Enhanced Witches (Update 16/11/23)
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(The plant based spells are giving issues to some people, I haven't gotten problems on my end. I don't know why it causes problems sometimes. If you use these spells beware of this problem)
Flavor 2 is now discontinued because a menu is now available in the city hall which you can use to modify the autonomy of spells.
(Please read this, a lot of questions that people usually ask me about my mod are already explained in the description)
Hi, I'm PuddingFace.
This is a new mod I've made called enhanced witches. What it does is allow child witches to use magic without stretch animations and Adults and Teens to use magic on them and also adds some new spells and features

My friend CortezLSC has made a new video with more upto date features. Check it out.
How to install
1)First download MagicTuning.7z, WitchEffects.7z and MagicAnimations.7z
2)Then download EnhancedWitches.7z depending on which one you prefer. Check the flavour info to decide.
3)Download my enhanced wands mod Enhanced Wands mod. It's a requirement since 4/08/18
4)Get the C# Script Utility mod
5)Unzip them
6)Place them in Mods/packages folder
7)Start the Game. Give your child witch/wizard/warlock a wand.

Flavor Info
1)In EnhancedWitches.7z LoveCharm and HauntingRitual are set to not be autonomous. (This will be made optional in the future)
EnhancedWitches(flavour 2) is now discontinued because the main mod now has an option that provides a menu to change the autonomy of spells.
Additional Details
1)Children won't be frozen solid from iceblast.
2)Toadification and Love Charm can't be used on Children. Children can use them on Teens and Adults though.

4) The love charm is set to not be autonomous for this mod.
Wand Bonding Help
Ok so how this wand bonding section work is there's a variable bondlevel. If bondlevel's value is 0 or lower the bond fails. If the value is between 1 and 3 then the bond is succesful. If the bond is between 3 and 5 it's considered a good bond, this is a little harder to achieve and some Sims will fail to achieve this due to not having the traits. If the bondlevel is greater than 5, It's considered very high bond. Happens very rarely.
If the bond fails the accuracy of your spells go down. Magic power consumption goes high. And skill gain rate go down. You also gain a failed bond moodlet. If the bond is succesful the reverse happens. And you gain a bond successful moodlet. Higher bond levels have even more boosts.
The bondlevel's value is 0 by default. Each Wand has some traits that boost this value by a point between 1 to 3. And all wands except the classic wand also has some traits that give a negative score.
Below is a list of Wands with which trait works best for which wand. Magic hands LTR users are not affected by this.
Classic Wand
+1 traits(Means traits that adds one point to the bondlevel variable)
Any trait or no trait, Artistic, AvantGarde, GreenThumb, Handy, NaturalCook, Athletic, BornSalesman, GathererTrait, Virtuoso, SavvySculptor.
(The classic wand bonds successfully with any Sim unlike other wands. But getting a higher bond score is difficult since all traits give only +1)
Argent Wand
+1 traits
Handy Insane Unstable ComputerWhiz SociallyAwkward Shy Childish Inappropriate Neurotic
+2 traits
GathererTrait Eccentric
+3 traits
-1 traits
Good Evil NaturalPerformer SocialButterfly Charismatic PartyAnimal Irresistible
-2 traits
SupernaturalSkeptic OverEmotional
-3 traits
Argent Wand favours the scientific mind. And since Argent means silver I thought it's appropriate that Werewolves get a low score.
Azure Wand
+3 traits
+2 traits
LovesToSwim Sailor
+1 traits
Disciplined BroodingTrait Angler Virtuoso PermaMermaid Irresistible Grumpy
-1 traits
Excitable HotHeaded Neurotic
-2 traits
EasilyImpressed OverEmotional
-3 traits
MeanSpirited Hydrophobic
Azure wand has a connection to water. Mermaid Witch hybrids bond very well with it. Hydrophobes should stay away from this wand.
Crimson Wand
+3 traits
NaturalBornPerformer NaturalPerformer
+2 traits
Irresistible Dramatic
+1 traits
Virtuoso Neurotic HotHeaded GreatKisser HopelessRomantic Flirty Diva
-1 traits
Unflirty EasilyImpressed Clumsy
-2 traits
NoSenseOfHumor Slob
-3 traits
Crimson Wand loves the passionate. And likes a little drama. Perfect for reality show people.
Ivory Wand
+3 traits
Athletic Brave
+2 traits
Werewolf Disciplined WerewolfAlphaDog
+1 traits
Daredevil LovesTheOutdoors HotHeaded CommitmentIssues
-1 traits
Vegetarian HopelessRomantic FamilyOriented Loser AnimalLover Equestrian DogPerson CatPerson
-2 traits
Clumsy CouchPotato
-3 traits
Ivory wand. The wand of warriors. Loves the athletically fit.
Verdant Wand
+3 traits
GreenThumb Vegetarian PlantSim
+2 traits
Fairy LovesTheOutdoors Adventurous
+1 traits
NaturalCook AnimalLover Equestrian DogPerson CatPerson
-1 traits
HatesOutdoors Eccentric CouchPotato ComputerWhiz VehicleEnthusiast
-2 traits
Handy BotFan Pyromaniac
-3 traits
Vampire Robot Frankenstein
This wand has a connection to nature. Likes witches that are the same. PlantSim witch hybrids and Fairy witch hybrids also bond well with it. Vampires hate it. I mean this wand is literally wooden stake after all.
Crystal Wand
+3 traits
Nurturing FamilyOriented Unlucky Loser Shy Loner
+2 traits
Equestrian DogPerson CatPerson AnimalLover AnimalExpert
-3 traits
-2 traits
MeanSpirited Ambitious
-1 traits
HotHeaded Diva Pyromaniac
The crystal wand is the caring wand. Prefers Sims of a similar nature. Bonds with Sims who are usually rejected by society.
Elegant Wand
+3 traits
IsRich Schmoozer Frugal Kleptomaniac
+2 traits
+1 traits
Mooch Diva SocialButterfly Charismatic Ambitious MapToTheStars
-1 traits
Daredevil RebelInfluence InfluenceRebel
-2 traits
-3 traits
Loser Unlucky
This wand bonds well with rich Sims or Sims that are on the way to be rich.
Iridescent Wand
+3 traits
Good Evil Genius Ambitious
+2 traits
Lucky Workaholic Irresistible
+1 traits
Charismatic EyeCandy Attractive
-1 traits
Grumpy BroodingTrait HotHeaded
-2 traits
-3 traits
Loser Unlucky
Iridescent wands prefers Sims with a lot of natural talent that can sore through life quite easily.
Extra Spells Info
Hydration charm:- Fills the hydration need of mermaid.
Fun Charm:- Fills the fun need.
Social Charm:-Fills the social need.
Energy charm:-Fills the energy need.
Hydration curse:- Depletes the hydration need of mermaid.
Fun Curse:- Depletes the fun need.
Social Curse:-Depletes the social need.
Energy curse:-Depletes the energy need.
Knockout Jinx:- Makes the target faint. Unlocks at level 2.
Bee Stinger Hex:- Summon Bees to attack your opponent. Unlocks at level 3
Bad luck curse:- Gives an unlucky moodlet and adds the unlucky trait temporarily. Unlocks at level 1.
Destruction ritual:- It makes the lot dirty and breaks items. Unlocks at level 9.
Teleportation spell:- Allows the witch to teleport to desired location. Unlocks at level 4.
Conjure normal apple:- For evil witches. Beginner level spell.
Conjure poisoned apple:- For non evil witches. Beginner level spell.
Hate curse:- Adds the instant nemesis moodlet. The next Sim that talks to the target will become enemies with the target. Unocks at level 4.
Friendship Charm:- Makes the next sim that talks to the target your friend. Unlocks at level 4.
Summon Food:- Similar to Genie's food summon. Unlocks at level 6 Magic, level 6 logic, level 4 Gardening and level 4 cooking.
Cursed Flames:- Lets you kill a Sim with fire. Different from fireblast as that spell won't kill the target. Unlocks at level 6.
Protection charm:- Protects the target with a ward to prevent harmful curses from working. I'll update my vampire mod in the future to make vampiric compulsion also fail. Unlocks at level 5.
Summoning charm:- Summons a Sim you know.
Banishing Spell:- Banishes a Sim to another Lot.
Lighting Bolt Spell:- Shoots a lightning bolt at a Sim.
Rubble Clear Spell:- Clears the Rubbles that appear while tomb raiding.
Improve Nature Spell:- Improves quality of plant.
Chlorokinesis Spell:- Makes Plants Grow.
(These spells can also remove weed and some other stuff for plant health)
B]Summon Familiar:-[/B] Summon a familiar cat, dog or horse
B]Summon Demon:-[/B] Summon a Demon Butler, Hell Hound, Thunder Cat or Snow Rider
Update Log
1)I've updated the Enhanced Witches.7z and MagicAnimations.7z.
2)Makes the motive charms autonomous.
3)I've also merged the animations together in MagicAnimations.7z. So instead of 6 packages for animations namely Apple.package, CoughMirrorCold.package, Dueling.package, PracticeMagicChild.package, SocialChild.package and SoloAnims.package there is now simply an AllAnimations.package. The animations are the same, I've just merged them together for your convenience. Please delete the previous version of the mod before installing the updated version.
4)MagicTuning.7z is the same as it was before so no need to redownload it if you already have it.
And a minor bug(spelling error in Bladder curse Itun file) is fixed.


Cast Hate Curse. Unlocks at level 4. Not usable on children because the moodlet EA made doesn't work for children.
Cast Friendship Charm. Similar to love charm but it's friendship instead of love

Magic hands LTR users are not affected by this.
The summon food option that was accidentally added in the last update is changed. It now requires level 6 Magic, level 6 logic, level 4 Gardening and level 4 cooking. It's considered a very advanced spell. The spelling error regarding that spell is also fixed. Let me know if there's any problem.
Cursed flames:-. This spell is the same as fireblast except it can kill a Sim if you don't extinguish the fire. Unlocks at level 6.
Protection Charm. This adds a 3 day protective ward moodlet that prevents harmful spells from damaging. Fire blast and cursed flames will still give singed moodlet but no Onfire moodlet. And Haunting curse will still work because it summons a ghost to haunt. But other spells like iceblast, Bee stinger hex, motive curses, pestilence will be blocked by the ward. This spell unlocks at level 5.
For next update I will work on translations

Translations for some languages are done for the interactions.
Thank you Druyddark for Spanish, Portuguese, French and Italian translations.
Schnuffi made translations for German thank you so much.
Thank you Lyralei for Dutch translations.
Thanks to whiteman-Dara for Russian translations.
Chinese I have tranlated with google translate so that's for sure a mess lol.
Summoning Charm and Banishing Spell is added. Also witches can now use some spells on burglar.Teach that burglar a Lesson!
Thanks to my patron Justin for suggesting it.
Translation files updated.
Sunlight Charm has been modified and balanced. It was too OP before. Now it won't remove every negative moodlet.
Spellcasting Duels between Adults and children are now possible.
Fixed a glitch with Knockout Jinx animation.
Added a lightning bolt spell.
Added a Rubble Clear spell.
Added two spells for Gardening
Improve Nature Level 7 to improve plant quality.
Chlrokinesis Level 9 to make plants grow.
These spells can also remove weeds and do some other things to improve plant health.
Witches can fly on brooms now. Fly to other lots. Kids can also do this.
Witches can now summon animal familiars. Cat familiar, Dog(can be big or small), Horse.
Thank you lizcandor, Battery and Lyralei for the help.
Witches can now summon demons. Demon Butler, Hell Hound, Snow Rider, Thunder Cat.
They disappear after a while.
Demon Butler doesn't become a member of family but is like a guest.
Hell Hound and Thunder Cat can attack a Sim and singe them with fire and shock.
Snow Rider can summon snowfall weather.
This update also adds a spell to remove flees from every sim in a lot including pets. Useful cause witches can't use magic on animals.
Thank you to Gamefreak130 for help with adding outfit to Butler.
More Demons!! Demon Bodyguard and Demon Gardener.
Bodyguard will beat up Sims you ask him to beat up.
Gardener will do the gardening. If he doesn't autonomously you can ask him to. Harvested products will be transfered to fridge. Studying Douglasveiga's gardener service mod's code helped a lot.
Demon Butler has been upgraded you can ask him to magically summon food now.
Hell Hound and Thunder Cat can attack a Sim and singe them with fire and shock.
This update also adds a spell to banish a sim to a particular location.
Thank you again to Douglasveiga.
Technical Details
1)The EnhancedWitches.7z is a pure script mod and won't conflict with anything.
2)The MagicAnimations.7z contains the animations, unless someone has made animations with the exact same name and hash, it won't conflict. This 7z file contains 6 packages, all these packages contain different animations and each of these 6 packages have to be placed in the Mods/Packages folder.
3)Now MagicTuning.7z contains a tuning mod. It will conflict with any other mod that modified the ITUN files for magic spells. Please check the mod conflicts section to check which ITUN files are used in this. I also recommend Delphy's dashboard to check for conflicts. Most other witch themed tuning mods will conflict with this one, so please check with Delphy's dashboard. This tuning mod is important for this mod to function properly.
Mod Conflicts
1)The MagicTuning.package file inside MagicTuning.7z uses these ITUN files CastConvert_GameObject, CastFireBlast_CastSpel, CastFireBlastOnStatue_CastSpellOnStatu, CastFireBlastTerrain_Lot, CastGoodLuckCharm_Sim, CastHauntingCurse_Sim, CastIceBlast_CastSpel, CastIceBlastPlumbing_GameObject, CastIceBlastTerrain_Fire, CastLoveCharm_CastSpel, CastMotiveCharm_Sim, CastMotiveCurse_Sim, CastPestilenceCurse_CastSpel, CastReanimate_Urnstone, CastRestoration_Terrain, CastSpell_Sim, CastSunlightCharm_CastSpel, CastSunlightCharmOnStatue_CastSpellOnStatu, CastToadify_CastSpel, ConjureApple_Sim, MagicallyUpgrade_GameObject, PracticeSpellCasting_Sim, SetAsFavoriteWand_MagicWand, SpellcastingDuel_Sim, BeeAttackPanic_Sim ITUN files. That's a lot of files, so be careful as to not have a conflicting mod. Again I'll recommend Delphy's dashboard to check for conflicts.
2)Also keep in mind that a lot of the EA spells are disabled by the ITUN files mentioned above and then new spells are added using a script mod so any tuning mod that tunes the EA spells even if they don't conflict will be rendered useless since the EA spells are disabled. In the near future I'll make some xml files for my own spells with different flavors, I had a problem making them right now but they'll be there in the future.
The mod that I know for sure doesn't conflict is douglasveiga's Gardening Spell mod.
Plans for the future
(Striked means done

1)Extra Spells like
2)Relationship increase and decrease from spells. Like Sims will like you for casting beneficial charms on them and hate you for cursing them.
If there's any problem please let me know in the comments or by PM.
Additional Credits:
Justin for supporting me on Patreon.
TheSweetToddler for the hand movement animation for teleportation
Sofmc9 for showing me how to convert animations and helping with some of the animation conversions.
Painted Wings Production for her tutorial.
Echoweaver for taking a lot of initiative and research in the early stages of the mod which paved the way for this mod.
Lyralei for teaching me a lot about Jazz Scripts and Rigs placement.
Chain_Reaction over at Nraas for teaching me a lot about Script mods and sharing ideas regarding this mod. He also made a modified version of Hybrid mod to help with initial testing of the animations.
Druyddark, schnuffi, Lyralei, whiteman-Dara, thequesh, Lemiesze, greenleek for translation
Butterbot and Murfee for helping me brainstorm to solve a lot of the problems and for telling me about Rigs and meshes.
All the tutorials from Buzzler, NonaMena and CmarNYC.
The creators of S3PE and Visual Studio 2015.
Filename | Type | Size |
Enhanced Witches.7z | 7z | |
Demon Butler Outfits.package | package | 26414 |
EnhancedWitches.package | package | 270013 |
Filename | Type | Size |
MagicAnimations.7z | 7z | |
AllAnimations.package | package | 9858936 |
Broom Flight Animations.package | package | 1086553 |
Familiar Attack Animations.package | package | 1173881 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Enhanced Witches Strings for translation.7z | 7z | |
EnhancedWitches_Strings_CHT_CN.txt | txt | 7686 |
EnhancedWitches_Strings_CZE_CZ.txt | txt | 7706 |
EnhancedWitches_Strings_DAN_DK.txt | txt | 7705 |
EnhancedWitches_Strings_DUT_NL.txt | txt | 7839 |
EnhancedWitches_Strings_EN.txt | txt | 7704 |
EnhancedWitches_Strings_FIN_FI.txt | txt | 7705 |
EnhancedWitches_Strings_FRE_FR.txt | txt | 7976 |
EnhancedWitches_Strings_GER_DE.txt | txt | 7822 |
EnhancedWitches_Strings_HUN_HU.txt | txt | 7822 |
EnhancedWitches_Strings_ITA_IT.txt | txt | 7969 |
EnhancedWitches_Strings_JPN_JP.txt | txt | 7705 |
EnhancedWitches_Strings_KOR_KR.txt | txt | 7705 |
EnhancedWitches_Strings_NOR_NO.txt | txt | 7705 |
EnhancedWitches_Strings_POL_PL.txt | txt | 7705 |
EnhancedWitches_Strings_POR_BR.txt | txt | 7891 |
EnhancedWitches_Strings_RUS_RU.txt | txt | 8444 |
EnhancedWitches_Strings_SPA_ES.txt | txt | 7921 |
EnhancedWitches_Strings_SWE_SE.txt | txt | 7705 |
Enhanced Witches.7z
Uploaded: 16th Nov 2023, 131.1 KB.
Uploaded: 25th Apr 2023, 5.10 MB.
Enhanced Witches Strings for translation.7z
Uploaded: 12th Feb 2023, 5.0 KB.
EnhancedWitches (flavor 2).7z
Uploaded: 19th Jun 2021, 78.3 KB.
Uploaded: 3rd Aug 2020, 4.8 KB.
Uploaded: 2nd May 2018, 7.3 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 11th Jan 2024 at 11:32 PM - Update
#"Occult, #Witch, #Witches, #Enhanced Witches, #Child Witches, #Kid Witches, #More Spells, #Witchcraft"
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Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 3 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Supernatural |
About Me
Please do not re-upload my mods anywhere.
Check out my website to stay updated on all my work.
PuddingFace.Wixsite.com :- https://puddingface1902.wixsite.com/home
Patreon:- https://www.patreon.com/PuddingFace
Twitter:- https://twitter.com/PuddingFace1902
Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/puddingface19/
Tumblr:- https://puddingface1902.tumblr.com/
Pinterest:- https://in.pinterest.com/puddingface1902/_created/
That's all.