Auto Shorter Teens
THUMB.jpg - width=753 height=755
MaleHeights.jpg - width=1028 height=800
Comparison of verson heights.
FemaleHeights.jpg - width=1034 height=800
Comparison of verson heights.
HouseholdPanel.jpg - width=450 height=243
RelationshipPanel.jpg - width=880 height=636
InGame.jpg - width=1488 height=871
Heights as seen in game.
GroupChat.jpg - width=1020 height=1020
Teen and Adult Sims chatting.

This has been a long time coming.
Ever since the announcement of The Sims 4 and the realisation that Teens would be the same height as Adults I have hoped and dreamed that it would one day be possible to shorten them down with mods.
Mods were created to address this and I was overjoyed but then patches would break them only for them to never be updated.
Fantastic sliders were created to alter the heights of Sims but it all had to be done manually and then reset once a Sim aged past the Teen stage.
I wanted something that would work automatically on all Teens in the game whether played or not and return them to normal height once they passed the Teen stage.
Today I bring you just that!

This mod is an amalgamation of my own work and that of several other wonderful creators used with their permission.
I would very much like to thank simmythesim for the initial early work into height sliders and a shorter Teen mod.
Luumia whos height sliders the modifiers in this mod come from.
NiveaSimsCC whos bone delta values were added to Luumia's modifiers to tweak the result more to my liking.
And CmarNYC for piecing together how to obtain the Instance values required to make this mod work.
Without the help of these wonderful creators I would not have been able to bring this to you today.
So, onto the details.
First of all this is NOT a slider or a body preset.
This mod overrides the Teen specific CAS Modifier Tuning XMLs for each of the occult types and adds in a new reference to the short height modifier.
This means that any Sim that is created as a Teen in CAS, or ages up to a Teen through normal gameplay will automatically be shorter than Adult Sims. It also means that once they age past the Teen stage they will return to the default height for an Adult Sim.
You don't need to do anything different to have this mod take affect on newly created or aged Teens.
It is important to note, however, that already existing Teens will NOT automatically become shorter upon installing this mod. There is a way around this though.
Open the cheat console and enter the cas.fulleditmode cheat. Now take the existing Teen Sim into CAS either through a mirror, dresser, or other method. Once in CAS you need to change either the Sim's frame or gender and then switch back for the shorter height to be applied. You can then exit CAS.
I haven't noticed any oddities when Teens interact with or carry Toddlers or small pets.
A side effect of this mod makes Teen portraits from the Relationships and Household Members panels appear lower in the frame when compared to Adults. If this bothers you, SimplyAnjuta has created a camera override mod to alter the zoom level for all portrait thumbnails ensuring shorter Teens don't get their faces cut off. It fixes a few other things too. Check it out.
I hope you all enjoy your (mostly) automatically shorter Teens!
As with all height related mods there will be some clipping of animations and certain interactions between Sims of different heights may not align correctly. Correcting those is outside the scope of this mod although I have tried to use values that reduce this.
Teens and Young Adults uploaded to the Gallery will be flagged as containing CC. Pointed out to me by Spiderses. I forgot to check Gallery usage.
This mod is, as far as I am aware and have tested, compatible with other height slider mods. This means you can alter the individual heights of Sims still, including Teens, if you like with the use of other CC sliders.
When creating a Sim and selecting a new body preset for a Teen they may reset to Adult height. To fix this simply swap their gender and then swap back again. Swapping frames does not work in this situation.
On one occassion during testing, after editing a pre-existing Teen their left hand went missing after exiting CAS. After a few minutes of in-game time the hand returned on its own.
If you use Khitsule's pointy ears unlocker then make sure to choose one of the "PlusEarsUnlocker" versions.
This mod also corrects an EA error where the tuning for Teen Spellcasters incorrectly classifies them as Vampires instead.
Client_CASModifierTuning_Teen Tuning 03B33DDF_E1FA47187F9E9BF1_00000000
Client_CASModifierTuning_Teen Sim Data 545AC67A_E1FA47187F9E9BF1_00ABFFCF
Client_CASModifierTuning_Teen_Alien Tuning 03B33DDF_BE63AAAEBE49A3C1_00000003
Client_CASModifierTuning_Teen_Alien Sim Data 545AC67A_BE63AAAEBE49A3C1_00ABFFCF
Client_CASModifierTuning_Teen_Vampire Tuning 03B33DDF_3094DEBB30BE6666_00000011
Client_CASModifierTuning_Teen_Vampire Sim Data 545AC67A_3094DEBB30BE6666_00ABFFCF
Client_CASModifierTuning_Teen_Witch Tuning 03B33DDF_199A4F150F33F6F5_00000015
Client_CASModifierTuning_Teen_Witch Sim Data 545AC67A_199A4F150F33F6F5_00ABFFCF
Client_CASModifierTuning_Teen_Mermaid Tuning 03B33DDF_6BBB96F4B8CDE5DD_0000001C
Client_CASModifierTuning_Teen_Mermaid Sim Data 545AC67A_6BBB96F4B8CDE5DD_00ABFFCF
Client_CASModifierTuning_YoungAdult Tuning 03B33DDF_1B23A51E1ABBED89_00000000
Client_CASModifierTuning_YoungAdult Sim Data 545AC67A_1B23A51E1ABBED89_00ABFFCF
Client_CASModifierTuning_YoungAdult_Alien Tuning 03B33DDF_6FBBB0BC4E50F4F9_00000003
Client_CASModifierTuning_YoungAdult_Alien Sim Data 545AC67A_6FBBB0BC4E50F4F9_00ABFFCF
Client_CASModifierTuning_YoungAdult_Vampire Tuning 03B33DDF_2F54E49AEFD1EF8E_00000011
Client_CASModifierTuning_YoungAdult_Vampire Sim Data 545AC67A_2F54E49AEFD1EF8E_00ABFFCF
Client_CASModifierTuning_YoungAdult_Witch Tuning 03B33DDF_74A375278767B83D_00000015
Client_CASModifierTuning_YoungAdult_Witch Sim Data 545AC67A_74A375278767B83D_00ABFFCF
Client_CASModifierTuning_YoungAdult_Mermaid Tuning 03B33DDF_143E7A2AAC002ED5_0000001C
Client_CASModifierTuning_YoungAdult_Mermaid Sim Data 545AC67A_143E7A2AAC002ED5_00ABFFCF
Client_CASModifierTuning_Adult Tuning 03B33DDF_0142590040BA357B_00000000
Client_CASModifierTuning_Adult Sim Data 545AC67A_0142590040BA357B_00ABFFCF
Client_CASModifierTuning_Adult_Alien Tuning 03B33DDF_C0BE9A7720FC67E3_00000003
Client_CASModifierTuning_Adult_Alien Sim Data 545AC67A_C0BE9A7720FC67E3_00ABFFCF
Client_CASModifierTuning_Adult_Vampire Tuning 03B33DDF_3095EFEBFF28DF0C_00000011
Client_CASModifierTuning_Adult_Vampire Sim Data 545AC67A_3095EFEBFF28DF0C_00ABFFCF
Client_CASModifierTuning_Adult_Witch Tuning 03B33DDF_AB1AB301174DFA63_00000015
Client_CASModifierTuning_Adult_Witch Sim Data 545AC67A_AB1AB301174DFA63_00ABFFCF
Client_CASModifierTuning_Adult_Mermaid Tuning 03B33DDF_9ABA088E05876AFF_0000001C
Client_CASModifierTuning_Adult_Mermaid Sim Data 545AC67A_9ABA088E05876AFF_00ABFFCF
Client_CASModifierTuning_Adult_Werewolf Tuning 03B33DDF_CDCC85F806525D91_00000000
Client_CASModifierTuning_Adult_Werewolf Sim Data 545AC67A_CDCC85F806525D91_00ABFFCF
Client_CASModifierTuning_Elder Tuning 03B33DDF_8C1D6C1E399C2C4F_00000000
Client_CASModifierTuning_Elder Sim Data 545AC67A_8C1D6C1E399C2C4F_00ABFFCF
Client_CASModifierTuning_Elder_Alien Tuning 03B33DDF_A8209F1127B071F7_00000003
Client_CASModifierTuning_Elder_Alien Sim Data 545AC67A_A8209F1127B071F7_00ABFFCF
Client_CASModifierTuning_Elder_Vampire Tuning 03B33DDF_7474F81D0ABA95F0_00000011
Client_CASModifierTuning_Elder_Vampire Sim Data 545AC67A_7474F81D0ABA95F0_00ABFFCF
Client_CASModifierTuning_Elder_Witch Tuning 03B33DDF_044FA864968DB08F_00000015
Client_CASModifierTuning_Elder_Witch Sim Data 545AC67A_044FA864968DB08F_00ABFFCF
Client_CASModifierTuning_Elder_Mermaid Tuning 03B33DDF_FC9BE6A298AD3DFB_0000001C
Client_CASModifierTuning_Elder_Mermaid Sim Data 545AC67A_FC9BE6A298AD3DFB_00ABFFCF
The mod will conflict with CaS Modifiers bugfix: Aging & Randomization by Shimrod101 although that mod may no longer work anyway since the other modifiers used in it seem to have been removed from the game files.
It will also conflict with Pointy Ears Unlocked - All Ages by Khitsune. If you use this, make sure to download the "PlusEarsUnlocker" version instead and place the file in an Override folder.
Also conflicts with CAS Mod: Presets Selection for Randomized Sims by SimplyAnjuta. Specifically the file for altering the body presets of Sims. The brows, beards, and skintone files are still safe to use.

Another update in an attempt to prevent issues that some players have reported where Sims will shrink down to the modified Teen height once reaching the Adult stage. The mod now includes the tunings for the Adult and Elder life stages. This update is currently only for the versions without the pointed ears unlocker.
13th July 2022
A small update to reflect changes made to the Young Adult tuning with the Werewolves patch. Sadly, due to the way the Sims Team have set up the tuning this time, it is not possible to make Teens shorter while in their wolf form. They should still be shorter while in human form though.
12th March 2021
In an attempt to address the issue where Teens will not get taller when aging to Young Adults for some players, I have recreated the mod with fresh tuning and now included the Young Adult modifier tunings with minor alterations as well.
26th May 2020
Thanks to the feedback from cedrigo I have made it so that Teens necks will now scale down to better suit the smaller propotions. This will affect all Sims as there are no seperate modifiers for the different gender options.
DClick mentioned that this mod conflicts with Khitsule's Pointy Ears Unlocker and so I have added a new version which should mean you can keep both files in your game and still have access to the pointy ears modifiers for Teens.
Lastly, FullMetalAlchemist requested a version that uses the same height as NiveaSimsCC's Teen Preset. There are two versions of this. One with the pointed ears unlocked and one without.
If you spot anything iffy please let me know. I had to edit a lot of numerical values for all the new versions and my eyes might have missed something.
Additional Credits:
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
MMautoShorterTeens.package | package | 94938 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
MMautoShorterTeensPlusEarsUnlocker.package | package | 58526 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
MMautoShorterTeensShortestPlusEarsUnlocker.package | package | 58523 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
MMautoShorterTeensShortest.package | package | 94930 |
| Alternate version to make Teens even shorter. Same height as the Teen preset by NiveaSimsCC.
Uploaded: 15th Nov 2022, 74.9 KB.
| Basic mod to make Teens shorter. Main download.
Uploaded: 15th Nov 2022, 74.8 KB.
| Same as basic file but also unlocks pointed ear manipulation for users of the unlocker by Khitsule.
Uploaded: 13th Jul 2022, 40.3 KB.
| For players who want the shortest Teens and also use the pointy ears unlocker by Khitsule.
Uploaded: 13th Jul 2022, 40.1 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
Read the upload description for installation instructions. If nothing else is specified, do the following:
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) into your Mods folder
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Need more information?
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
- Mod still not working? Make sure you have script mods enabled
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Updated: 1st Sep 2023 at 7:43 PM - Additional Info
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