Medieval Baby Blanket Default Replacements - Ye Olde Kingdom of Pudding
blankets1.jpg - width=892 height=729
blankets2.jpg - width=817 height=738
blankets4.jpg - width=665 height=740
blankets5.jpg - width=1096 height=677
MTS2_daluved1_1187340_Allwhite-babyblankets.jpg - width=439 height=713
32191_111202080928baby.jpg - width=1280 height=508
Baby blanket mapping using Twallan's Master Controller. Baby blanket not recolorable without mod like Twallan's Master Controller.
Two Options Made by Daluved1 for The Merrye Makers
Greetings, good gentles/ladies. We are The Merrye Makers - a group of eleven (now twelve) creators spanning all disciplines (clothing, lots, objects, etc.) offering for thy downloading pleasure a collection of medieval things most beauteous from Ye Olde Kingdom of Pudding -- otherwise known as "Simdom Pudding".

1. Change the default colors of the blankets for male and female babies, or
2. Change the default color for all baby blankets regardless of gender.
Please download only one default replacement option as they will conflict with each other. This baby blanket default replacement / override should not conflict with any other mods except another mod which changes baby blanket color resources.
Important Information for modders
The name of the overwritten CAS Parts are bubody (male baby) and bfbody (female baby). If your mod also edits these resources there will be a conflict. Please see below the TGI data for the changed resources:
XML overrides
CASP overrides
If desired, the blankets can be CASTed with Twallan's Master Controller. Link here: If you do not have Twallan's Master Controller - or a similar mod - installed, you cannot change the infant blanket colors or textures.
Option 1
Changes the default colors of female baby blankets to white and male baby blankets to tan.

Option 2
Changes the default color of all baby blankets to white.

Credits: Sim holding infant in mapping picture wearing ZoejT1Conv dress made by Robodl95 for The Merrye Makers. Download it from an upcoming Ye Olde Kingdom of Pudding medieval female clothing upload. Many thanks to Daluved1 for crafting the baby blanket replacments and supplying pictures. Thanks also to VampireSim for the mapping picture.
Additional Credits:
Verily, The Merrye Makers most gratefully thank all the MTS staff - especially Leesester - for their gracious support and assistance with our medieval upload preparations.
| Changes all baby blankets to white. Download either this or the other rar - not both!
Uploaded: 29th Jan 2012, 2.2 KB.
| Changes female blankets to white and male blankets to tan. Download either this or the other rar - not both!
Uploaded: 29th Jan 2012, 720.2 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 2nd Feb 2012 at 1:13 AM
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About Me
This has been a big undertaking for everyone involved, our skills range from featured creators to never having uploaded anything before. Everyone has enjoyed watching the project grow, meeting new people and learning new skills.
The Merrye Makers would like to thank a number of people for getting us here. First off is the staff of MTS. The staff were so supportive of us and it's definitely no easy matter to get 100+ things approved! There are also numerous other people who were going to participate but, for various reasons, were not able to upload with us. We would like to thank Rylandholmes, Whiterider, dramamine213, hudy777DeSign, Freshprince and Kitty Paine for their feedback and support. Thank you to SimmyRN for providing the narratives found in italitics throughout the posts. Thank you to jje1000 for the medieval world in the pictures, Praaven. Find out more about Praaven here: