Lucy Isle Festival Grounds

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So, I am kind of bad at writing descriptions but here it goes.
It all started with me deciding to make "small" festival grounds for my world, and ended up with it being a big project when I learned of all the things festival grounds need and realizing that I need bigger lot (as I had started on 20x20 only).

This lot is 50x50 in size.

The lot contains only EA items, and is cc free except for the stone pattern I used for the wallpaper (screenshot).
I took the pattern from Create-a-Style and changed the color to be a little bit darker.
The lot comes packed with this pattern.

I used all the expansion packs on this lot, but not all of them are required for the lot to work,
as from some EP's there is only some lights used or other things that are not of main importance.

I also used 3 SP's which are not obligatory, as there is only one item from each:
a floor light from Master Suit,
A stereo from High-End Loft,
and sugar explosion fireworks from Katy Perry stuff.

I used buydebug cheat for spawners (some grape spawners from World adventures in fall as a bonus)
and there's also one spawner from Into The Future EP - crystal plant.
Also, Seasons for pumpkins and wildflowers.
The rest (seeds, beetles, butterflies) are base game.

I also used moveObjects on cheat to place the windows on the porch (as there are no walls),
also some objects are placed with DisableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt on.

Those who have Supernatural will have a Broom arena during the "construction" time (when the festivals are changing and instead of festival grounds, the lot will be just an ordinary park)
Also, in the park there's a golf course, a children's playground, a grill and tables.

During the festivals, there is everything that a festival needs (if you have Seasons) and some additions for a fun time.

Note about the scary shack in fall festival: Sims don't exit it properly, they stomp their feet and then just exit it in some weird way.
I tried to fix that, but nothing I did helped.
If I learn how to fix it (or if anyone can suggest something?), I will update the lot then, but until then, it didn't seem to get in the way of playing with the lot.

Also, the lot contains re-colors of several EA items.

Okay, that's about it I guess.
Please, do not modify the lot, upload, or claim as your own. Always link back to this post!

Lot Size: 50x50
Lot Price (furnished): 216,822
Lot Price (unfurnished): 96,535

Custom Content by Me:
- Lucy Isle Festival Grounds

Additional Credits:
The idea of the closed-in porch is not mine. I got the idea from a youtube video found here:
The video is made by Wicked--Bones.
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