Unicorns, nectar, cats and computers, oh my!

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Here are some mods that have been requested.

csunicornmagic - Increases the magic unicorns use to 500 points from EA's default 60 points (giving unicorns longer use of magic before the power shortage buff shows) and takes less time to restore their magic after the power shortage buff shows (10 sim minutes as opposed to EA's 360 sim minutes). For Pets/patch 1.26. Edits the OccultUnicorn, OccultUnicorn+UnicornBlessPlant, OccultUnicorn+UnicornCursePlant and OccultUnicorn+UnicornIgniteFire xmls.

cshackinganytimePETS1.26 - My own version of hacking anytime. Does not affect store content! Hacking is now available any time of the day/night on the computer, except at 7am it will stop but be restarted right away. For Pets/patch 1.26. Edits the ComputerCheap, ComputerExpensive, ComputerLaptop and ComputerLaptopVenue xmls.

csnowatchcatwithpettoy - Sims will no longer stop what they are doing to watch the cat play with its toy. For Pets/patch 1.26. Edits the WatchPetPlayWithCatToyDefinition_Sim itun.

csmorenectarinracksPets1.26 - Allows for more nectar bottles to be stored in nectar racks (45 compared to EA's 15). For World Adventures/patch 1.26. Edits the NectarRackCheap and NectarRackExpensive xmls.

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Makers of S3PE
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