The Sims 2 Opportunity Pack Extension Speaker
sdOpportunitySpeaker_AfricanEbony-Invisible_CommonWhitebeam-BrownWorn.jpg - width=1000 height=980
Opportunity Speaker Recolours: African Ebony to Common Whitebeam
sdOpportunitySpeaker_DragonWood-GlamMetal_GreyWood-RedCrimson.jpg - width=1000 height=980
Opportunity Speaker Recolours: Dragon Wood to Grey Wood
sdOpportunitySpeaker_MahoganyBrown-RedDark_ScotsPine-AntiqueJute.jpg - width=1070 height=980
Opportunity Speaker Recolours: Mahogany Brown to Scots Pine
sdOpportunitySpeaker_MichellePacificPooklet_Brisance-Shrapnel.jpg - width=1000 height=980
Opportunity Speaker Recolours: Michelle Pacific Brisance to Shrapnel
sdOpportunitySpeaker_SilverBirch-Black_YellowPine-GlamMetal.jpg - width=900 height=980
Opportunity Speaker Recolours: Silver Birch to Yellow Pine
sdOpportunitySpeaker_BigBandWhite_BlueNewWave.jpg - width=920 height=980
Opportunity Speaker Recolours: Big Band White to Blue New Wave
sdOpportunitySpeaker_BrownReggae-GreenPastel_GoldCountry-Invisible.jpg - width=920 height=980
Opportunity Speaker Recolours: Brown Reggai to Gold Country
sdOpportunitySpeaker_ConsoleFT_MahoganyBrown_HiFiStereo-TheTube.jpg - width=1200 height=800
FreeTime Vintage Console Compatible Recolours: HiFi Stereo FT & The Tube FT
sdOpportunitySpeaker_HeavyMetal-HeavyMetal_RedCedar-AntiqueJute.jpg - width=920 height=980
Opportunity Speaker Recolours: Heavy Metal to Red Cedar
sdOpportunitySpeaker_PamperedStereoGL_MapleGL-BlueLightGL_ZebrawoodGL-GreenGL.jpg - width=1200 height=800
Glamour Life Pampered Stereo Compatible Recolours: Maple & Zebrawood
sdOpportunitySpeaker_PamperedStereoGL_RedwoodGL-GreyMediumGL_SantaMariaBrown-GreyAudioGeek.jpg - width=1200 height=800
Glamour Life Compatible Redwood & Basegame Audio Geek Compatible Recolours
sdOpportunitySpeaker_PamperedStereoGL_SteelGL-BrownGL_GoldGL-GreyLightGL.jpg - width=1200 height=800
Glamour Life Pampered Stereo Compatible Recolours: Steel & Gold
sdMysticIcon_PublicSpeakingWithSpeaker_Title.jpg - width=758 height=758
Public Speaking with the Opportunity Pack Extension Speaker, Title Page
sdOpportunitySpeaker_AmplfyingBenefits.jpg - width=860 height=840
A Witchy Sim Leads a Public Lecture with the Mystic Icon
sdOpportunitySpeaker_AudienceSkillGain.jpg - width=1000 height=840
Extension Speakers Relay the Lecture to the Audience Below the Stage
sdOpportunitySpeaker_ShareWisdomRaisedPodium.jpg - width=820 height=840
A Witchy Sim Shares Wisdom from the Raised Stage
sdOpportunitySpeaker_MysticIconParanormal_Title.jpg - width=710 height=710
Paranormal Lectures with the Opportunity Pack Extension Speaker, Title Page
sdLitigator_HomeSchoolThroughSpeaker.jpg - width=760 height=760
Seasons Litigator & Extension Speaker: Home-School through Speaker, Title picture
sdLitigator_MrSmithPaidHomeSchoolJill.jpg - width=920 height=820
Seasons Litigator & Extension Speaker: Mr. Smith is Paid to Home-School Jill

ACCREDITED December 16th, 2016:
a) With the major upgrade, the Extension Speaker is now University and grade school accredited, meaning that school and college students will earn grade points while they attend the talks. Their educational progress will be displayed at the beginning and end of each tutorial session.
b) A bug that caused listeners not to use audience seating has been fixed. My thanks to gazania for confirming this problem.
c) In checking for valid audience seating, bar stools are now approved for use.
d) The Extension Speaker now properly supports the Seasons Litigator.
e) Enthusiastic listeners will now go to the front of the class to attend the talk, rather than the rear.
The Extension Speaker has been updated to maintain code compatibility with the The Sims 2 Opportunity Pack Lectern & Accessories, Opportunity Pack Reading Desk & Accessories, Ravendancer and Grimms' Storybook projects.
UPGRADE May 12, 2016: Listeners Sit within a Reasonable Range
After observing Sims sitting on the far side of large lots to listen to speeches, I have now introduced some limits. Sims will sit within 10 tiles of the Extension Speaker when indoors and within 8 tiles outdoors.
1) To provide an Extension Speaker that allows an audience to hear a speech made from an Opportunity Microphone, Text or similar device, a Basegame Teleprompter or a Seasons Litigator Podium situated on a stage, in a pulpit, or in another room.
2) To supply EA stereo systems with a matching decorative speaker.
3) To include two sets of surface recolours that will work with both the Basegame Neukum Systems Wall Speaker and this Extension Speaker.
4) To supply a set of recolours for the Extension Speaker grill cover.

1) Opportunity Pack Extension Speaker - this accessory object is available in the Hobby/Knowledge section of the catalogue for §84.
The Extension Speaker automatically searches for the closest activated Opportunity Microphone or Text, Basegame Teleprompter or Seasons Litigator and links to it. If a Sim makes a speech at the linked object, the associated Extension Speaker "relays" the speech into the room that it is in. Sims in that room will be attracted to the Extension Speaker and find a place to sit while listening to the talk. The Extension Speaker does not actually reproduce the speech maker's audio.
If the Extension Speaker has successfully linked to a speech making object, the link can be checked using the speaker's "Display Link" menu option.
Listening to a linked Extension Speaker will increase school and college grades and whatever Skill, Interest, FreeTime Enthusiasm, motive and other characteristic is associated with the linked object. In the case of a Basegame Teleprompter, Charisma Skill, Politics Interest and FreeTime Film & Literature Enthusiasm will be stimulated. If the speech maker is using a Seasons Litigator then the result will be similar except that the audience will increase its Crime Interest and FreeTime Science Enthusiasm.
When the speaker is used with the Litigator or Teleprompter it is college accredited for those majoring in Political Science, but regardless of what major they may be specializing in, attending a lecture at the speaker will grant Grade Points to all those registered in university or school. College and school progress is displayed at the beginning and end of each student's learning session. If a school student earns an "A+", additional study will earn Extra Credits which allow a child or teen to take time off without losing a letter grade, or can be saved for advanced placement (one full term for 1000 points) in college.
Sims will listen to a speech until their need for Fun is satisfied, but if the talker has a Charisma Skill of at least three points then Sims will continue to listen until their mood or needs become too low. Moderately Charismatic speech makers (those with at least three Charisma points) who are not members of the family will be paid a stipend by each listener present at the Extension Speaker.
A linked Extension Speaker can be activated or deactivated by menu option. If an Opportunity Pack Lost Opportunity paper is situated on the same tile as the Extension Speaker, the speaker will be disabled, regardless of this menu option.
For decorative purposes, the top surface of the speaker contains three slots: an end table, a low table, and a decorative. These slots are intentionally not usable by Sims.

2) Neukum Systems EA & Natural Wall Speaker Recolours - this set expands the recolour options for the Basegame residential wall speaker. The Opportunity Pack Extension Speaker surface is slaved to the Neukum Wall Speaker, so it uses the same recolours.
African Ebony, Apple, Aqua Surf (from Bon Voyage Surf Wall Speaker), Ash (Basegame Teleprompter), Black Palm, Black Wash, Black Willow, Blue New Wave (from Open for Business New Wave Wall Speaker), Brown Reggae (from Bon Voyage Reggae Wall Speaker), Capirona Negra, Cedar of Lebanon, Checker Oldies (from Nightlife 50s Rock Wall Speaker), Cherry, Common Whitebeam, Dragon Wood, English Elm, English Holly, English Oak, English Walnut, European Alder, European Lime, European Olive, Gold Country (from Pets Country Wall Speaker), Gold GL*, Green Wood, Grey Wood, Heavy Metal (from Basegame Heavy Metal Wall Speaker), Invisible, Mahogany Brown (FreeTime HiFi Stereo & "The Tube" TV), Mahogany Red, Maple GL, Norway Spruce, Orange World (from Bon Voyage World Music Wall Speaker), Red Cedar, Red Oak, Redwood GL, River Red Gum, Santa Maria Brown (Basegame Audio Geek Stereo), Santa Maria Red, Sapele, Scots Pine, Silver Birch, Steel GL, Sweet Chestnut, Swiss Pear, Teak, Walnut Light, Walnut Medium, White Wash, Yellow Pine, Zebrawood GL.
* The recolours with the "GL" suffix are visually compatible with the Glamour Life Pampered Sounds Stereo speakers.
The Basegame and natural wood textures are compatible with the recolours used in The Opportunity Pack Lecterns and The FreeTime "Broken-In" Desk Recovery Project.. The parenthetical comments show the EA sound systems or other objects associated with a particular recolour.
3) Neukum Systems Michelle/Pooklet Wall Speaker Recolours - this alternate set provides Pooklet recolours compatible with The FreeTime "Broken-In" Desk Pooklet Expansion Set. These recolours are based on Michelle's Pooklet textures.
Michelle Pacific Brisance, Michelle Pacific Depth Charge, Michelle Pacific Explosive, Michelle Pacific Fission, Michelle Pacific Grenade, Michelle Pacific Landmine, Michelle Pacific Safety Fuse, Michelle Pacific Shrapnel.
4) Extension Speaker Cover Recolours - based on the mesh for the Glamour Life Pampered Sounds Stereo, the Extension Speaker includes a speaker cover or grill. Several of the included recolours match the Pampered Sounds speaker covers or those of other EA stereos.
Antique Jute, Big Band, Black, Black Metal, Blue Koamaru, Blue Light GL*, Blue Notes, Blue Surf BV, Bone, Brown GL, Brown Jute, Brown Thin, Brown Worn, Default (Basegame Teleprompter), Glam Metal, Green GL, Green Pastel, Grey Audio Geek, Grey Dark, Grey Light GL, Grey Medium GL, Grey Thin, Grey Worn, Heavy Metal (from Basegame Heavy Metal Wall Speaker), HiFi Stereo FT (FreeTime Vintage Stereo Console), Invisible (built-in), Orange Pastel, Orange Pumpkin, Purple Patriarch, Red Crimson, Red Dark, Red Pastel, Silver Chalice, Tan Jute, The Tube FT (FreeTime Console TV), Turquoise, Yellow Old, Yellow Pear.
* The recolours with the "GL" suffix are compatible with the Glamour Life Pampered Sounds Stereo speakers.

This set is distributed in two downloads, as follows:
a) - the Extension Speaker and the Invisible Recolour from this set. These two files are likely all that users will need for pre-modern or fantasy neighbourhoods.
b) - natural wood, EA style, Michelle/Pooklet recolours for the basegame residential speaker, together with speaker cover (grill) recolours, some of them inspired by EA stereos and wall speakers
Terms of Use
The Pooklet recolour set is based on Michelle's custom textures and out of respect for Michelle, please do not upload them to pay sites or TSR. However, you are welcome to include the recolours from this set in uploaded lots that are posted to free sites. Please include a credit and link to this page.
The remainder of these items may be included in any uploaded lots, whether for free or pay. It is nice but not necessary to provide a credit and link to this page.
I suggest using Pescado's Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm patch so that these and all other skill building objects are fully functional on all lots.
Additional Credits
GIMP 2 and Microsoft Paint for graphics editing, file conversion, processing, sizing and titling
Jfade's Compressorizer for minimizing file size
Milkshape 3D, Ultimate Unwrap3D Pro and UV Mapper Professional, for 3D modeling and mapping
Numenor's AnyGameStarter, used for testing this project in several game environments
SimPE, PJSE, and CEP for Sims 2 object creation
Polygon Count
Opportunity Pack Extension Speaker: 685 faces, 522 vertices
This is a new mesh, and means that it's a brand new self contained object that usually does not require a specific Pack (although this is possible depending on the type). It may have Recolours hosted on MTS - check below for more information.
| The Opportunity Pack Extension Speaker with an Invisible Recolour
Uploaded: 17th Dec 2016, 39.0 KB.
| Surface & grill recolours for the basegame & extension speakers.
Uploaded: 31st Oct 2015, 2.43 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Simsâ„¢ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 16th Apr 2017 at 7:43 PM - Normalized title.
I suggest using Pescado's Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm patch so that the Extension Speaker and all other skill building objects are fully functional on all lots.
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