Susan Bedroom (Maxis Recolours)
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Cheap Eazzzzzze double bed
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Atomic Pets double bed with sangria turndown
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Pets double with green sheets
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Cheap Eazzzzzze double with Dynasty Dresser 2
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Teak single bedroom
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Teak single bedroom
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Vampires need cozy bedrooms too
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set beds and bedding
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dressers and pet beds
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end tables and lamps
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a gaggle of chairs
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desk and TVs and other goodies
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pour la chambre
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lamps and decorations
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they go on the wall
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curtains x3
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Atomic rugs
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floral and stripes
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and more stripes
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walls and floors
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walls and floors
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walls and floors
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set thumbnail
Okay, on to the actual post! The fabric I built this room around has been lurking on my hard drive since 2011. I tried so hard to look it up online to credit it, but every link dead-ended at Pinterest (which, despite all the "37 Best Loosely Related Click Bait" compilations it keeps offering up, is still not a search engine). I coloured this bedroom mostly for the PETS Atomic furniture, but I also tried to include base game alternatives for a many pieces as possible.
Mostly Maxis, with some walls and floors to match. Collection file and icon included, and all files have been Compressorized.
CC Meshes
Echo's Rug (Decorative / Misc / §60, §250, & §800) **
My recolours are of the 3x4 (which also apply to the 2x3 and 1x2 sizes). These should require base game, plus NL or a later EP.
(I personally use Windkeeper's "no shadow" versions, which are also linked at the top of the original post above.)
Hansen Boxes by Shoukeir, Sims2Play (Decorative / Sculptures / §172)
Painting 08 by Shoukeir, Sims2Play (Decorative / Wall Hangings / §488)
Painting 21 by Shoukeir, Sims2Play (Decorative / Wall Hangings / §488)
Base Game
Cheap Eazzzzzze Morrissey Double Bed (Comfort / Beds / §450)
Caress of Teak Bed (Comfort / Beds / §450)
Dynasty Dresser 2 (Misc / Dressers / §900)
Tri-Tip Table (Surfaces / End Tables / §155) - 2 tops
The "Gold-end" Ratio Table (Surfaces / End Tables / §190) - 2 tops
Retratech "Office Pal" Economy Desk (Surfaces / Desks / §80)
Scraps Ranch "CafeMate" Coffee Table (Surfaces / Desks / §90)
Oaktowne East Side Dining Chair (Comfort / Dining Chairs / §250) - 3 seats
Moderniste Dining Chair (Comfort / Dining Chairs / §720)
Contempto Good Livin' Chair (Comfort / Living Chairs / §80) - 2 colours
Blue Suede Chair (Comfort / Living Chairs / §611) - 4 colours
The Pix-Arm Drafting Lamp (Lights / Table / §30) - 4 colours
also recolours The Watt is it Table Lamp (Lights / Table / §35)
Dynasty "Enlightenment" Lamp (Lights / Table / §95)
Thrice is Nice Floor Lamp (Lights / Floor / §100) - 2 colours
Almost Deco Wall Sconce (Lights / Wall / §184)
Double-Helix Designer Bookshelf (Hobbies / Knowledge / §650)
Trottco 27" TV (Electronics / TVs and Computers / §500)
Grand Parlour Chess Table (Hobbies / Games / §500)
Rip Co. Toy Bin (Misc / Kids / §55)
Durably Plush Teddy Bear (Misc / Kids / §49)
Juniper Bonsai Tree (Deco / Plants / §120) - 4 colours
Fruitless Fig Tree (Deco / Plants / §333) - 2 colours
Reflective Glass Mirror (Deco / Mirrors / §100)
Look Upon the Orient Mirror (Deco / Mirrors / §370)
Musee Public "Collection Sculpture" (Deco / Sculptures / §200) - 3 vases
12th Century Song Dynasy Sculpted Vase (Deco / Sculptures / §4000) - 2 colours
Deluxe Veil of Dreams (Deco / Curtains / §150) - 3 colours
also recolours Veil of Dreams (Deco / Curtains / §120)
Open-Wall Wall Fan (Deco / Wall / §3500)
Albert's "Discordia" (Deco / Wall / §1400) - originally Flower by William Morris
S2P Painting 08 - Lotus by Xu Gu and Yellow/Orange Painted Rose by Linnaea Mallette (edited)
S2P Painting 21 - originally were Hilltop Vineyard by jks Lola and Poppy Fields Painting by Karen Arnold
EP/SP Objects
Sleepwave 42 by Streamlined Industries (Comfort / Beds / §2500) - PETS
Inner Atmos End Table (Surfaces / End Tables / §260) - PETS
Zero-G Dresser (Misc / Dressers / §500) - PETS
Deep Sleep by Igor & Sons (Comfort / Beds / §1500) - NL
KnockOnWood Medium Shelves (Surfaces / Shelves / §200) - AL
KnockOnWood Medium Shelves II (Surfaces / Shelves / §245) - AL
MYLONIT Table Lamp (Lights / Table / §92) - IKEA - 3 colours
MAREK Lamp (Lights / Floor / §29) - IKEA - 2 colours
Oh Mighty Prism by Sleek Sensations (Lights / Wall / §215) - KBS
Futur-Vu by Vidioblast (Electronics / TVs and Computers / §800) - PETS
Backcountry Vanity (Surfaces / Misc / §900) - SNS
FMCU 3000 (Misc / Pets / §55) - PETS
Comfy Pet Pillow (Misc / Pets / §160) - PETS - 3 colours
The Comfy Critter Pallet (Misc / Pets / §375) - PETS - 2 colours
FAMNIG HJARTA Cushion (Deco / Sculptures / §14) - IKEA - 4 colours
Caon's Stuffed Freezer Bunny (Deco / Sculptures / §16) - MG - 3 colours
Holiday Candle (Deco / Sculptures / §23) - HOL - 4 colours
IKEA STOCKHOLM Vase (Deco / Sculptures / §59) - IKEA - 3 colours
The Sorrowful Scions (Deco / Sculpture / §450) - NL - 3 colours
also recolours Potted Potential (Deco / Sculpture / §300)
HELMER Drawer Unit on Castors (Deco / Sculpture / §58) - 4 colours
IKEA PS Cabinet (Deco / Sculptures / §146) - IKEA - 4 colours
The Tray o' Orbs from Orby Designs (Deco / Sculptures / §850) - OFB
Organically Atomic Rug (Deco / Rugs / §950) - PETS - 6 colours
Pineapple by Lynn D'Saye (Deco / Wall / §850) - NL - original pic, incorporates Damask Vintage Background Teal by Karen Arnold
** Along with the stripe recolours of Echo's Rug, there's a design from Macy's that's been on my hard drive since about 2009. Apparently it's a Martha Stewart? But Macy's was being all, "No! We don't ship to Hong Kong, so you can't look at our rugs!", so I found an alternate link here.
Additional Credits:
Huge thanks to Numenor, RGiles, Quaxi, and everyone who gave us CEP & SimPE!
This custom content if it is not clothing, may require a seperate download to work properly. This is available at Colour Enable Package (CEP) by Numenor.
| blonde wood bedroom in bright, flowery teal and green
Uploaded: 1st Dec 2017, 5.58 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
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1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64:
/Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
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- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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