCALLOP, and Oraphim allies to figure out before it was too late: was who the Herald of Rappaccini would be - and where the Herald would strike first!
Ciem: Ash Cloud and Anarteq: Tropic Mercenary
Adapting the Qalupalik generation program to target abducted Filipina hookers, the Screwworms under Rappaccini created a new, even more terrifying army of foot soldiers dubbed "Anitos." The first place targeted for testing the Heart of Pele's full strength on was Louisville, KY. The 48 MT blast instantly destroyed Louisville, producing an ash cloud that left Madison, IN and everything else within 200 miles of Louisville buried beneath a thick volcanic cloud, a manmade Plague of Darkness that dared attempt to compare with the one in Exodus.
The diabolical mercenary and amateur child psychologist Eric Korsicht was chosen to be Rappaccini's herald. After wreaking havoc all over Indiana and Ohio, the next target for a 48MT blast was determined to be Cincinnati. Numerous heroes descended on the city to address this chaos, witnessing Cincinnati become Hell on Earth complete with the shrieking of the apparent damned.
But Ciem was let out of prison on a furlough with two specific missions in mind: recover the Heart of Pele and neutralize Korsicht; while also saving the life of her own warden.
Meanwhile, Anarteq's old enemies made their way to Hawaii to team up with Kamohoalii's and cause trouble locally. More Volcanist's Rubies were recovered as well, which led to a critical juncture: Anarteq, Kamohoalii, and Nemara must not allow any of their foes to combine three or more into a second Heart of Pele necklace!
Ciem: Caldera and Cherinob 3
As cultural degeneracy in the west skyrockets, and many don't repent even after the destruction of Cincinnati and Louisville; the concentration of evil allows a demonness bent on the destruction of the Netherlands to manifest from beneath the fiery mountains of Hawaii: the demonness worshiped by ancients as the goddess Pele herself!
Realizing he's out of his league against Pele, Kamohoalii sends Anarteq to Colorado to convince SCALLOP and state authorities to set Cherinob free from the 4D spatial quantum capacitor construct prison built to contain her. He keeps Jissika with him in Hawaii, realizing she would be of no use against Pele.
Cherinob is set free to fight Pele; but the world is hardly at ease. After all, Cherinob's radiation generation nearly spiraled out of control and spelled a premature Peter's Omninova (2 Peter 3:10) after she was ambushed by the demonness Astirnah. To prevent this, Cherinob sacrificed the star Arcturus in the night sky, sending it supernova as it absorbed her overdose of W axial energy. Even though she eventually defeated Belay and Astirnah, sending them back to Hell, few were in a big hurry to see the Angel of Radioactive Death and Destruction roam the streets freely again. Many prayed that if she had to return, God would immediately take her away back to Heaven again when He was done with her on Earth. Anything to eliminate the anxiety of her having a meltdown!
However, a far less supernatural battle was also being waged. Ciem was released from juvenile prison on furlough again, this time to stop Quoll and Kropimak Duzerit from detonating Yellowstone with a Heart of Pele necklace they'd stolen from a SCALLOP vault. Her new enemies made it personal: they'd also abducted from the prison some of the friends Candi had made inside, inmates and guards alike. For unknown reasons.
It took Extirpon's intervention, however, for Ciem to keep Yellowstone from going full VEI-8. However, even with reducing it to a Mt. St. Helens-level blast, the damage was done.
Halal Affadidah expanded his ISIS revival in the east. The southwest became its own country: "Toklisana." California and much of the remaining west coast found itself being divided between the Hebbleskin Gang's "Netheel" project, and aggressive colonization efforts from China. It seemed as if America were dead. And Rappaccini had almost won.
The setting is a stream between two lakes, somewhere near Gold Bridge, British Columbia. It is early spring in 2019. Amidst some of the chaos of the years past, a truck trailer got trapped in some mud - which later inexplicably hardened. The truck trailer was well-protected on bottom, and not likely to decay. This meant it became a structure that was part of that small mud hill. Part of the landscape. However, no one did much with it - until Isitoq Sundue arrived.
With Affadidah's ravaging having left the civilized western world in Earth-G7's timeline in pieces, Trudeau no longer held any power in British Columbia. The locals there were proud of what Anarteq had done to stick it to Rappaccini back in 2015 in Sault Ste Marie. They wanted nothing more than for Anarteq to return, and fulfill his vows to be the Guardian of the North. To do that, he'd need a good place to live - and hide.
Sadly, after a bar fight and a look into her history in Sault Ste Marie, locals determined that letting Jissika go to live with Izzy right away would be a bit too much liability. They pressured her into a plea deal, to spend two years in a local prison while keeping Izzy's exact whereabouts "unknown."
With her refugee status plan having expired, and SCALLOP pointing out that it wasn't done with her per the Kirby Act - which somehow applied in Canada too - they were able to convince Jissika to turn herself in. In addition to the Kirby Act, she'd been discovered to have trespassed on a lot of property - and been involved in some lewd conduct. She reasoned that she was already the top dog the last time she was locked up. This new batch? Couldn't hurt her. She was right. And better yet: she was finally on Canadian soil again!
With Jissika learning (possibly) how to be more of a role model citizen, Izzy just needed an alias and a good way to lay low. A way to sneak in, stop Ogopogo or Wishpon or Lionfish from their latest evil scheme, then vanish again. Rappaccini never guessed to look in such a backwater town as Gold Bridge for his least-favorite merman!
With some engineering assistance from Paku, Izzy was able to convert the abandoned truck trailer into a livable house. And being so close to the stream, he could go salmon mode and sneak into the nearby lakes virtually undetected! Spending all that time in Hawaii with Kamohoalii, taught Izzy how to be a better Anarteq! And just like his new mentor, Izzy now had an off-the-grid house perfectly suited to serve as his hideout in No Man's Land!
Real life trivia
Gold Bridge has a very small population, never more than 50 at a time, and averaging about 40 locals any given year.
The 400 sq ft. truck trailer used in this upload is based on a Meijer truck trailer - like the kind I unload at work almost every single day.
The general gist of this upload was: "Can I turn where I work into a functional living space?" When you spend so much time on those trucks, you feel like you almost live on one. So why not live on one for real? Well, this is the next best thing.
And why down by the river? Because according to some articles I'm reading, the old joke from SNL from 1993 about "living in a van down by the river" is now becoming a DIY enthusiasts' dream. There are fewer laws against it than against tiny homes. And if you eat and sleep in the same thing you use to drive to work, then all you need to be legal is a PO box. Few if any property taxes, no rent, and seldom a need for utilities.
And it's sure as heck a lot more sanitary and safe than the Tent Cities in California!
However, I still haven't found a good, credible way to make a van that a Sim can live in. So I settled for a 400 sq ft truck trailer. Modeled after a Meijer one. Granted, there are no Meijer stores in British Columbia, but...minor detail.

The wooden floor and white panel interior walls are meant to most closely resemble the inside of an actual Meijer truck - as much as default game content would allow.
Port holes are rectangle privacy windows here, because the double circle port holes in real life aren't an option in Sims 4 (yet).
Upload specs
Patch version:
Value (furnished): $36,070
Value (unfurnished): $10,065
Tiny Home space: 88/100 tiles used (small house)
Lot dimensions: 30x20
Traits: Great Soil, Homey, Peace and Quiet
Bedrooms: 1
Bathrooms: 1
First shared on the Gallery: 2/17/2020
File size: about 148KB
Recommended upgrades
If you have the PC version, the following CC / mods are highly recommended, to make this trailer more realistic, and less reliant on Kamohoalii magic engineering and imagination. Sadly, not available for console (yet.)
- PralineSims' Grunge Walls Set
- AdonisPluto's Garages, if you don't have Eco Lifestyle. The doors with that pack are much more realistic though.
- Ravasheen's "That's What She Said" Loft and Bunk Bed Set - for those who really want to get the most out of their trailer space!
- Sigma1202's Functional Solar Panels and Water Heater. Mind you, with Eco Lifestyle, this set is no longer essential. You can also use that pack's ladder to eliminate your need to have an elaborate staircase.
Note: With the last one, you can swap out the Homey trait for Off-the-Grid. You will now have a slightly more realistic improvised truck trailer home.
A note about screenshots
I've included many shots de-facto, so you can see actual in-game lighting, alongside some altered versions of those shots that have the shadow and highlight values modified in Photoshop Elements 2019, in order to see details more clearly.
If life inside that truck, even with some modified lights added, appears a bit dark; it's like that in real life too. Without port holes, some of those trucks are black as night toward the front end. Not even the bright lights on a swivel inside the store's receiving room can necessarily make the interior of a trailer look less gloomy. Look at it this way: it's still a lot safer than the equally depressing surroundings of coal mining!
Lot Size: 30x20
Lot Price (furnished): 36,070
Lot Price (unfurnished): 10,065
Additional Credits:
Special thanks to those YouTubers who found the old SNL sketch for me to rewatch, and also to those writing articles about the van by the river topic, for inspiring me to not only make this upload, but make the situation canon to the Anarteq bio on Dozerfleet Database.
Anarteq's Truck Trailer Down by the
Uploaded: 20th Feb 2020, 134.7 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the .bpi .trayitem and .blueprint file(s) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Place in Tray Folder: Cut and paste all files into your Tray folder:
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Tray\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Tray\
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Updated: 9th Jun 2020 at 2:41 PM - Eco Lifestyle update notes
#truck trailer, #anarteq, #tiny home, #canada, #unorthodox, #dozerfleet
by Black Zekrom 29th Aug 2015 at 9:37pm
+2 packs
Outdoor Retreat
Horse Ranch
by ElvinGearMaster 11th Jan 2020 at 8:08pm
+8 packs
Outdoor Retreat
Get Together
Cats and Dogs
Cool Kitchen Stuff
Discover University
Dine Out
Horse Ranch
by zhepomme 15th Mar 2020 at 10:07pm
+20 packs
Outdoor Retreat
Get Together
Spa Day
Cats and Dogs
Cool Kitchen Stuff
Get Famous
Island Living
Discover University
Dine Out
Backyard Stuff
Vintage Glamour Stuff
Horse Ranch
Fitness Stuff
Laundry Day Stuff
Jungle Adventure
Tiny Living Stuff
The Marinos (NO CC, 2 bd/1 ba Tier 2 Tiny Home)
by FakeHousesRealAwesome 23rd Mar 2020 at 6:09pm
+10 packs
Get to Work
Get Together
Perfect Patio Stuff
Spa Day
Cats and Dogs
Romantic Garden Stuff
Tiny Living Stuff
by valbreizh 11th Jul 2020 at 8:22pm
+24 packs
Get to Work
Outdoor Retreat
Get Together
City Living
Perfect Patio Stuff
Spa Day
Cats and Dogs
Cool Kitchen Stuff
Get Famous
Island Living
Movie Hangout Stuff
Discover University
Dine Out
Eco Lifestyle
Backyard Stuff
Vintage Glamour Stuff
Horse Ranch
Bowling Night Stuff
Fitness Stuff
Jungle Adventure
Moschino Stuff
Realm of Magic
by MrValentina 21st Jul 2020 at 8:54pm
+21 packs
Get to Work
Outdoor Retreat
Get Together
City Living
Spa Day
Cats and Dogs
Cool Kitchen Stuff
Get Famous
Island Living
Movie Hangout Stuff
Discover University
Dine Out
Eco Lifestyle
Backyard Stuff
Vintage Glamour Stuff
Horse Ranch
Bowling Night Stuff
Jungle Adventure
Tiny Living Stuff
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Sims 3 Into the Future terrain paint conversion
by BulldozerIvan 30th Aug 2019 at 7:52am
Terrain paint from TS3 made compatible for TS4 more...
1 5.6k 7
Lemon Witch from Camelorum Adventures
by BulldozerIvan 16th Feb 2016 at 6:16pm
She's armed and citrus, and ready to save the day! more...
+3 packs
Get to Work
Outdoor Retreat
Horse Ranch
Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 4 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Get to Work |
![]() | City Living |
![]() | Cats and Dogs |
![]() | Seasons |
![]() | Get Famous |
![]() | Island Living |
![]() | Discover University |
![]() | Horse Ranch |
Game Pack | |
![]() | Outdoor Retreat |
![]() | Spa Day |
![]() | Strangerville |
![]() | Realm of Magic |
Stuff Pack | |
![]() | Cool Kitchen Stuff |
![]() | Spooky Stuff |
![]() | Kids Room Stuff |
![]() | Laundry Day Stuff |
About Me
- Fanfics with Dozerfleet characters: If you include any of my original characters in a webcomic or machinima, please include a fanfic disclaimer, and a link to my profile here or to the Dozerfleet Database on Miraheze.
- Trademarks and retention of ownership: Do not claim my original characters as your own. If you wish to make a video adaptation of a Dozerfleet-canon story, please include links to the original work's article page on the Dozerfleet Database. Especially good ones may be promoted on the Database, as well as the Facebook page and / or DeviantArt.
- Costume repurposing: If you use a Dozerfleet-franchise-specific costume for something other than its originally-intended purposes, please provide credit and a link.
- Artist attribution: For most franchises or related characters canon to the Dozerfleet Megaverse, you need only credit my uploads. For Camelorum Adventures™ and related uploads, please also give credit to Chad Patterson (Prodigal-Gamer), Shases, and Irina Anghel (AnirBrokenear) for inspiring the creation of the series and characters. For anything related to Cagegirl, please also credit Adam-00.
- Non-Dozerfleet-specific items: Items which are adapted from non-Dozerfleet properties (e.g., Sharknado shirts, Power Rangers 2017 suits, Marvel characters, etc.) need not be credited; though end credits and a link to me are greatly appreciated.
- Attribution by link: You may credit my uploads on DevianArt / MediaFire any time. Include links to Mod the Sims only if the upload is also hosted on Mod the Sims. Items not hosted on Mod the Sims should be link-credited to their DeviantArt / MediaFire locations instead. This includes any item rejected on MTS but allowed on DeviantArt and MediaFire. Anything never submitted to MTS in the first place, such as the Cheshire Pig from Camelorum Adventures, should also be credited on DeviantArt / MediaFire.)
- Templating: If you use one of my original characters as a genetics template for another character, credit and a link are greatly appreciated but not necessarily required. Consult with me if you are unsure.
- Miscellaneous: For any other use in machinomics or machinima, PM me if you have questions. Most other uses should be fair game.
Uploaders / Downloaders
Do not redistribute anything without consulting me first. PM me if you want something I've discontinued.