Social Clubs Mod (+ banking) - Grow Memberships, Push Activities, Make Bank Accounts and More!
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With 50+ activities for you to push, including activities from over 10 different mods, and 4 specialised club types, you can create almost any club you can think of: book clubs, invite-only hangouts, afterschool clubs and more! Grow memberships, take part in tournaments and ship cute little subscription gifts straight to your sim’s door.
Note: This mod is very extensive, so please thoroughly READ the documentation in the download that I’ve painstakingly written up.
Note 2: This is not a recreation of the Sims 4 club system.
UPDATE - 01/07/2024
- Some under the hood additions for my allotment mod update
- Club owners should no longer leave their own club after a bad session or not meeting requirements.
- Trad. Chinese Translation updated, thanks to HKnowles
- New Activities Added: Meditate (using Twinsimming's Yoga Mat if mod installed, otherwise EA variation), Play Arcade Game (machines are FREE when autonomously pushed as club activity), Play Smack-a-gnome.
- Sims will be pushed to use the toilet if needed during hours.
- If buffet table/serving platter available, sims will be pushed to eat if hungry in formal clubs.
- Sims won't leave the club session when tired, only when exhausted or in strong negative mood.
- Fixed Bronzo card null error
Second time's the charm! Please redownload if still having issues with activities not pushing! - The fix won't apply to clubs currently in session (upon download) but it will apply during their next sessions.
- New activities: give lecture, watch TV, play video games.
- Hunger is auto resolved during formal clubs.
- Tried to fix teleporting lone club toddlers to no avail. If that works worse than before, sorry... seems to work better with inactive toddlers than active ones.
- Club restrictions enforced more strongly via. club board for necessary clubs.
- Fixed issue with bank transfers not completing when done direct through Bronzo object.
- Can order Bronzo card through computer when card is missing (not just stolen).
- Can end clubs early via. scheduler.
- Can leave club early via. scheduler.
- Can ask sim to join club activities for that session.
- Sign up another sim in your household to a club via. the club board.
- A sim dying should not make the club scheduler unusable anymore.
- Traditional Chinese translation added thanks to HKnowles.
- Added 'Practice Speech' from the podium and 'Make Potion' from the Chemistry table to the list of club activities.
- The ATM can now be used autonomously so you may see positive trait scoring inactive sims using it. See ITUN for details. No deposits, withdrawals or bank card details will be stolen when interacting autonomously.
Fixed an issue with the calendar not appearing under ambiguous circumstances. :/
Added family calendar object in study/hobbies and skills - check household club schedules for the week on residential lots and on community lots, when club schedulers are present in same room as calendar, check weekly schedules for those, otherwise if there are club schedulers present on the lot, but not in the same room, check weekly schedules for those.
Sims will also not autonomously choose to join a new clubs when part of a club with a conflicting schedule.
Added more tuning to the XML for club interest rates.
Brazilian Translation added, thanks to rodriguesp569!
'Eat' added to list of available activities. When sims have less than 50% hunger, they will take food from any available serving dishes. This includes modded and unmodded buffet tables.
German Translation updated, thanks to LimeyYoshi!
Russian Translation added, thanks to HYDRO1st!
Internal changes to Bronzo Bank Add Interest Alarm.
New Activities:
- Olomaya's Play Voidcritters (on both Simtendo Twitch and Phone)
- Olomaya's Activity Table Do Puzzle & Do Arts & Crafts
- Smoking (from Olomaya's Smoking Overhaul mod)
- Practice Knitting (from Zoe's Knitting mod)
Spanish Translation added, thanks to Luandros!
Clubs should run again for those without Seasons EP installed.
Dutch Translation added, thanks to Simsimillian!
Traditional Chinese version updated, thanks to HKnowles!
French Translation updated, thanks to JenniferB!
Cheerleading, from my 4t3 cheerleading mod (, added to list of activities.
Traveller errors should now be fixed. Also removed debugging messages from tournaments!
NEW - (translators, there are a couple of new lines to translate in the main STBL, my apologies!)
- Added ability to choose club open seasons if seasoned installed. Added occult member restrictions. Added 'Set Max Club Members' option.
- Toddlers can now be club members and will be teleported to the lot during club hours (sadly due to parental restrictions EA may send them home but they will be teleported back to the lot when club interactions are pushed again).
- Added mud bath and hydrotherapy bath interactions from Arsil's Standalone MudBathSauna mod as an activity. Added child/toddler 'activity table' as an activity.
- When in a club that pushes ballet, child sims may get opportunity for ballet recital or audition if Generations installed and sim meets requirements (ballet level 5 / before age up / 30% chance <-- see ITUN).
- Upon aging up, if sims are too old for club, will automatically forfiet membership if club is open invitation.
- Documentation updated to reflect changes—see for further details.
- Removing required traits no longer clears required skills.
- Browsing club board now properly autonomous. Children allowed to browse club boards.
- Will no longer get 'x sim joined/left club' notifications when not relevant.
- Traditional Chinese STBL updated for objects package. Thanks HKnowles!
27/06/23 - Added Traditional Chinese STBL, thanks to HKnowles. Inventing and research at the Science Research Station added to list of activities.
23/06/23 - Edited German STBL. Added French STBL, thanks to JenniferB and French Documentation, thanks to SecretX. (For an alternate French translation by SecretX: see post 45).
19/06/23 - Setting central bank is now persistable. Selector errors on club board should be fixed. German STBL added, thanks to LimeyYoshi
Update 1: Fixed some issues with book club. Fixed internal alarms.
Create Clubs
- Custom Club: Push specific activities (or no activity at all) and watch your active and inactive club members congregate and do said activities. Push bowling, swimming, rumba, nectar drinking, collecting, studying, music lessons, among many other things.
- Subscription-Only Club: While members won’t meet up, force them to pay a subscription fee to the club owner for your own purposes. Consider: food subscription service, council-tax payments, school fees.
- Book Club: Choose a book for the book club. Your sims will sit together, have discussions, and read said book.
- Formal Gathering Club: Set musicians and/or a speaker (podium or pulpit). Have your club members sit down and act like they’re listening to said musicians and speaker. Choose a skill to increase while the club is in operation.
Clubs can have different vibes depending on the cost and activities, attracting or repelling different types of sims. There are sports, games, intellectual, low-brow and high class clubs. Some personalities will be more inclined to join than others.
Customising Clubs
Set different open days, open hours, required club outfits, subscription fees, gender, age, career and trait requirements/restrictions, forbidden actions etc.
Allow or restrict autonomy in different ways. Make clubs open or closed invite, allowing or disallowing sims to join, leave, or be kicked out with or without your own input. Put club boards around town and let sims browse. Impress observers by having a great club session and watch them beg to join!
Win tournaments and gain club acclaim. Get cash prizes, find yourself in the newspaper, and find out if any of your fellow club members are playing for the opposing team. Your own sim isn’t exempt from the repercussions of being a club traitor!
Create Bronzo accounts for your sims. You can link these accounts to schedulers and have the club fee delivered straight into the account.
Take out loans, find the best interest rates online and stay out of your overdraft. Try not to get your account details stolen at the all new ATMs that you can place around town and don’t leave your debit card laying around near strangers!
Compatibility: Should be base game compatible however expansion packs, store content and mods add more content. Built on version 1.67.
3 New Animations: converted from sims 4, by me.
1 New Buff: 'In Overdraft'. Negative 24hr buff.
7 New Objects (all included in the download):
Club Scheduler - Cloned from base game pen and paper pad.
Club Board - $50 decor/paintings 64 verts/44 faces (
Bronzo Bank - $0 decor/misc 152 verts/112 faces (
Bronzo Bank Card - $0 decor/misc 64 verts/60 faces (
Bronzo ATM 1 (4t3 Stolen ATM) - $1000 electronics/misc 980 verts/1010 faces (
Bronzo ATM 2 (4t3 Glowing ATM) - $760 electronics/misc 178 verts/132 faces
Bronzo ATM 3 (4t3 Non-Glowing ATM) - $760 electronics/misc 178 verts/132 faces
Family Calendar - $65 - entertainment/hobbies and skills 725 verts/617 faces
Credit to @aroundthesims who has generously allowed me to use her items as well as @twinsimming who converted 2 items (ATM 2 and 3) for me. Full credit in the documentation.
Testers: @desiree-uk who not only tested the mod, but contributed ideas for club activities, the banking system and the subscription gift system. @simsdeogloria who kindly offered to test the mod and caught some bugs that I had completely missed.
Credits: Full credit in documentation. However, thank you to @olomayasims, IcarusAllsorts, Arsil, Buzzler & @zoeoe-sims, @anitmb, @greenplumbboblover, @flotheory as I push some of their mods as activities. You will benefit from installing their particular mods (see documentation) to get a fuller experience!
Conflicts: None.
Please enjoy! If you have any urgent questions about the mod, please message me on Tumblr as I don't often check MTS.
For Modders: You can catch events in your own mods by using (EventTypeId) 0x13B00CDF (which is sent when a sim withdraws money from a bronzo account) and (EventTypeId) 0x593520EA (which is sent whenever a sim goes into overdraft.
Uninstallation: Not required, but you can use the cheat 'clearbronzobanks' in order to remove all bank related data.
Filename | Type | Size |
PhoebeJaySims.SocialClubs.rar | rar | |
PhoebeJaySims.SocialClubs.package | package | 1453452 |
PhoebeJaySims.SocialClubs_OBJECTS.package | package | 1280254 |
PhoebeJaySims_CollectionFile_SocialClubsMod.package | package | 318 |
twinsimming_4t3_SimNational Bank ATM (glow).package | package | 3437462 |
twinsimming_4t3_SimNational Bank ATM (no glow).package | package | 3437245 |
Club Mod Documentationdocx.docx | docx | 1270280 |
Club Mod LISEZ-MOI.docx | docx | 1264745 |
PhoebeJaySims.SocialClubs.FamilyCalendar.package | package | 320074 |
The following custom content is included in the downloadable files:
- Club Board by ATS3
- Bronzo Bank by ATS3
- Bronzo Bank Card by ATS3
- Bronzo ATM 1 by ATS3
- Twinsimming 4t3 ATM glow by Twinsimming
- Twinsimming 4t3 ATM no glow by TwinSimming
| Mod, Objects and Documentation
Uploaded: 1st Jul 2024, 5.85 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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