Virginity/Ask If Virgin Mod Revamped +Update

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Hello, This is my first revamped upload.

What It Does

This mod gives sims a permanent moodlet describing if sims are virgins or not. As well as add an interaction which allows friends and romantic partners to ask each other if they are virgins. Additionally, I added a moodlet that keeps track of who you recently woohooed with.

How It Works

(Virgin/LostVirginity moodlets)

-If the sim has never had their first woohoo then the virgin moodlet will be applied to that sim. If that sim later experiences their first woohoo then they will lose their virgin moodlet and then the Lost Virginity moodlet will be applied to that sim. Additionally, the moodlet will be permanent and it will contain the first name of the sim that they Woohooed with for the first time. The length of each moodlet is permanent. The Virgin and Lost Virginity Moodlet is applicable to both Male and Female sims.

(Ask If Virgin Interaction)

A sim that is a young adult or above can ask other sims that are young adults or above if they are virgins or not. Teen sims can also ask among each other whether they are virgins or not. Additionally, with the revamped version only sims that are friends or in a romantic relationship can ask each other if they are virgins or not.

(Additional Moodlet)

The Additional moodlet is Recently Had Woohoo. This moodlet will keep track of your most recent woohoo and it will have the first name of the sim that you recently woohooed with.

Known Issues

-If the sim has the moodlet Lost Virginity and gets reset, the sim's firstname of who they woohooed with for the first time will disappear from the moodlet. In order to fix this, you would need to remove the new Lost Virginity Moodlet and then make the sim Woohoo with the sim that they had their first Woohoo with. Then they will recieve a new Lost Virginity moodlet and it will contain the other sims first name.

It should not conflict with any other mod, as it just adds a new interaction, A new moodlet, and applies them all using events in the game.

The fact that no one ever made a mod that keeps track of virginity.

Update 2.0
Update 2.0 provides two updated packages. The just adds STBL's for other languages. Meaning the mod can work when a simmer plays on a different language. Additionally, for those who asked I made a seperate package called MonoDoll_VirginityModAlteredIcons2.0. This package includes new images for the Virginity/Lost Virginity Buff as well as the additional STBL's for other languages. The image is a small flower bud and a flower blooming as requested.

With the MonoDoll_VirginityMod+ItalianTranslation package, the mod is now translated in Italian whenever the game is on the Italian language. Massive thanks to LadyIsabeaux for providing me the translation!

Update 3.0
Update 3.0 fixes a bug that was brought to my attention. In the previous versions if you attempted to use the "Ask If Virgin" Interaction on a sim outside of your active household, the script would fail to show the notification pop up of the "target" sim answering that question. With this patch, you should now be able to ask any sim if they are a virgin or not whether they are in your household or out of it.

Additional Credits

The individuals who helped me on the forums when I had questions:

Italian Translation:

Made using s3pe, VS 2019, Battery's Script Mod Template Creator, ILSpy, Inkscape.
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