Agriturism in Tuscany, an XVIII century wine farm on sweet Chianti hills
Agriturism in Tuscany_back.jpg - width=800 height=600
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The high purchase costs will be covered soon by accomodating tourists and travellers, families and couples on holidays and/or romantic weekends. You can also take care of the vines and kitchen-garden, to offer your guests the best vegetables, fruits, grapes and wines. Parking is in the backyard.
Not far is the winefarm with the most of the grape vines - it is still on restoring but I hope it will be ready soon

Main building
Number of apartments: 5
Nr of bedrooms each: 3 in 3 apartments, 2 in 1 apartment and 1 in the little one
Nr of bathrooms each: 2 in 3 apartments, 1 in the ground apartment and 1 in the little one
Other rooms each: living-dining room, kitchen
Barn and store
barn floor (first fl.): bar and restaurant
store floor (ground fl.): wine store and restaurant kitchen
Backyard: parking, kitchen-garden, garden, vines, barbecue + swmming pool area
Note about the parking: as you see from the photoes, drive all the way up to the buildings and park both in vertical and horizontal direction.. there'a place beside the barn in the backyard too!
Maxis furnished, but for walls and floors by me (real Tuscan terracotta floors and Italian stucco walls) and a few marvellous objects by other Creators
More screenshots
To have an idea of how can display apartments floors and walls, please look at the image you can find here and here; this is a view from the street and this from the grapevine
Lot size: 5x6
Lot price: 672.706
Enjoy! ... and please if you like it do not forget to press the thank button and/or leave your comments!

Custom Content by Me:
- real ancient limestone drainage hole
- ancient Tuscan stone floor
- Maxis stone wall recolour
- Tuscan terracotta_4 part tile
- Tuscan terracotta_rhomb-shape laying floor
- Tuscan terracotta_ancient tiles floor
- Tuscan terracotta_ancient light floor
- Tuscan terracotta_bone-laying floor
- Tuscan terracotta_decorated tiles floor
- Tuscan terracotta_lithos floor
- Tuscan terracotta_mosaic floor
- ancient Etruscan stucco wall
- ancient Etruscan stucco deco wall
- ancient Etruscan stucco wall-white
- blue Tuscan stucco wall
- damask rose stucco wall
- green Tuscan stucco wall
- marble effect stucco wall
- orange stucco wall
- stencil stucco wall
- yellow Tuscan stucco wall
Custom Content Included:
- Fickle Fern by buggybooz
- Planter no 2 large by buggybooz
- Hay Wagon by rebecah
- Begonia - Tropical Plant Collection by macarossi
- Fiat Punto by Numenor
- Bigger oleander by corvidophile2
- Bigger Oleander by corvidophile2
- BiggerOleander_rec1 by corvidophile2
- Description from corvidophile2_BiggerOleander_rec4 by corvidophile2
- Giant "Oleander" by corvidophile2 by corvidophile2
- GiantOleander_rec1 by corvidophile2
- GiantOleander_rec2 by corvidophile2
- GiantOleander_rec3 by corvidophile2
- GiantOleander_rec4 by corvidophile2
- Medieval door_recolor2 by The Dark Project
- Wooden Stairs Open Underneath by crocobaura
- Apple Tree by Echo
- Grape Vine by Echo
- Lettuce by Echo
- Red Cabbage by Echo
- Wheelbarrow by Echo
- erba (grass) by Ronja
- corvidophile2-Giant Oleander by orvidophile2
- StackableBarrels01-ReCol6 by frillen
- Stackable Barrels01 by frillen
- Garden Irises by macarossi
- Curved Archway by Helena
- Birch Tree Shrubby Larger by khakidoo
- BirchShrubbyLargerRC6 by khakidoo
- Birch Tree Shrubby by khakidoo
- BirchShrubbyRC6 by khakidoo
- Clump of grass by Lethe_s
- Clump of short grass by Lethe_s
- Sprig of grass by Lethe_s
- Rounded Castle Door by Lethe_s of the The Guild Masters
- two tile rounded door-cherry by Lethe_s
- Quarter-Circle Flowerbed (1x1) (convex) by MaryLou & Numenor
- Barbecue Plain Grey by Numenor
- WallWindow_(Standard+Seamless)_InvisibleGlass by Numenor
- WallWindow_(Standard+Seamless)_InvisibleHandles by Numenor
- Seamless WallWindow - by Numenor by Numenor
- invisible driveway by roddyaleixo
- Clear Transparent Tile by RGiles
- Trawka Nr 1 by Margierytka
- Trawka Nr 3 by Margierytka
- Trawka Nr 6 by Margierytka
- UK1967_Medieval_Well by UK1967
- Pink Flamingo by Saiz08
- Pink Flamingo by Saiz08
- Pink Flamingo by Saiz08
Additional Credits:
Numenor for his AnyGamestarter
MaryLou and HystericalParoxysm for their recolour tutorials
Eedgan, dogman and Jonesi for their garage tutorials
Agriturism in
Uploaded: 12th Jan 2008, 9.22 MB.
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3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
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Updated: 16th Jan 2008 at 2:00 AM
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