Hairdresser Mod - Impress Clients, Temporarily Dye Hair and More!

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Hairdressing is playable from the hairdresser side as well as the client side and you can choose whether or not using the chair takes you into CAS when playing an active hairdresser/client.
Mods which add extra functionality: Consort's Age Mod*. FloTheory's Just Sit Mod**.
- Better handling of appointments and triggering hairdresser to do hair.
- Renamed file with underscores instead of full stops
- Trad. Chinese Translation updated, thanks to PieceOfCarambola!
- Added a new alarm for the hairdresser appointments to rightfully catch when sims are late!
- Added missing 'reschedule appointment' string.
- Make hairdresser appointments for later in the week.
- Hairdressers can also take styling classes to brush up on their skills.
- Getting paid now counts as career pay for non-stylist career sims too meaning it can be paid automatically into (Social Club mod) Bronzo accounts.
- Chair tooltip edited slightly.
- Choosing the days off is done by a pop up list rather than having to type in the day. This does mean you'll have to set them up again for your chairs!
10/11/23 - Inactive hairdressers will now properly take active sims into CAS.
01/03/23 - Added Hungarian STBL thanks to mannie23. Buff no longer will show for pets. Added hair colouring system and 'impress' sim system. CAS no longer changes sims' age. Added uninstallation cheat. There are some new strings for translators
09/11/22 - Fixed issue with chair not taking player into CAS.
08/11/22 - Added Italian STBL thanks to Wyvern!
04/11/22 - Fixed foreign language strings. Please re-download if you had blank text!
02/11/22 - Added German STBL thanks to Nasenfahrrad!
01/11/22 - Added Portugal Portuguese STBL thanks to David Manaia! Added French STBL thanks to MissPat! Added Russian STBL thanks to HYDRO1st!
31/10/22 - Added Brazilian Portuguese STBL thanks to cabrereo80!
Hairdressing Chair
Choose a sim to own the hairdressing chair and get started.
- Change Name
- Set Owner
- Set Days Off
- Set Working Time
- Set Cost of Services
- Enter CAS toggle
- Reset Chair
The chair doesn't automatically call sims to work during open hours so hairdressing can be used as a side-gig if desired. To get sims to the lot when you're not playing them, or perhaps when you are playing them, consider: my generic register mod, Arsil's generic marker mod or using a (custom) career + ultimate careers.
Keep track of your successes, fails and styling skill level with the new portfolio object. Inactive sims will autonomously browse the portfolio and if they're impressed by what they see, will consider getting their hair done. So make sure to keep a portfolio (you can have multiple) in your sim's shop/kitchen.
- Set Owner
Chair/Portfolio ownership is available to sims Teen+. Please note, the sim must be on the same lot as the chair/portfolio to be eligible for ownership.
Hairdresser Interactions
- Offer To Do Hair
- Offer To Dye Greys*
Offer To Retouch Colour
Offer To Remove Colour
> For the above interactions, the hairdresser will call over the chosen potential customer to get their hair done. The potential customer will contemplate if they want to take up the offer and will either accept/decline. Base accept chance: 40%. Sims with too little money will decline, frugal sims are less likely to accept. If the cost of service is over 100 simoleons, but the hairdresser styling skill is less than 5, sims are also less likely to accept. Sims which are friends with the hairdresser, and sims with the bad hair day buff are more likely to accept and if the sim is an ambitions styling client, they will always accept. If the customer in question doesn't have enough funds, you'll be unable to offer them the service. - Check Stats
> This is a portfolio interaction. It will return a list of the styling skill, total customers served as well as successful and failed styling jobs. - Shoo Off Chair**
> If a sim is relaxing in the chair, not getting their hair done, the hairdresser can shoo them off. Please note: as soon as a sim is on their way to relax in the chair, the game marks the chair as 'in use', so technically, you can shoo a while they're on their way to sitting down.

Hairdressers can try and convince potential clients to get their hair done. If headline effects are turned on, you will see the progress bar above the potential client’s head. The more you convince them, the more likely the sim will be to agree to have their hair done. Progress will decay over time and the more the interactions are repeated, the less impress ‘points’ they will give. Interactions found under 'Hairdressing' tab.
- Talk About Skill (req. styling skill lvl 2) - Higher impress points are given for more styling skill. Genuis hairdressers will get higher points. If clients are in a bad mood or are stressed out, it negatively impacts how much they are impressed.
- Suggest Sim Look at Portfolio (req. portfolio on lot) - Charismatic hairdressers have better impress results. Clients having a bad hair day, plus artistic, snobbish, no sense of humour-ish, perceptive and observant clients will be more impressed. Grumpy and art-hating sims will be less impressed.
- Evaluate Hair (req. styling skill lvl 5) - Easily impressed, artistic, excitable and bad hair day having clients will be more impressed. Charismatic, artistic, born salesperson hairdressers will impress them more.
- Name Drop Famous Clients (req. sim to know celebrity) - Clients with 'next big thing', excitable or easily impressed traits are more impressed. Dramatic hairdressers get better impress results. If the client has a lower or same level of fame, they will be more impressed. Evil clients won't care.
- Convince To Get Hair Done (req. styling skill lvl 7) - Charismatic, irresistable, schmoozer, charisma skilled, painting skilled hairdressers will impress clients more. Clients having a bad hair day, a midlife crisis or heartbreak will be more impressed. Enemies will not be impressed.
> For each of the above interactions, sims' thought bubbles may give an indication as to why or why they weren't impressed.
> Hairdressers with the publicly disgraced buff will have less chance of impressing clients. Likewise, hairdressers with the x-factor trait will have a boost at impressing clients.
> After being successfully convinced, clients will route to the chair to get their hair done. If they have any grown out hair colour, it will be redyed. If the hairdressing chair is being used, they will sit elsewhere to wait for their turn.
Client Interactions
- Get Hair Done
> If hair colour is changed, it will be added to the sim for a default time of 7 days. After 4 days, the roots and any dyed eyebrows will become revert back to the original colour.
- Get Greys Dyed*
> If Consort's Age mod is installed, sims will get their grey hair dyed using 'expensive hair dye'. -
Get Colour Retouched
> If hair colour has grown out this becomes available -
Get Colour Removed
- Wait For Turn
> This interaction is pushed both autonomously and if the active sim is directed to get hair done on a chair that is occupied. The sim will find a living chair in the same room as the hairdressing chair and wait (for a max time of 40 minutes) for the hairdresser to finish with their current client. Once the chair is free, they will be pushed to get their hair done as normal. - Browse Portfolio
> This is an autonomous only interaction. If successful, the sim will be pushed to consider getting hair done. - Consider Getting Hair Done
> This is an autonomous only interaction. If successful, the sim will be pushed to sit and get their hair done.
> For both the above interactions, certain sims are more likely than others to do this (please see the ITUNS) and sims on a salon lot are very likely to do these interactions if positive trait scoring.
Base success chance: 30%. The hairdresser having 0 successful jobs, having more than 2 failed jobs with < 5 styling skill, being enemies or having a recent negative interaction with sim, decreases the chance of success. Having a recent positive/funny interaction with sim, being friends, hairdresser skill > 7, having more than 10 successful jobs and having more successful jobs than failed jobs increase success chance.
Successes and Fails
If you enter CAS, the changes you make will always be applied and your sim will always be paid. However, regardless of changes made, the completed hairstyle can either be deemed a success or a failure.
Hairdressers with a high styling skill (the hidden skill from ambitions) are less likely to fail. Doing hair will increase the styling skill. Customers with the following traits: snob, grumpy, mean-spirited, can't stand art, neurotic, perceptive and frugal are more likely to dislike their new hairstyle and will react according to their traits.
The chair is compatible with the Ambitions Styling Career; you can fulfil hairstyling jobs (even without going into CAS) and gain XP.
Bad Hair Day - Teen and Above
Sims may randomly get this buff after waking up.
Base chance: 20%. Having any of the following traits, increase chances by 10% (in total, not per trait): snob, neat, neurotic, diva, flirty, perceptive, perfectionist). Teen and YA females have extra 10% chance. Adult and Elder Males have extra 10% chance.
Visiting a hairdresser will remove this trait if the interaction is successful.

The hairdressing chair can be used with no problems if slotted into a table.
The mod can be tuned using NRaas Retuner as well as via. the xml in the main mod package.
Sims aged children and above can get their hair done.
To go along with Consort's mod, sims adult and above can get their grey hairs dyed. If Consort's mod is not activated for the sim getting their greys dyed, it will be automatically activated. If installing, please make sure to thoroughly read the instructions for that mod.
Pregnant sims and the father of their baby will have hair colour removed upon the start of labour contractions.
To revert all hair colour back to original, use cheat 'uninstallhaircolour' in the cheat console.
Special Thanks:
Sandy at AroundTheSims for making the object and prop meshes which I used with permission. The props and hairdressing chair pre-sets are unchanged, one of the chair slots has been edited for routing purposes. I've edited the portfolio to include images of my own sims from my saves.
TS4 Get Famous pack for the hairdressing animations in particular. The browsing animations were also converted from TS4.
Battery for the Script Utility Mod template.
desiree101 for helping test the mod and taking lots of pictures for me to see it in action.
MissPat for helping test the mod and (besides a few tweaks) writing the majority of the trait-specific strings that pop up after a failed makeover.
zoe22 and Lyralei for their help on the Creator's Discord.
Object Info - Price/Category/Polygons
Hairdresser's Chair : 250 simoleons - Study/Hobbies and Skills + Comfort/Misc - 2569v/2304f
Porfolio : 50 simoleons - Study/Hobbies and Skills - 381v/408f
Prop Info - Not in Catalogue, Animations Only - Polygons
Scissors 271v/198f
Hairspray 218v/224f
Translator Files are available for download. Simply translate the appropriate XMLs and sent it back to me! Thanks

Filename | Type | Size |
PhoebeJaySims.HairdresserModd.rar | rar | |
Hairdresser Mod Documentation.docx | docx | 7983847 |
PhoebeJaySims_CollectionFile_HairdresserMod.package | package | 243 |
PhoebeJaySims_HairdresserMod_OBJECTS.package | package | 558626 |
PhoebeJaySims_HairdresserMod.package | package | 1288640 |
The following custom content is included in the downloadable files:
- Hairdresser's Porfolio - ATS3 by Around The Sims
- Hairspray by Around The Sims
- Hairdresser's Chair - ATS3 by Around The Sims
- Scissors by Around The Sims
| The Main Mod, Objects, Collection File and Documentation
Uploaded: 12th Feb 2025, 8.74 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Expansion Pack | |
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