No More Zombies Generated At Full Moon - 2 Flavors
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No more random zombie attacks at full moon.
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A good idea so your sims can sleep soundly this full moon.
**Presently this mod is not compatible with patch 1.42 - I will be patching in the next few days to play seasons - sorry, I do not EP patch until I get the EP as no home connection downloading a patch for me is too slow lol so I need to buy the disc. My sincerest apologies to everyone who has updated & has not been able to use it, but I'll need to update it before I can even play my game so it won't be long now**
EA have released a patch for the zombies spawning all of the time glitch. Unfortunately because EA are nowhere near as clever as Twallan it does not affect your current save which you may have been playing for 3 weeks now. You can rescure your current save even though EA say otherwise. You need to install NRAAS Overwatch v71+ from and allow it to play in your game for at least 24 sim hours. After installing the packaged you do not need to anything it will do its work automatically on game load. This will work for patch 1.38 and patch 1.39. This will turn off the erroneous zombie alarm and your save will revert to full moon zombies only. (Presuming you do not have my mod, when there will be no zombies whatsoever.) If you have patch 1.39 you can remove NRAAS Overwatch if you want as soon as the problem has dissappeared. If you are still on 1.38 if you remove Overwatch your problem will return if you save during the full moon again.
Overwatch does not remove full moon zombies. Only daytime/nonfullmoon zombies. If you want no zombies at fullmoon you still need another mod like this one right here ;-)
I created these mods due to my coward trait & the fact I'd like my sims to be able to experience the other features of the lunar cycle without being attacked by zombies every 6 days.
Both versions of the mod will allow the user to create their own zombies using the manual player directed ingame methods.
Neither version of the mod will remove existing zombies and therefore if you have any in your world you will need to delete them using testingcheatsenabled true & shift clicking on the mailbox or a mod (eg. Nraas Master Controller.)
Mod Versions
ByeByeZombies -- Prevents the game from generating any zombies at the beginning of full moon. It also prevents the game from generating any extra zombies during the full moon. This version of the mod also disables any autonomous turning sims into zombies & disables the transmission of the zombified buff. Therefore, even if you were to be attacked by an existing zombie, your sim will not become a zombie itself. Only the player is able to create a zombie and any zombies created by the player will be unable to spread the infection.
ByeByeZombiesLite - Prevents the game from generating any zombies at the beginning of full moon. It also prevents the game from generating any extra zombies during the full moon. This version of the mod does not disable the transmission of zombification & thus any player created or existing zombie will be able to spread the zombified buff as usual.
You must only use one of the above files.
Additional Files (may be used separately or aswell as one of the above file)
Addition-Brainfreeze - Prevents the dessert Brainfreeze a la Mod from turning sims into a zombie. By default the dessert has a 50/50 chance of creating a zombie and 10% chance of perma-zombifying an existing zombie. This files removes this feature. It can be used with one of the above files to decrease the chances of encountering zombies in your world or you can use it by itself if you think eating ice cream is simply a too accessible method of creating zombies. Please note, this additional file by itself will not prevent zombies spawning or zombie transmission.
This is an xml mod, it can be removed at any time & the game will revert to normal. It will only conflict with other files that modify the below mentioned xml files.
This mod was created with version 1.38. It may or may not need to be updated after future updates.
The xml files that have been editted are -
Both - LunarCycleManager
ByeByeZombies Only - Zombified Socials
ByeByeZombies Only - ApplyZombieEffect
Addition-Brainfreeze - BuffZombieFreeze
Additional Credits:
EA - Image of zombies.
Uploaded: 16th Sep 2012, 2.7 KB.
| No zombies created by game at full moon. Player created zombies & existing zombies can spread buff however.
Uploaded: 16th Sep 2012, 957 Bytes.
| No zombies created by game at full moon. Also no transmission of zombified buff. Only player can create new zombies but even these cannot turn other sims into zombies.
Uploaded: 16th Sep 2012, 2.9 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 17th Nov 2012 at 11:40 PM - Update News 1.42 - Not Compatible
#zombie, #zombies, #lunar, #lunar cycle, #no zombies, #full moon, #supernatural, #occult
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 3 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Supernatural |
About Me
I'm starting to post some of my mods, however larger they will be quite niche and be designer for quite a specialised target so to speak.
The reason is I want to create mods that nobody has thought of, or done, for the most part. As I simply won't make it for myself if I can find it online :-P
I want to solve problems that are frequently forgotten by the mod community due to low demand but for a few can really make a difference to the game.
I'm thinking of packaging up for upload some of my older tweaks/mods/lots etc if no-one else has already fully and visibly covered them online & maybe writing some custom careers as the category doesn't seem as popular as it did in sims 2.