The Simpsons House - 742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield

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"The Simpsons have left the building... "


Now your Sim(pson)s can move in!

Lot Size: 30 x 40
Lot Price unfurnished: 68,673 Simoleons
Lot Price furnished: 133,768 Simoleons

Built with Game Version
Play-tested for several Sim-days with a single Sim and also with 4 Sims.

Cheats used: moveobjects (for chimney, plants etc), buydebug (for some tomb items)
The Roof has different heights and will snap back to normal if you adjust the roof height with the slider.

The Floorplan:

It's more than difficult, if not impossible, to find out what the "real" floorplan for the Simpsons House is like. I downloaded more than 200 screencaptures and watched many episodes to get this right, however, all I learned is that rooms in the house change position from time to time, just as needed to fit the story told in each episode.

I found pictures for almost all the rooms and their positions. I'm confident that the floorplan I used is as close as possible to a usable Simpsons House.

Since I do not own the copyright of any of the Simpsons screencaptures I won't upload them here. You can easily find screencaptures for all episodes at the internet, just search for "simpsons screencaptures" or anything like that.

The Interior

The house is fully furnished and every room hat its own paintings as seen in the series. The titles for all (30) paintings are listed below - please also have a look at the pictures - you'll find them easily since they're numbered. In game they're not numbered but all listed with their own title in the buy mode category in "decor" / "wall decorations". To make it easier to find them there the price for each painting is 35 Simoleons. Any other price would have made it difficult to find every single picture and also the price for this lot would have been even more expensive.

The "Simpson Family Picture Collection" (#11) is cloned from "Photo Series: Hipster Collection" (440 $) and altered with Milkshape so that it can be used next to the staircase. The first picture you can chose (in the preview) is still the original motiv, so please chose either the 2nd, 3rd or 4th if you'd like to place the Simpsons Picture in your home. Sorry about that but I haven't been able to fix that.

The Simpsons Staircase (non-recolourable) is cloned from the "Perma Wood Stairs" and can be found in the build catalogue right next to its original (Price: 30 Simoleons). The stair, as you can see it on the pictures, is having the "Homestyle Ascension Railing" and not the one which is actually used by the "Perma Wood Stairs". Railing and fence have been added manually and recoloured with the Create-A-Style Tool.

The sofa in the cellar is having a pattern which I made last year when I played around with patterns. This pattern (w/ 3 channels) can be found in CAST in the "Fabric" category. It can be used for all kind of furniture and clothing - if you like its worn look.

Also you'll find a new "kitchen crockery" in the kitchen - it's having the same picture as the one in the series. You can find this object in buy mode / decor /miscellaneous Decor (next to its original) - the price is 45 Simoleons and it has also a plain version and one with a flower and a smiley included.

Known Issues - or - "I'm not fully satisfied with... "
  • some pictures in the Simpsons House looked better with a new mesh (or premium content) because they're too big or too small - I haven't yet learned how to make meshes myself, therefore I had to clone these from the base game paintings for this build.
  • the corkboard in the kitchen is missing because I couldn't fix the shadow (the mesh had to be lowered down but the shadow still appeared at its original position)
  • there's a white edge from the wall right below the railing in the first floor which I couldn't make disappear
  • the garage door is not very Simpsons-like. The mesh needs to be altered to look more real (I'll keep this in mind for a future project)
  • the garage is too small for two cars, however, the floorplan of the house and especially the look of the house doesn't allow to widen the garage. Try to think positiv: thieves will LOVE you for "sharing" the cars with them... ;-)
  • the garden is poor. I've never build a lot with no flowers and such. D'oh! I used some terrain paint, though. Can you see that? *lol*

Premium and Custom Content:

You just can't have a real Simpsons House without any custom content – and sadly, you can't have it without premium content either – however, I tried hard to reduce the premium stuff to a minimum.

Please note: If you don't install the "must haves" the house may still be showing up and be playable but it will certainly look quite different from what is shown here on the pictures.

The MUST HAVEs to make your lot look like on the pictures (= 13 items):

Mod The Sims (free):
Limbo Window – Counterhight made by HugeLunatic
International Windows – Counterhight made by HugeLunatic
Decorative LG Washer & Dryer made by Fresh-Prince
(thanks to both of you!)

SIMS 3 STORE (costs a total of 600 SimPoints):
Flutterbye Wall Mirror 75 SimPoints
Tropical Fruit Bowl 25 SimPoints
II-Stand Corkboard 25 SimPoints
Overachieving Bookshelf 75 SimPoints
Arts and Crafts Bookshelf 75 SimPoints
Pallas Bookshelf 75 SimPoints
President's Desk 100 SimPoints
Larger than Life Party Table 75 SimPoints
The Roundabout 75 SimPoints

Lot Size: 3x4
Lot Price: F 133,768 / U 68,673

Custom Content by Me:
- Custom "checked Pattern" for the sofa in the cellar (the only file that is packaged with the lot)
- Picture "Maggie & Teddy" (Maggie's room) #16
- "Simpsons Family Picture Collection" for the entrance hall (mesh altered with Milkshape) #11
- Picture "Alien Poster" (Bart's room) #21
- Picture "Bart & Lisa" (Parents bedroom) #29
- "Corridor Picture" for the little corridor behind the garage #9
- "Fairy Fan Poster" (Maggie's Room) #17
- Picture "Fairy Tale" above Lisa's Bed #25
- Picture "Fairy Tale Figure" (Lisa's Room) #26
- "Simpsons Family Picture" above the fireplace (Livingoom) #1
- Picture "Grandpa" (Parents Bedroom) #30
- Picture "Grandpa Simpson" (Livingroom) #4
- Picture "Hi there!" (Bart's Room) #19
- Picture "Homer Simpson" (TV Room) #8
- Picture "Homer for President!" (corridor, 1st floor) #13
- Staircase recoloured so that it looks like the Simpsons Staircase
- Picture "Itchy & Scratchy" (Bart's room) #22
- Picture "Jazz Fest Poster" (Lisa's Room) #23
- Kitchen Crockery w/ altered textures
- Picture "Krusty the Clown" (Bart's Room) #18
- Picture "Landscape" (Livingroom) #3
- Picture "Maggie" (Parent's Bedroom) #28
- Picture "Maggie" (Livingroom) #2
- Picture "Marge Simpson" (TV Room) #7
- Picture "Mt. Springfield" (corridor, 1st floor) #12
- Picture "Bleeding Gums Murphy" (Lisa's Room) #24
- Picture "Power Plant" (Livingoom) #5
- Picture "Rock-it Rocket!" (Bart's Room) #20
- Picture "Sea Shells" (Parent's Bathroom) #27
- Picture "Ship ahoy!" (TV Room) #6
- Picture "Springfield's Desert (corridor, 1st floor) #14
- Picture "Still Life" (Dining Room) #10
- Picture "Sunset" (Children's Bathroom) 15

Additional Credits:
Peter and Inge Jones for S3OC and S3PE aikea guinea for the "No Drift/Lower Level Free Cam Camera Mod"
cmomoney for the "No Drift/Lower Level Live Mode Camera"
Xanathon for the tutorial "How to Clone A Painting And Change the Texture"
All creators for sharing their wonderful work with us, for all the great tools and their helpful threads and tutorials here at MTS!

Big HUGS and THANKS to all of you!
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