Updated Stay-Things Shrub

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Update 2 (14.04.2024)
  • Less harassing notifications.
  • Fixed a bug with the value of the lot when using mods that unlock aspiration rewards in buy mode catalog.
  • Sims can now receive money for fireplaces, the price of fireplaces is now correctly included in the value of the lot.

How is this different from other similar mods?
I'm still getting this question, so if you don't want to read the whole description, here is a quick explanation:

Update (25.11.2023)
This update has completely changed the way this mod works. I've implemented the method of fixing the value of the lot that Mootilda wrote for the 'For Sale' Sign mod. So to be clear, this is not really my work, I just did some minor coding to it and fixed a few things.

Now you don't have to do anything to fix the value of the lot. Just place the mod (the default selected option is Make All Objects Stay at Moveout), go to live mode once, leave the mod on the lot, save, move the family out. The code will rerun every time you go back into live mode, so if you buy new objects, they will be automatically set.
After moving out, enter the empty lot again and save. This will reset its value.

A new option is available: Make Only The Fixtures Stay at Moveout. Selecting this option will leave only the fixtures, such as the kitchen, bathroom and lighting on the lot at moveout.
Now this mod has the same GUID as the original Inge's Stay-Things Shrub.

Warning: Despite my best efforts, Sims will not receive money for fireplaces. The price of fireplaces will not count towards the value of the lot. I have no idea how to fix this, but I will try to work on it in the future. For now, if you really want that money, just sell the fireplaces before moving out.

The Stay-Things Shrub made by Inge Jones is a wonderful mod that allows you to make objects not be sold when the family moves out. However, this mod has few problems that have always bothered me. So I decide to make this: a better (I hope), updated version of Stay-Things Shrub, maybe someone will be interested in this.

First, the original mod doesn't truly make all objects on the lot stayable. It only sets the objects that are available in buy mode. So items such as diplomas, career rewards, paintings and other craftable items will disappear after move out. My version fixes this, all objects will stay, just like when all Sims on the lot died and the house became empty.
However, this feature comes with a minor issue: if you later decide to use the Let Objects Vanish at Moveout option, some of the items that have been set to stay, which are not in the buy mode catalog, will not disappear. Currently, I haven't figured out how to fix it, but it doesn't seem like a big problem to me.

Second, using the Stay-Things Shrub unfortunate makes all objects valued at zero when calculating the lot value. This means that when your family moves out, they won't receive money for these objects, and the next family to move in will pay a lower price for the lot.
Previously, you had to download an additional mod, StayThingsShrub Fixer by Mootilda to fix this problem. It is no longer necessary, but the method I devised to fix this is still a bit tricky:
Every time you use the Make Objects Stay at Moveout option, the value of all objects on the lot is saved. Next, you have to go into buy mode (this will reset the value of the lot), then back into live mode and use the Add Objects Value to Family Funds option. This action cannot be undone, so use it only when you're sure you want to move out.
After moving out, enter the lot again and just click on the mod in buy mode. The price of the lot will be fixed. The mod behave this way only if the lot is unoccupied.
Maybe in the future I will come up with a better solution for this, but for now, this is the best I could do.

This mod looks like a shrub and is now available in buy mode in the General/Miscellaneous section.

Available languages: English and Polish.

AL or M&G required.

Place in Downloads folder.

Mootilda and Phaenoh ('For Sale' Sign)
Inge Jones (Stay-Things Shrub)
Creators of SimPE
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