The Sims 2 Opportunity Pack Reading Desk & Accessories
sdOpportunityAlmanac_LowerSlotTakesPrecedence.jpg - width=820 height=840
The Almanac in Slot 0 Suppresses the Mic in Slot 3
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An Invited Guest Tutors Family & Friends Using the Cookbook
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The Cookbook Makes Money at an Owned Business
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Reading Desk Title Page
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A Guest Witch Teaches Magic from the Opportunity Pack Mystic Icon
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The Guest Witch Uses the Icon to Raise Creativity & Paranormal Interest
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A Sim with the Orator's Epic Teaches Creativity in the Kitchen
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Opportunity Pack Reading Desk & Acccessories
sdOpportunityReadingDeskAccessories_Almanac-MinuteBook.jpg - width=1520 height=980
Opportunity Pack Reading Desk Accessories: Almanac to Minute Book
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Opportunity Pack Reading Desk Accessories: Legal Tome to Wood Falcon
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The Opportunity Cookbook Auto-Invites a Qualified Teacher
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Teacher Seated at the Mystic Icon
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College Grade Support with Bella Goth
sdTechManual_UniSeminarMechanical-BellaGoth.jpg - width=1180 height=820
Bella Goth Leads a Tutorial in Mechanics
sdTechManualSeminar-Stella-Mechanical.jpg - width=1180 height=820
Stella Earns a Mechanical Point, then Progresses in College Physics

UPDATE December 16th, 2016: Routing Improvement
Enthusiastic listeners will now go to the front of the class to attend the talk, rather than the rear.
ACCREDITED December 10th, 2016:
a) With the major upgrade, all the teaching items in the Reading Desk set are now University and grade school accredited, meaning that school and college students will earn grade points while they attend the talks. Their educational progress will be displayed at the beginning and end of each tutorial session.
b) To support this more serious purpose, a proper dress code is now enforced for all teachers - no more lectures in pajamas or swimsuits! In the case of the Mystic Icon, children and teens who are not magicicans will dress in private school uniforms.
c) Lecturers who teach autonomously are now more likely to stay on the job.
d) For users of the Mystic Icon, a student's magic alignment and skill status is displayed at the beginning and end of each learning session.
e) The placement rules for the Reading Desk are changed to prevent the back of the object (where the Sim stands) from being occupied, but to allow the front to be placed next to a railing such as might exist on a raised stage.
f) A bug that caused listeners not to use audience seating has been fixed. My thanks to gazania for confirming this problem.
g) In checking for valid audience seating, bar stools are now approved for use.
If a Social Worker NPC is teaching at the Mystic Icon on a residential lot, ideally she should be dismissed before installing this update. However, if you find that if the Social Worker ends a teaching session without disappearing as she should, this release allows the Social Worker to be recalled and then dismissed properly.
This release fixes an error with the Mystic Icon that may occur in complex lots: it was possible for two NPCs to appear and try to teach at the Icon.
UPDATE August 20, 2016: Improved Speaker & Listener Routing
a) Sims who are already sitting in a good location to speak at the book or sculpture or to listen to the talk will no longer jump up and attempt to find another seat.
b) Children will not be Invited to speak at a book or sculpture, but they can still do so autonomously or as playable Sims.
c) Invited speakers are now consistently announced by full name.
BUGFIX June 18, 2016: Coffee Table Usage
a) This release corrects an error that had crept into the release versions of the set, preventing speakers from sitting at a coffee table.
b) Sims can now sit in a living chair to speak at a coffee table. However, the game does not normally allow Sims to sit at a coffee table with a living chair, unless the chair is carefully positioned using boolProp snapObjectsToGrid off or M&G's setQuarterTilePlacement on.
UPGRADE May 25, 2016: Coffee Table Support
a) With this update, if an open book or sculpture is placed on a coffee table, the speaker will sit on a chair or sofa to speak, rather than stand. If no seat is available, the speaker will sit on the floor.
b) A surplus speaker will no longer spontaneously appear if the first one is not quick enough to begin speaking.
c) Non-invited NPC speakers who autonomously begin speaking will not be deleted when they finish.
UPGRADE May 18, 2016: "Ordinary" Sims More Likely to Speak
a) With this improvement, playable Sims and Townies are more likely to be invited to speak than NPCs. Certain NPCs such as the Apartment Life NPC witches, the Nightlife Grand Vampires and the Seasons Ideal PlantSim, are completely omitted from the invitation list. These exotic Sims are instead reserved for the Ravendancer set.
b) Teachers who have been Dismissed or Replaced are no longer allowed to autonomously return to the book or sculpture and resume teaching.
c) Instead of referring to all session leaders as "Teachers", other nomenclature such as "Forecaster", "Orator" or "Speaker" is used where more appropriate.
UPGRADE May 12, 2016: Speaking from a Table, Desk, or on the Floor
a) With this enhancement, if an open book or sculpture is placed on a table or desk with a chair in front of it, the speaker will sit on the chair to lead the session. If there are empty chairs at the table, listeners will gather to sit in them. This option can provide the look of a traditional classroom or a seminar environment if desired.
b) If an open book or sculpture is placed on a small object such as another book or paper that is itself on the ground, the speaker and listeners will sit on the ground beside it.
c) After observing Sims sitting on the far side of large lots to listen to speeches, I have now introduced some limits. Listeners will sit within 10 tiles of an open book or functional sculpture when indoors and within 8 tiles outdoors.
d) The speech icons expressed by teachers are now a little more varied.
e) As much as practical, the Interest and Magic Skill development for teaching have been made equivalent to those for listening.
UPGRADE April 10, 2016: Introducing Immediate Mode for Utility Menu Options
a) Due to the use of a new algorithm, the "Auto-Invite", "Invite", "Replace" and "Dismiss" menu options are now accessible immediately, rather then being placed in a Sim's action queue.
b) To make delayed functions more obvious, these same menu options are now disabled until pending actions such as recruiting a new teacher are completed.
c) Interest increase rates are boosted to be equivalent to the FreeTime Enthusiasm increase rates.
d) The Magic Skill increase rate for the Mystic Icon is raised to be equivalent to the EA Apartment Life Grimoire.
UPGRADE April 4, 2016: Introducing Teacher "Dismiss" and Other Improvements
The latest upgrade of the Extension Speaker should be used with this update.
a) The set is now compatible with all game configurations, including those involving Apartment Life.
b) The "Dismiss" menu option will relieve the current Sim of their teaching duties.
c) The functional texts now satisfy the "Read To" and "Be Read To" wants.
d) "Auto-Invite" is now defaults to being enabled for University dorms.
e) An intermittent bug in stipend payment has been fixed.
UPGRADE March 20, 2016: Introducing "Invite" and "Auto-Invite" of Teachers, with Other Enhancements
a) On community lots, a qualified Sim will be invited automatically to teach at these skill building books and sculptures if a visiting Sim has not already done so after 15 game minutes.
b) On residential lots, a qualified teacher may be invited by menu option, either one time or continually.
c) The books now satisfy the social as well the fun motive.
d) A jump bug that occurred after about one game hour of teaching has now been resolved.
e) If an Extension Speaker is used to relay the talk from a raised stage to the audience, Sims will no longer autonomously mob the lecturer at the skilled building book instead of sitting in the auditorium. The updated version of the speaker should be used with this update.
f) The catalogue prices of the set have been increased slightly so that they are separated from the Opportunity Pack Lectern & Accessories price group.
g) Enthusiasm gain rates have been increased by 30%.
h) Fun gain rates are increased 30%-40%.
BUGFIX Jan. 30, 2016: Fixed Reading Desk Tapestry Slot, Guidebook & Science Journal, & Adjusted Quantity per Shelf
a) The Frontal Tapestry slot in the Reading Desk was originally positioned slightly too high so that the tapestry projected through the desk surface. This release slightly lowers the slot.
b) In some circumstances the Guidebook or the Science Journal could override the presence of the Opportunity Ticket in the catalogue. If you downloaded the update earlier on Jan. 30th please do so again.
c) For the purpose of running a bookshop, all the the texts in this set can now be placed at the highest possible density on OFB shelving.
To produce a simple reading desk that supports a comprehensive group of skill, interest and enthusiasm building accessories.
Together with the five microphones released with the Decorative Lectern, these speech making accessories provide for all 18 of the basegame interests. Additionally, two bonus interests included in the microphone set (Fashion and Politics) are supplied here as illustrated books. As well as the reading desk itself, the uploads also include two invisible recolours and a "Lost Opportunity" object to suppress the functionality of the set.
For witches and warlocks, the Opportunity Pack Mystic Icon has the additional benefit of increasing the Magic skill of both the teacher and the student.

Each item in this set is available from the Hobby/Knowledge section of the catalogue. The Reading Desk costs §87, the Wood Falcon and Pony cost §88 each, and the rest of the set sells for §89 each.
1) Opportunity Pack Reading Desk - this book stand has five slots on the top surface that are designed for holding Opportunity Pack Books & Notes, Collector's Editions, Opportunity Pack Accessories, Lady Ravendancer's Magical Arcana, as well as the texts, carvings and Mystic Icon included in this upload.
Opportunity Pack textbooks that are in the Reading Desk's lower numbered slots have functional priority over functional books and microphones in higher numbered slots. In the picture below, an Almanac is placed in Slot #0 - the slot closest to the speech maker - so all speech making objects in the other slots will be disabled. Also, any texts or mics that are on the same tile but not slotted into the Reading Desk will be similarly suppressed. This is a design feature that allows additional texts and mics to be used for decorative purposes while eliminating any autonomous Sim usage conflicts that would occur if more than one of these devices were allowed to be active on a particular tile.
Apart from the two wood carvings, all the speech making objects in this set each contain two slots to hold small objects. By design, if any of the textbooks, the Icon, the wood carvings or the Opportunity Microphones are placed on one of these speech making objects then only the device in the highest numbered slot - the top of the stack - remains enabled. The base object and any other object in the stack are disabled. In the picture below, the Tech Manual is at the top of the stack so that it takes priority over the Almanac: in this case the Tech Manual will be enabled but the Almanac will be disabled.
Note that a speech making accessory or stack that would be otherwise functional can be Deactivated by menu option. This will cause all speech making objects in that stack to be deactivated and the code will try to enable a mic or text in a higher number slot, if available.
The Reading Desk uses the recolour sets provided for the Opportunity Pack Lectern.
If the Reading Desk is placed on a stage or in a raised pulpit, an Extension Speaker will be required to relay the talk to the audience below.

2) Opportunity Pack Alamanac - like the Opportunity Pack Desk Mics, this practical reference book enables a Sim with at least 3 points of Logic to "Forecast" the weather, increasing Charisma and making some money while doing so. The public will pay for the forecast and raise their own Logic Skill. Those in school and college will earn Grade Points. Additionally, all Sims involved gain Weather Interest and FreeTime Nature Enthusiasm.
Those who "Forecast" will increase Charisma skill at the same rate as the basegame Teleprompter and listening to a talk will increase Logic Skill at 80% of that rate (the same rate as an indoor chess table). Sims can "Ask For" or "Offer" Charisma speech lessons if the Almanac is placed on a Reading Desk or Decorative Lectern.
Sims will Listen to satisfy their Fun and Social needs, but if the speech maker is moderately Charismatic then Sims will continue listening until their needs or mood becomes too low. The book will satisfy the "Practice Speech, "Read To", "Be Read to by", and "Went to Class" wants.
The book is college accredited for those majoring in Philosophy, but regardless of what major they may be specializing in, attending a lecture at the Almanac will grant Grade Points to all those registered in university or school.
College and school progress is displayed at the beginning and end of each student's learning session. If a school student earns an "A+", additional study will earn Extra Credits which allow a child or teen to take time off without losing a letter grade, or can be saved for advanced placement (one full term for 1000 points) in college.
The Almanac uses any of EA's built-in basegame book recolours as well as those from the Opportunity Pack Books and Collector's Editions.
Additionally, the Almanac uses the basegame Fourth Element Tapestry recolours for the graphic on its left-hand page. Many recolours are available, including those provided for the Opportunity Pack Lectern & Accessories.
On non-residential lots and dorms a qualified Sim will appear automatically to teach a class, although this may not occur until 15 game minutes have elapsed. This function can be overrode by selecting "Disable Auto-Invite" from the book's menu. Also, qualified Sims who happen to visit or are invited to the lot will autonomously teach from the book. On residential lots visiting Sims will not appear automatically unless "Enable Auto-Invite" is selected.
The "Invite Teacher" menu option will call in a qualified Sim regardless of the Auto-Invite setting. If a teacher is already on the job, "Replace Teacher" will dismiss the current Sim and after about ten game minutes a new teacher will be recruited. "Dismiss" will give the instructor a break and turn off the "Auto-Invite" setting.
If the teacher is a witch, warlock or NPC magic user they do not need to meet the normal requirement for three Charisma points, either to teach autonomously or to earn a stipend.
The Almanac is placeable on a Reading Desk or Opportunity Lectern as well as coffee tables, counters, desks, dining tables, end tables, shelves or on the ground. It can be made completely invisible wherever it is placed, can share a tile with another object, Sims will step over it, and it is height adjustable if Apartment Life or Mansion & Garden is available.
Listeners will sit on dining chairs, living chairs, sofas or love seats if they are available. To use two tile recliners, Sims must directed to sit on them first before listening. If no seats are available, listeners will stand instead.
If the Almanac is placed on a table, desk or coffee table with a dining chair behind it, the forecaster will sit on the chair to lead the session (in the case of a coffee table, a sofa or carefully positioned living chair will also do). If there are other chairs at the table, listeners will also sit at the table to take part. Otherwise they will look for a chair that is within ten tiles of the book if indoors, or within eight tiles if outdoors.
If the Almanac is placed directly on the ground, the forecaster will stand behind it. However, if the Almanac is placed on another small object (such as another book or paper) that is itself on the ground or on a coffee table that does not have a chair beside it, then the forecaster and all the listeners except for elders with also try to find a place on the ground beside it. Children will not sit on the ground when teaching.
Basegame does not support forecasting from a chair or on the ground.
3) Opportunity Pack Cookbook - similar in features and function to the Almanac, this impressive heirloom and at least three points of Cooking Skill you will be ready to "Teach" a cooking class, raising Charisma and earning an income as you do so. Students will gladly pay to increase their Cooking Skill, and every Sim present will gain Food Interest and FreeTime Cuisine Enthusiasm. Those in school and college will also earn Grade Points. This object uses basegame book recolours only.
The Cookbook is also college accredited for those majoring in Philosophy.

4) Opportunity Pack Fashion Journal - having the same footprint as the Orator's Epic (below) but much thinner, this pictorial guide to the essentials of style enables Sims with at least 3 points of Creativity to gain Charisma and earn an income as they "Discuss Fashion". Listeners will pay to preview the latest trends while developing their Creativity Skills. Those in school and college will also earn Grade Points. All participants gain Fashion Interest and FreeTime Arts & Crafts Enthusiasm.
The Fashion Journal uses basegame book recolours for its text and any of the many available basegame Lady on Red (Bella) recolours for its picture, including the Rossetti prints available here and here, as well as the pre-modern artwork available here and here.
The Fashion Journal is college accredited for those majoring in Art.
5) Opportunity Pack Guidebook - this guide may inspire adventurous Sims with three points or more of Mechanical Skill to "Share Travel Secrets", enhancing their Charisma and raising money for future trips. Members of the audience will "Learn" practical and Mechanical Skills, while offering support. Those in school and college will also earn Grade Points. Every Sim at the meeting gains Travel Interest and FreeTime Tinkering Enthusiasm.
The Guidebook uses both the basegame book recolours and The Sims 2 Opportunity Pack Ticket (Note Card) recolours. Please be sure to use the latest version of the Ticket recolours, released August 1, 2015.
The Guidebook is a secondary master for the Ticket recolours, so it not necessary to have the original Ticket file in a Downloads folder for the recolours to work.
This book is college accredited for those majoring in Economics.
6) Opportunity Pack Legal Tome - this weighty volume is ideal for Sims concerned with the science of law. Sims with a minimum of 3 points of Logic Skill may "Discuss a Case" to increase their Charisma Skill and receive compensation. Listeners will pay to raise their Logic Skill, and all participants gain Crime Interest and FreeTime Science Enthusiasm. Those in school and college will also earn Grade Points. The Tome uses basegame book recolours only.
The Legal Tome is college accredited for those majoring in History.
7) Opportunity Pack Lost Opportunity - by default this little piece of paper will disable any skill gaining microphones, extension speakers, texts and other objects from this set that it finds on the same tile, giving them a purely decorative function. The Lost Opportunity can be disabled by menu option.
In the screenshot above, the presence of the Lost Opportunity on the Reading Desk will actually disable all the speech making objects on that tile, unless the Lost Opportunity is itself turned off.
8) Opportunity Pack Manifesto - much thinner than the Almanac, but with the same footprint and using both the Fourth Element Tapestry and basegame book recolours like the Almanac, Sims with at least 3 points of Logic can "Discuss Politics" to increase their Charisma and receive contributions. The listening public will hone their Logic Skills and likely offer donations to the cause. Those attending school and college will also earn Grade Points. All Sims at the rally gain Politics Interest and FreeTime Science Enthusiasm.
The Manifesto is college accredited for those majoring in Political Science.
9) Opportunity Pack Minute Book - this financial document occupies the same surface area as the Sims 2 Opportunity Pack Open Book but it is much thinner. This financial document enables Sims with at least three Logic points to "Teach Bookkeeping" to raise their Charisma and receive a stipend. Students will increase their Logic Skill, and everyone in attendance gains Money Interest and FreeTime Tinkering Enthusiasm. Those in school and college will also earn Grade Points.
The Minute Book is college accredited for those majoring in Economics.
10) Opportunity Pack Mystic Icon - placeable almost anywhere, this esoteric symbol will give almost any Sim with at least 3 points of Creativity an uncanny, almost magnetic ability to fascinate a crowd. Those who "Share Wisdom" increase Charisma Skill and receive donations from the gathering. Those who "Study" increase their Creativity, and all who participate improve their Paranormal Interest and FreeTime Arts & Crafts Enthusiasm. School and college students also earn Grade Points.
If the teacher is a witch or warlock, the teacher will gain Magic skill while teaching with the Mystic Icon. Magic users in the audience will also increase their occult abilities, about 30% faster than by studying the Appartment Life Grandiose Grimoire. The Mystic Icon is usable by witches and warlocks of any alignment and it will not cause a shift in the alignment of either the teacher or the student. Magic skill and alignment data is displayed at the beginning and end of a student's learning session.
If "Invite" or "Auto-Invite" is enabled the new teacher will be the Social Worker NPC rather than a qualified Townie or playable Sim.
In the case of children and teens, those who are not magicicans will dress in private school uniforms.
The Mystic Icon is slaved to the basegame Fourth Element Tapestry and will use any of its recolours, such as those provided for the Opportunity Pack Lectern & Accessories.
The Mystic Icon is college accredited for those majoring in Psychology.

11) Opportunity Pack Orator's Epic - this large illustrated volume may be placed on almost any surface, including the ground. A Sim with at least 3 points of Creativity may "Tell a Story" to increase Charisma and receive a gratuity. The audience will pay to attend and raise their own Creative Skills. Those in school and college will also earn Grade Points. In addition, all Sims involved gain Culture Interest and FreeTime Film & Literature Enthusiasm. Like the Fashion Journal, the Epic uses both basegame book and Lady on Red recolours.
The Orator's Epic is college accredited for those majoring in Drama.

12) Opportunity Pack Salvaged Page - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! Sims with at least 3 points of experience in Cleaning can "Discuss" life-cycle concepts with a page recovered from an old book, rasing their Charisma and receiving an honorarium. In turn, members of the community increase their own Cleaning Skill while they offer support. Those in school and college will also earn Grade Points. Everyone involved gains Environment Interest and FreeTime Nature Enthusiasm. The Salvaged Page uses basegame book recolours, like the majority of objects in this set.
The Salvaged Page is college accredited for those majoring in Biology.
13) Opportunity Pack Schoolbook - smaller in size but otherwise similar to the Almanac, Sims with at least 3 points of Logic Skill are qualified to "Teach" using this textbook. Teachers increase their Charisma Skill and earn a salary. Students pay to "Learn" and raise their Logic Skills - and those in school or college also earn Grade Points. Both teacher and class will gain School Interest and FreeTime Games Enthusiasm.
The Schoolbook is college accredited for those majoring in History.
14) Opportunity Pack Science Journal - identical in footprint and recolour usage to the Guidebook but much thinner, scientists with at least 3 points of Logic Skill can "Lecture" from this research journal to increase their Charisma Skill and receive a salary. Their students pay tuition to raise their Logic Skill, and everyone in the lecture hall gains Sci-Fi Interest and FreeTime Science Enthusiasm. Those enrolled in school or college also earn Grade Points.
Like the Guidebook, the Science Journal is a secondary master for the Ticket recolours, so it is not necessary to install the original Ticket file.
The Journal is college accredited for those majoring in Mathematics.
15) Opportunity Pack Tech Manual - this wide format reference source enables Sims with at least three points of Mechanical Skill can use this reference to "Lead" a technical seminar, raising Charisma and income in the process. Attendees pay to increase their Mechanical Skill, and all Sims at the seminar gain Work Interest and FreeTime Tinkering Enthusiasm. Those enrolled in school or college also earn Grade Points.
The Tech Manual is college accredited for those majoring in Physics.
16) Opportunity Pack Toy Pony - this wooden model may inspire Sims with at least three points of Mechanical Skill to "Teach Shop", which raises their Charisma and earns an income. Students will increase their Mechanical Skill, and all Sims participating will gain Toys Interest and FreeTime Arts & Crafts Enthusiasm. Those enrolled in school or college also earn Grade Points.
The Pony should normally be placed facing left, its default position. If the Toy Pony is rotated then the Sim intending to teach may try to route to the pony in an odd or impossible way.
The Toy Pony is college accredited for those majoring in Art.
17) Opportunity Pack Wood Falcon - Sims with at least three points of Cleaning Skill may use this handsome carving as a prop to "Teach Animal Husbandry" while earning a stipend and raising their Charisma. Class members pay to learn Cleaning Skills, and all participants gain Animals Interest and FreeTime Nature Enthusiasm. Those enrolled in school or college also earn Grade Points. Like the Toy Pony, the Wood Falcon should normally be placed in its default position, in this case facing right.
The Toy Pony and the Wood Falcon are slaved to the basegame Teleprompter and use the recolours provided for the Opportunity Pack Decorative Lectern set.
The Wood Falcon is college accredited for those majoring in Biology.
18) Invisible Recolours - for occasions when you do not want these objects to draw attention to themselves, I have created invisible recolours for the basegame book and the Lady on Red painting. For convenience, I have also included the invisible Teleprompter and Tapestry recolours from the Decorative Lectern set so that the Reading Desk, wooden carvings and Tapestry related accessories can be made to disappear.

This set is distributed in two downloads, as follows:
a) - this archive contains all the mesh files from this set, including the Reading Desk, books, sculptures, Icon and loose pages.
b) - this download contains the invisible recolour files you may find useful when using this set.
Terms of Use
You may include any item from this set in uploaded lots, whether for free or pay. It is nice but not necessary to provide a credit and link to this page.
I suggest using Pescado's Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm patch so that these and all other skill building objects are fully functional on all lots.
Additional Credits
GIMP 2, IrfranView, Microsoft Paint and Microsoft Photo Editor for graphics editing, file conversion, processing, sizing and titling
Jfade's Compressorizer for minimizing file size
Milkshape 3D, Ultimate Unwrap3D Pro and UV Mapper Professional, for 3D modeling and mapping
Numenor's AnyGameStarter, used for testing this project in several game environments
SimPE, PJSE, and CEP for Sims 2 object creation
Polygon Counts
Opportunity Pack Almanac: 99 faces, 141 vertices
Opportunity Pack Cookbook: 99 faces, 141 vertices
Opportunity Pack Guidebook: 99 faces, 141 vertices
Opportunity Pack Fashion Journal: 99 faces, 141 vertices
Opportunity Pack Legal Tome: 99 faces, 141 vertices
Opportunity Pack Lost Opportunity: 20 faces, 16 vertices
Opportunity Pack Manifesto: 99 faces, 141 vertices
Opportunity Pack Minute Book: 99 faces, 141 vertices
Opportunity Pack Mystic Icon: 20 faces, 16 vertices
Opportunity Pack Orator's Epic: 99 faces, 141 vertices
Opportunity Pack Reading Desk: 54 faces, 108 vertices
Opportunity Pack Salvaged Page: 20 faces, 16 vertices
Opportunity Pack Schoolbook: 99 faces, 141 vertices
Opportunity Pack Science Journal: 99 faces, 141 vertices
Opportunity Pack Tech Manual: 99 faces, 141 vertices
Opportunity Pack Toy Pony: 301 faces, 338 vertices
Opportunity Pack Wood Falcon: 566 faces, 383 vertices
This is a new mesh, and means that it's a brand new self contained object that usually does not require a specific Pack (although this is possible depending on the type). It may have Recolours hosted on MTS - check below for more information.
| A reading desk with skill, interest, enthusiasm and grade building accessories.
Uploaded: 17th Dec 2016, 485.8 KB.
| Invisible recolours to support the reading desk and its accessories.
Uploaded: 31st Oct 2015, 2.1 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Simsâ„¢ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 18th Jun 2017 at 7:21 PM - Normalized title.
The book recolours shown in this thread can be found with the Opportunity Pack Collector's Editions and The Sims 2 Opportunity Pack Reference Section: Books & Notes. Many of the objects from these sets will fit perfectly on the Reading Desk.
If the Reading Desk is placed on a stage or in a raised pulpit, an Extension Speaker will be required to relay the talk to the audience below.
I suggest using Pescado's Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm patch so that these and all other skill building objects are fully functional on all lots.
by legendarydairy 6th May 2006 at 8:30pm
6.7k 1
The Sims 2 Opportunity Pack Reference Section, Books & Notes
by Sophie-David updated 31st Jan 2016 at 5:52am
37 25k 90
The Sims 2 Opportunity Pack Collector's Editions
by Sophie-David updated 11th Apr 2016 at 4:23am
21 18.7k 52
The FreeTime "Broken-In" Desk Recovery Project
by Sophie-David 29th Mar 2015 at 9:01pm
+1 packs
Free Time
By Function » Surfaces » Desks
The FreeTime "Broken-In" Desk Pooklet Expansion Set
by Sophie-David 30th Mar 2015 at 12:57am
+1 packs
Free Time
By Function » Surfaces » Desks
The Sims 2 Opportunity Pack Lectern & Accessories
by Sophie-David updated 17th Dec 2016 at 6:22am
47 27.3k 68
The Sims 2 Opportunity Pack Lady on Red Tapestry
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12 21.4k 26
The Sims 2 Opportunity Pack Extension Speaker
by Sophie-David updated 17th Dec 2016 at 7:21am
15 38.4k 32
by Sophie-David updated 5th Aug 2017 at 7:39pm
25 14k 17
by Sophie-David updated 5th Aug 2017 at 6:48am
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Three Tile Holographic Television
by Sophie-David 5th Oct 2019 at 10:56pm
Three Tile Holographic Television with Double Sided Viewing, optional framing in Basegame "Rolling Hills" wall decor more...
4 5.9k 10
140+ Tiny Filesize Glass Coffee Table Recolours
by Sophie-David 17th Jul 2016 at 2:38am
Tiny filesize recolours of the glass inserts for the basegame "End-to-End" and Centerpieces Coffee Tables, in animated & non-animated styles more...
5 6.4k 12
Ye Olde Cooper's Muck for the Masses
by Sophie-David updated 13th Jul 2016 at 5:34am
Scatological contents recolours for Ye Olde Cooper barrel and bucket series more...
4 6.3k 7
Ye Olde Cooper's Barrels for Brigands
by Sophie-David 28th Feb 2011 at 12:42pm
Medieval, Victorian & Rustic Trash Bucket & Trash Barrel for cheaters more...
55 144.5k 80
Six Nightlife Images of the Pacific Rim Rainforest, #1
by Sophie-David 28th Aug 2007 at 2:24am
Title Six Nightlife Images of the Pacific Rim Rainforest, #1 Description This is a collection of more...
+1 packs
64 HiRes Wood Basegame Vase Collection Recolours
by Sophie-David updated 26th Aug 2016 at 6:20am
High resolution recolours (512 x 512) of the Basegame Vase Collection, found in Decorative/Sculpture more...
1 6.3k 7