More Fun Activities - Sims 3 Showtime: 3-25-2012

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Sims 3 Showtime

There are some new interactions and objects in Showtime that needed their Fun and/or Social motives adjusted to make these activities worthwhile for your Sims.

The different mods below are related to either careers, objects or interactions (uncategorized like Heckle Sim for example):

Circus Performer (Different from Singer. These artists use juggling clubs, rings of fire, ropes, etc.)
Cocktail Table Arcade
Diva Interactions (These are the interactions Divas use to gussy themselves up with or admire themselves using mirrors.)
DJ Booth
Electro Dance Sphere (just like the old Bandatron in Sims 2)
Golf Driving Range
Magician (These artists perform magic tricks.)
Karaoke Machine
Pool Table
Show Stage (Performing on a ST show stage.)
Chin Up Bar
Repair Karaoke Machine and ElectroDanceSphere
Heckle Sim (Boo the Sim while that Sim is performing badly.)
Showtime Singer (Different from Circus Performers and Musicians (both tracks). These artists sell remix albums, sing 'Sing A Grams', perform on a show stage, etc.)

Choose any of the ST activities to suit your playing needs except:

1. If you want ALL of the activities from every expansion pack, get Chaavik-AllActivitiesInOne-ST.

*Not including Stuff Packs. If you don't have a stuff pack, the game will ignore those missing stuff packs. I only have Outdoor Living Stuff as my stuff pack installed.*

2. If you only want the ST activities in a single file, get Chaavik-MoreFunActivities-STOnly.

Install Instructions:

Windows 7 (all versions including Enterprise):

C:\Users\****\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages

**** is your User Name.

Hardcore Windows 7 Players:

Libraries-Documents-My Documents-Electronic Arts-The Sims 3-Mods-Packages

Tech Notes:

If you have trouble installing mods or getting the game to run, use the tech forums at either Sims 3 or MTS for those issues. I only support MY OWN mods and no one else's.

Caveat Emptor:

Do not ask me to make my mods compatible with someone else's mods. I make mods for my own use and share them with everyone else because I figure they might like the fun activities as much as I do. Do not post any of my mods (all mods I released publicly) anywhere.


Sims 3 Pets

There are new pet-related activities introduced by Pets to allow Sims and Sim animals to interact with various objects and with each other.

Some of these activities had their Fun and/or Social values set that didn't allow Sims and pets to boost their Fun and/or Social motives. Some files did not have either Fun and/or Social motive values.

Pet Activities:

Hunting (Hunting and catching Fish and Prey)
Scratching (Newspapers, Scratching Posts and House objects such as chairs)
Watching (Watching Minor Pets, Wild Animals, TV, Pet Stones)
Chasing (Pets and Sims chase each other and chase Mail Carrier)
Playing (Play tricks, play with toys and other objects, play with Sims)
Guarding (Pets guard their beds, their houses and their owners' house objects)
Singing (Pets sing along)
Brushing (Sim brushing pets, pets being brushed) *These files were missing both Fun and Social motives.*
Horse Riding (Running course, racing, riding horse)
Cleaning (Caring for pet tanks)
Tinkering (Tinkering Water Trough)

* There are just so many activities to list, but the above are categorized to give you an idea what activities have been modified. *

A picture of a Sim petting her cat on her lap is one of the activities they enjoyed together below.


The individual mods are divided by categories: Cats, Dogs, General and Horses. The General folder contains the activities that don't fit into any of the other categories since some pet activities are done by both cats and dogs as well Sims.


Any individual mod to suit your play style


Chaavik-AllPetActivitiesInOne-PETS (If you want all activities in a single file)

Special Note:

You may continue to use the GEN mod(s) with the new PETS mod(s) because the new PETS mods only contain pet-related activities.

Install Instructions:

Install the mod(s) in the same location used by Generations. The location of the Mods\Packages folder hasn't changed.

Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware):

I provide support for my own mods. I don't provide support for other people's mods.

Tech Stuff:

If you have trouble playing Sims 3 or installing mods, please visit the appropriate Sims 3 forums for technical help.


Sims 3 Generations

I modified these mods to reduce the Fun advertisement so the Sims won't repeatedly pursue activities. This way, the player can have more control over the things they want their Sims to do. There were some activities that had no Social boosting code, so I added the Social code to boost the Sim's Social motive. Some examples are:

Picnics on the ground and at the tables
Talking on the phone (EA decided these activities don't need to boost Social.. Uh right... Talking to people on the phone isn't a socially fun activity for those of us who like to chat on the phone? Right, EA...)

New activities have been introduced to enhance the lives of Sims from young to old. A few examples are:

Play in the sandbox
Learn to drive a car (Teen Only)
Pull pranks on other Sims (Teen Only)
Play in treehouses and on seesaws

These folders contain individual mods to pick from if you only want certain ones:

Art - Sculpting, Painting
Book - Reading general, skill and toddler books
Car - Go for a joyride or learn to drive a car
Children - Various child-related activities
Cleaning- All about cleaning bathrooms, kitchens and etc
Computer - Hacking, writing, chatting, blogging, surfing
Digging - Dig dig dig
Electronic - Sabotage those evil electronic things!
Firefighting - fighting fires with fun
Game - Various game-related activities
General - Things that don't fit the other folders
Ghost Hunting - Dan Akroyd wannabe activities
Graveyard - Nothing like visiting a creepy mausoleum at night
Inventing - Inventing ideas since Sims 3
Musical - Sing, dance, play guitar or your grandma's piano
Outdoor - Various outdoor activities that should stay outside
Physical - Exercise is all about physical fitness
Private Eye - Bones got everything to play private eye with
Repair - Fix those broken things!
School - Homework is fun isn't it?
Social - Social activities that should be socially fun
Stylist - Fashionistas should have fun play fashion
Tattoo - Popeye got one, are you?
Teen - Things teens do
Tinkering - Tinker tinker tinker all good things
Tomb - Lara Croft wannabe activities


If you want ALL of these activities in a single file, use 'Chaavik-AllActivitiesInOne-GEN' instead to save space for effienciency.


If you do not have Late Night or Ambitions or World Adventures, you should not be able to use the mods from the Tomb, Tinkering and General folders. But if you installed the AllActivitiesInOne file, the game will ignore those activities if you do not have the EPs installed.

Install Instructions:

Install in the following location:


C:\Documents and Settings\****\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages

**** is your current user account with admin rights.

Vista and Windows 7:

Under the Documents path. Sorry for not providing the path since I don't use either one at the moment.


Wherever your mods folder is located.


I only provide support for my own mods and no one else's. If you have trouble playing Sims 3, please visit the Sims 3 forums for technical help.

Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware):

These mods -will- conflict with other mods modifying the interactions' social and fun motives. Use one or the other to suit your playing style.

** Some of the old WA files were removed to make room for new collections of activities to be added for Generations and later EPs. **


Sims 3 Late Night Information

The latest updates pertain to the issues with hot tubs from Late Night. If you have Late Night as your latest EP installed, download More Fun Activities Collection - LN instead.


Cuddle Seat - Kiss
Cuddle Seat - Make Out
Cuddle Seat - Woohoo (Social was at 0 by EA default. Changed to 70 to allow Sims to boost their Social motives when they woohoo) **

** - Added

The above interactions affect hot tubs from Late Night and seats like couches, benches or similar seats.

More Fun Activities - LN is a single file with all of the activities up to Late Night.


I do not have Outdoor Living Stuff, but I have the resources to check for compatibility. If I find any changes between Late Night and OLS, then I will update accordingly for OLS.

Sims 3 Ambitions Information

June 13th 2010:

Re-download More Fun Activities Collection - AM if you're missing the mod file and only got two text files by mistake.

A new collections package, More Fun Activities Collection - AM, is now available for those of you who want ALL of the activities in a single mod (file). The activities are from Sims 3, World Adventures and Ambitions.


These new activities have either their fun scripts changed to increase Fun more visibly and/or their social scripts changed to increase Social more visibly.

Some activities such as dancing with partners or jumping on the trampoline with another Sim had their social scripts set to not gain Social very much (the EA way).

You have the choice to install only the ones you want from the new packages in bold:

More Fun Ambitions Activities - AM (Contains only Ambitions activities)

The activities below are in bold:

Dig Site - Mining and Excavating (Fun)
Fire Fighter - All firefighting activities such as putting fires out, breaking doors down, etc
Ghost Hunter - All ghost hunting activities such as searching for spirits, investigate, etc
Give Tattoos - Gain fun giving tattoos to self or to other Sims
Inventor - All inventing activities such as reprogram frankensim, invent, make (all), etc
Junkyard - Dig through piles for fun
Maintenance And Repair - All maintenance and repair activities
Private Investigator - All activities such as staking out, writing report, rummaging through trash, etc
Research With Drafting Table - All research activities related to the drafting table
Sculpting - All activities such as making sculptures, continuing sculpting, posing for sculptor
Stylist - All activities such as discussing fashion, etc
Jump On Trampoline - Gains fun and social alone or with other Sims
Fry Bugs - Have fun frying bugs
Rummage Through Trash Can - New replacement mod since it has a different constant (Is NOT related to Private Investigation)
Play Gnubb - Have fun playing the game and socialize with other Sims
Steal Money From Bake Sale - Have fun stealing money from a bake sale

More Fun Activities - June 13 2010 - Sims 3 (Contains only the new Sims 3 activities)


The activities (described below) were not included with Sims 3 before June 13, 2010. If you don't have those activities, you can choose to install them if you want.

The activities below are in bold:

Admire Self At Mirror
Bake At Toy Oven (Children Only)
Clean Activities - All cleaning activities
Knock Down At Activity Table - Knock down blocks from the activity table
Knock Over Trash Can
Repair Activities - All repair activities (NOT related to upgrading activities)
View Objects - View objects like the objects at the art museum

More Fun Activities - June 13 2010 - WA (Contains only World Adventures activities)


The activities (described below) were not included with World Adventures before June 13, 2010. If you don't have those activities, you can choose to install them if you want.

The activities below are in bold:

Repair Activities - Repair Fortune Cookie Maker, Repair Nectar Maker
Fireworks - Launch small fireworks, Launch large fireworks
Bake Fortune Cookies


None of these mods are core mods. You can only choose one mod or the other for your play style, meaning you cannot have two mods that affect a fish tank for example. Make sure you do not have conflicting mods installed.


Install the mod(s) in the appropriate location:

C:\Documents and Settings\****\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages (XP)

There are install instructions available here at MTS for those of you who have Ambitions installed. These are more detailed than what I outlined here.


Use the Sims 3 forums to find help for your game issues.


I provide support only for my mods.


High End Loft Stuff Information (HELS):

A broken interaction, Jog Here, has been fixed only for one package of mods called More Fun Activities - Entire Collection - WA. Please re-download this package of mods if you used this package of 3 files before February 5th, 2010. The other packages are fine.

There are no new interactions introduced with HELS as far as I could see. This stuff pack just contains the new items and clothes to decorate your Sims' homes and dress your Sims in fancy clothes. Nothing more unless I discover something new, then I will add them as time goes on down the road.

The WA (World Adventures) packages will work with HELS (game version 3.0.3.x).

The new install location for XP is now:

C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 High-End Loft Stuff\Mods\Packages

Old News:

More Fun Activities - Entire Collections - WA

This particular set of mods is fixed to eliminate a conflict between two collection files. Both collection files contained the same tuning file with the same value to boost the Fun motive. I fixed one of the collection files by removing that tuning file so that the collection files don't conflict with each other as reported by Delphy's Sims 3 Dashboard tool and as reported by someone who asked me a question about this set of mods while I was fighting a group of mobs in World of Warcraft.

Thanks Jim!

Re-download if you have this particular set of collection files to remove the conflict. IF you use other files from the mods available from this thread and find a conflict, please do let me know by posting your findings here.

World Adventures Information

A new series of activities enhances the stuff Sims do to gain more Fun and/or Social because honestly, the few activities that should be fun did not give Sims something fun to do. I added some of the Sims 3 activities to the World Adventures list because I missed some of those interactions when I originally did them for Sims 3. They also have notes to indicate which ones I didn't include with Sims 3.

The original More Fun Activities for Sims 3 were also updated for World Adventures because the new files contain more bits of code that significantly changed from Sims 3 to World Adventures.

The following activities are listed below with notes:

Clear Rubble - Big piles of rock inside the tombs
Disarm Tomb Traps
Excavate Bones At Dig Site - Small piles of bones found on the ground in the world
Hide In The Sarcophagus - Sims gain fun from hiding inside the mummy's box

Inspect Tomb Traps, Objects, Holes And Doors - Inspects the doors, holes, traps and other objects inside the tomb

Practice On Board Breaker
Practice On Chess Table - Was not exclusive to WA but missed in the original Sims 3 game
Practice On Training Dummy - Practices martial arts skill on a freestanding practice dummy
Practice Speech At Mirror - Was not exclusive to WA but missed in the original Sims 3 game
Practice Writing On Computer - Was not exclusive to WA but missed in the original Sims 3 game
Sing Normal Song - Gains fun from singing a normal song
Sing Romantic Song - Gains fun from singing a romantic song
Spar Sim - Ranked or not, the Sims gain fun from sparring each other
Squish Grapes In Nectar Tub - Gains fun from stomping the grapes in the Nectar Maker's tub
Taste Nectar From Nectar Rack - Gains fun from tasting the nectar from the rack
Tinker Nectar Maker - Gains fun from tinkering with the Nectar Maker

Train With Another Sim On The Training Dummy - Gains fun and social motives from training with another Sim on the training dummy

What's New With The Packages?

I repackaged the mods in a way to give you a choice to install the interaction mods individually or install the collection packages (everything in 3 files) to suit your needs.

New Packages Containing individual mods to pick and choose from:

Original More Fun Activities - Pack 1 - WA (Updated for World Adventures)
Original More Fun Activities - Pack 2 - WA (Updated for World Adventures)
More Fun Activities - Pack 1 -WA (Exclusive to World Adventures ONLY)

New Collections Package to install everything included in only 3 files:

More Fun Activities - Entire Collections - WA

* This includes all of the above 3 packages in just 3 files to install if you want everything. *

Note that the packages have WA at the end. Use those instead.


Please install the mods in the following location if you have XP:

C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 World Adventures\Mods\Packages

I think the install location is similar for Vista and Windows 7 players basically because the mods should be installed in the World Adventures folder anyway. I can't help you with the installation questions or issues because I don't use either Vista or Windows 7. You will need to search the Sims 3 forums for help installing the mods.


The old packages that were released for Sims 3 should NOT be used with World Adventures or Sims 3 updated after Patch 1.7.9. These are the files with no WA at the end.

These packages will be removed at a later date.

More Fun Activities - Sims 3 enhances the stuff Sims do to gain more Fun because in truth, there weren't many things in Sims 3 that Sims can do and gain Fun.

These are the activities I thought Sims could have fun doing, but the ones that were supposed to give Sims something fun to do didn't either have bits of code or values to make the activities worthwhile for your Sims to do. Some of the activities actually have zero Fun values, and I changed these values to let Sims visibly have fun doing a range of activities.

The following are listed below with some of the mods having special notes:

Explore Mausoleum More Fun
Go Jogging And More Fun
Hack Computer More Fun
Paint Faster And More Fun
Play Chess With Chess Table And More Fun
Play Chess With Computer And More Fun
Play In Toybox More Fun
Play On Playground Equipment *The EA default was 0, therefore Sims weren't gaining Fun*
Play Toy Peg Box More Fun
Play Xylophone More Fun
Read Book More Fun
Read Newspaper More Fun
Read Skill Book More Fun
Search Galaxy More Fun *Not the same as Stargaze*
Solve Hard Problem With Computer More Fun
Stargaze More Fun *Not the same as Search Galaxy*
Toddler Read Book More Fun
Workout Bench And More Fun
Workout Stereo And More Fun
Workout TV And More Fun *You can use with UnlockedTVChannelsAndMoreFun. Different files*
Workout Treadmill And More Fun
Write Novel With Computer More Fun *You can use with Faster Novel Writing For Sims 3. Different files*


Stargaze and Search Galaxy are not the same interactions from the telescope. When a Sim is stargazing, he or she is gazing at the stars. Whereas a Sim is searching the galaxy, the Sim is looking for something beyond the stars in hope of discovering something new and exciting.

You can pick any or all of the mods to install for Sims 3. Be sure to use Indie Stone Compatibility Checker (available at MTS) to check for any conflict between any of these mods against other similar mods.

More Fun Activities - Pack 2

Chat On Computer More Fun *Chat With Random Or Specific Sim*
Fishing More Fun
Cuddle On Seat More Fun *Kiss And Make Out*
Cuddle On Bed More Fun *Kiss And Make Out*
Take Bubble Bath More Fun *All Types of Bathtubs*
Swimming More Fun
Picnic More Fun *Picnic On Ground And At Picnic Table*


Picnic More Fun also has its Social values fixed because the Sims' Social motives did not improve at all when they socialize while they're on a picnic. Stupid EA.

* Available as More Fun Activities - Pack 2

More Fun Activities - Sims 3 Pack 3

Jump On Bed
Do Homework
Do Homework With - *This is a different interaction to do homework with other Sims*
Blog On Computer
Make Inappropriate Post On Forums
Troll On Forums
Smash Dollhouse
Tinkering - *All tinkering activities are combined into one single file*
Overlock Computer
Research New Stock On Computer - *Only Sims with Charisma trait and skill can do this by EA default*
Run Forensic Analysis On Computer
Sabotage Electronic Objects - *TV, Stereo and Computer activites combined in one file*
Work From Home
Check For Forum Responses


Tinkering, Sabotage Electronic Objects and Overclocking Computer did not have code bits to boost Fun.

*Available as More Fun Activities - Sims 3 Pack 3

More Fun Activities - Sims 3 - Pack 4

Rummage Through Trashcan Outdoors - Later replaced by a new Ambitions file with a different group ID (constant)
Collect Rocks
Hang Out With Sim - * Social motive fixed. It was 0 by EA default *
Interview Sim - * Social and Fun motive boosts were added *
Scare Sim - * EA default was 0 *
Write Report On Computer - * Fun motive added *
Protest City Hall - * Social motive boost added and Fun motive boost increased *


These interactions originally did not contain either or both Fun and Social motive boosts, making the interactions less sociable or fun for Sims. Interviewing people should be considered as a social activity for most people who like to do these interviews in real life. I guess EA is anti-social, or maybe their dev team is anti-social. Hanging out with people should be a FUN activity as well a socially acceptable gathering at most colleges. I hung out with my friends while I was in college and had fun doing that. So should our Sims!

* Available as More Fun Activities - Sims 3 Pack 4


These are some of the examples of activities Sims do to gain fun.

Install Instructions:

Put the mods here:

C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages

If you don't see something listed that you think can be modified to gain more fun, please let me know. If you think one activity needs to have Fun boosted more or less, please let me know.

These are my personal mods I made because I believed these activities should be fun to do, and I wanted to share them with you figuring you might like more fun activities for your Sims in Sims 3.

Additional Credits:
Inge and Peter Jones crew - hosting and supporting Sims 3 tools
Postal - Going Postal Since Sims 3
MTS - for hosting and supporting Sims 2/3 content and other Sims 2/3 tools
Paint.NET - for doing the screenshots
The Randall-D'Ischai Family - Models For My Screenshots
Sims 2/3 community - for the fun stuff I find and play with
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