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Picked Upload!   This is a picked upload! It showcases some of the best talent and creativity available on MTS and in the community.
Category: Dorm
lot size: 4x3
Student rooms: 8: 4 gryffindor, 4 slytherin
furnished: totally (almost all maxis furnished)
CC: the list of cc seems long, but I used only some set of wall/floors and a set of door/windows by parsimonious. Almost all build items except 2/3 buy
tested: yes, as usual i've tested a clone
§: 368,500

My Hogwarts Castle in a 4x3 lot.
I tried to replicate Hogwarts facade and structure in a medium lot, because I can't play (and I don't like to play) in huge lots.

Castle has a lot of rooms and secret corners that I don't want to describe..find them by yourself!
Bridges and corridor will get you there.
There is also Severus Snape Closet, full of magic reagents: your young magician could steal them for their first spells, but remember to create new ones in order to replace those you used!! The closet is strictly forbidden for junior students. : )
Your wizard & witches can study magic everywhere, reserving magic books you can find in rooms, library, common areas. And they can create reagents if they find the hidden rooms of cauldrons.

With this Castle I find again the wish to play with University, because I had much fun:
the distribution of students is obviously random, but in my case it seems intentional: the four npc students that occupy slytherin rooms were dressed in black or green and they were sooo bad-tempered, while the two npc gryffindor (the other couple was mine) were red-dressed and so nice : )))
weird, uh? magic? :p

Remember to study magic and not only your university normal school subjects!! At graduation, your students will be great skilled magician!
>> hurry up to study 3 magic skill point to use Mavigestum to move quickly in the castle !!
Choose for your sims the right room (in slytherin area if you want to become evil magician, gryffindor for neutral or good ones) (or obviously do what you want )
Common areas are very frequented by students of respective Houses, so in my game was very strange to see a slytherin in gryffindor house.
Also Library was very frequented for group research.
You can see above in the pic the section of gryffindor common area, click here to see slytherin one.

Remember to play with frontal view in gryffindor house and with back view in slytherin house.


- Chimney Recolour by Kimsie download it (grey one) here
- Recolours of Shrubby Shrubs by HystericalParoxysm, download here

Lot Size: 4x3
Lot Price: 368,500

Custom Content Included:
- Sulpice Arch Wall by V1ND1CARE @ mts2
- Jumbo Shrubby Shrub by HystericalParoxysm @ mts2
- Waterfall Matching Rock by Marvine @ mts2
- Waterfall Matching Rock 2 by Marvine @ mts2
- Waterfall Matching Rock 3 by by Marvine @ mts2
- Waterfall Matching Rock 9 by by Marvine @ mts2
- Nanisim Alarm for Fireplaces by Nanisim @ mts2
- red brick floor by by corvidophile2 at www.modthesims2.com
- 2 grey brick floor by by corvidophile2 at www.modthesims2.com
- 9 Red brick wall (part of the set) by by corvidophile2 at www.modthesims2.com
- "A Fairy Tale Romance" Double Archway by by Kate @ www.parsimonious.org
- "A Fairytale Romance" Double Door by by Kate @ www.parsimonious.org
- "A Fairytale Romance" Single Archway by by Kate @ www.parsimonious.org
- "A Fairytale Romance" Single Arch - Diagonal by by Kate @ www.parsimonious.org
- "A Fairytale Romance" Single Door by by Kate @ www.parsimonious.org
- "A Fairytale Romance" Single Door - Diagonal by by Kate @ www.parsimonious.org
- "A Fairytale Romance" Little Window by by Kate @ www.parsimonious.org
- "A Fairytale Romance" Little Window - Diagonal by by Kate @ www.parsimonious.org
- "A Fairytale Romance" Tall Window by by Kate @ www.parsimonious.org
- "A Fairytale Romance" Tall Window - Diagonal by by Kate @ www.parsimonious.org
- ftibeingapart wall by by Kate @ www.parsimonious.org
- pirate tavern rock wall2 by by Kate @ www.parsimonious.org
- prophetic arch wall by by Kate @ www.parsimonious.org
- spheremonoswag wall by by Kate @ www.parsimonious.org
- madameisoldes wall by by Kate @ www.parsimonious.org
- madameisoldes3 wall by by Kate @ www.parsimonious.org
- gothiccarvedstone wall by by Kate @ www.parsimonious.org
- 4 Sw. Lucja walls- classic panels by Margierytka @sims2design.pl
- 4 Sulpice wall by V1ND1CARE @ mts2
- real carpet by McAlli @ mts2
- floor by cc4sims by Christine © www.cc4sims.com
- Fallstaff floor by kate @ www.parsimonious.org
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