MTS Official 2014 Calendar

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With the new year just around the corner, it's time for another calendar for your sims. I'm here with the 2014 addition of the MTS Official in-game calendar. As with last year's upload, the calendar functions as a manual preset rather than tying to changing of the seasons. If you do have Seasons and have each season enabled and set to the minimum of 3 days, you'd have a 12 day calendar. You just need to CAST the picture to change the preset to the next month. However, the pictures are pretty enough to leave up as long as you'd like.

This painting is the Modern Painting that uses the mesh of the Goth Painting so, technically a new mesh. It is base game compatible. It is one object with 12 different presets for each of the months. The months are in order so, when you are ready to switch over, just choose the next image in the presets. You will find it under Decorative -> Wall Hangings for the low, low price of §50. Because of the presets, you can just change the months using CAST without having to rebuy, saving your sims §550 over the course of a year! Thrifty, eh? The pushpins are recolorable for each of the presets as well. They are each different from each other already but can be changed to whatever your sim's heart desires. The item has been flagged to be shiftable up and down walls as well if you ever feel you need to slide it around to accommodate dressers, chairs, desks or whatever might happen to be in the way, you should have no problems.

Also, this calendar does not overwrite previous years. You can have all of them in your game at once. Whether your sims are hoarders and never get rid of anything or you really just like the pictures, you can keep your 2012 Wall Calendar and 2013 Wall Calendar with no problems. Do make sure to clear your caches first though, including thumbnails, to make sure it shows up right in the catalog.

NameChannelsPriceCatalog LocationPolygon Count hi/low
2014 Wall Calendar250Buy Mode>Decorative>Wallhangings130/8

Note: The first channel allows for changing of the preset; the actual color does nothing. The second channel is the pushpins which are not really meant to have patterns. They can but the surface area for them is so small that you likely won't see it so solid colors (like real tacks) are best.

Special thanks and congratulations go out to all of our winners: Monsoon, gelina, werismyki, Jennuitte, Diwtay, Miuki, jbeach34, simsdropacid, HystericalParoxysm, SeeMyu, wild4sims, and Nilxis. For a full list of entries, please see the original entry table.

Polygon Counts:

Additional Credits:
- MTS Staff for judging entries and contestants for entering. Would not have been possible without all of you!
- Leefish; because this is an edit of the first calendar and would not have been possible without her from the beginning.
- Creators of S3OC, S3PE, TT3.
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