Enhanced Vampires(Update 7/12/22)
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Hi Everyone,
I am Pudding Face. This is my Enhanced Vampires mod. It is a sequel to my More Real Vampires Version 2 mod. I have uploaded a new mod instead of simply updating because this mod is a lot bigger and is doing a lot more than the previous one. So I felt it warrants a new upload of it's own. This is my Halloween gift to you guys

Trailer Video
1) Battery's C# Script Utility Mod won't work without this.
2) Druyddark's Vampire Bite Replacement Mod this is optional but HIGHLY recommended. If you are using this mod go to the menu to check Vampire Bite Replacement option to true. If you are not using this mod then make sure that option is false. But again I recommend that you do use it.
Updated to 1.02b8 of Battery's C# Script utility.
POR_BR translation added. Thanks to WesGp for translating.
Fixed a compatibility issue with bite replacement mods.
Menu now has proper options to prevent burning in sunlight for inactive and active vampires. Separate options for both.
1) A brand new Skill for Vampires. Called the Vampirism skill. It's a hidden skill.
2) Many New abilities for Vampires will unlock as you level up your Vampirism skill.
3)A menu similar to the ones you find in Nraas mods. You can access the menu by clicking on the City Hall>PuddingFace>Enhanced Vampires.
Detailed Description:-
1) Firstly the optional add on NoThirst.package makes it so that Vampires don't die from low Thirst. It is a stand alone mod that doesn't require the main mod and the main mod doesn't require it either.
2)This mod makes Vampires die from sunlight. If Vampires go out while the sun is out they will get the Heating Up moodlet and if the Sim fails to escape to safety in time they will burn. How long the heating up moodlet lasts can be configured in the menu. Higher leveled vampires handle the sun a lot better when the thirst need is full or almost full. There's also a Daylight Ring cheat you can enable from the menu.
3)Vampires can Read Mind and Make Sims think about themselves or others autonomously and without cooldown. At what level these interactions unlock can be customized in the menu. You can also create a cooldown for the autonomous use if you feel that your Sims are spamming it too much.
4)Vampires can Compel Sims to do many things for them.
Compel to drink is like the Sims 4 Compel to drink
Compel to be Friendly with... makes the sim you compelled be more friendly to the other sim of your choice.
Compel to be Flirty with... makes the sim you compelled be more flirty to the other sim of your choice.
Compel to be mean to... makes the sim you compelled be mean to the other sim of your choice.
Compel to fight with... Makes the Sim you compelled fight with another Sim of your choice.
Compel to become Friend... Makes the compelled Sim your friend.
Compel to become Lover... Makes the compelled Sim fall in love with you.
Compel to Workout... Makes the compelled Sim workout. They'll go to gym if they can't find any exercise equipment. They won't workout if
they're fatigued.
Compel to sleep... Makes the compelled Sim fall asleep. They'll just Nap if they're energy need is high
Compel to become Servant... Will give the Sim a compelled moodlet. A compelled Sim will clean the house and repair broken objects.
The Vampire that compelled the Sim will be able to directly command them instead of Compelling. Like command to be flirty or command to
fight with.. Other vampires will not be able to compel this Sim. They'll get the message that this Sim is already compelled. How long the compelled buff stays depends on how powerful the Vampire is. Master Vampires can permanently turn a Sim into a servant.
You can use the menu to change at what level these interactions unlock.
5)Vampires can teleport by turning into bats.You can use the menu to change at what level these interactions unlock.
6)Vampires can Drain the Energy of Sims. You can use the menu to change at what level these interactions unlock.
7)Vampires can break into another Sim's house without invitation. You can use the menu to change at what level these interactions unlock.
8)There are Vampiric Auras. You can spread friendship, love or hatred with these auras in a nearby radius. You can use the menu to change at what level these interactions unlock.
9)Master Vampires can use their powers on other Vampires as well as aliens.The menu can be used to customize what level a Vampire becomes a Master Vampire.
10) I know I went on and on about the menu. But I would advise to first play with the mod without much changes from yourself. I put a lot of thought into the default settings of the mod. So try that out first is my advice.
How to Install
1)Download Battery's C# Script Utility mod.
2)Download the Enhanced Vampires.7z . The NoThirst.7z is an optional add on that can work on it's own. None of these mods depend on each other.
3)Optional Step. Download Druyddark's Vampire Bite Replacement Mod this is optional but HIGHLY recommended. The red glow when feeding on Sims in my trailer and images is from this mod.
4)Extract the packages with 7zip or WinRAR or other softwares.
5)Put them in the Mods/Packages folder.
6)Start the game.
7)Play as a Vampire to see the effects.
(If this is the first time you're downloading a mod, check the proper instructions in the Files tab.)
If you were using More Real Vampires Version 2 mod, then before you download this mod, delete that mod then open your game and save and quit. Why you need to do this is because some of the moodlets have been changed. And some minor issues can appear when the old code clashes with the new. Nothing game breaking as far as I know.
Recommended Mods
Some mods that I recommend using alongside this.
Druyddark's Vampire Bite Replacement Mod this mod is even showcased in the trailer due to how well it works.
Nraas Hybrid https://www.nraas.net/community/Hybrid to allow Hybrids and Nraas Master Controller and Nraas Story Progression to create hybrids.
My mod is compatible with Druyddark's Vampire Bite Replacement mod. However you have to go to the menu to check Vampire Bite Replacement option to true. If you are not using his mod then make sure this option is set as false. I HIGHLY recommend that you get this mod. It's really really great.
My mod is compatible with Sauzer's More Vampire Powers mod and Enirei's vampire mods.
My mod tunes the VampireHunt_Terrain, VampireReadMind_Sim and VampireThinkaboutMe_Sim Itun files and motives.xml file located in gameplaydata.package. Any other mod that does the same will conflict with it.
Thank you for using my mod. Hope you enjoy it. Let me know if you find any problems.
Additional Credits:
Battery for helping me out a lot with this mod and for his C# Script Utility mod.
Druyddark for helping with animations and for being a great friend.
Bast, TheNovak for Russian translation
WesGp for translating to Portuguese Brazilian.
Chain_Reaction for being so helpful in the Nraas forums. I learnt a lot from him.
Gamefreak130 for helping me out a lot with the Vampiric auras code.
Lyralei for a lot of help.
Buzzler, NonaMena, CmarNYC for their tutorials.
Douglasveiga and Ghost sdoj for helping me out in the help forum.
VelocityGrass's no effects mod tool.
A lot of friends I made on this site like SecretX, Sofmc9 and just too many to name.
Tremerion for his Vampire mood mod which inspired me to make my own mod.
All other modders whose mods I downloaded over the years which gave me the confidence to make my own.
S3PE, VS2015
Filename | Type | Size |
Enhanced Vampires.7z | 7z | |
Enhanced Vampires animations.package | package | 1536779 |
Enhanced Vampires VFX.package | package | 7986 |
Enhanced Vampires.package | package | 219839 |
Enhanced Vampires.7z
Uploaded: 2nd Jan 2023, 979.9 KB.
Enhanced Vampire languages translation files.7z
Uploaded: 1st Jan 2021, 5.1 KB.
Uploaded: 27th Oct 2020, 19.5 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 3 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Late Night |
![]() | Supernatural |
About Me
Please do not re-upload my mods anywhere.
Check out my website to stay updated on all my work.
PuddingFace.Wixsite.com :- https://puddingface1902.wixsite.com/home
Patreon:- https://www.patreon.com/PuddingFace
Twitter:- https://twitter.com/PuddingFace1902
Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/puddingface19/
Tumblr:- https://puddingface1902.tumblr.com/
Pinterest:- https://in.pinterest.com/puddingface1902/_created/
That's all.