Rachel Young

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BASIC sim file added, means: packed without hair and skintone, to fit the new MTS guidelines.

LadyFrontbum created these great skintones, which are perfect for any kind of female sim. Add some make up to pimp it up even more, i gave it a try with the goal to create a cool, stylish and sexy female sim with a fetish for glasses for your enjoyment. I'm happy with the result and i hope you are too

I had a few inspirations for this sim, it's basically a mix of Lara Croft, Gina Gershon and Rachel from the Advanced Armament Corp.
See here: http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/2600/inspiration.jpg
First i wanted to make Rachel alone, but if you always make 1:1 sims, you get tired of it, so i decided to make a mix of the above women to have a little creative freedom this time.

Rachel is 26 years old, she is a party animal, likes to flirt, likes to keep her body fit, goes to the best clubs (she has VIP pass almost everywhere), likes to wear her specially designed glasses, likes to wears stylish clothes and always hangs out with her goth friend. She also likes to play computer games, like Super Street Fighter 4. Her best gothy girlfriend, who she grew up with, once won a giant TV on a tech convention and she can't resist to play fighting games on it with her.
She has a qualification as metal worker and thus started working for the Advanced Armament Corp. which produces Silencers for weapons. Pretty much the only woman there she has quite the reputation and all the staff members like her. She likes weapons of course and visits the Shooting Range quite frequently to test her skills with various weapons. Between her job and freetime she also did a little modeling to earn some additional money. She is quite self-confident, so she has no troubles showing off her qualities in front of the camera. It's also a good advertisment for AAC, where she also does a few photos every now and then. Now she enjoys her life as much as possible, settling down is not an option right now. She was together with an army guy, but the relationship didn't turned out that well, now she is a free spirit, doing all possible stuff, just having fun and the next plan is to travel the world maybe, if she can afford it...

PIC: https://thumbs2.modthesims.info/img/...Compilation.jpg

- Athletic
- Ambitious
- Party animal
- Good Kisser
- Handy

- Food: Everything tasty
- Color: BLACK
- Music: Danceable Club Music like Javi Mula - Come On


Anonymous: "Jeez.. So much CC.. tl:dr.... kthxbye"

Yes this time it's much, but in fact you only have to download the hair, the formal top, the lipstick, LadyFrontbum's Naughty skintone and the UI mod for the non-default skintone, the rest is all included in the downloadfile, to make it as quick and painless for you.

The AAC monkey T-Shirt is by NewOne, the specialist when it comes to labeled T-Shirt. Many thanks for creating this for me!
Visit her blog to check out her other items: One Billion Pixels or her MTS profile: http://linna.modthesims.info/member.php?u=1686160
See here a comparison pic: http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/...irtbynewone.jpg
Anonymous: "Jeeez, the logo is so blurry !!1" Yes, tell this the Sims 3 developerteam...

→ "Advanced Armament Corp. T-Shirt" by NewOne (In color and in B/W design)
→ "Oh my Eyes - Contacts" by escand
→ "Facial Piercings" by Aikea Guinea
→ "Spiked Braclets" by Aikea Guinea
→ "Fancy Fingers 2.0" by daluved1
→ "Eyebrows" by heleane
→ "Girlie Tattoos" by traelia
→ "Disco Outfit" by Kiara24
→ "Adult + Young Adult Thong" by innocentsheep
→ "Goth boots" by Kate
→ "afBottomBrief_boyShorts" Sims 3 Original Item enabled for all 5 categories.

→ "Non-default Naughty Skins" by LadyFrontbum
→ "Plump Lipstick" by Channy & Vivin (Search for the word "megaupload" to quickly find the downloadlink!)
→ "Augustin Kate Hudson Ponytail" by Anubis360
→ "Formal Top" by 7hir7een

-MODS- which determine Rachel's looks, like she looks in the pictures:
You also must download Rez Delnava's UI Mod in order to get LadyFrontbum's non-defaultskintone to work! Don't miss this mod, it's another must have!
To achieve the shape of the Rachel's glasses i used the genious "Glasses Sliders" by james_rocks89, with these you can make countless different glasses out of one single model.

-- Latest Patch, Awesomemod sliderhack (x5): -> >> CLICK <<
-- Facial sliders: -> by bella3lek4, and download here: >>CLICK<< Thanks to "candy1985" for providing a downloadsource!
-- Facial and body Sliders: -> by jonha
-- Head Shape slider by jonha
-- Adjustable Female Breast sliders -> by Delphy
-- Non-Default Naughty skins by LadyFrontbum
-- "Oh my Eyes" Contacts by escand

Very Important!
You NEED any sort of sliderhack, or her face will snap back, if you try to edit it! Additionally you also NEED all the sliders and "Awesomemod" OR any mod which increases the sliderlimit like "S3Z's IncreasedSliderLimit", or her face looks not exactly like in the pictures!

--> Just put the ".sim" file from the download rar into the
"My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/SavedSims" folder.
--> The ".package" files which are included in the download file must be installed correctly to create her unique look. The easiest way to install them is to download Delphy's "TS3 Install Helper Monkey" . Package files must be placed in your game directory "xxx/Sims 3/Mods/Packages" and the CC shows up correctly.

- I cannot say it often enough: Download all the sliders which are available, they open up lots of new possibilities for CAS and are pretty much a must have. All you have to do is grab one of the sliderhacks (Awesomemod or johna's) to open up the EA sliderlimit, the sliders don't conflict with anything, or produce crashes, they are just... awesome!
- I applogize for the load of CC this time, usually i'm not a fan of CC cluttering, but well delete the stuff you don't need, the filenames are very obvious, so you can seperate them easily.
- Download Rez Delnava's UI Mod, to get the non-default skintone to work! (Featured Downloads, you can't miss it)

HF with Rachel!

Custom Content Included:
- "afBottomBrief_boyShorts" by SIMS 3 Original Item
- "Facial Piercings" by Aikea Guinea / http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/index.html
- "Spiked Braclets" by Aikea Guinea / http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/index.html
- "Fancy Fingers 2.0" by daluved1 / http://linna.modthesims.info/member.php?u=2600986
- "Disco Outfit" by Kiara24 / http://nene.modthesims.info/member.php?u=2722260
- "Oh my Eyes - Contacts" by escand / http://www.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=295890
- Eyebrows by heleane / http://helaene.wordpress.com/
- Advanced Armament Corp. T-Shirt by newone08 / http://one-billion-pixels.blogspot.com/
- "Adult + Young Adult Thong" by innocentsheep
- "Girlie Tattoos" by traelia / http://nene.modthesims.info/member.php?u=2527802
- "Goth boots" by Kate / http://www.parsimonious.org/
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