Untuckables Set 07: 10 Hippie Shirts for Females and Males, Adults and Teens

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If you are unfamiliar, what I have done is create T-shirts in 113 designs for females and males, both adult and teen. I originally tried to cram them all into one thread, but that made the mods sad, so I've split them up into eleven sets.

So, yeah, hope you like ‘em. And don't forget the mesh! The adult female shirts require HystericalParoxysm's MESH_AF_T_UntuckableTop.rar from her first Fanseefem untuckable collection.

So, What Do We Have Here?
Set 07 contains 10 T-shirts for adults, both male and female, adults and teens from... well, it's a dingbat font. But, shh, don't give away my secrets! I've actually made a few of these into stencils and made real shirts for myself. xD

New creator rules here require that no screen shots show pay content.

Obviously I would not have been able to make these shirts (at least not easily) without fanseelamb and HystericalParoxysm. They made... everything, I just stuck pretty pictures on them. But if you've been a member of MTS2 for more than an hour, you already knew that.

The origin of the shirt design is listed above, as well as stamped on the texture file of each shirt.

Sharing Policy:
Since these are recolors, I'd assume they fall under fanseelamb and HystericalParoxysm's sharing policies. Personally, I have no sharing policy. I donut care.

Previous Sets:
Set 01 - Threadless.com T's
Set 02 - Threadless.com T's
Set 03 - Threadless.com T's
Set 04 - Geek T's
Set 05 - Band T's
Set 06 - Engrish T's
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