Fix: Nektar Squishing Makes You Dirty

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  • this mod adds a realistic hygene decay, when squishing fruit with the nectar maker
  • hygene decay was before at 0, with this mod it's at 100 (that's about a 1/3 of the total)
  • Installation: just put the file in your packages-folder, the usual way, nothing special required
  • Conflicts: YES, see "Update" section below for detail
  • Patch: v1.67/v1.69
  • amount of hygene decay can be easily adjusted, see below for detail

this mod conflicts with the "children_can_make_nectar" mod from kapaer. Use my compatible version of the children can mod, to have both mods installed.
If you install the compatible Version from me, remove the other version of "children_can_make_nectar" mod and the other version of my mod.
Only choose one of my downloads provided here.

Hey Simmers,
Rudi has a small, but overdue adjustment for you: it's time for my fourth mod.

I just finished my wine cellar and had to realize, that my little simsies aren't getting dirty
from standing knee high in fruits, like they were fruit resistent. Yep, Sims logic after all ...
But no more of this nonsense: Now your sims will finally get filthy, while squishing fruits.
Hygene decay was before at 0 while squishing fruits, with this mod it's at 100 (that's about a 1/3 of the total hygene).

just put the file in your packages-folder, the usual way, nothing special required

Where can I find ...
- The Robot Costume is part of the Sims 3 Into the Future Expansion Pack
- The Nectar Maker is part of Sims 3 World Adventures Expansion Pack

Strong Recommendations for Nectar Makers
- this mod for finding better fruit combinations
- this mod for replacing the nektar glasses with proper wine glasses

Technical Details
- this mod edits "SquishGrapes_NectarMaker", instance 0x65F15AE989A19D02
- this in an ITUN mod, cause it edits this one ITUN resource
- Conflicts: only if you have a mod installed who's editing exactly this resource as well, but I assume that's highly unlikely
-> I tested my mod for conflicts with any nectar related mod on modthesims and found none, so you're good to go

How can I adjust the hygene decay myself

I dearly hope you enjoy your sims getting dirty in a new way.

Additional Credits:
@you-will-never-find-me-anymore for letting me use her Bonehilda for my awesome profile picture

AND to this awesome and still alive community of simmers ^^
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