Newspaper Default Replacement
newspaper.png - width=1030 height=1030
difference.png - width=1167 height=1167
vs.png - width=1400 height=600
EAvsMine.png - width=1030 height=1030
I shoeswapped tfbodypaperdelivery and tmbodypaperdelivery with shoes from EA's tmbottomboardshorts ("converted" to females by me) and also edited the clothes + cap's textures. I disliked EA's hair, so I've also included a hair default replacement for tmhairhatballcapnpc and tfhairhatballcapnpc (which only affects the newspaper delivery's hair). This default is a mesh edit by me of rented-space's 3t2 baseball cap, but with EA's NPC cap (using fanseelamb's edited mesh on the male one). There were a lot of hair recolors/systems available for this mesh, so I've included many options but you have to choose one of them since they are all defaults. Of course, if you would like EA's original hair you have that as an option as well.
I've changed and fixed things in both textures and meshes, therefore there's some stuff I need to explain. This might be confusing since I have to use the word "newspaper" a lot (I've re-written this part so many times now lol). I tried my best to not make it confusing but if you really don't understand or there's some part you can't grasp, then feel free to message me. Preferably over at my tumblr or by commenting here. Please @ me so I get a notification!
NPC Clothing
- Fixed some clipping in the meshes
- Erased some weird shadows on the clothes' texture
- Fixed the socks' edges + erased EA's horrendous shadows under the shorts + on the socks as well
- Shoeswapped with shoes from tmbottomboardshorts
- For some reason, the socks on the male mesh is noticeable lower than on the female mesh. This bothered me so I edited the mapping on the male mesh to make the socks a bit higher, but this resulted in the skin's highlight being moved a bit upwards. I personally don't mind this, but I've included two files so you can choose if you want this change or not (meaning you have to choose one of them). I did it this way since I found it unneccessary to add a whole new texture just bc of some socks haha. You can compare them here.
- EA originally added the texture for the newspapers in the bag on the back onto the clothing texture. What I did instead was making them a separate group, remapped them a bit and then texture referenced them to newspaper-inside-pages-clean-01_txtr (why I texture referenced it to the inside page is because I couldn't get it to look good using the outside texture unfortunately)
If you choose to use my newspaper texture default replacement (for the object), the NPC clothing's newspapers in the bag will automatically pick up the newspaper default replacement (like seen on the image). This means that you can use my NPC clothing default without using my newspaper texture default if you would like to. It will then use EA's newspaper texture (or whatever default you have for newspaper-inside-pages-clean-01_txtr). If you on the other hand only install my newspaper texture default (for the object) and another NPC newspaper delivery clothing default (or EA's for that matter), the newspapers in the bag on the clothing will not be using my newspaper texture (since it's not a separate group and will be using the texture from the clothes' texture).
NPC Hair
Included in the download is a default replacement for the newspaper delivery NPC's hair. It's a mesh edit by me of rented-space's 3t2 baseball cap, but with EA's NPC cap (using fanseelamb's edited mesh on the male one). The hair textures were all 1024x1024, but I decreased them down to 512x512 since I tbh didn't notice any quality loss but if you really want them in 1024x1024 you can easily replace the textures in SimPE. Also, the hair has some minor transparency issues but nothing too noticable, plus, the newspaper delivery's hair is always blond and the transparency issues are nearly invisible on the blond hair.
There's also a texture replacement for the caps included. I texture referenced the cap's texture (on my mesh edit default that is) to uuhairhatballcapnpc-fblond_txtr and uuhairhatballcapnpc-mblond_txtr. This means that if you use my new NPC hair default, you will still need my cap texture replacement file, otherwise the caps will not be in my new color. In other words: both files are supposed to be used together. If you on the other hand would like to have EA's original hair but my new cap, only install my cap texture replacement.
Since I texture referenced the cap's texture, it is possible to use my hair mesh default replacement with any default for uuhairhatballcapnpc-fblond_txtr and uuhairhatballcapnpc-mblond_txtr you might have, it will automatically pick up your default (or EA's original for that matter).
Newspaper Texture
My newspaper default replacement replaces EA's boring monochrome textures with new, colorful pictures (+ nicer weather icons)! Textures defaulted are:
- newspaper-outside-pages-clean_txtr
- newspaper-outside-pages-dirty_txtr
- newspaper-inside-pages-clean-01_txtr
- newspaper-inside-pages-clean-02_txtr
- newspaper-inside-pages-dirty_txtr
- newsprintparticle_txtr
- newspaper_printing_txtr
I've enlarged the clean pages (by using this) so the textures are now 512x512 instead of 256x256. The dirty pages are still 256x256 though as I didn't see a need for them to be bigger. You can compare EA's textures with mine here, the dirty textures can be compared here, newsprintparticle here and newspaper_printing here.
I have absolutely no idea when or how "newsprintparticle" and "newspaper_printing" are used, but I replaced them with colorful versions anyway. If you know, please enlighten me!
itsdiamondeyesuniverse has a mod here which randomizes the NPC newspaper delivery hair (+ others) and smithycpl has a more realistic newspaper mod here which might be of interest to you. None of these are required for my defaults to work (but they are compatible), I just felt like recommending them :-)
As usual, if you have any defaults in your downloads folder defaulting the same thing as any of my files, you have to remove them before installing mine. If you stumble upon any problems or such, let me know! All files have been compressed to reduce file size. No merged versions available this time, to reduce any more confusion haha.
criquette-was-here, deedee-sims, dreadpirate, episims, serabiet, taylors-simblr and poppet-sims for their beautiful pictures I've used in the newspaper textures :-) thank you all again for letting me use them! I also want to thank simmer22 for helping me whenever I asked for help here on MTS :-)
Weather icons (slightly edited by me) are from vectorstock, the pizza is this picture from simsfandom and the image used in the printing txtr is this. I've also used this image in the texture, but I genuinely can't find the original source of it. Hopefully the simmer behind it will be ok with me using it. If you know who it's from, please let me know so I can credit them properly!
rented-space for the hair conversion and pooklet + lilith hair recolors, Lemonlion for defaulting the hair, fanseelamb for the edited male cap mesh, selenaq13 for the remi hair recolors, peppermint-ginger for their hair colors, taylors-simblr for the poppet v1+v2 hair recolors, krabbysims for their hair recolors and Pooklet, Lilith, Remi, Zeusar, Poppet and TheRaven for textures/colors. Plus anyone else these talented people would have credited. All these hair systems are making my head spin lmao so if I missed anyone, please let me know. Otherwise, I think that's all? Happy simming!
Uploaded: 28th May 2020, 17.27 MB.
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Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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