Mangaka Active Career
Preview.jpg - width=1025 height=689
IntegrationWithWritingSkill.jpg - width=1366 height=768
Mod Info, Requirements, Object Specs and Cataloguing
4th July 20163rd July 2016
- Book length made xml tunable ("MangakaTable Tuning"). Average is 45 pages,
usually TS3-comics are 30 pages long, but for fast reading Sims that can be too short.2nd July 2016
- Amount of money earned when getting a manga published made a bit more random
- Now receiving editor tips only works when creating a new manga (not continuing an already started one) and, as before, only if the meeting wasn't older than 3 sim-days.
- Now publishing and meeting the editor is only available on decent hours (9-21, not on week ends)
- Now meeting the editor might generate 2 very rare events: to trigger them the mangaka needs at least 3 Brilliant and/or Masterpiece manga.
- Fixed the percentages on the career stats report
- Added a field in "MangakaTable Tuning" to enable/disable autonomy of the mod: it is applied only to the draw manga interaction, but if Sims can't draw then all other interactions can't be used
- Changed how Writing and Painting skills improve when drawing manga. Now they improve only when finishing a manga and the amount of skillpoints gained is xml tunable (in "MangakaTable Tuning").
- Increased the default base value for the money gained by publishing a manga (previously it was too low) and made tunable the amount added for each career level. For a normal manga now the average is 300 simoleons at level 1 and 500 at level 5.
- Fixed the time needed to complete a manga. The default value is set as a pretty long duration,
but Sims will stop if their motives are low.- I've tried to rebalance the mod since Sims were gaining xp at a ridicoulous rate. Now drawing
manga increases the Painting and Writing skill very slowly.- The career has 5 levels. Now Sims will not gain xp while drawing when they are at the level 1
of the career because they will automatically reach level 2 when they get their first manga published
(they shouldn't level up either by improving the Painting and/or Writing skill). From level 2 onwards
they will normally gain xp from drawing manga and from improving those two skills.- Improved the Career Stats report with percentages
Game version 1.67 (might work with other patch levels, beats me)
This mod requires Ambitions (note: it doesn't need it because it's an active career,
but because it uses objects and animations from that EP).
This mod does NOT require NRaas Careers.
MangakaTable (maybe I called it workbench somewhere), same stats of the DraftingTable, found in
- BuyCatalog/ByFunction/Entertainment/HobbiesAndSkills
- probably elsewhere
Mangaka = manga creator
This mod might use copyrighted material, see the Additional Credits section for more info.
This is a custom Active Career. It's not exciting as it sounds, it's very basic and it will get boring
pretty soon. You need 2 things to make the career work:
- have a BookStore Rabbit Hole
- have a MangakaTable (a cloned DraftingTable)
Here's a brief summary of how it works:
- You join the career from the bookstore RH or from the table (if that option is enabled from the xml).
- Using the MangakaTable you draw a manga (a single page, like a painting, so use your fantasy
to pretend it's a whole book)- You take the manga/draft from the table (there's an interaction but you can also dragAndDrop it in your inventory)
- You give a name to the manga (clicking on it)
- You click on the manga/draft in your inventory or directly on a bookstore RH to get the interaction to [try to] publish it
- Based on career level, if you recently met your editor and randomness it will be published or rejected (destroyed)
- If published, the picture will be turned into a book (you'll get it in your mailbox after some time). You'll get paid
immediately, there are no royalties. I know it's unrealistic but that's how I wanted to do it.- If the integration with the writing skill is enabled from the xml (by default is not enabled) then the manga will count
as a written book. You should also found it in libraries (but you might need UL, since it is a Comic).
The mod is XML tunable. See for yourself how it can be configured (it's self-explanatory),
especially the resources "Mangaka Tuning" and "MangakaTable Tuning".
You can't join the career from a computer or newspaper.
There are no opportunities. I tried but I did something wrong or it isn't as easy as with custom
skills (if the way NRaas Careers implemented them is of any indication, then it's probably the
latter). I wanted to add autograph sessions but only regular careers can easily implement that.
Painting and Writing skill will help in this career. And using the MangakaTable will slowly improve them both.
When you improve them you'll get xp for the career and they help to get more frequently Brilliant and
Masterpiece manga drafts that will turn into Hit and Bestseller books.
The interaction to meet the editor helps reducing the chances to have a manga rejected. You have to
use it before starting to draw a new manga and it will count only if used up to 3 days before starting
the new manga. Note that "the editor" is just a fake, there isn't a Sim with that role.
Clicking on the MangakaTable you can selecte an interaction that shows the career stats
(number of manga published and lifetime earnings).
The database of pictures (it is the resource called ArsilMangaDB) is pretty small (see the Additional
Credits section below for more info) and some of them are available only to Sims with certain traits
(I did that also to demonstrate how to do it in case someone want to create its own database: it works
like a simplified version of the database of the paintings for the easel) so you'll often see the same picture.
Can't say I'm a manga fan myself, I just took a few pictures I liked trying to be careful about copyrights.
Sims will use the career related interactions also autonomously. Yes, also leaving home to go to the
bookstore (the bookstore is always open so they might do it in weird hours, maybe make the Sim skip
work... oh wait, being a Mangaka is their work). If they already have a manga in their inventory they
won't draw another one and they can only publish one manga each day (to avoid to make them overwork).
They will not autonomously give a name to drafts and they will not meet the editor.
But keep in mind that if you are playing another household then not selectable Sims are not fully simulated
so they won't use interactions unless you hang out with them or they are "on camera" (IIRC).
I've tested the un-installation of the mod and everything seemed fine even if I saved while Sims were
drawing manga, removed the mod and then reloaded the game. But better not be so daring, ok?
Additional Credits
All respective authors and contributors of the tools and tutorials for modding TS3.
MTS and all modders who made the game much more enjoyable.
No copyright infringement intended.
I'm not an expert, I may have used fan made pictures instead of the real deal.
The small size of the images (and often the change of proportion to fit the canvas)
lowers a lot their quality and so should grant permission to use them (I hope this
is a real thing and my cousin didn't make it up).
- Arsil_MangaPicture_1_3 is from
- Arsil_MangaPicture_2_5 is from Dr. Slump
- Arsil_MangaPicture_3_5 is from Bakuman
- Arsil_MangaPicture_3_5_TraitRelated is from Hellsing
- Arsil_MangaPicture_3_5_Genious is from Death Note
- Arsil_MangaPicture_3_5B is from Attack on Titan
- Arsil_MangaPicture_3_5B_TraitRelated is from Berserk
- Arsil_MangaPicture_3_5B_Virtuoso is from Beck
- Arsil_MangaPicture_4_5 is from Maison Ikkoku
- Arsil_MangaPicture_4_5_Virtuoso is from Nodame Cantabile
Uploaded: 4th Jul 2016, 239.3 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 4th Jul 2016 at 8:49 AM - Updated Version: see Updates section
#mangaka, #manga, #career, #custom career, #active career, #custom active career, #comics, #comic, #book, #books
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 3 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Ambitions |