Fanseefem Casuals: Puff Sleeved Sundresses with Sandals... for the Laydeez

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The Fanseefem Project:

The Fanseefem project is my effort to bring normal clothes to our adult female sims. Sick of overdressed sims, I've been making lots of nice, simple things that real ladies would wear everyday.

This is part five of the Fanseefem series, a little more dressy than the previous stuff but still quite casual.

It's also a reinterpretation of the child female outfit that came with Seasons - I wasn't able to do a direct conversion of the textures, and I wasn't really fond of the bow and flowers, but I loved the shape and the textures, so I used the five base textures from that mesh to create the textures for these - due to the exotic mapping of the child mesh, I wasn't able to convert the top textures, hence why those are solid, but I think it's rather cute that way anyway.

All of these work for young adults, adults, and elders. There's a fat morph shaped much like Maxis fat. And because I thought they'd be adorable for maternity wear, they work for that too:

Gwillewyn has made a lovely default replacement add-on for these, so you can use them as a replacement for the Maxis maternity wear. Otherwise you'll need Squinge's pregnant sims wear any outfit hack to use these as maternity wear.

Because of the scope and grandeur of this project, I do not have any plans at this time to do the same for teens. Please don't ask - I may if the mood strikes me, but I hate doing stuff over, and doing the same huge pile of stuff again is enough to drive me batty.

What's Included:

This set has one new mesh:
  • Sundress Mesh - Short puffed sleeves, bare arms, and a smooth bodice falling into a gently flared skirt that ends just above the knee. The shoes are simple sandals.

There are also 14 recolours for the sundress mesh, including the standard colours for the Fanseefem series (well, okay, I did white not grey, but it seemed like more of a white thing), plus the other colours that the child version of this came in: 60's green flowers, pink and yellow diamonds, blue and red, and white fishies.

Additionally there's one with a fuchsia top and sage green bottom called Rose Campion - inspired by the flower that grows in my garden.

Absolutely everything is clearly labeled so you can remove any recolours you may not want.


Thanks yet again to fanseelamb for inspiring the Fanseefem project. Thanks also to Tiggerypum for advice and help on meshing, Wes_H for Unimesh and his other plugins, everyone who has contributed to the development of SimPE, Dr Pixel, and Rasputina. Thanks go to bluetexasbonnie for identifying the rose campion from my garden so I could name the recolour after it.

And also a big thank you to the rest of the MTS2 staff (especially Delphy) for making a place where I can learn how to do cool stuff like this, and share it with all of you.

Model Credits:

Both models are my sims. You can get full details on all of their skins, makeup, etc., as well as download them here at MTS2:


You're welcome to recolour these as much as you like. I have a layer-separated PSD with everything all nice and original and stuff if you want - let me know if you'd like it.

Mesh Required!

Make sure you download both of the attached files, both the recolours and mesh files for this to work in your game!

Polygon Counts:
2064 polygons, 1527 vertices (normal)
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