Full House Mod - Increase your Household Size! [Still Compatible as of 1/25/18]
FullHouse1.jpg - width=1600 height=860
Experimental version lets you go to 24 by default, you can also override this for unlimited sims.
FullHouse2.jpg - width=1600 height=837
Evidence of the unlimited nature of the experimental version.

The mod will let you go to 24 slots by default. The reason for this is to help limit performance issues on lower-end machines. However since it's not my place to decide where your limits are, you can indeed override this by adding "true" to the end of your command.
If you have a sim with a space in the first or last name, then that part of the name will need to be wrapped in quotes
tm.fullhouse "Kenny G" Williams
Add extra sim to your household:
tm.fullhouse <firstname> <lastname>
Delete a sim by name:
tm.deletesim <firstname> <lastname>

The experimental version no longer exists as Maxis fixed their portrait generation and the game no longer crashes. Feel free to add as many sims as you can handle. The amount of sims you can have without performance issues depends heavily on your computer's abilities.
You can not edit a fullhouse family in CAS, as it will cut the family size back down to 8. Below are alternatives for managing fullhouse households.
- Create a Household: Click on a lot and select Create Household there instead.
- Place Existing Household: Click on a lot and select Create Household. Then from CAS, load the household from the gallery/library.
- Delete a Sim: Only 8 sims will show up in CAS. To delete extra sims, use the included tm.deletesim command.
- Edit a Sim: You can not edit a sim while they're part of an extended household. Doing so will remove all but 8 sims.
Add extra sim to your household:
tm.fullhouse <firstname> <lastname> <override>
Delete a sim by name:
tm.deletesim <firstname> <lastname>
If you'd like to support me and my future mod development, please refer to my signature or profile.
NOTE: This is a script mod. You must have script mods turned on in your gameplay options > "Other" tab. The mod must be left zipped! and you must be on the latest patch for them to function. New patches may disable the script mod in gameplay options.

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Updated: 5th Nov 2024 at 10:14 PM
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You may not upload my content to any other distribution sites (i.e. sites similar to ModTheSims4) unless you acquire my explicit permission to do so.
If a mod of mine is updated by someone else without them asking me for permission to do so, I reserve the right to re-update said mod myself.