Environment Lighting Tweaks v4.0 & v5.6.55 GOLD

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All patch version compatible.

*2013/6/25 Dynamic Shadow updated to v5.6.55
Added UnderseaFog Settings. (Isla Paradiso)
Others are unchanged.

*2013/2/24 Updated to v5.6
Cloud at the sun side at sunrise and sunset revised to dark cloud.
Dynamic shadow files changed. Now with sun halo
Should be settled this time.

*2013/2/23 Updated to v5.5
Totally redrawn aurora with 10 transitions and gradient
Sky blue adjusted in daytime
Added new weather settings with different aurora probability
In 1.50, custom weather is not rotated anymore, so there are two version available.

*2013/2/22 Updated to v5.2
Sunset color adjusted
Overall lightness adjusted in Clear, Partly Cloudly, Aurora(Custom)
Aurora possibility changed from 5% to 20% (Regular) and 25% (MoreSunny)

*2013/2/1 Updated to v5.1*
Cloud color adjusted to reveal smoother gradient in the night.
Cloud parameter changed.
Aurora changed brighter.
Because EA's moonlight (Sunlight actually) is horizontal, it doesn't show correct moonlight shadow effect. Adjusted down.
Sunlight balance adjusted.

2013/1/28 v5.0 GOLD released.
v5.0 GOLD is quite different from v4.0.
Totally redraw from blank.
In v5.0 there is gold sunrise, pink orange sunset, softer shaped but more colorful cloud, blue-purple night sky.
Install it like v4.0

See video here (preview in CAW)

(You can see more pictures in my blogger.)

Below is for v4.0

Brighter Night Settings Added.

v4.0 Changes
Lowered down Highlight/Shadow contrast of Overcast and Stormy weather.
Increased color saturation of Darker Water a little back.
Lightened up the cloud luminosity a little in the nighttime.
Parameter controlling the cloud changed a little.
Changed for less bloom in both "Higher bloom" and "Lower bloom" settings.
Added two sky color variations in the night, Grey and Blue night, which are still very dark.
(These two color variations give sky reflection to water, so it will not be totally black as v3.0. In blue night setting, very little blue tint is added to the ambient light.)
Color settings are now separated into two parts, Color and Weather.
Added settings that remove the custom weather (Aurora).

This version of Environment Lighting mod is base on Outdoor Lighting Tweaks v2.1 by dDefinder , The Blue Dream by Latoya, EA Worlds Lucky Palm and Sunlit Tides.

The purpose I made this lighting tweaks is because I was always using dDefinder's lighting, but I also loved the sunset and sunrise color in Sunlit Tides. The fog setting in Latoya's The blue Dream is also very beautiful and fantastic, also the aurora-like night sky. I just want them together.
I translate their INI files into colorramp and blended with Sunlit Tides or Lucky Palm, with lots of adjustment.

All the five weathers are included :
(Weather Type: ProbabilityWeight
Main Color Setting Compositor)

Clear (No Clouds) : 20%
dDefinder Clear blended with Sunlit Tides Clear

Partly Cloudy : 40%
dDefinder Clear blended with Sunlit Tides Partly Cloudy

Overcast : 25%
dDefinder Overcast blended with Lucky Palm Overcast

Stormy : 10%
dDefinder Overcast blended with Lucky Palm Stormy

Custom (Aurora) : 5%
dDefinder Clear blended with Sunlit Tides Partly Cloudy
Almost the same in daytime, only different in clouds settings.
However in the night, from 21:30 to 03:30, there will be dark green light in the sky that I wanted to mimic the aurora.

No blue tint in the night.
The sky color is not too orange or too pink at sunrise and sunset.
More colorful at the horizon at sunrise and sunset.
Using Lighting INI file to control ambient and bloom.
Environment is as bright as in Sunlit Tides.
Fog setting adopted from latoya is adjusted slighter, but heavier in Stormy weather.
Dynamic shadow by dDefinder is included.


How to Install

The setting files are separated into four parts and put into different folders.
Choose only one setting in each folder.

Color Settings: (Choose only one)
Lighter Water + Black Night
Lighter Water + Dark Night
Lighter Water + Grey Night
Lighter Water + Blue Night
Darker Water + Black Night
Darker Water + Dark Night
Darker Water + Grey Night
Darker Water + Blue Night
(New)Lighter Water + Brighter Night Grey
(New)Lighter Water + Brighter Night Blue
(New)Darker Water + Brighter Night Grey
(New)Darker Water + Brighter Night Blue

Black Night: The same to Default Night before v3.0, totally black sky, higher ambient light.
Dark Night: The same to Darker Night before v3.0, totally black sky, very low ambient light.
Grey Night: Very deep and dark grey sky, same ambient light level as Black Night.
Blue Night: Very deep and dark blue sky, same ambient light level as Black Night with a little blue tint. (Only in sunny days.)
Brighter Night Grey: Very deep and dark grey sky, lighter ambient.
Brighter Night Blue: Dark blue sky with gradient from horizon, lighter ambient.

Weather Settings: (Choose only one)
Regular + no Aurora
More Sunny
More Sunny + no Aurora

Regular: Recommended for no Seasons installed or Seasons installed but with all meteotology types turned off.
More Sunny: Recommended for Seasons installed with all meteotology types turned on.
no Aurora: Probability of the custom (aurora) weather is set to 0.

Lighting Settings: (Choose only one)
Lower (less) Bloom (Recommended)
Higher (more) Bloom

Dynamic Shadow: (Choose only one, or none if you don't want dynamic shadow)
Dynamic Shadow Only
Dynamic Shadow + BigSunMoon
Dynamic Shadow + MiddleSunMoon

You need at least the Color Setting, Weather Setting and Lighting Setting to work properly.
Choose only one setting in each folder.
This mod will conflict with other environment lighting tweaks ex. dDefinder's, Latoya's or Nilxis'. You need to remove them before using my mod.

For you who want to manually adjust my lighting tweaks, see THIS ARTICLE on my blogger.

About "More Sunny" and "Regular" Settings
Game system rotates the meteotology (Sunny, Fog, Snow, Rain and Hail), and chooses the proper weather type (Clear, Partly Cloudy, Overcast, Stormy and Custom).
However in Sunny, it will rotate all the five weather types with the probability weight set and you will see a "stormy sunny" day.
So in "More Sunny", I changed stormy from 10% to 0%, overcast from 25% to 10% and clear from 30% to 25%, and you will never see the stormy sunny day again.
If you'd like to see sunny day with all different types of weather, choose "Regular".
If you just want a sunny day that is "sunny", choose "More Sunny".

This Environment Lighting Mod is created by using ColorRamp.
It works with all worlds.
No need of the world files modification.

Also, this mod is just a default replacement of the environment color setting. It should be compatible with all patch versions and all expansions.

For the cloud issue (No clouds in the sky), you need to load a save game, back to main menu and load it again. This is one of EA's bug......(EA has fixed this issue in 1.42)

Thanks dDefinder and Latoya for kindly giving me permission to use and modify their setting files.

Additional Credits: S3PE dDefinder
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