More Pregnancy Interactions V2
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It's time for pregnant sims to receive a bit of love and attention! With this mod, gameplay for pregnant sims should be a bit more interesting

2024/04/08 (V2)
- Fixed an issue where pregnant sims would keep rejecting the Hug Tummy interaction from children.
- Fixed an issue where mean interactions were not showing up anymore, massive thanks to simbouquet for finding the fix! (it's working in my game, but if it isn't in yours please let me know).
- Fixed an animation glitch with the Announce Pregnancy interaction (partner version) where the announcer's arm would stick out at the end.
- Added smoother transitions between loops in the Check Out Baby Bump interaction.
- Replaced the animations from the Complain about having new sibling interaction with brand new ones.
Translations Added:
• Added Czech translation by ProtectusCZ
• Added French translation by JenniferB
• Added Swedish translation by teatermolly
• Added Russian translation by Knight
• Added Brazilian Portuguese translation by paulopc123
• Added German translation by Stev84
• Added Polish translation by NinaK4
• Added European Spanish translation by CMaxi
• Added European Portuguese translation by David Manaia
• Added Mexican Spanish translation by Nyvielz
• Added Italian translation by Damon05
• Added Korean translation by aenskim
Mod Info
• This mod was built and tested with game version 1.69, but should work with v.1.67 as well.
• What type of mod is this? - This a pure script mod, adding new social interactions between pregnant sims and sims of all ages. Another part is an overhaul of the pregnancy announcement interaction. The base mod can go in your packages folder, but the overhaul should go in your overrides folder.
• Animations - All animations are my own unless otherwise stated.
• Translations - This mod is currently only supported in English, Czech, French, Swedish, Russian, Brazilian & European Portuguese, German, Polish, European & Mexican Spanish, Italian and Korean.
Interactions Info
• Give Kiss, Sing to, Rub Belly & Talk to Belly: Several new interactions for pregnant sims found under "Baby...". However, talk to and rub belly use the EA pregnancy idle animations. You will need World Adventures to be able to hear your sim singing to their belly, although if you don't have it then they just be silent. All interactions will increase the pregnancy score of the sim.
• Check Out Baby Bump: A new interaction for pregnant sims to look at their baby bump in a mirror. If a sim hasn't progressed much with their pregnancy and is hardly showing, they will shrug in front of the mirror instead. Depending on the sim's traits, there is a random chance that a thought bubble will appear showing that the sim is enjoying their pregnancy. This interaction will increase the pregnancy score of the sim.
• Let Toddler Feel Baby Bump: A new social interaction for pregnant sims to let a toddler feel their baby bump. The animation will be different depending on if the toddler is being held by the pregnant sim or if they're sat on the floor. Toddlers who haven't learnt how to walk yet will always be picked up.

• Kiss Tummy: Only for partners. They will need to have at least 25 relationship points for the interaction to show up.
• Hug Tummy: Only for children who are related to the pregnant sim. They will need to have at least 25 relationship points for the interaction to show up.
• Let Carried Toddler Feel Tummy: Only shows up if a sim is holding the toddler. They will need to have at least 25 relationship points for the interaction to show up.
• Show Pregnancy Ultrasounds: An interaction for pregnant sims to show their ultrasound pictures to other sims aged child-elder. You will need the assets file provided with the mod for the ultrasound to show up.
• Ask When Due Date Is: An interaction for sims aged child-elder to ask a pregnant sim when their due date is, depending on when the pregnant sim will give birth, they will respond in how many days or in how many hours they have left. This uses the EA ask for animations.
• Complain About Having a New Sibling: A mean interaction for sims who are the children of the pregnant sim. Depending on the traits of the pregnant sim and their mood, they can react calmly or if the child is a teenager they can yell back at them.
• Criticize Pregnancy: A mean interaction for teen-elder sims to criticize a pregnant sim.
• Ask Where Baby Came From: An interaction for children, the responses will be different each time. In total there are about 7 responses. Big thanks to Ailin_Risu for coming up with most of the funny responses!

- Uhh, try asking again when you're older!
- Well, you know darling... when two people love each other very much... Errr... Hey, don't you have homework to do?
- Oh... A stork brings the babies from Champs Les Sims. What? No, you're not french!
- See, right now mom has a very special seed inside her belly... Why are you crying? No tree will grow inside me, I swear to you!
- See, right now mom has a very special seed inside her belly... Haha, no, you're not gonna have a plantsim sibling, darling.
- If you want to know, pay more attention in class!

• Now depending on the relationship of the pregnant sim and the sim they announce to, the animations will be different.
• Sims who are best friends will use a new animation. Pregnant sims and children who are best friends also use a new animation, and if the pregnant sim is the parent of the child, depending on the child's traits and relationship with the parent, they can be upset about the announcement.
• Partners have their own animation as well. Sims can now cheat on their partners if they become pregnant by a sim who isn't their partner, and if they announce it to their partner, they will be accused of cheating (this uses the EA accuse animations). Sims who are in a same sex relationship aren't affected by this though. There is a setting in the package file to disable cheating as well.
• Sims who are friends and under will continue to use the same EA announce animations.
• With the addition of this as well, the "Talk to Tummy" and "Listen to Tummy" interactions have been unlocked for children. They use the EA animations designed for these interactions too.
You will need the base mod installed for the Pregnancy Announcement Overhaul to work.
- All the animations will adjust to the size of the sims, so you won't get floating or sinking hands in the sim's tummy. However, most CC clothes don't have correct slot offset data for pregnant morphs, so unfortunately you will get sinking hands with these clothes.
- All interactions are autonomous. Sims will also gain relationship points, social and/or fun for all interactions.
A tuning file is present for changing things like how much LTR or motive need Sims get, as well as an option if sims can cheat from getting pregnant from a sim other than their partner, which is enabled by default.
Mod Preview

Conflicts & Known Issues
The base of this mod is a pure script mod, so conflicts are very unlikely. However, the overhauled pregnancy announcement will conflict with any other mod that alters the base game SocialData xml file, such as my other mod "Biggest Little Mod for Toddlers", unless you have the script version of it.
No known issues were found!
- Enjoy and Happy Holidays!

Filename | Type | Size |
TSS_MorePregnancyInteractions_V2.rar | rar | |
TSS_MorePregnancyInteractions_Assets.package | package | 29639 |
TSS_MorePregnancyInteractions.package | package | 6136723 |
TSS_MorePregnancyInteractions_AnnounceOverhaul.package | package | 2947395 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Strings_MorePregnancyInteractions.rar | rar | |
Strings_MorePregnancyInteractions.xml | xml | 2641 |
Uploaded: 8th Apr 2024, 5.64 MB.
Uploaded: 25th Dec 2023, 1.2 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 23rd Apr 2024 at 2:38 AM
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