Padme's Blue Linen Dress with and without shawl- Ep III
padme_blue_linen_dresswshawl.jpg - width=525 height=723
padme_blue_linen_dressshawl.jpg - width=1024 height=710
padme_blue_linen_dresswoshawl.jpg - width=937 height=622

I had quite a productive weekend ^^
So now I bring you the Blue/Navy Linen Dress worn in Episode 3 while talking to Anakin in her apartment....
In the scene she doesn't really wear the black lacy shawl but in the promo pictures she has it... So I made two version....
I really like the dress because it's so simple and yet beautiful..... I hope you like what I did with it.....
For the dress without the shawl you'll need the mesh from Simsfamily... If you scroll down on the left site under "Gäste" you'll see "Roxelane" go there and klick on "Frauen" at the top in the middle of the page (you might have to scroll up again)..... Then download on page 8 the mesh.... Or just click *here* <-- direct link

The mesh is a bit weird on the back... So please don't think that's my fault.... But it's hardly noticable and I really love the mesh...
The dress with the black shawl requires the mesh rosemat made for Padmé's wedding... I used it on the picnic dress...
Both are in Everyday, Formal and Sleepwear... aaaaaaand.... We have the baby bump if we want it

The hairstyle was recoloured by me and originally made by MyoS
Please tell me what you think

(I really love to hear what you want to use my stuff for, if you don't use it for Padmé.... Like ... If you intend to dress your medieval sims in it or something....)
Uploaded: 11th Dec 2006, 928.3 KB.
Uploaded: 11th Dec 2006, 949.3 KB.
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About Me
My Policy: (yeah I got myself one of these fancy things ^^)
You may use my textures and recolour them.
You may use my alphas to make your own.
You may include my costum content.
If you....
- used something I did to make your own stuff, please pm me with a link, because I want to see what you did (*nosy* ;) )
- used something I created, please link back...
Also: If you're proud of what you've done, I'll be happy to see it ;)