What's on the menu?
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Good day!~~

I am informed about the release of Patch 1.67. Seriously, no, I don't think it will do any harm to the mod. SO yes, the compatibility is okay, though I cannot confirm as I will be on Patch 1.63 forever. I don't have ITF anyway, and I'm not interested to get a copy.
Good day everyone! The new version for Patch 1.63 is finally up! Please redownload and update! Thank you!
For BlackCat's compatibility version, I'm sorry to say that I'm not working on it as I'm not interested and do not use her mod. But anyone should feel free to modify the mod.
So Twallan isn't updating his mods anymore, I'm sorry to say that after I finish the update for Patch 1.63, I wouldn't be doing it anymore (unless someone updates all the NRaas mods that I'm using)

Whoa, I dunno if you've seen it, but SimsVIP says that a patch will be coming again - dreadful. I've just finished redownloading mods! Anyway, I do hope that the new patch won't affect this mod, as I'm halfway on updating it.
Hello everyone,
As I see that there are still some people out there, I think I may return and work on it.
Mod is compatible with Patch 1.57.
For the BlackCat's Compatibility Version, it depends on the amount of my schoolwork.
Thank you.
This mod adds custom recipes to your game, incorporating them into Festival Stalls, Bars, the Food Truck, and of course, allowing them to be cooked by your Sims.
The following recipes are added to the game. They are cookable!
-Country Casserole
-Baked Alaska
-Curry Stew
-Wellington Ribs
To compliment the recipes, two ingredients are added to the game.
-Curry Powder (used in Samosas and Curry Stew)
-Lamb (used in Wellington Ribs, Curry Stew, Country Casserole)
For Concessions Stand Food Items...
-Baked Potato
-Turkish Delight
-Banana Milkshake (gives "Bananah" buff)
-Strawberry Smoothie (gives "Social Strawberry" buff)

Changes are made to the EA Concessions Stand Drinks...
-Hot Cider now gives the Warm Fuzzies moodlet.
-Hot Chocolate now gives the Chocolate Chuckles moodlet.
New Learnable Bar Drinks...
-Pina Colada
-This mod conflicts with mods that edit the xmls below...
-New XML files are added to provide custom cooking processes for each recipes to create uniqueness. They will not conflict with any other mods as they are unique.
-For some moodlets (eg Chocolate Chuckles), and the recipe "Samosas", they only appear if you have Late Night.
-The Concessions Stand food will appear only if you have Seasons installed.
-Basically the mod is Base Game compatible, but as stated above, some features will require the aforementioned Expansion Packs.
-In the making of the mod, I overhauled the food and drink types available in Professional Bars placed at various lot types. For example, you can't find anything good to eat in a Junkyard. (Would YOU really eat at one?)
-Known conflicting with BlackCat's Food Overhaul, Princess Artemis's All Bars Serve All Drinks
Ithink it'd be safe to simply remove the mod. Nothing will be damaged.
As a safety measure, you should use NRaas MasterController to un-learn the custom recipes for your Sims. "ResetSim *" if necessary. To be safe than sorry, NRaas ErrorTrap ensures that the game loads properly. Though it's up to you.
Updating the mod
As a suggestion, Please DO NOT patch your game until I release the update of the mod to prevent any data loss if you simply take the mod out of the packages with the food loaded. After a new version is uploaded, please delete the old one and replace with the new one, then finally load your game. You may make your own choice, though.
Thank you and hope you'll enjoy this!
Additional Credits:
Christmas Fear -- for being my tester in the mod! Thanks so much!
SimsMatthew_WhatsOnTheMenu P1.63.zip
| For Patch 1.63 to Patch 1.66 (as of now).
Uploaded: 19th Jan 2014, 91.5 KB.
SimsMatthew_WhatsOnTheMenuVersion 6 Patch 1.55.zip
Uploaded: 24th Jun 2013, 88.9 KB.
SimsMatthew_WhatsOnTheMenuVersion 6 Patch 1.55 (Without Bars.xml).zip
| For Patch 1.55
Uploaded: 24th Jun 2013, 72.8 KB.
SimsMatthew_WhatsOnTheMenuVersion5 (NO Bars.xml).zip
Uploaded: 3rd Apr 2013, 71.2 KB.
SimsMatthew_WhatsOnTheMenuVersion5 (BorschChanged).zip
Uploaded: 3rd Apr 2013, 87.2 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 9th Sep 2014 at 5:56 AM
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About Me
1. Modification of my creations are allowed for your personal use.
2. If you want to reupload my creation(s) with your changes, this is most welcomed, though please give me a PM.
3. PM me for no reasons - I'd love it!