Late Night Camera Fix
This mod changes the control parameters of VideoCamera.ini to make the cameraman (tab) camera work better in Late Night. Changes include:
- Camera behaves the same at ground level as it does in high-rise apartments - no more crazy super-fast camera when in a high-rise apartment
- Slows the zoom a little bit for greater precision
- Increased height minimum/maximum. Raise the camera up higher, or drop it down level with (and sometimes a little bit under) ground level
- Removes camera deceleration - no more "mushy" camera drift
Allows you to look straight up or straight down
This may take some getting used to, as cameraman mode may feel a little slower and harder (hurrrr) at first.
Updated 30/10/2010: In playing with this myself, I've experienced some weirdness with getting stuck when looking straight up. Because of this, I've disabled that feature of this mod and put those values back to default. If you've had this issue, my apologies - please download the new version.
If you want to change the values yourself...
It's very easy to do so. Just open my package in s3pe, select the one resource inside, and click the Edit button. Change the values as you like, save, and use your new file in-game.
The values I chose were based on experimentation, and focusing on close-up pictures of sims. If you're a house builder or something like that, you may want to increase the speeds a little.
This mod will conflict with any other camera mod that changes VideoCamera.ini, such as Aikea Guinea's lower/no drift camera mod.
Patch Compatibility:
Works with any version from 1.17 to 1.55. Probably also works with other game versions too, but definitely verified working with those.
Thanks to:
Inge and Peter for s3pe, Rick for info on how to do this with a .package
Uploaded: 30th Oct 2010, 905 Bytes.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 9th Jul 2013 at 1:34 PM
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