Roboticist Career
What is a Roboticist?
“A roboticist is a person who designs, builds, programs, and experiments with robots. Since robotics is a highly interdisciplinary field, roboticists often have backgrounds in a number of disciplines including computer science, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, physics, human–computer interaction and interaction design. Roboticists often work for university, industry, and government research labs, but may also work for startup companies and other entrepreneurial firms. Amateur Robotics is also a growing hobby all over the world.”
Thanks to Gabe O’Mackey from Riverblossom Hills, he loves his new career!

Job Descriptions (detailed):
Job Title: Droid Enthusiast
Description: You’ve spent way too much time playing Robot Wars at home; it’s time to get serious... Your internship at Simdustrial Servo Systems is 5x a week 9-5pm, don’t be late or forget your tool bag!
Wage: 230
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9am-5pm
Skill Requirements: 0
Friends: 0
Level: 2
Job Title: Lab Geek
Description: Congrats, you’ve passed your internship. You now work in the lab as Professor Makine’s assistant. Pay close attention, this one day could be you...
Wage: 360
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday 5pm-1am.
Skill Requirements: Cleaning x2, Mechanical x1
Friends: 1
Level: 3
Job Title: Researcher
Description: All that time watching and cleaning up after Professor Makine has paid off, you now coordinate a research project that wants to improve joint-interpolated motion.
Wage: 440
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 8am-5pm
Skill Requirements: Logic x2 Creativity x1
Friends: 2
Level: 4
Job Title: Builder
Description: All that researching has landed you a promotion! You’ve found a possible method to improve joint-interpolated motion, now it’s time to put that theory to the test. Let’s get articulating!
Wage: 650
Work Days: Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday 12-8pm
Skill Requirements: Mechanical x3, Logic x4, Cleaning x4
Friends: 3
Level: 5
Job Title: Programmer
Description: Eh! So your theory panned out and you are now in charge of using Programmable Logical Controller system to test out your bot.
Wage: 880
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Sunday 10-7pm
Skill Requirements: Logic x5 Mechanical x5
Friends: 4
Level: 6
Job Title: Quality Assurance
Description: Its now your job to painstakingly test every little part of your bot and do a burn in, make sure that it lives up to Simdustrial Servo Systems excellent reputation. Oh, and you have to write it all up...
Wage: 1,000
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday 10am-6pm
Skill Requirements: Logic x6 Creativity x3
Friends: 5
Level: 7
Job Title: Trainer
Description: Your robot Simoid now can move, listen and respond like a human; it’s time to train him some human-like manners and phrases so it can do it well in its job.
Wage: 1,350
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday 11am-4pm
Skill Requirements: Body x3, Mechanical x6, Cleaning x5
Friends: 5
Level: 8
Job Title: Specialist
Description: Congrats, Simoid was so popular that Twikki Island Airport wants to buy 4 of them to work in their luggage check in centre. Time to work on specialised robots for companies!
Wage: 1,700
Work Days: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 9am-6pm
Skill Requirements: Mechanical x7, Creativity x5
Friends: 7
Level: 9
Job Title: Inventor
Description: Simoid was the past, Plumbroid Bob is the future! It’s time to get creative and invent new bots and droids to shape the world.
Wage: 2,150
Work Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday 6pm-2am
Skill Requirements: Mechanical x8, Logic x7, Cleaning x6, Creativity x9
Friends: 8
Level: 10
Job Title: World Renowned Roboticist
Description: You’ve made it to the top of your career! Robotic companies from far and wide come to you for your amazing commissioned work.
Wage: 2,500
Work Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, 11am-9pm
Skill Requirements: Mechanical x10, Cleaning x8, Logic x8
Friends: 10
All levels have a chance card written (Detailed):
Chance A Good: $me asks “Professor, what does the cinema have to do with robotics?” they reply with “Well everything! Have you not notice since the start of films and literature that robots have always been present in Sci-Fi, they imagination of writers themselves has helped us Roboticists create new bots and droids to better our future technology! But I think its best we stay on topic with kinematics...” $me is glad they got away with that one! +1 charisma
Chance A Bad: $me asks “Professor, what does the cinema have to do with robotics?” they reply with “Well nothing at all! We are learning about kinematics. Are you falling asleep?!2” $me feels embarrassed. -1 Charisma
Chance B Good: At the end of the lecture the Professor recaps the entire lesson and $me realises it was about kinematics. Next time they should take more attention, they might not be as lucky! +1 Logic
Chance B Bad: At the end of the lecture the Professor doesn’t recap the entire lesson and tells the class to hand in a summary report out the lesson tomorrow. Next time they should take more attention! -1 Logic
2) One day $me notices in the lab that Professor Makine owns a vintage optical encoder and really wants to touch it. Should they pick it up?
Chance A Good: $me pick up the optical encoder and notices it’s made out of low grade aluminium with a secret note inside it saying.. “What is a robot's favorite food? Nuts and bolts!” +1 cooking
Chance A Bad: $me picks up the optical encoder and drops it! Professor Makine is furious and makes $me pay it back out of their wages. -$300
Chance B Good: $me admires the optical encoder from afar and Professor Makine notices, “Would you like to keep it?” He asks. $me happily accepts! +$300
Chance B Bad: $me decides not to touch it and backs away... and trips into Professor Makine’s desk knocking all of his paperwork to the ground. How clumsy! -1 Cleaning
3) Its nearly the end of $me shift and they are reading about linear motion types. $me gets interrupted by two new colleagues asking if they would like to join them at the pub. Should they go?
Chance A Good: “Ah why not?! All this research can take a break, it’s not like the future of technology depends on it!” says $me and they go to the pub. The next morning $me continues with their research and is glad they made friends with their colleagues. +1 Charisma
Chance A Bad: “Ah why not?! All this research can take a break, it’s not like the future of technology depends on it!” says $me and they go the pub. The next morning $me gets called into the office by their boss, turns out those two new colleagues were spies from a rival technology company and they stole $me research whilst they were distracted. Darn! Demoted
Chance B Good: $me kindly declines and says another time maybe and continues with their reading. The next morning $me gets called into the office by their boss, turns out those two new colleagues were spies from a rival technology company! Thankfully none of $me research got stolen. +1 Logic
Chance B Bad: $me kindly declines and says another time maybe and continues with their reading. The next morning $me continues with their research and overhears his colleagues talking by the water cooler about linear motion types, $me could of asked them for help! Ah well, maybe next time! -1 Logic
4) Whilst testing out the articulation one of the robot’s arms starts thrashing about wildly. Should $me press the emergency stop?
Chance A Good: $me presses the emergency stop just in time before the robot could damage itself. $me thinks it’s best to review this bot’s programming. +1 Logic
Chance A Bad: $me doesn’t press the emergency stop in time! The robot’s arm flies off across the room and knocks over important computers and work. $me thinks it’s best to review this bot’s programming. -1 Logic
Chance B Good: $me doesn’t press the emergency stop and carefully watches the robot... The music in the lab changes from rock to latin and the robot starts shaking its metal hips. Turns out you’ve made a dancing robot! +1 creativity
Chance B Bad: $me doesn’t press the emergency stop and carefully watches the robot... The music in the lab changes from rock to classical music and just like in the opera the robot’s arm flies off across the room and knocks over important computers and work. Well, at least it was entertaining whilst it lasted. -1 Logic
Yes: Whilst using the Programmable Logical Controller system a pop up appears and says “Gunter Glieben Glauten Globen” and the option to reset. Should $me press reset or wait for IT services?
Chance A Good: $me presses reset and the song Rock of Ages starts playing... How odd. Someone must of hacked the programme as a prank. +1 creativity
Chance A Bad: $me presses reset and the song Rock of Ages starts playing... Suddenly the program starts to freeze and malfunction. Oh no it must have been hacked! -1Logic
Chance B Good: $me waits for IT services and they have a go by clicking reset... the song Rock of Ages starts playing... How odd. Someone must of hacked the programme as a prank. +1 logic
Chance B Bad: $me waits for IT services.. Suddenly the program starts to freeze and malfunction. Turns out all those websites you watched tv shows on whilst at work had viruses and has corrupted the PLC! -1 Logic
6) Whilst writing up the Quality Assurance Test paperwork for Simoid $me realises they forgot to mention that Simoid can sometimes freeze and malfunction and whoever owns would should always press the reset button. Should $me go back and correct their paperwork?
Chance A Good: $me goes back and corrects the paperwork mentioning Simoid’s issue. This time they write up all of it right! Honesty is the best policy. +1 Logic
Chance A Bad: $me goes back and corrects the paperwork mentioning Simoid’s issue but this time they forgot to mention the freezing part! Oh no, maybe you should get some sleep $me. -1 Logic
Chance B Good: $me is too lazy and decides not to correct their paperwork. Fortunately no one notices or questions and $me gets away with it. +1 charisma
Chance B Bad: $me is too lazy and decides not to correct their paperwork. Unfortunately Simoid malfunctions when $me boss is showing it off at a conference meeting with a leading technology brand and they withdraw their commission. Demoted
7) Simoid walks up to $me and asks “does this tin man have a heart?” whilst pointing at it’s metal chest. Should $me tell it no? As robots cannot have functioning human organs... Yet.
Chance A Good: $me explains the differences between robots and humans to Simoid and how it cannot have a heart.. Suddeenly Simoid starts to laugh and says “Well I much prefer to be a robot then!”. +1 charisma
Chance A Bad: $me explains the differences between robots and humans to Simoid and how it cannot have a heart... Suddenly Simoid starts to wildly malfunction and a tinny wail escapes his metal mouth. Uh oh, I guess he wanted to be a real boy. -1 charisma
Chance B Good: $me thinks its best not to tell Simoid that its not possible for it to have a beating heart as it is made of metal. Instead they tell it that a robot’s heart is called a core processor and Simoid is happy to hear that! +1 charisma
Chance B Bad: $me thinks its best not to tell Simoid that its not possible for it to have a beating heart as it is made of metal. Instead they tell it that a robot’s heart is called a core processor but it is too smart and knows what that is. It begins to malfunction in a fit of rage and destroys some of $me valuable creations. -$500
8) Twikki Island Airport requested 4 Simoids that has their uniform incorporated with their design. Should $me do the uniform as a paint job or anodise the body of the Simoids?
Paint Job:
Chance A Good: $me decides to do a paint job and thinks to themselves “This is probably just like spray painting a car!” Turns out it is similar to a car paint job and Twikki Island Aiport love it! +$2,000
Chance A Bad: $me decides to do a paint job and thinks to themselves “This is probably just like spray painting a car!” Turns out it isn’t anything like a car paint job. Twikki Island hate and refuse to pay for their request. -$2,000
Chance B Good: $me decides to anodise the metal to match the uniforms colour and design... It turns out beautiful and clearly resembles Twikki Island Airport’s uniform, they are really pleased! +$2,000
Chance B Bad: $me decides to anodise the metal to match the uniforms colour and design... It turns out blurry and doesn’t resemble Twikki Island Airport’s uniform at all! They are dissatisfied and refuse to pay for their request. -£2,000
9) Whilst working on Plumbroid Bob, $me notices something iffy about their eyes- it has a slight red tinge to them. Should $me deactivate Plumbroid Bob before checking it out?
Chance A Good: $me deactivates Plumbroid Bob and checks it over. Turns out the wiring wasn’t properly connected and was causing it rebel against its own programming. Thank God $me deactivated it otherwise we would of had an evil robot! +1 Logic
Chance A Bad: $me deactivates Plumbroid Bob and checks it over. Turns out $me didn’t connect the wiring properly and it is still active! The robot turns around, its eyes glowing red and lets out an evil laugh before running away! Oh no! It turns out we have an evil robot on the loose! -1 Mechanical
Chance B Good: $me shrugs and doesn’t deactivate Plumbroid Bob... Suddenly $me realises the glow was a reflection from one of the computer towers! Silly $me, we almost thought that it was an evil robot. +1 Logic
Chance B Bad: $me shrugs and doesn’t deactivate Plumbroid Bob... Suddenly the robot turns around, its eyes glowing red and lets out an evil laugh before running away! Oh no! It turns out we have an evil robot on the loose! Demoted
10) $me takes on a commission to make a CatBot for a well known socialite; sp she doesn’t have to feed and care for a normal cat. $me can’t decide whether to make a Tabby or a Blue Russian. Which one should they chose?
Chance A Good: The socilate screams “A TABBY?!” $me is nervous. “It’s absolutely perfect!” she takes the CatBot home and pays $me. +10,000
Chance A Bad: The socilate screams “A TABBY?!” $me is nervous. “I am not a commoner to own such a stray breed!”She storms out of the building and refuses to pay for the CatBot. -10,000
Blue Russian:
Chance B Good: “It’s blue..” says the socialite. $me is nervous. “I love blue!” she takes the CatBot home and pays $me. +10,000
Chance B Bad: “It’s blue..” says the socialite. $me is nervous. “I hate blue, didn’t you read my facebook about me?!” She storms out of the building and refuses to pay for the CatBot. -10,000
Other *IMPORTANT* Info:
• I have included a glossary in the zip file explaining terminology used in this career.
• I’ve used the Hatchback, Sedan, Town Car & Limo as work vehicles.
• I’ve used the Labcoats, Tweed Jacket, PowerSuit & Slicksuit as the work outfits.
• I’ve tried making the chance cards interesting & funny.
Additional Credits:
• -Gimp
• Photoshop CS2
• -Emma Barrett’s Tutorial
• -Superfly’s Tutorial
• -Bidou’s Career Editor
Uploaded: 1st Mar 2016, 30.7 KB.
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Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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#themefuture, #future, #futuristic, #real, #realistic, #robot, #career, #custom. science, #mechanical, #logic, #technology
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About Me
I've been playing sims since I was 9.
I like recolouring items to create more maxis match stuff. I try keeping as much of it simple and base game so it's fun for all!
General Policies:
-DO NOT reupload any of my work.
-DO NOT edit/modify any of my work without my consent.
-IF you use my work for any photographic or video work, please let me know and also credit me.
-Please DO NOT steal my trademark names that I use for colours.
With my recolours/textures:
You may include with Sims.
You may re-use my textures for related projects.
Uploading Terms for anything else:
-Upload to MTS ONLY!
-DO NOT upload onto TSR/ the Exchange
-Let me know if you've credited me, love to see what you've made!
-Have fun!
-A big thank you for those who have downloaded, thanked, favourited and commented! You guys bring joy to me.