Japanese Low Dinner Table

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22 April 2017 Update : Minor BugFix (LookAtManager for involved Sims was temporarily disabled until another interaction re-enabled it)
26th June 2016 Update : Added "Zzz" (or Vvv or whatever based on the occult) visual effect to napping
21th June 2016 Update : this mod now integrates with Generic Food Maker
16th June 2016 Update : Added child version of the chopsticks, thanks to murfee.
Mod Info & Requirements
Game version 1.67 (might work with other patch levels, beats me)
Requires my Japanese Culture Trait mod
(a version updated on 15th June 2016 or a later version if I ever make one)
Requires the Chopsticks as accessory by Kilhian (for this mod to work, you just need the CAS accessory version)
One of the packages in my download file overrides some of its resources, so my package goes into the Overrides folder.
Table, price 303, found in
--- BuyCatalog/ByFunction/Surfaces/SurfacesMisc
--- BuyCatalog/ByRoom/Dining/DiningTables
I've cloned a BG coffee table without even re-texturing it. If someone is interested in a re-mesh,
it's important to keep the same surface's size (for animations' sake), 4 legs and void inside to avoid
clipping in case Sims's knee reach till there and of course using the same slots.
Where do I start? This mod is embarrassing at some many levels. The title is weird (I didn't know
how to call it), the animations suck and I'm not able to do it as I'd really like to. So before I delete
it out of frustration I better upload it.
This is a table (cloned from a BG coffee table) that allows Sims to eat while kneeling on the ground.
It has a lot of limitations and some issues. I've also added a napping interaction because... not sure
why, it just came spontaneously.
As I said, the animations are very poorly made. Some are simple poses with no transitions.
How it works? I'll describe the default behaviour, but some things are xml tunable.
With drag and drop you can place a food on the table and Sims can eat it clicking on the table itself
(even autonomously and even Sims without the Japanese Culture Trait).
Note: Sims at the table will all eat from the same central plate/bowl/whatever, even from a group serving.
This was done for technical reason because it was easier to implement it this way (see the technical section
for more details if you are interested on the explanation).
Sims will also place food on the table autonomously if they have my Japanese Culture Trait.
It will also work with Snacks, if you stop the eating interaction that is done automatically when getting
them from the fridge and place the snack on the table.
Note: by default, only foods eaten with a fork are enabled to be eaten and placed autonomously
on the table. You can change that, if seeing a soup or a hot dog eaten with chopsticks doesn't bother you.
(if someone makes me a spoon as CAS accessory I might, MIGHT, try to add thatand the hand-eating
(nah, I don't think I can do that, it needs an animation for the food too, I could use the one of the picnic blanket
but in there Sims have the legs crossed), but I'm not very keen on the idea of doing more animations). As always,
anyone is welcome to contribute or even modify and redistribute my mods without my involvement, so maybe
in the future someone will improve it.
Note: the "Serve" interaction to place a food on the table will only be available if there's a free table.
I know this is obvious but if the table is off camera you may wonder why the interaction is not there
(yes, I'm talking from personal experience).
Many things are xml tunable and I won't specify them all, just take a look at the TUNING xml in the
*_Mod package, the tags names are self explanatory and there are also a few comments.
If eating a single serving, Sims will keep eating until it's over or until a timer expires (the first of those conditions).
If eating a group serving Sims will keep eating until a timer expires (at that point a single serving will be "removed").
Note: this last method can be exploited interrupting the interaction to not "consume the food".
Sims eating at the table can ask to another Sim to join them (clicking on the Sim, not on the table).
I forgot to tell that the eat interaction ignores the vegetarian trait. This way of eating is already
so limited that I thought it was better to not add another limitation. Not sure if something happens
if a vegetarian Sim eats a non vegetarian food (and I've tested the mod with a vegetarian Sim,
but I never paid attention to that).
By default, group talking while eating is enabled. The animations are a bit weird, I didn't make them, they
are animation overlays that only involve some parts of the body, they don't fit very well with this short table,
especially the children animations have a lot of clipping with it.
I know I should have shifted the children position for the napping animation (like I did for the eating animation)
but I find amusing their napping pose (even if their arms defy gravity) so I left it that way.
Sims will autonomously take care of spoiled food like they normally do. Nothing to do with the mod.
Sometimes they will pick the food from the table and put it on the fridge (maybe even eat it in a regular
way, but I don't think I've witnessed that) but they do these stunts also with normal gameplay, don't they?
Food in the fridge don't get any special interaction (you can't click on the fridge and choose to
eat a food in my table), but you can always open the fridge and drag-and-drop the food on the table.
I've disabled the autonomy for the Seiza interaction on the table because Sims would kneel and then
stand up right away (I guess this is due to a not properly implemented custom Posture). But you can
user direct them to "sit" there and you can also make them use a sub-set of social interaction (like chatting,
they are the same interactions they can do while sitting or in other postures different than the default
standing one) with another Sim standing or kneeled or even sat. Unless I missed it, I haven't
seen Sims using these social interactions autonomously (on my table, I mean).
I make no promises, because I might be close to modding-burnout, but if someone makes me a Japanese themed
tea cup as CAS accessory I'll try to integrate a simple tea drinking feature to this mod (I guess I'll also need a teapot
but I'm still not sure how to handle that, maybe an object with geostates to show how much tea is still in it?).
I've found this one, but it looks too "western" and I can't find any usage/modification policy on that site
(well, I don't fully understand what it says in the first place).
For the eating interaction, Sims wear a special outfit (that simply adds the chopsticks) that is
deleted when the interaction is done. But I'm guessing that if you save the game while there
are ongoing interactions, then remove the mod, Sims might keep that outfit in their data.
To prevent that, I've added a Buy/Build mode interaction (CTRL+SHIFT click on the table)
to remove all special outfits from any Sim (of course this is restricted to the current world
you are playing, so if you used the table somewhere else you should do the same there).
So, use that interaction if you plan to uninstall the mod.
Uninstalling the custom trait might be more complicated. If I remember correctly,
the instructions on the description of my Programming Skill mod should cover it.
This was actually an old project of mine that I've recently re-taken.
See this thread for more details.
Of course this mod should take full advantage of a custom Posture (I use one here and another one on
the Japanese Culture Trait but I haven't really understood how they work), so Sims won't have to stand
and kneel again to use another table-related available interaction.
All respective authors and contributors of the tools and tutorials for modding TS3.
MTS and all modders who made the game much more enjoyable.
Kilhian for the original chopsticks as accessory item. I've also copied from his/her poses the
way the hand and fingers holding the chopsticks are positioned and rotated. You can see
the difference with the child version that I did completely from scratch.
Murfee for making the child version of the chopsticks. Credits to Kilhian for the original mesh and textures.
icarus_allsorts and douglasveiga for their suggestions.
| 4 packages inside, one goes into the Overrides folder
Uploaded: 22nd Apr 2017, 177.8 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 22nd Apr 2017 at 5:17 PM - Minor BugFix
by Arsil 20th Dec 2014 at 2:11pm
21 25.9k 61
by Arsil updated 4th Aug 2015 at 11:43pm
62 105.1k 256
by Arsil 27th Jul 2015 at 10:49am
13 31k 97
by Arsil updated 8th Jul 2016 at 4:42pm
36 63.2k 206
by Arsil 29th Jun 2016 at 2:08pm
14 32.5k 62
Updated - Collection Doll - object mod
by zoe22 updated 2nd Sep 2018 at 10:37pm
+1 packs
by mingos updated 19th Oct 2021 at 11:32pm
20 23.3k 77
by fantuanss12 updated 7th Jun 2024 at 11:55am
11 13.3k 49
by Twinsimming updated 27th Jan 2025 at 1:42am
9 7.4k 27