Musical Instruments
MusicalInstruments_Preview.jpg - width=1024 height=768
SaxPreview.jpg - width=730 height=900

The main download only contains the package with the script and tuning.
The mod can be considered done, but, in order to make the whole thing work,
all the various assets (objects, animations and audio) for the instruments are needed.
At the moment, only placeholder assets for the flute are available.
You'll find the flute in the first comment (post #2).
You'll find the sax in the fourth comment (post #5).
Mod Info and Requirements
Developed and tested with game version 1.67.
BaseGame compatible. No EP required.
This mod supports the creation of custom musical instruments and makes them work.
Supported instruments so far: maleMike, femaleMike, flute, clarinet, oboe, sax and trumpet.
There are similarities with the official instruments, but consider these as a very simplified version.
No, you can't jam with them.
Only teen+ Sims can use them.A trivial change to the "Play" ITUN is all it takes to enable children to play the instruments
(but without the children version of the animations they will "stretch" of course).
The instruments must be in a Sim's inventory in order to be used.
To put an instrument in a Sim's inventory you can click on it and use the PickUp interaction
or just drag and drop it to the inventory panel or to the Sim's portrait or to the Sim itself.
Clicking on the instrument's thumbnail in the Sim's inventory you get 2 interactions:
- Show Stats (both the interaction name and the info displayed are not localized).
- Play tuneName (based on how you customize the mod, available musical genres may be displayed as sub-pie menus).
There is only one kind of Play interaction, but if Sims are in a community lot they will automatically
play for tips, unless they are playing a very basic tune, no point in being paid for practice
(see below for tune's levels).
Note: in order to play an instrument, a 2x2 tiles (give or take) free area is needed.
Why? To make sure there is enough space to place the tipjar and play the animations
without risk of clipping with walls, objects or other Sims (the flute is relatively small,
but think about the saxophone or trumpet).
Sims watching a Sim playing (for tips) might give a tip. This follows the same rules of the official instruments.
Sims won't dance, only watch. I've removed the relationship improvement because I didn't like it.
There's a broadcaster to give the "Enjoying Music" moodlet (its value is based on playing ability) to nearby Sims.
Sleeping Sims will wake up and complain. No broadcaster to annoy pets.
Sims with the Virtuoso trait get a few boost here and there (money gained and level up speed).
Note: Sims in a bad mood or hungry or sleepy will automatically stop playing.
Note: to user-direct the active Sim to watch a playing Sim, you have to click on the instrument, not on the Sim.
Performing a concert in a ShowVenue Rabbit Hole
Reaching level 3 (see below) and having gained enough (tunable) money with tips
unlocks the interaction to perform a concert in a ShowVenue Rabbit Hole:
Stadium, EquestrianCenter, MovieSet, StellarObservatory, ServoBotArena, Theatre.
To get this interaction, Sims must have an instrument meeting the requirements in their inventory
(if they are currently playing it then the instrument is NOT in their inventory) and click on the RH.
Note: the pay for the concert is halved in comparison to what rock stars
(Sims in that particular branch of the Music career) get.
Note: Sims who before the end of their performance are in a bad mood get an halved payment
(to simulate a bad or half-assed performance). Selectable Sims will still get the same message
they get when the concert went well though.
I haven't used custom skills, so to simulate the ability to play, have some form of progression
and to keep track of the earnings, I've tied some data to the instruments themselves.
This means that if the instrument is passed to other Sims they will be able to play it at the level
reached by the previous user.
The data is exported/imported also if you travel or move to another world (and probably also
if you export a Sim to the bin, but I haven't tested that).
Recap: it's not the player that levels up, it's the instrument ;P
There are 4 ability levels (from 0 to 3).
To level up, an instrument must play x (tunable) number of times tunes of the currently reached level.
Example: to level up from 0 to level 1, you have to play x times level 0 tunes.
Example: to level up to level 2, you have to play x times level 1 tunes (level 0 don't count).
Example: to... you get the gist of it.
When an istrument levels up, selectable Sims will get a notification (the classic one in the
top-right corner of the screen).
Reaching level 3 and accumulating enough (tunable) money with tips (the order doesn't matter)
unlocks the interaction to perform a concert in a ShowVenue Rabbit Hole.
Sims will play the instruments also autonomously.
Fun is the advertising used and having the Virtuoso trait is an ulterior incentive.
Sims won't play autonomously on bad weather (rain, hail and snow) if unsheltered.
Of course Sims will autonomously watch other Sims playing. This follow the same rules
of watching the official band instruments (there's even a broadcaster that forces them to watch).
Sims will also play concerts in rabbit holes autonomously (fun and Virtuoso trait still being the
driving factor) but I I guess only if they end up in lots containing them though.
Note: the fact that this is also used autonomously may be confusing when you get
the grayed-out pie-menu tooltip that you already performed a concert recently.
The mod is tunable. In addition to the ITUNs (duh!), check the CONFIGURATION xml.
You can customize the songs used, I made a database populated by parsing designated
resources containing the xml definition of the tunes, they are very easy to understand and edit.
Encoding the audio is very easy too (ehm... kind of).
The technical info thread contains all the info needed.
No matter what I try, I can't find a way to make the audio survive the save+reload treatment.
So if you save the game while a Sim is playing an instrument, when you reload you'll find the
Sim still playing but muted.
To avoid that, when a savegame is loaded all playing interactions get interrupted automatically.
Annoying, but the lesser of two evils.
Nope. Of course there's that non zero chance (billions of billions of combinations, but, hey,
it could happen) that core resources or custom resources of another mod accidentally use
the same hash codes of the resources of this mod (hash codes generated on my part
complying to modding best practices). I won't lose sleep over it.
I'd like this to become an open and shared effort based on contributions or third party assets.
See this thread for more info.
Additional Credits
All respective authors and contributors of the tools and tutorials for modding TS3.
MTS and all modders who made the game much more enjoyable.
barbarat for testing.
mspoodle1 for the sax.

28 June 2017 Update : Now you can choose the instrument to use to perform a RH concert.
21 June 2017 Update
Playing is automatically interrupted (optional, enabled by default) on bad weather (rain, hail and snow) if unsheltered.
The check is done every 10 sim-minutes (the badMood/hungryr/sleepy check now is also performed within the same interval).
13 June 2017 Update
No more centralized resource to define the tunes.
Now the mod parses special resource types to populate the database.
See the technical thread for more informations.
7 June 2017 Update
- Now uses a gameplay oriented xml tuning (instead of the testing purposes one).
- Moved localization (i18n) from the xml to the classic STBLs resources.
- Selectable Sims are notified when "their" playing ability increases and when RH concerts are unlocked.
- Payment for half-assed concerts is now halved instead of getting no money at all.
- Cooldown tooltip now shows how many hours remain before being able to perform another concert.
Featuring the [in]famous programming output message: "1 hours".- It's a bit of a stretch, but I've added coding support to the instruments "femaleMike" and "maleMike"
to make Sims sing (but you'll still get messages related to playing an instrument).- Different instruments can now share the same set of animations.
- BugFix: when a Sim used the Play interaction autonomously, the interaction's name was empty.
- The TunesDataBase's parser now mentions the name of the tune (in addition to the row of the table)
to help spot the faulty entry in the xml db.- New flute "playlist" (classical music oriented) with 8 tunes, two per each level.
Uploaded: 28th Jun 2017, 29.9 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 1st Jul 2017 at 4:30 PM - Added link to sax, changed screenshots
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