All the Harry Potter careers you could ever need - 12 adult, 6 teen
Well, it turns out I just don’t know when to stop. I’ve got a total of 9 new adult careers and 6 new teen careers, along with newly revised and improved versions of the original 3 careers. All have complete chance cards for all levels, a unique GUID, and are EP compatible.
I have hidden the levels, hours, descriptions, salary, etc. behind spoiler tags. All career salaries are balanced with respect to one another.
For determining salaries for adult careers, I actually went through and listed all 130 levels. Then I ranked them in terms of how much I thought they should pay relative to one another (i.e., who makes more, a Snatcher or a House-Elf Relocator?) Then I assigned salaries, went back, and tweaked everything a couple times.
For example, Hit Wizard is a level 9 track, but it logically needs to pay less than an Auror, which is a level 8 track. This means other jobs in each track have to be adjusted around that fact. Similarly, I wanted certain jobs that seem a lot alike – like Magical Menagerie and Crup Trainer, or Quidditch Referee and Department of Magical Sports – to have similar pay. Thus all the other levels around them have to be balanced around that fact.
Teen careers are balanced relative to adults, so that the best-paid teen will never make more the worst-paid adult. If sometimes the pay seems a little off or arbitrary (why does a Crup Trainer make more than a Security Troll Trainer?) it was because it was the best I could do.
Hopefully, the end result is what I was aiming for: to make sure that everyone in your Wizarding world can have a unique job that pays about what it should, while making sure that nobody got a pay decrease when moving up a level within their career track.
First, the brand-new teen careers:
Dark Arts (teen)
Icon: Dementor
Focused skills: Body, Creativity, Charisma
Levels: Muggle Prankster, Object Hexer, Inquisitorial Squad Member
Links to adult career: Dark Arts
Level 1: Muggle Prankster
Workdays: Th, F, Sa, Su
Hours: 3-6 pm
Salary: 52
Description: You spend your free time sneaking into Muggle towns and playing pranks on them. Shrinking their keys, jinxing doorknobs so they bite the fingers of unwary Muggles, rigging a Regurgitating Toilet in Muggle shops...some people might call it cruel, but to you, it's all good fun.
Level 2: Object Hexer
Workdays: Th, F, Sa, Su
Hours: 3-6 pm
Salary: 77
Description: You've gone from pranking Muggles to hexing Mudbloods, half-breeds, and all the other undeserving and unpopular members of the Wizarding world. It's more satisfying, but also more dangerous - now, the people you're hexing have wands, and can fight back. Be careful not to get caught!
Level 3: Inquisitorial Squad Member
Workdays: M, T, W, Th, F
Hours: 3-6 pm
Salary: 108
Description: When the Hogwarts High Inquisitor decided they needed student help to purge all dissent and disorder from Hogwarts, you volunteered gladly. Being an Inquisitorial Squad Member definitely has its perks: you have privileges the other students don't, and if anyone annoys you, you can just accuse them of violating one of the High Inquisitor's Educational Decrees.
Dumbledore’s Army (teen)
Icon: DA symbol
Focused skills: Charisma, Creativity, Body
Levels: Muttering Malcontent, Dumbledore’s Army Member, Leader of Dumbledore’s Army
Links to adult career: Order of the Phoenix
Level 1: Muttering Malcontent
Workdays: M, T, W, Th, F
Hours: 6-9 pm
Salary: 49
Description: You're not happy with how things are going at Hogwarts: the High Inquisitor is trying to dumb down the curriculum, the Inquisitorial Squad is making your life miserable, and it feels like pure-blood fanatics are taking over the school. You hex the Inquisitorial Squad members when you can get away with it, but you're not sure what else you can do. If you make some more friends, maybe you can find some people who agree with you. Then, you might accomplish something.
Level 2: Dumbledore’s Army Member
Workdays: M, T, W, Th, F
Hours: 6-9 pm
Salary: 75
Description: You've been inducted into Dumbledore's Army, also known as the D.A. You meet secretly, learning secrets of self-defense and sharing news that the High Inquisitor is trying to hide from you. Get creative with your spell-work and keep making friends to advance.
Level 3: Leader of Dumbledore’s Army
Workdays: M, T, W, Th, F
Hours: 6-9 pm
Salary: 99
Description: Now that things have gotten dangerous, you've stepped up to the challenge. Although some D.A. members have been caught and punished, you're helping to lead the remaining members, keeping hope alive. You make anti-Death Eater graffiti and anti-High Inquisitor pamphlets and prepare for the day when you'll have to fight for your beliefs - and maybe even your life.
Prefect (teen)
Icon: Quill
Focused skills: Charisma, Logic, Cleaning, Creativity
Levels: Tutor, Prefect, Head Boy/Girl
Links to adult career: Ministry of Magic 1 (the one ending in Minister of Magic)
Level 1: Tutor
Workdays: M, T, W, Th, F
Hours: 3-6 pm
Salary: 81
Description: You're one of Hogwarts' brightest and best, so you've decided to help out less-fortunate students by tutoring them for their end-of-term examinations. If you work hard enough, your Head of House might take notice.
Level 2: Prefect
Workdays: M, T, W, Th, F
Hours: 3-6 pm
Salary: 103
Description: In the summer between your fourth and fifth years at school, a letter arrives via owl post. In it, there's a letter from the Headmaster, along with a shiny new badge. Reading the letter, you discover that you've been selected as a prefect! You'll help guide first-years around the castle and make sure that members of your House obey school rules. If you're good at this, you might even be appointed Head Boy, an honor only one seventh-year boy can get.
Level 3: Head Boy/Girl
Workdays: M, T, W, Th, F
Hours: 3-6 pm
Salary: 112
Description: You've done it! The summer before your seventh year, a new letter arrived in the post: from the Headmaster, it informs you that you've been selected as this year's Head Boy. It's the highest honor any student at Hogwarts can get, and it'll help you get a good job after you graduate. Congratulations!
Quidditch (teen)
Icon: Broom
Focused skills: Body, Charisma, Creativity
Levels: Quidditch Commentator, Quidditch Player, Quidditch Team Captain
Links to adult career: Quidditch
Level 1: Quidditch Commentator
Workdays: W Th F Sa Su
Hours: 3-6 pm
Salary: 67
Description: You can't quite make the team yet, so instead, you're narrating all the games. Use this time to see what the players are doing right - you can learn from them while you're watching every game. Work on your Body skill to advance.
Level 2: Quidditch Player
Workdays: W Th F Sa Su
Hours: 3-6 pm
Salary: 84
Description: You've finally made the team! Together with your team, you spend a lot of time practicing your moves and improving your reflexes. You dream of winning the Quidditch Cup, and the popularity and adoration that would come with it. Practice hard enough, and that dream might just come true.
Level 3: Quidditch Team Captain
Workdays: W Th F Sa Su
Hours: 3-6 pm
Salary: 106
Description: Over the summer, you got a letter in the mail saying that your Head of House has chosen you to be the captain of your House's Quidditch team. As Quidditch Captain, you'll be one of the most popular boys in your year; you'll also get to use the prefects' bathroom, decide who makes the team, and choose the plays you should use to win games. Do everything you can to become a legend of Hogwarts Quidditch!
Slug Club (teen)
Icon: Unicorn
Focused skills: Charisma, Creativity, Logic, Body
Levels: Super-Involved Student, Slug Club Member, Slughorn’s Favorite Student
Links to adult career: Wizarding Career 1 (track ending in Magical Me!)
Notes: I made the icon a unicorn because Slughorn collects unique students...students who are unique, like unicorns. Also, I liked the icon.
Level 1: Super-Involved Student
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 3-6 pm
Salary: 76
Description: Charms Club, School Choir, the Stargazing Students' Society, Gobstones Club, Exploding Snap Society, the Aspiring Actors' Association, Wizard Chess Club, the Society for the Protection of Elfish Welfare, Dueling Club: if there's a student organization at Hogwarts, you're a part of it. Work on making friends, and you might find that you get an invitation to an even more exclusive club...
Level 2: Slug Club Member
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 3-6 pm
Salary: 101
Description: You received an invitation to Professor Horace Slughorn's exclusive society of promising students, informally named the Slug Club. Here, students from different Houses mingle and meet important people from the Wizarding World. The food is good, the company is exciting, and it gives you the chance to network, always an important skill in the Wizarding world. Just make sure you don't disappoint the professor - or you might just find your invitation has been revoked.
Level 3: Slughorn’s Favorite Student
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 3-6 pm
Salary: 110
Description: Professor Slughorn loves to collect students, and he's decided that you're one of the greatest prizes of all. Popular, successful, and intelligent, you're clearly going places in life - and Professor Slughorn is willing to help you get there, as long as he has your gratitude for the help.
Wizarding Entrepreneur (teen)
Icon: Golden Snitch
Focused skills: Creativity, Charisma, Body
Levels: Product Tester, Prankster, Mail-Order Entrepreneur
Links to adult career: Diagon Alley
Notes: Think Fred and George.
Level 1: Product Tester
Workdays: W Th F Sa Su
Hours: 3-6 pm
Salary: 55
Description: You've got a job testing different products for some of your classmates, who want to start their own business selling joke products. They need someone to test all their ideas on first, though, so they're paying you to be the guinea pig. Just try not to throw up on the floor of your common room!
Level 2: Prankster
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 3-6 pm
Salary: 87
Description: You've moved on from testing the products on your body to testing them on other people: as Hogwarts's resident prankster, you cause more trouble than anyone else, except Peeves the Poltergeist. You cause trouble by demonstrating your products (which you then sell to your classmates), but you're constantly running the risk of detention, or maybe even expulsion! Can you put your talents to better use?
Level 3: Mail-Order Entrepreneur
Workdays: M Th F Sa Su
Hours: 3-6 pm
Salary: 115
Description: You decided that it was about time you stopped testing somebody else's products and started making your own. Using the experience you picked up, you begin manufacturing your own useful items for students. But selling to Hogwarts students isn't enough: you make more money from a mail-order business, selling your products using school owls for delivery and ads you put in the Daily Prophet. Who knows what could happen after graduation? If you wanted, maybe you could eventually have a shop of your own in Diagon Alley.
The all-new adult careers:
Dark Arts
Icon: Dementor
Focused skills: Body, Charisma, Creativity, Logic
Reward: Resurrect-o-nomitron.
Levels: Petty Criminal, Snatcher, Hippogriff Executioner, Ministry Infiltrator, Muggle-born Registration Commission, Hogwarts High Inquisitor, Death Eater, Cruciatus Curse Specialist, Most Favored Death Eater, Dark Lord/Queen.
Top salary: 4050
Notes: Being a petty criminal pays least-well of all level 1 adult jobs, while being Dark Lord is the highest-paying level 10 track.
Level 1: Petty Criminal
Workdays: W Th F Sa Su
Hours: 11 pm-5 am
Salary: 120
Description: Unable to find respectable work, you've taken a job in Knockturn Alley selling cut-rate cauldrons that...erm..."fell off the back of a broom," dodgy Dark artifacts, and Class C Non-Tradeable Items like Venomous Tentacula seeds. Work on your Body skill to advance.
Level 2: Snatcher
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 10 am-6 pm
Salary: 201
Description: The new regime at the Ministry of Magic has decided that all Muggle-borns, half-breeds, and other undesirable denizens of the Wizarding world need to register with the Ministry. Some don't comply, and go on the run. As a Snatcher, it's your job to track them down and bring them to the Ministry. Keep up the good work, and you might actually get to work for the Ministry yourself.
Level 3: Hippogriff Executioner
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-5 pm
Salary: 313
Description: You've got your first job at the Ministry, and it's a messy one. As a member of the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures, you're responsible for executing animals that the Ministry deems too dangerous to live. You enjoy practicing your Unforgivable Curses on the animals, but want the comfort of a desk job. Work on your Charisma to advance.
Level 4: Ministry Infiltrator
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-5 pm
Salary: 506
Description: A different job opened up within the Ministry, and you jumped at it. It's a menial position without a lot of responsibility, but it's a more respectable job than thieving cauldrons or killing peoples' pets, and it gives you the opportunity to leak plenty of juicy, anonymous quotes to the press - and information on more sensitive subjects to those who sympathize with the Dark Lord. Be a good minion and maybe someone will take notice.
Level 5: Muggle-born Registration Commission Member
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 8 am-5 pm
Salary: 792
Description: Someone finally did take notice of your hard work, and you were appointed to the Muggle-born Registration Commission. As a member of this commission, you wield a lot of power, determining the blood status of accused Mudbloods and taking their wands. Keep working on that Charisma skill to advance.
Level 6: Hogwarts High Inquisitor
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 10 am-4 pm
Salary: 1063
Description: Ever since Albus Dumbledore first became Headmaster, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has always been a bastion of unorthodox thinking and Mudblood support. You're there to root it out, making sure that students study only Ministry-approved curricula and ridding the school of unqualified (and un-pure-blooded) professors. If you can keep up your good work, you hope to be promoted to Headmaster some day - after all, what could be better than that?
Level 7: Death Eater
Workdays: M T W Th Sa
Hours: 10 pm-4 am
Salary: 1359
Description: What could be better than being Headmaster of Hogwarts? Serving the Dark Lord directly, that's what! After You-Know-Who noticed your brilliant work at rooting out Mudbloods and stamping down resistance in the hallways of Hogwarts, he arranged for one of his Death Eaters to approach you with an offer. You took it, and now you wear your Dark Mark with pride. Terrorizing Mudbloods, tracking down members of the Order of the Phoenix, and accomplishing dangerous Dark deeds for your master are all part of a routine day's work.
Level 8: Cruciatus Curse Specialist
Workdays: M T Th Su
Hours: 7 pm-1 am
Salary: 2714
Description: Being initiated into the Death Eaters opened up a world of Dark Magic for you to learn, and you've excelled at it. In fact, you've showed your master that you're one of his best servants when it comes to performing Unforgivable curses - and, more specifically, the Cruciatus Curse. When You-Know-Who needs to extract information from a prisoner, he turns them over to you, and you get the job done.
Level 9: Most Favored Death Eater
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 11 pm-5 am
Salary: 3005
Description: The Dark Lord has taken notice of your exceptional work: of all his Death Eaters, you've killed the most members of the Order, gotten the most information from his prisoners, and turned more wizards to the Dark side than any other Death Eater. You've become his most faithful servant, the Darkest of Dark wizards, and even the other Death Eaters are a little afraid of you. Where can you go from here?
Level 10: Dark Lord/Queen
Workdays: M W F
Hours: 11 pm-4 am
Salary: 4050
Description: When the Dark Lord was defeated, all the Death Eaters reeled in shock. But, instead of letting your life's work fall apart, you decided to step up and take charge. Taking the place that You-Know-Who once held, you attempt to surpass him as the most dangerous, diabolical Dark wizard that the world has ever seen. You hold power beyond that of any Minister of Magic, and even the bravest of Gryffindors would tremble in your presence. Congratulations!
Icon: Platform 9 ¾ sign
Focused skills: Creativity, Logic, Mechanical, Cleaning
Reward: Teleprompter
Levels: Caretaker, Keeper of the Keys and Grounds, Librarian, School Nurse, Flying Instructor, Substitute Professor, Professor, Head of House, Deputy Headmaster/Headmistress, Headmaster/Headmistress.
Top Salary: 3214
Notes: I understand that, in the British editions, Poppy Pomfrey is the “school matron” instead of “school nurse,” but I have no idea how “matron” would translate for the male title.
Level 1: Caretaker
Workdays: T W Th Sa Su
Hours: 6 am-2 pm
Salary: 214
Description: You're the lowliest human employee of Hogwarts, filling a job that even a Muggle could do: caring for the castle grounds and cleaning up students' messes. The students don't respect you, the Headmaster won't listen to your suggestions, and somebody keeps setting off Dungbombs in the dungeons. Work on your Cleaning skills to advance.
Level 2: Keeper of the Keys and Grounds
Hours: 12 pm-6 pm
Salary: 307
Description: Keeper of the Keys and Grounds is such a fancy title. What you really do isn't all that fancy: you're the school's gamekeeper, tending to the thestrals that pull the carriages and the creatures used in Care of Magical Creatures class, and groundskeeper, which means that you keep the Whomping Willow from actually whomping anyone and the Forbidden Forest from taking over the front lawn. Work on your Logic to have a chance at moving indoors.
Level 3: Librarian
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 3 pm-9 pm
Salary: 352
Description: As school librarian, you tend to the school's books with a ferocity that any bibliophile could appreciate. You watch over students as they study, keep the first-years out of the Restricted section, and make sure nobody doodles in the margins of magical tomes.
Level 4: School Nurse
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 10 am-5 pm
Salary: 539
Description: Hogwarts is a dangerous place: several hundred students armed with wands and very little experience can make for injuries. Though you send the worst cases to St. Mungo's, you take care of the vast majority of wounds that come through the infirmary's doors. Skele-Gro, murtlap essence, dittany, dozens of salves and potions: you know how to use them all.
Level 5: Flying Instructor
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 3 pm-10 pm
Salary: 621
Description: When the first-years get to Hogwarts, someone's got to teach them how to fly a broom. Your lessons make sure that every student who passes through the hallways of Hogwarts acquires this basic life skill. As a bonus, you referee all the Quidditch matches. It's a cushy job, with shorter hours than any other professor - what more could you want?
Level 6: Substitute Professor
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-5 pm
Salary: 938
Description: As a substitute professor, you step in for colleagues who need a leave of absence. You have to be on your toes: after all, Hogwarts might need a substitute Arithmancy professor one day and a new Muggle Studies professor the next. Prove yourself worthy and maybe you'll be able to settle down in one subject.
Level 7: Professor
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-5 pm
Salary: 1592
Description: Finally: the Headmaster made you an offer of a tenured position, teaching your favorite subject. As a professor, you teach O.W.L. and N.E.W.T. level classes to students in every year. You lecture, grade assignments, and give or take points from your students with aplomb. If you work hard enough, you might be rewarded with more authority.
Level 8: Head of House
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-5 pm
Salary: 1659
Description: When one of your colleagues retired, the Headmaster appointed you to take their place as Head of one of Hogwarts's Houses - the same House, in fact, that you belonged to when you were at school. Now, you're responsible for guiding all the students in your House, encouraging them to win the Quidditch Cup and the House Cup for themselves, leaving a permanent legacy in the hallways of Hogwarts.
Level 9: Deputy Headmaster/Headmistress
Workdays: M T W Th
Hours: 9 am-3 pm
Salary: 1739
Description: When the Headmaster has to travel away from Hogwarts on business (or if he simply wants a day off), he asks you to step in. As Deputy Headmaster, you have all the authority of any Headmaster or Headmistress of Hogwarts (although you don't have a portrait of yourself in the office, sadly.) Work hard enough, though, and who's to say what the Board of Governors might decide?
Level 10: Headmaster/Headmistress
Workdays: M T W Th
Hours: 10 am-3 pm
Salary: 3214
Description: When the last Headmaster retired, the Board of Governors decided that you would be the best choice to replace him. Now, the hidden office belongs to you, you get to make speeches at dinner whenever the urge strikes, and, when you retire, your portrait will join those of all your predecessors. You have the chance to leave your mark on Hogwarts, influencing generations of young, impressionable witches and wizards - the only question is, what will your legacy be? It's up to you to decide, so make the most of it!
Magical Beings
Icon: House-elf
Focused skills: Creativity, Charisma, Logic, Body
Reward: Fingerprint Gun
Levels: Centaur Liaison, House-Elf Relocator, Reformer of Hags, Squib Support Services, Giant Ambassador, Vampire Hunter, Goblin Liaison, Mermish Translator, Werewolf Office, Head of Project HOPE.
Top Salary: 2810
Notes: The last level is based on a concept that exists in my post-DH fanfic; essentially, it’s a Ministry office for promoting equal rights (the High Office for the Promotion of Equality of All Magical Beings, hence the acronym.) In my neighborhood, sim-Hermione gets this job.
Level 1: Centaur Liaison
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-4 pm
Salary: 210
Description: Ah, the Centaur Liaison Office. Long an interdepartmental joke among people who work in the Ministry, being "sent to the Centaur Office" is usually Ministry shorthand for being sacked. But the Ministry's actually hired you to work in the Centaur Liaison Office, hoping some centaurs will actually use it. They'd better, or you really will be out of a job.
Level 2: House-Elf Relocator
Workdays: M T W Th Sa
Hours: 9 am-5 pm
Salary: 298
Description: House-elves are so rare that most Wizarding families never see them. Belonging to rich, old, and powerful families, house-elves are bound to a single family. But what happens when the last member of that family dies without a will? What happens when a house-elf is given clothes? Well, that's where you come in. As a House-Elf Relocator, you find a new home for abandoned house-elves. Just don't abuse your power - or you might just hear from the Society for Protection of Elfish Welfare.
Level 3: Reformer of Hags
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-6 pm
Salary: 377
Description: Hags are magical beings who prey on human children. While most people find them disgusting, a few think they can be reformed. You've joined them, trying to dissuade hags from eating human flesh. Can you succeed?
Level 4: Squib Support Services
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 8 am-5 pm
Salary: 416
Description: Squibs. Not magical beings, but part of the magical world nonetheless, they often need help and support navigating the Wizarding world and finding work. Your job is to help them. Work on finding some creative solutions to their problems, and maybe someone will notice.
Level 5: Giant Ambassador
Workdays: M W Th Sa Su
Hours: 4 pm-11 pm
Salary: 888
Description: Giants are an endangered species; if they go extinct, it'll be the first time in Wizarding history that an entire species of magical being has vanished from existence. You're part of an international team that's working to keep that from happening, trying to keep Statute of Secrecy intact, the giant tribes from killing one another (or anyone else, for that matter), and convince the Wizarding public that giants are worth saving - if you can do this, what can't you handle?
Level 6: Vampire Hunter
Workdays: W Th F Sa Su
Hours: 9 pm-4 am
Salary: 1348
Description: Vampires are magical beings. Like hags, werewolves, and other traditionally-feared magical beings, they have rights under Wizarding law - at least, until they start preying on humans. That's where you come in. As a vampire hunter, you track down the bad vampires who hunt and kill humans. It's not as glamorous as being an Auror, but it's every bit as dangerous - and it does pay quite well.
Level 7: Goblin Liaison
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-5 pm
Salary: 1522
Description: Goblins have always had a rather uneasy relationship with wizards. Banned from carrying wands, but makers of fantastic weaponry and founders of Gringotts, they're both indispensible and incorrigible. As Head of the Goblin Liaison Office, you try to resolve their grievances while keeping the law.
Level 8: Mermish Translator
Workdays: M T W Th
Hours: 10 am-5 pm
Salary: 1721
Description: Merpeople are traditionally as isolationist as centaurs. But lately, they've been acting like they might want to talk, and you're in charge of learning enough Mermish to speak with them. Pull this off, and you might earn yourself a nice, comfortable desk job.
Level 9: Werewolf Office
Workdays: M T W Th
Hours: 10 am-5 pm
Salary: 1968
Description: You've been put in charge of an entire office - the Werewolf Office. The last departmental reorganization put the entire office into the Being Division, making you responsible for Capture, Support Services, and the Registry. Given that there are more werewolves in Britain than vampires, giants, or hags, this is a higher-profile position. If you demonstrate enough sensitivity and practicality in this post, something even bigger might just open up.
Level 10: Head of Project HOPE
Workdays: M T W Th
Hours: 9 am-2 pm
Salary: 2810
Description: The new Minister of Magic decided that wizards have been mistreating their fellow magical beings for far too long. Thus, the High Office for the Promotion of Equality for all Magical Beings was born (nicknamed project H.O.P.E.). As Head of the Office, you now report to the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and do your best to see that all magical beings have equal rights under the law. Can you turn good intentions into reality? Only time will tell.
Ministry of Magic 2
Icon: Owl with letter
Focused skills: Creativity, Logic, Mechanical, Cleaning
Reward: Putting Green
Levels: Magical Maintenance, Accidental Magic Reversal Squad, Ludicrous Patents Office, Official Gobstones Club, Muggle Liaison Office, Department of Magical Transportation, Committee for Experimental Charms, Improper Use of Magic Office, Wizarding Examinations Authority, Hogwarts Board of Governors.
Top Salary: 2286
Level 1: Magical Maintenance
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-6 pm
Salary: 138
Description: It's a messy job, but somebody's got to do it. You've gotten your foot in the door in Magical Maintenance, cleaning up everybody else's messes. If the lift breaks, you fix it; if it starts raining in somebody's office, that's your problem too. Work on your Cleaning and Mechanical skills to advance.
Level 2: Accidental Magic Reversal Squad
Workdays: M W Th F Sa
Hours: 8 am-4 pm
Salary: 246
Description: A different disaster every day...well, it's not too much different from Magical Maintenance, except the disasters are a lot more interesting. If a Muggle-born child turns their aunt into a balloon, you get to track her down and deflate her. If a toddler gets hold of a wand and Transfigures their father into a ferret, you fix that too. It's a thankless job, but somebody's got to do it. Keep working in the hopes that one day, it won't be you.
Level 3: Ludicrous Patents Office
Workdays: M T W Th
Hours: 10 am-5 pm
Salary: 302
Description: You're finally at a desk job, looking over applications for all the ridiculous ideas people want to patent. A wand that can double as a quill, an edible broomstick, ink that changes colors depending on how good your answers are...these aren't nearly the most ludicrous things you've seen (and approved) by far. The only downside is dealing with the crazy people you reject.
Level 4: Official Gobstones Club
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 10 am-3 pm
Salary: 341
Description: You got sick of listening to ludicrous patent ideas, so you transferred to a different job in the same department: supervising Gobstones competitions. Sure, it's not quite as glamorous as regulating Quidditch, but the hours are steady and it's not difficult work. If you want to advance, work on developing some real skills instead of playing kids' games.
Level 5: Muggle Liaison Office
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-4 pm
Salary: 468
Description: You got bored with Gobstones, and decided that doing some mundane work with Muggles might be better. As a liaison to the Muggle world, you get to inform the parents of Muggle-borns about the Wizarding world, talk to the Muggle government when there's a need, and even occasionally go undercover at the Muggle post office to make sure letters directed to Hogwarts get where they're going. Just remember: if you want to advance, friendliness is key.
Level 6: Department of Magical Transportation
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 8 am-3 pm
Salary: 686
Description: You're feeling a little burned out, so you decided that maybe it was time to get back to working with magic. In the Department of Magical Transportation, you give teenagers their Apparition tests, regulate broomsticks, hook up fireplaces to the Floo Network, and ensure that nobody's setting up any unauthorized Portkeys. Finally, some real authority.
Level 7: Committee for Experimental Charms
Workdays: T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-2 pm
Salary: 933
Description: The Department of Magical Transportation wasn't nearly as interesting as it sounded, so you went back to doing something more creative. The Committee for Experimental Charms enables you to do a lot of fun things. You even get to invent spells! What could be better?
Level 8: Improper Use of Magic Office
Workdays: M T W Th
Hours: 9 am-3 pm
Salary: 988
Description: You liked the Committee for Experimental Charms, but when a position with a better salary opened up, you took it. At the Improper Use of Magic Office, you make sure that people who haven't completed Hogwarts don't use wands, and that students don't break the summer ban on magic. Work on skilling to advance.
Level 9: Wizarding Examinations Authority
Workdays: M T W Th
Hours: 11 am-3 pm
Salary: 1137
Description: You've gone from enforcing the summer ban on magic to making sure that students can use magic properly. At the Wizarding Examinations Authority, you're in charge of grading O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s. You're gaining authority, and the power's starting to go to your head. If you work on your networking, who knows what else you might be able to do?
Level 10: Hogwarts Board of Governors
Workdays: M T W
Hours: 10 am-2 pm
Salary: 2286
Description: You've got the ultimate authority: power over the Hogwarts curriculum, helping decide who should be appointed Headmaster and how the only Wizarding school in Britain ought to be run. Sure, the Minister of Magic oversees the Ministry, but as a member of the Board of Governors, you're supervising how a future Minister of Magic will be educated. Use your power wisely - you've earned it!
Order of the Phoenix
Icon: Phoenix Crest
Focused skills: Creativity, Body, Logic, Charisma
Reward: Camera
Levels: Silent Supporter, Editorial Writer, Order Member, Ministry Spy, Defensive Magic Specialist, Order Researcher, Emissary, Spy, Senior Member, Head of the Order
Top Salary: 1404
Notes: The Order is the least-financially-rewarding of all careers. What, did you think you signed up to fight evil for the money?
Level 1: Silent Supporter
Workdays: W Th F Sa Su
Hours: 9 am-5 pm
Salary: 164
Description: You hate You-Know-Who and all his minions, but you don't know what you can do about it. You spend your time listening in on conversations and trying to pass information to people you think might be working against the forces of evil. If you make some friends, maybe you can find someone who will help you do more...
Level 2: Editorial Writer
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-4 pm
Salary: 189
Description: You've taken your first step into the world of opposing the forces of darkness, writing a pro-Muggle editorial and sending it in to the Daily Prophet for publication. You're publicly committed to opposing He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, but you feel like you could do even more.
Level 3: Order Member
Workdays: M T Th F Su
Hours: 9 pm-2 am
Salary: 218
Description: Finally, you found some like-minded people. It turns out there's an organization called the Order of the Phoenix, formed for the single purpose of defeating the forces of darkness. As a new initiate, you don't have many duties. Prove yourself trustworthy to move up in the organization.
Level 4: Ministry Spy
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-5 pm
Salary: 447
Description: You've been ordered to serve as the Order's eyes and ears within the Ministry. You report all the gossip you hear and try to figure out who within the Ministry is sympathetic to the Order (and who's working for the other side.)
Level 5: Defensive Magic Specialist
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 10 pm-4 am
Salary: 515
Description: Having proven yourself a skilled asset to the Order, you've been placed in charge of teaching defensive magic to new recruits. You make sure that everyone can duel well enough to protect themselves in a fight, and that those who need Occlumency, Legilimency, or other specialized skills receive whatever help they need to master those subjects. You're training recruits to fight Death Eaters, so make sure you do a good job!
Level 6: Order Researcher
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 10 am-4 pm
Salary: 821
Description: You now specialize full-time in doing research for the Order, digging up information on Death Eaters and searching memories of the past to figure out ways to fight the Dark Lord in the future. It's important work, so don't fall asleep while poring over tomes of ancient magic: they might just provide some critical clue to defeating Lord Voldemort.
Level 7: Emissary
Workdays: M T W Th Su
Hours: 8 am-3 pm
Salary: 899
Description: Lord Voldemort is known to recruit among giants, werewolves, and other oppressed populations. Your job is to seek out members of those communities and persuade them to join the Order instead, promising fair treatment and a better life than what Voldemort and his Death Eaters can offer.
Level 8: Spy
Workdays: M T Th F Sa
Hours: 9 pm-4 am
Salary: 931
Description: The Order needs information on the Death Eaters, and what better way to obtain it than to place a spy in their organization? The Head of the Order wants you to join the Death Eaters, obtaining as much information as you can while pretending loyalty to You-Know-Who. It's a dangerous job, but one you feel bound to accept - you only pray that your Occlumency skills will save you from death at the hands of the Dark Lord.
Level 9: Senior Member
Workdays: M W Th Sa Su
Hours: 9 pm-2 am
Salary: 1059
Description: Your previous exploits (and, unfortunately, the deaths of several Order members) have made you one of the most senior members of the Order of the Phoenix. You're involved in the Order's inner council, and are involved in making plans, guarding secrets, and taking care of tasks too important to be trusted to anyone else.
Level 10: Head of the Order
Workdays: M T W Th
Hours: 9 pm-2 am
Salary: 1404
Description: After the death of the Order's previous leader, the entire Order was in shock. Someone had to step up and lead, and that someone was you. As leader of the Order, you're responsible for knowing ancient magic, inspiring your people, and being able to out-plan, out-think, and out-duel any Dark Lord.
Icon: Broom
Focused skills: Body, Charisma, Mechanical, Creativity
Reward: Punching Bag
Levels: Broom Boy/Girl, Team Mediwizard, Reserve Squad Member, Beater, Chaser, Keeper, Seeker, Quidditch Superstar, Coach, Quidditch Team Owner
Top Salary: 3413
Notes: Quidditch pays the highest overall average salary through all the tracks; basically, professional athletes make the same obscenely high salaries they make in real life.
Level 1: Broom Boy/Girl
Workdays: Th F Sa Su
Hours: 9 am-5 pm
Salary: 143
Description: You love Quidditch and have always wanted to play professionally, but the only job you can get right now is the broom boy for the Falmouth Falcons - the person who takes care of the athletes' equipment and uniforms. You work harder than a house-elf to make sure that the stars' robes are cleaned after each game and that their brooms are polished and safe from being hexed by the opposition. Work on your Cleaning and Mechanical skills to advance.
Level 2: Team Mediwizard
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 8 am-5 pm
Salary: 402
Description: You've gone from patching up the team's equipment to patching up the team itself. As a Mediwizard, you take care of all the scrapes, cuts, bruises, and broken bones that Bludgers can inflict. Work on your own Body skill, and maybe you can actually be part of the team someday.
Level 3: Reserve Squad Member
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 4 pm-10 pm
Salary: 543
Description: Your hard work has finally paid off, and you did well enough at Puddlemere United's open tryouts to earn yourself a place on the bench. You don't normally get to play in a game, but if the game runs long enough or if one of the starters gets hurt, you actually get to play! Work harder on Body and Charisma to earn yourself a starting spot.
Level 4: Beater
Workdays: M Th F Sa
Hours: 10 am-4 pm
Salary: 1491
Description: You've played well enough to earn yourself a place on Puddlemere United's starting squad. As a Beater, your job is to hit heavy iron Bludgers at the opposing team, trying to keep them off-guard so your Chasers can score. Keep working out and making friends to advance.
Level 5: Chaser
Workdays: M Th F Sa
Hours: 10 am-4 pm
Salary: 1569
Description: One of your team's star Chasers got hit in the head with a Bludger halfway through your team's opening-day match against the Tutshill Tornadoes. Unfortunately for her, her injury was a season-ender, but it ends up being good for you: your coach decided that you'd be a better replacement Chaser than any of the reserves, and gives you a promotion to the spot. As Chaser, your job is to get the Quaffle through the opposing team's hoops. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and score!
Level 6: Keeper
Workdays: M Th F Sa
Hours: 10 am-4 pm
Salary: 1782
Description: When your teammate returned to her place as Chaser, there wasn't a spot for you there any more (and your replacement as Beater is about four times your size, meaning that you can't take your old place there, either.) Desperate to keep a starter's position somewhere in Britain, you agree to sign on with the Montrose Magpies as team Keeper. Will you succeed in this new position, or will you face the ignominy of being fired (and booed)?
Level 7: Seeker
Workdays: M Th F Sa
Hours: 10 am-4 pm
Salary: 2014
Description: Being Keeper ended up being easier than you'd anticipated - too easy, maybe. So you decide to do what no modern-day professional Quidditch player has ever done: play all four positions professionally. The Chudley Cannons agree to sign you as their team's Seeker (after all, you couldn't possibly be worse than their last Seeker, who probably couldn't have caught the Snitch if he'd been allowed to use a Summoning Charm.) Can you lead the Cannons to victory?
Level 8: Quidditch Superstar
Workdays: T Th F Sa
Hours: 6 pm-11 pm
Salary: 2421
Description: Having played as Beater, Seeker, Keeper, and Chaser for half the teams in Britain, you have your pick of professional teams to play for (and your pick of which position to play, too!) You're team captain, you've got a Chocolate Frog card of your own, adoring fans cut your picture out of magazines like Quidditch Quarterly, and everyone wants your autograph.There's only one thing you need to top your career - a victory for Britain in the World Cup. Can you win it?
Level 9: Coach
Description: After capping your playing career with a World Cup victory, you decided that you'd rather go out on top. Retiring from playing, you're offered a job coaching the Pride of Portree. Now, you're diagramming plays, motivating players, and making the decisions about which up-and-coming recruits are good enough to play in the professional leagues. You miss playing, but this is a challenge of its own: after succeeding at all the on-field positions, can you succeed at an office job?
Level 10: Quidditch Team Owner
Description: You're rich enough, and you've always been up for a challenge. So when you heard that there was a professional Quidditch franchise up for sale, you jumped at the prospect of owning it. Taking over the front office, you start building your team into a successful franchise. You're already famous as a player and a coach - can you become a legend?
Wizarding Career 2
Icon: Phoenix
Focused skills: Charisma, Creativity, Logic, Mechanical
Reward: Camera
Levels: Security Troll Trainer, Seer, Astronomer, Dueling Champion, Arithmancer, Runic Translator, Wizarding Historian, Wrocker, WADA Professor, Magical Activist
Top Salary: 2024
Level 1: Security Troll Trainer
Workdays: M W F Sa Su
Hours: 6 pm-3 am
Salary: 158
Description: You've just graduated from Hogwarts. You want to be rich and famous, but have no idea how to go about it, so instead you've found a job training security trolls. You're pretty sure this isn't the route to your dream job, so work on your Charisma and you might just start moving up in the world.
Level 2: Seer
Workdays: W Th F Sa Su
Hours: 10 am-3 pm
Salary: 187
Description: Well, you couldn't take training security trolls, so you set up shop as "The Mystic Oracle," making up horoscopes, reading fortunes, and looking in your crystal ball. You don't really have the Inner Eye, but you can invent enough to make your clients happy. Still, it doesn't pay much, and you'd like to do something where you don't have to lie all the time. If you could just get a little logic, you might do better.
Level 3: Astronomer
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 8 pm-3 am
Salary: 339
Description: You parlayed your ability to make up star charts into actually learning about star charts, landing you a job as an astronomer. You debate the movement of the heavens, make up forecasts, and debate the latest theories with other astronomers.
Level 4: Dueling Champion
Workdays: W Th F Sa Su
Hours: 6 pm-12 am
Salary: 524
Description: You got into a particularly heated argument with one of your Astronomy colleagues, leading to a battle royale that escalated until you were using wands against each other. You beat him so badly that one of your friends suggested you enter a dueling tournament. Much to your surprise, you won, and were declared a Dueling Champion! You make money from tournaments and public appearances. But you get the feeling that you can't stay in this career forever - one bad duel could leave you dethroned, or in St. Mungo's.
Level 5: Arithmancer
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 10 am-4 pm
Salary: 779
Description: Finally drawing upon a subject you did well in, you make use of some of your Hogwarts knowledge to take a position as an Arithmancer. It's significantly more boring than dueling, but you're using your brain (and enjoying it.) Unfortunately, none of your friends really understand what you do. Work on your skills to get a job you might actually be able to explain to other people.
Level 6: Runic Translator
Workdays: M T W Th
Hours: 9 am-3 pm
Salary: 903
Description: Even you got a little tired of the arcane workings of Arithmancy, so you used your other N.E.W.T.-level elective to get a job translating Ancient Runes. You make ancient texts comprehensible to modern-day witches and wizards. If you work on Charisma, Creativity, and Logic, you might be able to start writing works of your own.
Level 7: Wizarding Historian
Workdays: M Th Sa Su
Hours: 11 am-5 pm
Salary: 1010
Description: You're using yet another of your Hogwarts classes to write books of your own. As a Wizarding historian, you write about the past. Those who don't know the past are condemned to repeat it, after all, and who knows - your writing might help prevent another goblin war, Lord Voldemort, or giant uprising!
Level 8: Wrocker
Workdays: Th F Sa Su
Hours: 8 pm-3 am
Salary: 1489
Description: The shine of academia wore off, and you started working more and more on playing in a cover band and less and less on your writing. Before you knew it, your night job became your day job. As a Wrocker, your music gets played on the WWN, and your concerts have sold out in thirteen different cities across Europe. Keep wrockin'!
Level 9: WADA Professor
Workdays: T W Th F Sa
Hours: 11 am-5 pm
Salary: 1512
Description: The wrocker's hedonistic lifestyle finally seemed to get to you (plus, the popularity of your band started to wane), and you turned to a teaching offer. Based on your charismatic on-stage antics, the Wizarding Academy for the Dramatic Arts thought you'd make a tremendous professor. As a teacher at the "other" Wizarding school in Britain, you teach would-be actors, wannabe wrockers, playwrights, and anyone else who wants to make an impact in the dramatic arts. You feel like you're making a difference, influencing young minds, but could there be something more?
Level 10: Magical Activist
Workdays: M W F Sa
Hours: 9 am-2 pm
Salary: 2024
Description: Your political side finally took over, and you decided that your life's calling wasn't teaching, it was fighting against injustice. You come to realize that all your life, you've been striving to make a difference: as a translator, historian, professor, and even wrocker, all you've ever wanted to do was make an impact on the world. Leaving the Wizarding Academy for the Dramatic Arts, you begin to lead grass-roots movements, lobbying the Ministry to change the world for the better. House-elf rights? A repeal of the Ban on Experimental Breeding? Student exchange programs? Whatever you want, you're going for it, and you're probably going to get it. Congratulations!
Wizarding Career 3
Icon: Stag
Focused skills: Mechanical, Cleaning, Body, Logic, Charisma
Reward: Hydroponic Garden
Levels: Knight Bus Driver, Owl Post Worker, Crup Trainer, Fancy Creature Breeder, Quidditch Referee, Potioneer, Curse-Breaker, Wizarding Solicitor, Editor of the Daily Prophet, Wealthy Wizard/Witch
Top Salary: 3519
Notes: The first 5 levels don’t pay a lot; the last 5 pay more. Also, the icon is a stag just because it looked cool.
Level 1: Knight Bus Driver
Workdays: M Th F Sa Su
Hours: 10 am-6 pm
Salary: 130
Description: You graduated from Hogwarts, but your N.E.W.T. grades weren't all that impressive, and this was the only job you could find. The hours are long (and irregular), the pay is low, and you have to go all over Britain providing transportation for witches and wizards who need to get somewhere without the benefit of a broom. Work on acquiring some basic skills to advance.
Level 2: Owl Post Worker
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-5 pm
Salary: 182
Description: You got promoted to a job in Hogsmeade, working at a division of the Owl Post Office. It's a tedious job, sorting mail and directing letters, but at least your hours are more regular. The downside? Dealing with Dungbombs, Howlers, bubotuber pus, dragon dung, and all the weird, wicked things people like to send through the post.
Level 3: Crup Trainer
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-5 pm
Salary: 204
Description: The smell of the Owl Post Office got to you, so in a fit of frustration you quit that job and started looking for new work. Unable to find a traditional job, you were despairing of finding a new one when a friend pointed out you've always been good with animals. Thus your new career as a Crup trainer was born: you teach these magical Jack Russell terriers to do everything their owners could want.
Level 4: Fancy Creature Breeder
Workdays: M Th F Sa Su
Hours: 4 pm-11 pm
Salary: 317
Description: From your previous two jobs, you know that you're good at working with animals, particularly animals people like to keep as pets. So, instead of training magical creatures, you decide to see if you can breed and sell them (and maybe even show one or two at competitions.) It's a tricky business - can you make a go of it?
Level 5: Quidditch Referee
Workdays: M W F Sa Su
Hours: 3 pm-9 pm
Salary: 579
Description: The income from being self-employed was starting to get too spotty, so when a friend mentioned that he was earning good money refereeing Quidditch, you decided to check it out. It's a higher-stress job than you'd think, but you have access to some pretty cool things - including the complete rulebook, with all the hundreds of fouls that have ever been committed. Commit them to memory and ignore the jeers of the fans to keep this job!
Level 6: Potioneer
Workdays: M T W F
Hours: 10 am-4 pm
Salary: 946
Description: After one particularly hairy game where an unruly fan of the Kenmare Kestrels hexed you for calling a foul on their star Seeker, you decided that Quidditch refereeing was just too stressful. While brewing yourself some Soothing Solution, you realized that you're pretty good at preparing potions. As a Potioneer, you supply batches of potions to various stores in Diagon Alley, and even create particularly tricky concoctions for individuals upon request.
Level 7: Curse-Breaker
Workdays: M W Th F
Hours: 10 am-4 pm
Salary: 1313
Description: You decided you always wanted the chance to travel, so when an ad appeared in the Daily Prophet saying that Gringotts wanted some Curse-Breakers, you jumped at it. As a Curse-Breaker, your job is to break the enchantments on old treasure hoards, making sure Gringotts can get the gold for more Galleons out safely. Just watch out - one wrong incantation and your career could be over, or worse.
Level 8: Wizarding Solicitor
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 8 am-3 pm
Salary: 1427
Description: A dispute over some discovered treasure at Gringotts gave you the opportunity to learn more than you ever cared to know about Wizarding law, and a desire to have a more settled home life led you to sit the bar exam, qualifying you in Magical Law. As a solicitor, you have an office in Diagon Alley, and help to settle magical legal disputes. It's a lot calmer than your life as a Curse-Breaker, but maybe it's too boring for your tastes...
Level 9: Editor of the Daily Prophet
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-4 pm
Salary: 1772
Description: You were writing the occasional legal advice column for the Daily Prophet when its last editor decided to retire. Given that the Prophet was recently sued for libel, slander, and defamation for taking liberties with certain stories, the Daily Prophet's owner decided that someone with a good legal mind should be the new editor - you! As editor of the Prophet, you're in charge of the main source of news for the entire Wizarding population of Britain.
Level 10: Wealthy Wizard/Witch
Workdays: T W Th
Hours: 9 am-1 pm
Salary: 3519
Description: You've been accumulating money throughout your career - so much, in fact, that you're now a power behind the scenes virtually everywhere in the Wizarding World. You own a major publishing company or two, helping to determine what people read, and you're so influential that the editor of the Daily Prophet, important Gringotts officials, and even the Minister of Magic himself has to listen when you have a "suggestion." You don't have much work - you just sit back and exercise the power you've accumulated throughout the years. Enjoy it!
Wizarding Career 4
Icon: Wand
Focused skills: Charisma, Creativity, Mechanical, Cooking
Reward: Candy Factory
Levels: St. Mungo’s Receptionist, Ministry Security, Herbologist, Honeydukes Confectioner, Magical Mr. Fix-It, Pest Advisory Board, Ghoul Removal Service, Spirit Division Liaison, Hit Wizard/Witch, Supreme Mugwump
Top Salary: 3086
Notes: This track requires fewer skills than most (and is quite low-paying until the upper levels), but you must have 13 friends to advance to the top.
Level 1: St. Mungo’s Receptionist
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-5 pm
Salary: 136
Description: You've gotten a job as the receptionist at St. Mungo's, directing patients and their families to the appropriate floor of the hospital. You've got to put up with a lot of cranky, sick people and their worried relatives (and you've never been fond of sick people), so work on your Mechanical skills to advance.
Level 2: Ministry Security
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-5 pm
Salary: 150
Description: You've found a job with the Ministry of Magic! Okay, so you're not an Auror or even a Hit Wizard, and your job is more receptionist than actual security guard, but it's a lot better than being at St. Mungo's. Your job is to question people about what they're doing at the Ministry, and to get them where they're going - and to keep out the crazies who want to assassinate the Minister of Magic or blow up the Fountain of Magical Brethren. Given how important your job is, you'd think they'd pay you more...
Level 3: Herbologist
Workdays: T Th F Sa Su
Hours: 10 am-5 pm
Salary: 369
Description: You never got the promotions you kept putting in for, so you left the Ministry in search of another job. The search was slow, though, and while trying to figure out a way to pay the bills, you figured out your green thumb could keep you from starving! As a Herbologist, you grow magical plants to sell to apothecaries, Potioneers, chefs, and Healers. Work hard - if your garden doesn't grow, your waistline will surely shrink!
Level 4: Honeydukes Confectioner
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-4 pm
Salary: 494
Description: You were playing around with new uses for some of the magical plants in your garden, and you found out that mixing several plant extracts with sugar produces a tasty taffy. When you went to sell the recipe to Honeydukes, they said it was terrific, and offered you a job! As a confectioner for Honeydukes, you invent new candies (and taste-test them, to make sure they're good enough to sell, of course.) Yum!
Level 5: Magical Mr./Ms. Fix-It
Workdays: T W Th F Sa
Hours: 9 am-5 pm
Salary: 559
Description: You liked your last job, but you decided that you needed a larger salary, and Honeydukes wasn't going to provide it. Relying on your innate mechanical skills, you moved to London and got a job in Diagon Alley, fixing up broken brooms, wands, wireless sets, and anything else less-mechanically-minded witches and wizards bring in. Work on your Mechanical skills to advance.
Level 6: Pest Advisory Board
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-5 pm
Salary: 602
Description: Working in the Fix-It shop, you made a house-call one day, only to find that you had to deal with a chizpurfle infestation in addition to the usual magical-mechanical mishaps. You did such a good job with the chizpurfles that the head of the Pest Advisory Board heard, and offered you a job (and a substantial sign-on bonus.) Now, you're back working for the Ministry in a comfortable desk job, dealing with everything from Ashwinders to pixies.
Level 7: Ghoul Removal Service
Workdays: T Th F Sa Su
Hours: 10 am-3 pm
Salary: 715
Description: You decided you wouldn't mind a job in the field, so the Pest Advisory Board assigned you to the Ghoul Removal Service. If a Muggle family moves into a house with a ghoul, or if a Wizarding family decides they can't stand the racket, you go in and get it out. Should be easy enough, right?
Level 8: Spirit Division Liaison
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 10 am-3 pm
Salary: 856
Description: You did so well with ghouls that the Ministry thought you might enjoy working with ghosts. As liaison to the Spirit Division, you deal with the Has-Beens of the Wizarding world, mediating disputes between living magical folk and the imprints of departed souls.
Level 9: Hit Wizard/Witch
Workdays: M T W Th
Hours: 9 am-3 pm
Salary: 1604
Description: Tired of dealing with ghosts, you applied for the first job vacancy you could find; it just happened to be in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Not an Auror (as you constantly have to explain to people outside the Ministry), you're responsible for tracking down criminals. You're more apt to deal with petty thieves and plain murderers than Dark wizards or Death Eaters, but your job is no less dangerous for it.
Level 10: Supreme Mugwump
Workdays: M T W
Hours: 10 am-2 pm
Salary: 3086
Description: After a distinguished stint in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, you were elected to be Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards. As a diplomat, you deal with international disputes - you, who started out as a lowly receptionist, and whose biggest responsibility used to be giving name badges to guests at the Ministry! Your career has astonished everyone who's ever known you. Congratulations!
The three, newly updated versions of my old careers:
IMPORTANT: GET THESE VERSIONS and REMOVE THE OLD ONES from your downloads before putting these in; they have the same GUID. You want the new versions – they’ve got custom icons added and typos fixed (as well as one broken chance card result for Borgin and Burkes), and “Wizarding Naturalist” has been changed to “Magizoologist,” which sounds better. Also, because I made an entire Hogwarts career, I removed “Hogwarts Professor” from the Wizarding Career 1 track, replacing it with Alchemist. I’ve also changed the career rewards so most careers offer a different reward.
Because there is apparently a size limit to how long this description can be, I refer you to for full descriptions. I include below only the descriptions that have changed.
Wizarding Career 1
Icon: Wizard’s Hat
Focused Skills: Creativity, Body, Logic, Cleaning
Reward: Cow Plant
Levels: Wizarding Portraitist, Wizarding Photographer, Reporter for the Daily Prophet, Wizarding Wireless Network Commentator, Magizoologist, Unicorn Preserve Specialist, Dragon Preserve Specialist, Healer, Alchemist, Magical Me!
Top Salary: 3307
Level 1: Wizarding Portraitist
Workdays: M T W Th F
Salary: 163
Level 2: Wizarding Photographer
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-5 pm
Salary: 212
Level 3: Reporter for the Daily Prophet
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-5 pm
Salary: 314
Level 4: Wireless Network Commentator
Workdays: Th F Sa Su M
Hours: 4 pm-12 am
Salary: 509
Level 5: Magizoologist
Workdays: M W F Sa Su
Hours: 3 pm-9 pm
Salary: 754
Description: An extended bout of laryngitis forced you to quit your job as a commentator for the WWN. While you were searching for work, a friend let you know about an opportunity for a more outdoorsy job. You've signed on with a team of Magizoologists, looking for new species of magical creatures. It involves lots of travel, and, while it's a lot different than anything you've done before, you really think you like it. If only you could find a nargle or two...
Level 6: Unicorn Preserve Specialist
Workdays: M T W F
Hours: 10 am-4 pm
Salary: 974
Level 7: Dragon Preserve Specialist
Workdays: M T W F Sa
Hours: 10 am-4 pm
Salary: 1281
Level 8: Healer
Workdays: M T W Th
Hours: 8 am-2 pm
Salary: 1846
Level 9: Alchemist
Workdays: M T W F Sa
Hours: 9 am-3 pm
Salary: 2169
Description: Healing is hard work, and, having had enough of sickness and death, you decided to turn to finding the secret of everlasting life (and money!) As an alchemist, you're something of a magical inventor, seeking answers to fundamental questions of magic - and trying to see if you can't figure out a way around the exceptions to Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration.
Level 10: Magical Me!
Workdays: T W Th
Hours: 9 am-2 pm
Salary: 3307
Ministry Career 1
Icon: Wizard with wand
Focused Skills: Charisma, Logic, Body, Mechanical
Reward: Teleprompter
Levels: Junior Assistant, Department of International Magical Cooperation, Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office, Department of Magical Sports, Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, Obliviator, Unspeakable, Auror, Chief Witch/Warlock of the Wizengamot, Minister of Magic.
Top Salary: 3289
Level 1: Junior Assistant
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-5 pm
Salary: 207
Level 2: Department of International Magical Cooperation
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-5 pm
Salary: 416
Level 3: Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-4 pm
Salary: 486
Level 4: Department of Magical Sports
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 2 pm-8 pm
Salary: 581
Level 5: Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-4 pm
Salary: 806
Level 6: Obliviator
Workdays: M W F Sa Su
Hours: 8 am-4 pm
Salary: 1047
Level 7: Unspeakable
Workdays: T Th F Sa Su
Hours: 10 am-3 pm
Salary: 1327
Level 8: Auror
Workdays: Th F Sa Su M
Hours: 4 pm-10 pm
Salary: 2693
Level 9: Chief Wizard/Witch of the Wizengamot
Workdays: M T W Th
Hours: 9 am-3 pm
Salary: 3017
Level 10: Minister of Magic
Workdays: M T W Th
Hours: 9 am-2 pm
Salary: 3289
Diagon Alley
Icon: Cauldron
Focused Skills: Charisma, Creativity, Logic, Cleaning
Reward: Candy Factory
Levels: Borgin and Burke’s, Quality Quidditch Supplies, Magical Menagerie, The Leaky Cauldron, Madam Malkin’s, Apothecary, Gringotts, Flourish and Blotts, Weasleys’ Wizarding Wheezes, Ollivander’s.
Top Salary: 2964
Notes: Like Wizarding Career 3, the pay for the last 5 levels is a lot better than the first 5.
Level 1: Borgin and Burke’s
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 4 pm-2 am
Salary: 128
Level 2: Quality Quidditch Supplies
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-5 pm
Salary: 171
Level 3: Magical Menagerie
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-5 pm
Salary: 205
Level 4: The Leaky Cauldron
Workdays: M Th F Sa Su
Hours: 9 am-4 pm
Salary: 386
Level 5: Madam Malkin’s
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 10 am-5 pm
Salary: 568
Level 6: Apothecary
Workdays: M T W F Sa
Hours: 4 pm-12 am
Salary: 879
Level 7: Gringotts
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 10 am-4 pm
Salary: 992
Level 8: Flourish and Blotts
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-4 pm
Salary: 1228
Level 9: Weasleys’ Wizarding Wheezes
Workdays: Th F Sa Su
Hours: 9 am-3 pm
Salary: 2341
Level 10: Ollivander’s
Workdays: M T W Th
Hours: 10 am-3 pm
Salary: 2964
Hopefully I’ve managed to fix all the typos. These work in my game, but I do not think these will work with all international versions of the game. If you would like to translate these into other languages, feel free to do so. If you post the translated version elsewhere, please give me credit for the work I’ve done.
If you think there’s some career track I’ve left out that you’re dying to have your Harry Potter sims use, let me know (but remember, I have to have 10 career levels to make a career!) If you would like to get in contact with me, a PM is probably better than the comments section of this page, though I will try to monitor that too. I am open to non-HP-related career requests, but reserve the right to turn down things that
Additional Credits:
Special thanks to the following:
Most of all, an enormous thank you to lientebollemies. I would never have uploaded any of these if it wasn’t for lientebollemies, who was kind enough to make a TON of custom icons for me. With the exception of the wizard’s hat, all of the icons used in these careers are made by Lien, and they are all completely awesome. Every time I thought I was done, I saw I had more gorgeous icons to use, so I just kept creating. Thank you so much, lientebollemies!
Thanks also to the MTS2 community for providing feedback and suggestions, specifically to jodemilo, koda_lovemusic, grumpy_otter, madsaffs, katalina522, appelsapgodin, and vampire_of_death.
Extra special thanks to HaunterMoonEyes for providing a TON of levels for the Dark Arts career and the Dark teen career, to Kailacat for doing the same for the Quidditch career, and to heaven_sent_8_18 the information on how to make teen careers.
HP Teen Careers.rar
Uploaded: 22nd Oct 2010, 589.1 KB.
HP Adult Careers.rar
Uploaded: 22nd Oct 2010, 2.94 MB.
All HP careers.rar
Uploaded: 22nd Oct 2010, 3.52 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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#Harry Potter, #Ministry of Magic, #Quidditch, #magic, #career, #wizard, #wizarding, #Hogwarts, #prefect, #Death Eater, #Dark Arts, #HP
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38 77.4k 28
Harry Potter Collection: Quidditch Pitch
by StephSim 27th Sep 2007 at 5:08pm
+6 packs
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Harry Potter Collection: The Ministry of Magic
by StephSim 13th Dec 2007 at 8:53pm
+6 packs
Open for Business
Bon Voyage
3 Harry Potter careers (Minor Update 19 Nov 2008)
by Julieryc updated 20th Nov 2008 at 3:02am
47 90.8k 55
by beltanasim 21st Dec 2008 at 8:05pm
+5 packs
Family Fun
Open for Business
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by Mischief Managed 8th Jun 2021 at 6:31am
Hunger Games Career Project Part Two: Capitol, District Merchants and Workers
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3 Harry Potter careers (Minor Update 19 Nov 2008)
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | University |