Francis - Left 4 Dead + his original tattoos made by NewOne
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Attention boat owner! We are... uh... the cops! Yeah the cops! I command you to come pick us up!
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It figures the only thing in the damn city NOT on fire is the one thing we need to burn down.
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You know what I don't hate? I don't hate vests.
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In beta-testing, Zoey and Francis were to share some sort of affection towards each other, but this was cut.
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Zoey: Hey Francis, your latest issue of "Hating Everything" magazine is here. Francis: I hate latest issues.
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I hate hospitals. And doctors and lawyers and cops...

Cocky, loud, and pretty sure he's indestructible, Francis acts like the zombie apocalypse is the world's biggest bar fight. When the virus hit, everybody else stockpiled food and looked for a place to hide. Francis found a gun and had some fun. No cops, no laws, no order—if it wasn't for all the zombies, he could almost get used to life like this.
Francis is one of the four playable Survivors in Left 4 Dead. He is a large, tough biker with tattoos covering his arms and neck. His tattoos identify him as a member of "Hell's Legion", a name possibly inspired by the real-world Hell's Angels Motorcycle Club. Since his character model has changed, it has been speculated that Francis' new face was modeled after the head developer of the game, Mike Booth, and that he has the Lambda symbol from the Half-Life series cut into his hair. In official media, he can usually be seen wielding either the pump shotgun or the auto shotgun.
To see how Francis looks in "real", watch the L4D Intro on Youtube in HD quality! -> >> HERE <<
Francis is notable for often contextually exclaiming how he hates something. Anything, really. Among the things Francis hates: ...
* Airplanes
* Ayn Rand
* Barns
* Birds
* Boats
* Boat People
* Boat Lawyers
* Camping
* Canada
* Churches
* Cops
* Doctors
* Elevators
* Electric Fences
* Flying
* Greece
* Helicopters
* Hospitals
* Hotels
* Jumping
* Jungles
* Latest issues
* Lawyers
* Malls
* Mazes
* Mondays
* Parades
* Sewers
* Small towns
* Stairs
* Steam pipes
* Subways
* Trains
* Train yards
* Tunnels
* Turnpikes
* Vampires
* Vans
* Vomit
* Walking
* Water
* Whispering
* Woods
All the things Francis hates in audio on Youtube! --> -> CLICK to listen <-

Francis: I hate elevators.
Francis: I hate helicopters.
Francis: I hate hospitals. And doctors and lawyers and cops...
Bill: Francis is there anything you don't hate?
Francis: You know what I don't hate? I don't hate vests.

-- Brave
-- Daredevil
-- Good Sense of Humour
-- Handy
-- Grumpy
Bill: Hey, Francis, if I ever turn, can you shoot me?
Francis: What if your beard turns, can I shoot that?
I want to give BIG kudos and thanks to < 'NewOne' > who showed incredible motivation to help me out on Francis.
Francis key feature is of course his amazing tattoo and his scars, i extracted the high quality TGA files of Francis and asked NewOne, if she would try this tattoo and scars. She told me, it would be the best tattoo she has ever made and that's absolutely true, the final result is of very high quality and is recolorable.
Additionally she also made his Outfit (which is an altered Rockstar outfit) and his characteristic scars on his face.
-> IF the scarfacemask shows up as tiger mask, just adjust a color and it switches to the scars. since i already changed the colors this error shouldn't be present in your download.
Without your incredible dedication and talent, i would've scratched the idea of Francis, but you made it possible! This tattoo and the other CC for Francis is at least 50% of Francis.

-> Mods which determine his look:
- Rick & Delphy's CAS Slider Hack: -> >> C L I C K <<
- escand's "Tiffany Glaze": -> >> C L I C K <<
- HP's Male face texture + "increased shine" -> >> C L I C K <<
- Peggy's Male body -> >> C L I C K <<

--> 'Fu Manchu'-style goatee - Teen to Elder by EsmeraldaF
--> His body outfit (altered Rockstar outfit) and Scars by NewOne
--> "afAccessoryGlovesFingerless" - Sims 3 original item converted to male category with Delphy's CAS Texture+Unitool which you can find > HERE <

Francis: You know what i don't hate, i don't hate this!
HF with Francis!
Custom Content Included:
- afAccessoryGlovesFingerless by SIMS3 original item
- Francis' Outfit - altered Rockstar outfit by NewOne /
- 'Fu Manchu'-style goatee - Teen to Elder by EsmeraldaF /
- Francis' scars by NewOne /
Francis - Left 4 Dead.rar
| Pills here!
Uploaded: 1st Dec 2009, 1.17 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Click the file listed on the Files tab to download the sim to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
2. Select the .sim file you got from extracting.
3. Cut and paste it into your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\SavedSims folder. If you do not have this folder yet, it is recommended that you open the game, enter Create-a-Sim, and save a sim to the sim bin to create this folder, rather than doing so manually. After that you can close the game and put the .sim file in SavedSims
4. Once the .sim file is in SavedSims, you can load the game, and look for your sim in the premade sims bin in Create-a-Sim.
Extracting from RAR, ZIP, or 7z: You will need a special program for this. For Windows, we recommend 7-Zip and for Mac OSX, we recommend Keka. Both are free and safe to use.
Need more help?
If you need more info, see Game Help:Installing TS3 Simswiki for a full, detailed step-by-step guide! Special Installation Instructions
- If you get an error that says "This content requires expansion pack data that is not installed", please use either Clean Installer to install this sim.
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Updated: 16th May 2010 at 3:24 AM - text fixes, switched thumbnail picture, fixed Francis sim file not showing up with his tattoos in all clothing categories
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About Me
I have quit creating for Sims 3 and moved on to other games. I enjoyed creating for MTS and i am happy that so many people liked my sims. I'm still lurking, but i am not active anymore. Hope you still find my sims here and enjoy playing them.
Farewell! But i will probably be back for Sims 4, let's hope they get it right with the editor ;)
!! Must have mods !!
Alternative UI mod for Non-default Skintones by Anach (Anach_CASSkins6x4_1.17.package)
Mastercontroller mod by twallan (Install it and experiment with this baby, you will be surprised!)
Alternative sliderhacks by [B]aWT and CmarNYC (If you don't like awesomemod for some reason)
HQ Modification by aWT (used for HQ textured uploads, you'll see them more often now i guess)
- I create for the BASEGAME ONLY, no Addons! For maximum compatibility.
- All my sims are tested in the basegame without CC (to test , if they crash) and with all used CC before uploading, to make sure they look like in the pictures, if you installed all the needed CC correctly. So if my sims don't work in an addon it might be, because some mods or CC doesn't work there, or a new patch screws with mods.
- If you ask why i add musiclinks to my uploads. It's my way to share my musictaste with the community and i try to make the tracks fit the character.
- ''Why do you have such nice graphics?'' I have every graphic setting ingame and in my card's driversettings absolute max (x16 Ansitropefiltering, Antialiasing max ingame) and i use the max allowed filesize for jpg(250kb) and png(150kb), so i get the best picture quality possible. For the thumbnails i use png format, to avoid pixelation and the slight blurriness the jpg format gives these small pictures.
I use XP-Paint and GIMP to edit the raw bmp-screenshots, which i take with FRAPS.
- ''Do you take requests?'' Nope, sorry. I have too