Twinbrook_thumbnail1.png - width=1000 height=800
alomoaney.png - width=663 height=604
Al O'Moaney
al1omoaney.png - width=224 height=620
Al O'Moaney
alliebaster.png - width=609 height=590
Allie Baster
allie1baster.png - width=235 height=752
Allie Baster
annearkey.png - width=702 height=702
Anne Arkey
anne1arkey.png - width=225 height=735
Anne Arkey
arileaf.png - width=470 height=399
Ari Leaf
ari1leaf.png - width=209 height=613
Ari Leaf
artyfischel.png - width=616 height=539
Arty Fischel
arty1fischel.png - width=211 height=597
Arty Fischel
barbdwyer.png - width=574 height=609
Barb Dwyer
barb1dwyer.png - width=233 height=686
Barb Dwyer
baxterdwall.png - width=621 height=572
Baxter D. Wall
baxterd1wall.png - width=237 height=724
Baxter D. Wall
claireannettereed.png - width=650 height=664
Claire-Annette Reed
claireannette1reed.png - width=241 height=802
Claire-Annette Reed
codypendant.png - width=354 height=415
Cody Pendant
cody1pendant.png - width=234 height=662
Cody Pendant
doloresbetomorrow.png - width=594 height=556
Dolores Beto-Morrow
dolores1betomorrow.png - width=230 height=670
Dolores Beto-Morrow
duanedevane.png - width=568 height=551
Duane DeVane
duane1devane.png - width=213 height=634
Duane DeVane
elleoquent.png - width=673 height=691
Elle O'Quent
elle1oquent.png - width=251 height=807
Elle O'Quent
eunicesykel.png - width=613 height=654
Eunice Sykel
eunice1sykel.png - width=245 height=864
Eunice Sykel
fayekinnitt.png - width=647 height=580
Faye Kinnitt
faye1kinnitt.png - width=231 height=766
Faye Kinnitt
gordonnomes.png - width=408 height=472
Gordon Nomes
gordon1nomes.png - width=261 height=704
Gordon Nomes
horacecope.png - width=552 height=540
Horace Cope
horace1cope.png - width=193 height=569
Horace Cope
ionafaskar.png - width=607 height=655
Iona Faskar
iona1faskar.png - width=217 height=712
Iona Faskar
kirstenswore.png - width=592 height=581
Kirsten Swore
kirsten1swore.png - width=266 height=746
Kirsten Swore
lancelyde.png - width=546 height=535
Lance Lyde
lance1lyde.png - width=209 height=673
Lance Lyde
lauranorder.png - width=629 height=622
Laura Norder
laura1norder.png - width=220 height=713
Laura Norder
loisprice.png - width=618 height=579
Lois Price
lois1price.png - width=218 height=691
Lois Price
louscannon.png - width=538 height=571
Lou Scannon
lou1scannon.png - width=190 height=572
Lou Scannon
milesprower.png - width=482 height=519
Miles Prower
miles1prower.png - width=267 height=746
Miles Prower
mistymeanor.png - width=612 height=608
Misty Meanor
misty1meanor.png - width=240 height=802
Misty Meanor
noahvale.png - width=423 height=422
Noah Vale
noah1vale.png - width=229 height=699
Noah Vale
phillanders.png - width=466 height=462
Phil Landers
phil1landers.png - width=235 height=685
Phil Landers
rudiday.png - width=648 height=710
Rudi Day
rudi1day.png - width=273 height=864
Rudi Day
sunnymugg.png - width=571 height=571
Sunny Mugg
sunny1mugg.png - width=208 height=697
Sunny Mugg
syburnette.png - width=484 height=423
Sy Burnette
sy1burnette.png - width=226 height=681
Sy Burnette
valhalla.png - width=596 height=517
Val Halla
val1halla.png - width=223 height=720
Val Halla
walterwallcarpet.png - width=572 height=587
Walter Wallcaroet
walter1wallcarpet.png - width=255 height=707
Walter Wallcarpet
winsomcash.png - width=400 height=351
Winsom Cash
winsom1cash.png - width=226 height=676
Winsom Cash
What you get:
Each zipped folder contains 8 sims. In total, there are 32 sims available for download: 8 adult males, 8 young adult males, 8 adult females, and 8 young adult females.
How to install:
.sim files go in Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/SavedSims
In order to have these sims appear as homeless townies, move them into a house via Edit Town and then evict them.
You can also use MC to assign specific roles to sims, if you want a certain sim for a certain role (consignment specialist, stylist, tattoo artist, et cetera).
Don't reupload these sims or claim them as your own, but feel free to use them in legacies/stories/what have you, as long as you link back to the download here!
Under the cut is a list of each sim's traits & LTW.
Special thanks to these blogs and the r/namenerds subreddit for giving me ideas for most of the names!
Al O'Moaney AM
Commitment Issues, Coward, Hydrophobic, Loser, Vehicle Enthusiast
Jack of All Trades
Arty Fischel AM
Daredevil, Eccentric, Friendly, Great Kisser, Frugal
Monster Maker
Baxter D. Wall AM
Ambitious, Loves the Outdoors, Neurotic, Perceptive, Virtuoso
Pervasive Private Eye
Gordon Nomes AM
Born Salesman, Eco-Friendly, Green Thumb, Mean-Spirited, Unflirty
The Perfect Garden
Horace Cope AM
Ambitious, Dramatic, Hates the Outdoors, Hopeless Romantic, Snob
Living in the Lap of Luxury
Lou Scannon AM
Absent-Minded, Computer Whiz, Evil, Genius, Hot-Headed
The Emperor of Evil
Phil Landers AM
Coward, Dislikes Children, Flirty, Good Sense of Humor, Hates the Outdoors
Walter Wallcarpet AM
Charismatic, Commitment Issues, Dramatic, Perfectionist, Vegetarian
Home Design Hotshot
Ari Leaf YAM
Childish, Coward, Inappropriate, Light Sleeper, Virtuoso
Hit Movie Composer
Cody Pendant YAM
Dramatic, Hopeless Romantic, Kleptomaniac, Grumpy, Party Animal
Possession is Nine-Tenths of the Law
Duane DeVane YAM
Ambitious, Flirty, Genius, Lucky, Vegetarian
World-Renowned Surgeon
Lance Lyde YAM
Bookworm, Brave, Commitment Issues, Friendly, Hydrophobic
Firefighter Super Hero
Miles Prower YAM
Daredevil, Dislikes Children, Insane, Mean Spirited, Vehicle Enthusiast
International Super Spy
Noah Vale YAM
Dramatic, Eccentric, Excitable, Flirty, Heavy Sleeper
Paranormal Profiteer
Sy Burnette YAM
Computer Whiz, Coward, Evil, Good Sense of Humor, Unflirty
Chess Legend
Winsom Cash YAM
Eco Friendly, Frugal, Grumpy, Mooch, Natural Cook
Gold Digger
Anne Arkey AF
Angler, Daredevil, Inappropriate, Insane, Neurotic
Become A Master Thief
Barb Dwyer AF
Computer Whiz, Eccentric, Genius, Good Sense of Humor, Perceptive
Monster Maker
Dolores Beto-Morrow AF
Charismatic, Childish, Family Oriented, Savvy Sculptor, Workaholic
Surrounded by Family
Eunice Sykel AF
Easily Impressed, Frugal, Genius, Great Kisser, Insane
Renaissance Sim
Faye Kinnitt AF
Dramatic, Excitable, Mooch, Neat, Unflirty
World-Renowned Surgeon
Iona Faskar AF
Dislikes Children, Heavy Sleeper, Hot-Headed, Lucky, Vehicle Enthusiast
Fashion Phenomenon
Kirsten Swore AF
Computer Whiz, Daredevil, Loner, Mean-Spirited, Perfectionist
Pervasive Private Eye
Lois Price AF
Born Saleswoman, Charismatic, Frugal, Schmoozer, Snob
CEO of a Mega-Corporation
Allie Baster YAF
Computer Whiz, Family-Oriented, Loser, Neat, Savvy Sculptor
Descendant of Da Vinci
Claire-Annette Reed YAF
Eco-Friendly, Friendly, Grumpy, Loves the Outdoors, Virtuoso
Hit Movie Composer
Elle O'Quent YAF
Bookworm, Excitable, Over-Emotional, Perceptive, Unflirty
Professional Author
Laura Norder YAF
Daredevil, Loves the Outdoors, Neurotic, No Sense of Humor, Perceptive
Pervasive Private Eye
Misty Meanor YAF
Born Saleswoman, Childish, Evil, Kleptomaniac, Unlucky
Become a Master Thief
Rudi Day YAF
Charismatic, Commitment Issues, Eccentric, Hydrophobic, Over-Emotional
Paranormal Profiteer
Sunny Mugg YAF
Daredevil, Evil, Excitable, Insane, Natural Chef
Celebrated Five-Star Chef
Val Halla YAF
Athletic, Born Saleswoman, Clumsy, Eco-Friendly, Perceptive
Perfect Mind, Perfect Body
The following custom content is included in the downloadable files:
- Huckleberry Pie skin by Pyxis
- Big Q Eyes by BrntWaffles
Uploaded: 6th Oct 2021, 3.14 MB.
Uploaded: 6th Oct 2021, 2.95 MB.
Uploaded: 6th Oct 2021, 2.84 MB.
Uploaded: 6th Oct 2021, 3.31 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Click the file listed on the Files tab to download the sim to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
2. Select the .sim file you got from extracting.
3. Cut and paste it into your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\SavedSims folder. If you do not have this folder yet, it is recommended that you open the game, enter Create-a-Sim, and save a sim to the sim bin to create this folder, rather than doing so manually. After that you can close the game and put the .sim file in SavedSims
4. Once the .sim file is in SavedSims, you can load the game, and look for your sim in the premade sims bin in Create-a-Sim.
Extracting from RAR, ZIP, or 7z: You will need a special program for this. For Windows, we recommend 7-Zip and for Mac OSX, we recommend Keka. Both are free and safe to use.
Need more help?
If you need more info, see Game Help:Installing TS3 Simswiki for a full, detailed step-by-step guide! Special Installation Instructions
- If you get an error that says "This content requires expansion pack data that is not installed", please use either Clean Installer to install this sim.
Loading comments, please wait...
Updated: 7th Oct 2021 at 5:21 PM
#ts3, #ts3 townies, #sims 3, #ts3 sims, #sims 3 townies, #npcs, #townies, #twinbrook, #ambitions, #ts3 ambitions, #ts3 twinbrook
Waterside cottage in Twinbrook
by moonandsixpens 9th Jan 2017 at 12:12pm
+10 packs
World Adventures
Late Night
University Life
Into the Future
MORE TOWNIES: Starlight Shores
by strexstrexstrex 31st Jan 2022 at 3:36pm
by strexstrexstrex 4th Jun 2022 at 1:28am
by strexstrexstrex 21st Sep 2022 at 10:23pm
by strexstrexstrex 29th Oct 2022 at 2:18am
by strexstrexstrex 20th Dec 2022 at 1:03am
by strexstrexstrex 4th May 2023 at 9:17pm
TS3 Ambitions - Unlocked Tree Shrub!
by simsi45 3rd Jul 2024 at 10:10am
+1 packs
by DarkCrystal1997 updated 30th Oct 2024 at 10:39pm
13 16.1k 74
by strexstrexstrex 14th Nov 2021 at 4:48pm
Bridgeport has always been my favorite of the EP worlds, so I'm beyond excited about these. more...
by strexstrexstrex 26th Aug 2022 at 9:39pm
Confession: I have never played in Barnacle Bay. Didn't even have it installed in my normal gameplay folder. more...
by strexstrexstrex 16th Mar 2022 at 10:58pm
Finally, some occult Sims! more...
MORE TOWNIES: Vacation Worlds!
by strexstrexstrex 31st Aug 2021 at 12:30am
Another set of additional townies to add some more life into your worlds, this time for Al Simhara, Champs Les more...
MORE TOWNIES for Sunset Valley!
by strexstrexstrex 13th Aug 2021 at 7:22pm
Are you sick of game-generated, pudding-face townies with terrible fashion sense taking over your town and ruining the immersion? Me more...
by strexstrexstrex 3rd Aug 2022 at 2:40pm
I can't believe it's been almost a year since I started this little project. more...
by strexstrexstrex 21st Sep 2022 at 10:23pm
Ah, Hidden Springs, the land of rich weirdos and odd green people. more...
by strexstrexstrex 20th Feb 2023 at 8:04pm
Sorry for the long wait... being a chronically ill college student sucks. more...
by strexstrexstrex 20th Dec 2022 at 1:03am
I'm not dead! more...
MORE TOWNIES: Appaloosa Plains
by strexstrexstrex 19th Dec 2021 at 11:24pm
Yee, and, dare I say it, haw.... This was a fun bunch! more...
Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 3 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Ambitions |