Enhanced TV clips for your sims
preview_m.jpg - width=1362 height=1064
preview1.jpg - width=910 height=961
preview2.jpg - width=910 height=972
preview3.jpg - width=910 height=960
preview4.jpg - width=910 height=1281
ingamepreview2.jpg - width=1365 height=925
ingamepreview.jpg - width=1153 height=728
before.jpg - width=952 height=831
after2.jpg - width=1303 height=915
after1.jpg - width=1324 height=996
after3.jpg - width=1368 height=1044
after4.jpg - width=1350 height=1014
after5.jpg - width=1318 height=936
Despite the title this is a full replacement for every movie clip in the game, not just the TV channels, but also Movies, Video Games, Term Exam, etc.
(1) Compression artifacts have been considerably dimished in an effort to reduce pixelation.
(2) Some video filtering has been applied here and there, in some very subtle so as not to lose too much detail, in others heavier since the source quality was just too bad.
(3) The original resolution has been upscaled (up to 256x256) except for SSX3 because for some reason the game would not display it correctly but the quality is still noticeably improved.
(1) Extract the rar files, GO into each of the extracted folders, select folders 'Broadcast' and 'Games' (some EPs only contain one of them), copy and paste them into Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Movies. They have the same directory structure and by doing this you should not get any 'Replace files' dialog box.
(2) Done.
Note 1: If you've got all the EPs then you can skip the Nightlife folder as the same clips come in Freetime.
Note 2: If you play multiple game setups with AnyGameStarter and want to apply these replacements to all of them, paste (and replace) the files directly into the game installation path instead of Documents.
The path where you will paste the files would then be: Program files\EA Games\~(the corresponding EP)~\TSData\Res\Movies
If you choose this method, remember: do not remove anything and make backups before doing the replacement.
(x) Known issues
1. You'll notice (or not) that whenever an object is outputting video and is not in sight it won't advance as long as it's hidden, and if after a while you focus the camera on it you'll see the clips on its screen fastforwarding to catch up with the audio that kept on playing in the background. This seems to be the case with any custom video in the game as far as I know.
2. You may get a blue screen on your sims' TVs/computers the first time if your saved game had them playing something. Turning them off/on should fix it.
3. Some people have reported black screens on sims TVs. Apparently it's due to some video codecs missing or not properly installed on your system. Check the comment section as a possible solution has been shared there, specifically this post. Also this thread may be of help.
Filename | Type | Size |
Base Game.rar | rar | |
tv_commercial_alien.movie | movie | 1277894 |
tv_commercial_bunny.movie | movie | 1124680 |
tv_commercial_car.movie | movie | 1124294 |
tv_commercial_pizza.movie | movie | 1171016 |
tv_commercial_shampoo.movie | movie | 1244938 |
tv_commercial_sitcom.movie | movie | 1073940 |
static05.movie | movie | 64324 |
staticbrk.movie | movie | 825204 |
tv_kids_alien.movie | movie | 3598282 |
tv_kids_bunny.movie | movie | 6423426 |
tv_kids_gnomes.movie | movie | 6650918 |
tv_kids_robot.movie | movie | 5389910 |
tv_kids_superhero.movie | movie | 4120842 |
tv_food_bbq.movie | movie | 4398562 |
tv_food_contest.movie | movie | 2317298 |
tv_food_cooking.movie | movie | 7317810 |
tv_mvid_cemetary.movie | movie | 5056174 |
tv_mvid_girls.movie | movie | 3190260 |
tv_mvid_jumpers.movie | movie | 4020868 |
tv_mvid_piano.movie | movie | 5125508 |
tv_mvid_poolside.movie | movie | 5936288 |
tv_network_hospital.movie | movie | 6163832 |
tv_network_realitytv.movie | movie | 5387734 |
tv_network_sitcom.movie | movie | 1081328 |
tv_network_talkshow.movie | movie | 5343374 |
tv_news_fire.movie | movie | 2491550 |
tv_news_police.wav.movie | movie | 1979360 |
tv_news_soccer.movie | movie | 2254576 |
tv_news_speech.movie | movie | 3449068 |
tv_news_tornado.movie | movie | 1609240 |
tv_news_volcano.movie | movie | 1390330 |
tv_workout.movie | movie | 2569312 |
bus_ATTRACT.movie | movie | 531448 |
bus_INTRO.movie | movie | 688280 |
bus_P1LOSE.movie | movie | 4922160 |
bus_P1WIN.movie | movie | 4790412 |
bus_P2LOSE.movie | movie | 6469078 |
bus_P2WIN.movie | movie | 5050366 |
blank.movie | movie | 55700 |
eagames.movie | movie | 333468 |
esrb_e.movie | movie | 476148 |
esrb_rp.movie | movie | 479704 |
esrb_t.movie | movie | 476592 |
sc4_ATTRACT.movie | movie | 536292 |
sc4_INTRO.movie | movie | 586314 |
sc4_P1LOSE.movie | movie | 7077906 |
sc4_P1WIN.movie | movie | 7437730 |
sc4_P2LOSE.movie | movie | 10636436 |
sc4_P2WIN.movie | movie | 12068370 |
ssx_ATTRACT.movie | movie | 1355000 |
ssx_INTRO.movie | movie | 614410 |
ssx_P1LOSE.movie | movie | 7531402 |
ssx_P1WIN.movie | movie | 7462228 |
ssx_P2LOSE.movie | movie | 6935652 |
ssx_P2WIN.movie | movie | 6192342 |
Filename | Type | Size |
EP Nightlife.rar | rar | |
renuyuCheese.movie | movie | 545696 |
renuyuFamily.movie | movie | 549142 |
renuyuKnowledge.movie | movie | 557588 |
renuyuPleasure.movie | movie | 534950 |
renuyuReputation.movie | movie | 542878 |
renuyuRomance.movie | movie | 618026 |
renuyuWealth.movie | movie | 550194 |
Filename | Type | Size |
EP Pets.rar | rar | |
PET_TV_DogWash.movie | movie | 1463462 |
PET_TV_Pets_gone_Bad.movie | movie | 2286024 |
Filename | Type | Size |
EP Seasons.rar | rar | |
fishjuice_x256.movie | movie | 1983640 |
freeze_x256.movie | movie | 1786966 |
rain_x256.movie | movie | 1814002 |
sunburn_x256.movie | movie | 1794212 |
wc_fall.movie | movie | 1603774 |
wc_spring.movie | movie | 1539362 |
wc_summer.movie | movie | 1582900 |
wc_winter.movie | movie | 1555790 |
Filename | Type | Size |
EP University.rar | rar | |
boxing.movie | movie | 3499604 |
football1.movie | movie | 3757826 |
football2.movie | movie | 3481646 |
golf.movie | movie | 3365712 |
soccer.movie | movie | 2867248 |
game1_intro.movie | movie | 371024 |
game1_loop2.movie | movie | 8869378 |
game1_loop3.movie | movie | 2455664 |
game1_loop4_lose.movie | movie | 567590 |
game1_loop4_win.movie | movie | 401442 |
game1_loop5.movie | movie | 4824930 |
game2_loop1.movie | movie | 1284940 |
game2_loop10.movie | movie | 1186480 |
game2_loop2.movie | movie | 728864 |
game2_loop3.movie | movie | 1738392 |
game2_loop4.movie | movie | 1292874 |
game2_loop5.movie | movie | 1511994 |
game2_loop6.movie | movie | 1340478 |
game2_loop7.movie | movie | 722740 |
game2_loop8.movie | movie | 991698 |
game2_loop8_intro.movie | movie | 1001364 |
game2_loop9.movie | movie | 1122552 |
typetext1.movie | movie | 2830208 |
typetext2.movie | movie | 2779390 |
Filename | Type | Size |
EP Freetime.rar | rar | |
SIMSTVBubbleBath.movie | movie | 5274180 |
SIMSTVBWCAT.movie | movie | 6356086 |
SIMSTVCheckers.movie | movie | 5436256 |
SIMSTVFAIRIES.movie | movie | 5457132 |
SIMSTVFetch.movie | movie | 5297326 |
SIMSTVMimeCat.movie | movie | 5751788 |
SIMSTVPoolTable.movie | movie | 5347546 |
SIMSTVWeather.movie | movie | 5894512 |
SIMSTVWerewolf.movie | movie | 5588426 |
SIMSTVFamilyFunWS.movie | movie | 5454534 |
SIMSTVcnc3Attract.movie | movie | 771348 |
SIMSTVcnc3Intro.movie | movie | 1092310 |
SIMSTVcnc3P1Lose.movie | movie | 3593524 |
SIMSTVcnc3P1Win.movie | movie | 4093810 |
SIMSTVcnc3P2Lose.movie | movie | 4093810 |
SIMSTVcnc3P2Win.movie | movie | 3593524 |
SIMSTVfifaAttract.movie | movie | 353842 |
SIMSTVfifaIntro.movie | movie | 428352 |
SIMSTVfifaP1Lose.movie | movie | 2496762 |
SIMSTVfifaP1Win.movie | movie | 3542614 |
SIMSTVfifaP2Lose.movie | movie | 3542614 |
SIMSTVfifaP2Win.movie | movie | 2496762 |
SIMSTVmySimsAttract.movie | movie | 514696 |
SIMSTVmySimsIntro.movie | movie | 533320 |
SIMSTVmySimsP1lose.movie | movie | 3781500 |
SIMSTVmySimsP1Win.movie | movie | 4708478 |
SIMSTVmySimsP2Lose.movie | movie | 4708478 |
SIMSTVmySimsP2Win.movie | movie | 3781500 |
renuyuCheese.movie | movie | 545696 |
renuyuFamily.movie | movie | 549142 |
renuyuKnowledge.movie | movie | 557588 |
renuyuPleasure.movie | movie | 534950 |
renuyuReputation.movie | movie | 542878 |
renuyuRomance.movie | movie | 618026 |
renuyuWealth.movie | movie | 550194 |
SIMSTVsporeAttract.movie | movie | 531808 |
SIMSTVsporeIntro.movie | movie | 1211404 |
SIMSTVsporeP1Lose.movie | movie | 5069038 |
SIMSTVsporeP1Win.movie | movie | 3698142 |
SIMSTVsporeP2Lose.movie | movie | 3698142 |
SIMSTVsporeP2Win.movie | movie | 5069038 |
SIMSTVtswAttract.movie | movie | 494650 |
SIMSTVtswIntro.movie | movie | 631162 |
SIMSTVtswP1Lose.movie | movie | 5314852 |
SIMSTVtswP1Win.movie | movie | 5314852 |
SIMSTVtswP2Lose.movie | movie | 5314852 |
SIMSTVtswP2Win.movie | movie | 5314852 |
EP Freetime.rar
Uploaded: 16th Feb 2023, 116.45 MB.
EP University.rar
Uploaded: 13th Dec 2022, 38.96 MB.
EP Seasons.rar
Uploaded: 13th Dec 2022, 10.61 MB.
EP Pets.rar
Uploaded: 13th Dec 2022, 3.01 MB.
EP Nightlife.rar
Uploaded: 13th Dec 2022, 3.03 MB.
Base Game.rar
Uploaded: 13th Dec 2022, 123.88 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Simsâ„¢ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 23rd Jan 2023 at 12:00 AM
by Archius 25th Mar 2005 at 3:46am
1 6.5k
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by Blueybre 20th Feb 2023 at 1:33pm
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | University |
![]() | Nightlife |
![]() | Pets |
![]() | Seasons |
![]() | Free Time |