Housecleaning For All Sims
Cleaner_Icon.jpg - width=302 height=200
Cleaner_Pig1.jpg - width=800 height=540
2014-03-15 - Compatible with game version 1.67. No changes.
2012-09-16 - Compatible with 1.38. No changes.
2012-07-16 - Compatible with 1.36. No changes.
2012-06-10 - Ensured compatibility with game version 1.34.
2012-03-12 - Updated to game version 1.32.
2012-03-02 - Updated to game version 1.31.
2011-12-15 - Updated to game version 1.29.
2011-10-18 - Updated to game version 1.26.
2011-07-26 - Updated to game version 1.24.
2011-07-10 - Improved error logging. Hopefully, the errors will be more expressive now.
2011-06-01 - Updated to game version 1.22/2.16/3.12/4.9/5.7/6.4/7.2/8.0.
2011-02-01 - Version header changed to current code version. No code changes were needed, thus classifying this update as facultative.
2011-01-31 - Finally got around to get the tuning added without causing issues. Motive decay (or boost for neat sims) should now properly work.
2010-12-08 - Fixed an issue with scrap and an issue with "decorative" scrap.
2010-12-05 - Stopped some EAxian code the mod still uses from trying to clean up bar trays and glasses and causing a script error by doing so.
2010-12-01 - Version header changed to current patch version. No code changes.
2010-10-27 - Updated to game version 1.17/2.12/3.8/4.5/5.2/6.0. Update is mandatory.
2010-10-26 - So much for minimal changes that don't need testing... Pulled the tuning for now. Squished another EAxian bug.
2010-10-25 - Accidently added wrong tuning file. Please redownload.
2010-10-23 - Squished a possible glitch. Maybe.
2010-09-07 - Updated version header to game version 1.15/2.10/3.6/4.3/5.0. No code changes were necessary.
2010-07-31 - Fixed a glitch. The EAxian picking up/putting down of clothing piles should now be finally choked. ETA: As it seems, the glitch is still not entirely dead, but shows no really coherent behavior. Elusive little pest. I keep looking for it, but it might take some time. I have to make sense of it first, so I know where to actually look for it.
2010-07-30 - Added emptying potty chairs, putting away toys from the toybox and taking out trash. Don't blame me if your sims don't do anything else but cleaning anymore.
Update 2010-07-24 - The interaction should now be properly greyed out if your sim's motives are too low. If the motives reach the lower threshold while the interaction is already running, the interaction should properly drop from the queue. Re-added putting away books.
Update 2010-07-20 - Broke the habit of the EAxian DoLaundry interaction to only wash the dirty laundry of a single room by replacing it with a custom interaction.
Update 2010-07-17 - Squished another EAxian bug and a bug I invented myself. BTW: This mod uses a fixed interaction clone for cleaning up piles of dirty laundry. The original interaction is pretty borked. I'd like to replace that interaction too, but the approach would have to be very aggressive to be of any use, a bit too aggressive for my taste.
Update 2010-07-14/2 - Added a check so only teenagers and above can use the interaction.
Update 2010-07-14 - If you only want the fixes/improvements for neat sims and not the "all" part, you can now do that by changing a tunable value in S3PE. To do that, open the package with S3PE, find the _XML resource, click on "Notepad", find the "kOnlyNeatSimsAllowed" entry and change it from "False" to "True". Close Notepad, confirm the changes in S3PE and save the package. The clean house interaction will now only be available for neat sims.
Simple. I think traits should affect what sims can do or not do, not what players can do or not do. So it stinks to deny players something that simply consists of a succession of things they can do.
Just put it in your mod folder. The Clean House interaction will show up when you click on the ground if something cleanable is present on the lot. This interaction is not a simple clone of the neat trait interaction, the handling of dirty and clean laundry is vastly improved. The picture below shows from top left to bottom right the handling of laundry in chronological order.

Additionally, the interaction has a few fixes for bugs in the original clean house interaction. I don't want to brag, but these are terribly stupid bugs and completely unnecessary too. You guys have probably only seen the neat trait Clean House interaction drop from the queue without doing anything, but I have seen where and why the original code literally spills its guts. Since this mod is now superior to the original interaction, I decided to stomp the original interaction and make the interaction from this mod available to neat sims, too. Mind you, this is nothing persistent. This mod doesn't change persistent data at all.
Supported for game version 1.67. Should work with game versions from 1.31 upwards, though.
Oh, joyous joy! This mod is fully localized. Not because I learned the 0x1A supported languages overnight, but because I simply used the already existing strings. How neat is that? Yes, I'm sorry for that. Where's the "Bad Puns!" jar again?
possible conflicts
This is a scripting mod and as such the possibility for conflicts with other mods, no matter what kind, is next to non-existant. I can't think of any kind of mod which could possibly interfere with this mod.
Please respect that I support my mods but not mods or even custom content in general, not in my upload threads anyway and certainly not if you ask me by PM. I will always try to find and squish bugs, therefore I appreciate bug reports. If one of my mods isn't working for you, please at least try to ensure that it's a failure of my mod before you ask for help. You'll find the link to the detailed CC Basics tutorial when you click on the Install Instructions tab. I am a compassionate guy, but please understand that I can only muster so much endurance to address issues completely unrelated to my mods.
Before you remove this mod, please make sure that no sim is currently using the clean house interaction. If you don't do so, you may be unable to load your savegame.
Might lead to a serious case of squished brain. Your game should be safe, though.
Uploaded: 13th Jul 2010, 16.0 KB.
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Install Instructions
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Updated: 11th Jan 2015 at 6:57 PM
by Buzzler 5th Jul 2010 at 2:16am
225 178.7k 420
by Buzzler 10th Sep 2010 at 6:26pm
93 105.3k 174
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About Me
Feel free to do with my mods whatever you want. If you're a script modder yourself, feel free to rip my mods open and use whatever code you find useful; I might even help you if you ask me nicely. I like to be given credit as much as the next guy, but that's strictly optional. If you want to make an ass of yourself then plagiarize my mods for all I care.
I don't take requests. Period.