More Types of Fish to Stock Fishbowls and Tanks
by Sims MX 23rd Dec 2012 at 10:57am
This script mod replaces the "Stock" interaction of fish bowls and tanks, so Sims can buy more types of fish. more...
47 60.2k 215
More Alchemy Potions + Potions for Pets
by Sims MX updated 27th Jul 2013 at 4:41am
This mod adds 8 new custom alchemy potions and enables potions for pets! more...
+1 packs
Newborns Get Zodiac Signs that Match the Current Season
by Sims MX updated 10th Dec 2012 at 6:41pm
Based on the days elapsed of the current season, this mod will calculate the zodiac sign a newborn should get. more...
+1 packs
Consignment Overhaul + Non-Vacation Registers + More!
by Sims MX 2nd Aug 2011 at 6:09pm
This mod does two things adds more objects to the Consignment Register and makes WA registers functional in non-vacation worlds. more...
61 94.3k 221
Missing Auto Soils (Plasma Fruit, Carrot & more)
by Sims MX updated 27th Oct 2011 at 1:22am
Plasma Fruit, Carrot, Burger Patty, Cheese, Egg, Steak, and Forbidden Fruit auto soils more...
71 103.6k 296
Save the Environment Driving Eco-Friendly Cars
by Sims MX updated 5th Nov 2012 at 3:52am
This is a script mod that'll give Eco-Friendly Sims a "Saving the Environment" moodlet from driving eco-friendly vehicles. more...
+1 packs
More Types of Fish to Stock Fish Bowls and Tanks
by Sims MX updated 16th Dec 2012 at 8:25pm
This is tuning mod will allow you to stock your fish tank with more types of fish. more...
24 41.9k 82
More Slots for EA Furniture - End Tables, Coffee Tables, Windows, Bookshelves & More
by Sims MX updated 4th Sep 2010 at 3:21am
Wasted space bugs you? Not anymore! This mod will add slots to end tables, coffee tables, bay windows, desks, etc. more...
50 126k 489
EA Furniture Made "Sculptable"! (UPDATED)
by Sims MX updated 6th Aug 2010 at 7:13am
I've made a mod that will fix some items so they can be sculpted using the Sculpting Station. more...
26 53.3k 94
Missing Skill Books & Other Fixes (updated for patch 1.50)
by Sims MX updated 8th Nov 2010 at 12:47am
This is mod will add the missing Photography and Martial Arts volumes and fix the Mixology and Inventing volumes. more...
98 147.2k 216
The Sims 3 Recategorizer (UPDATE Late Night!)
by Sims MX updated 3rd Nov 2010 at 5:49am
The Sims 3 Recategorizer :alarm: This mod is outdated, an up-tp-date version can be obtained from Simlogical (,1777.msg). more...
118 144.1k 134
Globalization (Unlocked Debug World Adventures Objects) (UPADTE)
by Sims MX updated 10th Aug 2010 at 4:24pm
This mod unlocks several World Adventures objects such as the scooter, tent, shower in a can, breaking board… more...
+1 packs
World Adventures